import merge from 'lodash.merge' import objectPath from 'object-path' import localforage from 'localforage' import { each } from 'lodash' let loaded = false const defaultReducer = (state, paths) => ( paths.length === 0 ? state : paths.reduce((substate, path) => { objectPath.set(substate, path, objectPath.get(state, path)) return substate }, {}) ) const saveImmedeatelyActions = [ 'markNotificationsAsSeen', 'clearCurrentUser', 'setCurrentUser', 'setHighlight', 'setOption', 'setClientData', 'setToken' ] const defaultStorage = (() => { return localforage })() export default function createPersistedState ({ key = 'vuex-lz', paths = [], getState = (key, storage) => { let value = storage.getItem(key) return value }, setState = (key, state, storage) => { if (!loaded) { console.log('waiting for old state to be loaded...') return Promise.resolve() } else { return storage.setItem(key, state) } }, reducer = defaultReducer, storage = defaultStorage, subscriber = store => handler => store.subscribe(handler) } = {}) { return getState(key, storage).then((savedState) => { return store => { try { if (savedState !== null && typeof savedState === 'object') { // build user cache const usersState = savedState.users || {} usersState.usersObject = {} const users = usersState.users || [] each(users, (user) => { usersState.usersObject[] = user }) savedState.users = usersState store.replaceState( merge({}, store.state, savedState) ) } if (store.state.config.customTheme) { // This is a hack to deal with async loading of config.json and themes // See: style_setter.js, setPreset() window.themeLoaded = true store.dispatch('setOption', { name: 'customTheme', value: store.state.config.customTheme }) } if (store.state.oauth.token) { store.dispatch('loginUser', store.state.oauth.token) } loaded = true } catch (e) { console.log("Couldn't load state") console.error(e) loaded = true } subscriber(store)((mutation, state) => { try { if (saveImmedeatelyActions.includes(mutation.type)) { setState(key, reducer(state, paths), storage) .then(success => { if (typeof success !== 'undefined') { if (mutation.type === 'setOption') { store.dispatch('settingsSaved', { success }) } } }, error => { if (mutation.type === 'setOption') { store.dispatch('settingsSaved', { error }) } }) } } catch (e) { console.log("Couldn't persist state:") console.log(e) } }) } }) }