import statusPoster from '../../services/status_poster/status_poster.service.js' import MediaUpload from '../media_upload/media_upload.vue' import ScopeSelector from '../scope_selector/scope_selector.vue' import EmojiInput from '../emoji-input/emoji-input.vue' import PollForm from '../poll/poll_form.vue' import fileTypeService from '../../services/file_type/file_type.service.js' import { reject, map, uniqBy } from 'lodash' import suggestor from '../emoji-input/suggestor.js' const buildMentionsString = ({ user, attentions }, currentUser) => { let allAttentions = [...attentions] allAttentions.unshift(user) allAttentions = uniqBy(allAttentions, 'id') allAttentions = reject(allAttentions, { id: }) let mentions = map(allAttentions, (attention) => { return `@${attention.screen_name}` }) return mentions.length > 0 ? mentions.join(' ') + ' ' : '' } const PostStatusForm = { props: [ 'replyTo', 'repliedUser', 'attentions', 'copyMessageScope', 'subject' ], components: { MediaUpload, EmojiInput, PollForm, ScopeSelector }, mounted () { this.resize(this.$refs.textarea) const textLength = this.$refs.textarea.value.length this.$refs.textarea.setSelectionRange(textLength, textLength) if (this.replyTo) { this.$refs.textarea.focus() } }, data () { const preset = this.$route.query.message let statusText = preset || '' const scopeCopy = typeof this.$store.state.config.scopeCopy === 'undefined' ? this.$store.state.instance.scopeCopy : this.$store.state.config.scopeCopy if (this.replyTo) { const currentUser = this.$store.state.users.currentUser statusText = buildMentionsString({ user: this.repliedUser, attentions: this.attentions }, currentUser) } const scope = ((this.copyMessageScope && scopeCopy) || this.copyMessageScope === 'direct') ? this.copyMessageScope : this.$store.state.users.currentUser.default_scope const contentType = typeof this.$store.state.config.postContentType === 'undefined' ? this.$store.state.instance.postContentType : this.$store.state.config.postContentType return { dropFiles: [], submitDisabled: false, error: null, posting: false, highlighted: 0, newStatus: { spoilerText: this.subject || '', status: statusText, nsfw: false, files: [], poll: {}, visibility: scope, contentType }, caret: 0, pollFormVisible: false } }, computed: { users () { return this.$store.state.users.users }, userDefaultScope () { return this.$store.state.users.currentUser.default_scope }, showAllScopes () { const minimalScopesMode = typeof this.$store.state.config.minimalScopesMode === 'undefined' ? this.$store.state.instance.minimalScopesMode : this.$store.state.config.minimalScopesMode return !minimalScopesMode }, emojiUserSuggestor () { return suggestor({ emoji: [ ...this.$store.state.instance.emoji, ...this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji ], users: this.$store.state.users.users }) }, emojiSuggestor () { return suggestor({ emoji: [ ...this.$store.state.instance.emoji, ...this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji ] }) }, emoji () { return this.$store.state.instance.emoji || [] }, customEmoji () { return this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji || [] }, statusLength () { return this.newStatus.status.length }, spoilerTextLength () { return this.newStatus.spoilerText.length }, statusLengthLimit () { return this.$store.state.instance.textlimit }, hasStatusLengthLimit () { return this.statusLengthLimit > 0 }, charactersLeft () { return this.statusLengthLimit - (this.statusLength + this.spoilerTextLength) }, isOverLengthLimit () { return this.hasStatusLengthLimit && (this.charactersLeft < 0) }, minimalScopesMode () { return this.$store.state.instance.minimalScopesMode }, alwaysShowSubject () { if (typeof this.$store.state.config.alwaysShowSubjectInput !== 'undefined') { return this.$store.state.config.alwaysShowSubjectInput } else if (typeof this.$store.state.instance.alwaysShowSubjectInput !== 'undefined') { return this.$store.state.instance.alwaysShowSubjectInput } else { return true } }, postFormats () { return this.$store.state.instance.postFormats || [] }, safeDMEnabled () { return this.$store.state.instance.safeDM }, pollsAvailable () { return this.$store.state.instance.pollsAvailable && this.$store.state.instance.pollLimits.max_options >= 2 }, hideScopeNotice () { return this.$store.state.config.hideScopeNotice }, pollContentError () { return this.pollFormVisible && this.newStatus.poll && this.newStatus.poll.error } }, methods: { postStatus (newStatus) { if (this.posting) { return } if (this.submitDisabled) { return } if (this.newStatus.status === '') { if (this.newStatus.files.length > 0) { this.newStatus.status = '\u200b' // hack } else { this.error = 'Cannot post an empty status with no files' return } } const poll = this.pollFormVisible ? this.newStatus.poll : {} if (this.pollContentError) { this.error = this.pollContentError return } this.posting = true statusPoster.postStatus({ status: newStatus.status, spoilerText: newStatus.spoilerText || null, visibility: newStatus.visibility, sensitive: newStatus.nsfw, media: newStatus.files, store: this.$store, inReplyToStatusId: this.replyTo, contentType: newStatus.contentType, poll }).then((data) => { if (!data.error) { this.newStatus = { status: '', spoilerText: '', files: [], visibility: newStatus.visibility, contentType: newStatus.contentType, poll: {} } this.pollFormVisible = false this.$refs.mediaUpload.clearFile() this.clearPollForm() this.$emit('posted') let el = this.$el.querySelector('textarea') = 'auto' = undefined this.error = null } else { this.error = data.error } this.posting = false }) }, addMediaFile (fileInfo) { this.newStatus.files.push(fileInfo) this.enableSubmit() }, removeMediaFile (fileInfo) { let index = this.newStatus.files.indexOf(fileInfo) this.newStatus.files.splice(index, 1) }, uploadFailed (errString, templateArgs) { templateArgs = templateArgs || {} this.error = this.$t('upload.error.base') + ' ' + this.$t('upload.error.' + errString, templateArgs) this.enableSubmit() }, disableSubmit () { this.submitDisabled = true }, enableSubmit () { this.submitDisabled = false }, type (fileInfo) { return fileTypeService.fileType(fileInfo.mimetype) }, paste (e) { if (e.clipboardData.files.length > 0) { // prevent pasting of file as text e.preventDefault() // Strangely, files property gets emptied after event propagation // Trying to wrap it in array doesn't work. Plus I doubt it's possible // to hold more than one file in clipboard. this.dropFiles = [e.clipboardData.files[0]] } }, fileDrop (e) { if (e.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) { e.preventDefault() // allow dropping text like before this.dropFiles = e.dataTransfer.files } }, fileDrag (e) { e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy' }, resize (e) { const target = || e if (!(target instanceof window.Element)) { return } const topPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(target)['padding-top'] const bottomPaddingStr = window.getComputedStyle(target)['padding-bottom'] // Remove "px" at the end of the values const vertPadding = Number(topPaddingStr.substr(0, topPaddingStr.length - 2)) + Number(bottomPaddingStr.substr(0, bottomPaddingStr.length - 2)) // Auto is needed to make textbox shrink when removing lines = 'auto' = `${target.scrollHeight - vertPadding}px` if (target.value === '') { = null } }, clearError () { this.error = null }, changeVis (visibility) { this.newStatus.visibility = visibility }, togglePollForm () { this.pollFormVisible = !this.pollFormVisible }, setPoll (poll) { this.newStatus.poll = poll }, clearPollForm () { if (this.$refs.pollForm) { this.$refs.pollForm.clear() } }, dismissScopeNotice () { this.$store.dispatch('setOption', { name: 'hideScopeNotice', value: true }) } } } export default PostStatusForm