# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.UserRelationship do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset import Ecto.Query alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.UserRelationship schema "user_relationships" do belongs_to(:source, User, type: FlakeId.Ecto.CompatType) belongs_to(:target, User, type: FlakeId.Ecto.CompatType) field(:relationship_type, UserRelationshipTypeEnum) timestamps(updated_at: false) end for relationship_type <- Keyword.keys(UserRelationshipTypeEnum.__enum_map__()) do # Definitions of `create_block/2`, `create_mute/2` etc. def unquote(:"create_#{relationship_type}")(source, target), do: create(unquote(relationship_type), source, target) # Definitions of `delete_block/2`, `delete_mute/2` etc. def unquote(:"delete_#{relationship_type}")(source, target), do: delete(unquote(relationship_type), source, target) # Definitions of `block_exists?/2`, `mute_exists?/2` etc. def unquote(:"#{relationship_type}_exists?")(source, target), do: exists?(unquote(relationship_type), source, target) end def user_relationship_types, do: Keyword.keys(user_relationship_mappings()) def user_relationship_mappings, do: UserRelationshipTypeEnum.__enum_map__() def changeset(%UserRelationship{} = user_relationship, params \\ %{}) do user_relationship |> cast(params, [:relationship_type, :source_id, :target_id]) |> validate_required([:relationship_type, :source_id, :target_id]) |> unique_constraint(:relationship_type, name: :user_relationships_source_id_relationship_type_target_id_index ) |> validate_not_self_relationship() end def exists?(relationship_type, %User{} = source, %User{} = target) do UserRelationship |> where(relationship_type: ^relationship_type, source_id: ^source.id, target_id: ^target.id) |> Repo.exists?() end def create(relationship_type, %User{} = source, %User{} = target) do %UserRelationship{} |> changeset(%{ relationship_type: relationship_type, source_id: source.id, target_id: target.id }) |> Repo.insert( on_conflict: {:replace_all_except, [:id]}, conflict_target: [:source_id, :relationship_type, :target_id] ) end def delete(relationship_type, %User{} = source, %User{} = target) do attrs = %{relationship_type: relationship_type, source_id: source.id, target_id: target.id} case Repo.get_by(UserRelationship, attrs) do %UserRelationship{} = existing_record -> Repo.delete(existing_record) nil -> {:ok, nil} end end def dictionary( source_users, target_users, source_to_target_rel_types \\ nil, target_to_source_rel_types \\ nil ) when is_list(source_users) and is_list(target_users) do source_user_ids = User.binary_id(source_users) target_user_ids = User.binary_id(target_users) get_rel_type_codes = fn rel_type -> user_relationship_mappings()[rel_type] end source_to_target_rel_types = Enum.map(source_to_target_rel_types || user_relationship_types(), &get_rel_type_codes.(&1)) target_to_source_rel_types = Enum.map(target_to_source_rel_types || user_relationship_types(), &get_rel_type_codes.(&1)) __MODULE__ |> where( fragment( "(source_id = ANY(?) AND target_id = ANY(?) AND relationship_type = ANY(?)) OR \ (source_id = ANY(?) AND target_id = ANY(?) AND relationship_type = ANY(?))", ^source_user_ids, ^target_user_ids, ^source_to_target_rel_types, ^target_user_ids, ^source_user_ids, ^target_to_source_rel_types ) ) |> select([ur], [ur.relationship_type, ur.source_id, ur.target_id]) |> Repo.all() end def exists?(dictionary, rel_type, source, target, func) do cond do is_nil(source) or is_nil(target) -> false dictionary -> [rel_type, source.id, target.id] in dictionary true -> func.(source, target) end end defp validate_not_self_relationship(%Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset) do changeset |> validate_change(:target_id, fn _, target_id -> if target_id == get_field(changeset, :source_id) do [target_id: "can't be equal to source_id"] else [] end end) |> validate_change(:source_id, fn _, source_id -> if source_id == get_field(changeset, :target_id) do [source_id: "can't be equal to target_id"] else [] end end) end end