# marked-mfm a [Marked.js](https://marked.js.org) custom extension for [Misskey-flavored Markdown](https://github.com/misskey-dev/mfm.js/blob/develop/docs/syntax.md). this is a reimplementation of [the original MFM parser](https://github.com/misskey-dev/mfm.js/blob/develop/docs/syntax.md), which was written from the ground up using PEG.js instead of as an extension of CommonMark, and therefore was not up to spec. this extension is mostly compatible with the original, except it only implements `$[tags]`. mentions, hashtags and the `search` markup are out of scope. ## usage ```js const marked = require('marked') const markedMfm = require('marked-mfm') marked.use(markedMfm) marked.parse('$[x2 beeg text]') //

beeg text

``` ## contributing development discussion takes place on [`#mfm`](https://irc.akkoma.dev/#mfm). contribute by sending pull requests, or patches to my [public inbox](mailto:~sfr/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht).