# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.EmailTest do use Pleroma.DataCase import Swoosh.TestAssertions alias Pleroma.Config alias Pleroma.Tests.ObanHelpers import Pleroma.Factory setup_all do Mix.shell(Mix.Shell.Process) on_exit(fn -> Mix.shell(Mix.Shell.IO) end) :ok end setup do: clear_config([Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, :enabled], true) setup do: clear_config([:instance, :account_activation_required], true) describe "pleroma.email test" do test "Sends test email with no given address" do mail_to = Config.get([:instance, :email]) :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Email.run(["test"]) ObanHelpers.perform_all() assert_receive {:mix_shell, :info, [message]} assert message =~ "Test email has been sent" assert_email_sent( to: mail_to, html_body: ~r/a test email was requested./i ) end test "Sends test email with given address" do mail_to = "hewwo@example.com" :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Email.run(["test", "--to", mail_to]) ObanHelpers.perform_all() assert_receive {:mix_shell, :info, [message]} assert message =~ "Test email has been sent" assert_email_sent( to: mail_to, html_body: ~r/a test email was requested./i ) end test "Sends confirmation emails" do local_user1 = insert(:user, %{ confirmation_pending: true, confirmation_token: "mytoken", is_active: true, email: "local1@pleroma.com", local: true }) local_user2 = insert(:user, %{ confirmation_pending: true, confirmation_token: "mytoken", is_active: true, email: "local2@pleroma.com", local: true }) :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Email.run(["resend_confirmation_emails"]) ObanHelpers.perform_all() assert_email_sent(to: {local_user1.name, local_user1.email}) assert_email_sent(to: {local_user2.name, local_user2.email}) end test "Does not send confirmation email to inappropriate users" do # confirmed user insert(:user, %{ confirmation_pending: false, confirmation_token: "mytoken", is_active: true, email: "confirmed@pleroma.com", local: true }) # remote user insert(:user, %{ is_active: true, email: "remote@not-pleroma.com", local: false }) # deactivated user = insert(:user, %{ is_active: false, email: "deactivated@pleroma.com", local: false }) # invisible user insert(:user, %{ is_active: true, email: "invisible@pleroma.com", local: true, invisible: true }) :ok = Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Email.run(["resend_confirmation_emails"]) ObanHelpers.perform_all() refute_email_sent() end end end