import { db } from '@/db/postgre.js'; import { fetchMeta } from '@/misc/fetch-meta.js'; import { Instance } from '@/models/entities/instance.js'; import { DAY } from '@/const.js'; import { Meta } from '@/models/entities/meta.js'; // Threshold from last contact after which an instance will be considered // "dead" and should no longer get activities delivered to it. const deadThreshold = 7 * DAY; /** * Returns whether a given host matches a wildcard pattern. * @param host punycoded instance host * @param pattern wildcard pattern containing a punycoded instance host * @returns whether the post matches the pattern */ function matchHost(host: Instance['host'], pattern: string): boolean { // Escape all of the regex special characters. Pattern from: // const escape = (str: string): string => str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); const re = new RegExp('^' + pattern.split('*').map(escape).join('.*') + '$'); return re.test(host); } /** * Returns whether a specific host (punycoded) should be blocked. * * @param host punycoded instance host * @param meta a Promise contatining the information from the meta table (oprional) * @returns whether the given host should be blocked */ export async function shouldBlockInstance(host: string, meta: Promise = fetchMeta()): Promise { const { blockedHosts } = await meta; return blockedHosts.some(blockedHost => matchHost(host, blockedHost)); } /** * Returns the subset of hosts which should be skipped. * * @param hosts array of punycoded instance hosts * @returns array of punycoded instance hosts that should be skipped (subset of hosts parameter) */ export async function skippedInstances(hosts: Array): Promise> { // Resolve the boolean promises before filtering const meta = fetchMeta(); const shouldSkip = await Promise.all( => shouldBlockInstance(host, meta))); const skipped = hosts.filter((_, i) => shouldSkip[i]); // if possible return early and skip accessing the database if (skipped.length === hosts.length) return hosts; const deadTime = new Date( - deadThreshold); return skipped.concat( await db.query( `SELECT host FROM instance WHERE ("isSuspended" OR "latestStatus" = 410 OR "lastCommunicatedAt" < $1::date) AND host = ANY(string_to_array($2, ','))`, [ deadTime.toISOString(), // don't check hosts again that we already know are suspended // also avoids adding duplicates to the list hosts.filter(host => !skipped.includes(host) && !host.includes(',')).join(','), ], ) .then(res => =>, ); } /** * Returns whether a specific host (punycoded) should be skipped. * Convenience wrapper around skippedInstances which should only be used if there is a single host to check. * If you have multiple hosts, consider using skippedInstances instead to do a bulk check. * * @param host punycoded instance host * @returns whether the given host should be skipped */ export async function shouldSkipInstance(host: Instance['host']): Promise { const skipped = await skippedInstances([host]); return skipped.length > 0; }