From 2e8e475f327a128cc1ffd3231f639362da6d2360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chloe Kudryavtsev Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 16:37:29 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] client: remove ai mode Changelog: Removed --- locales/bn-BD.yml | 1 - locales/de-DE.yml | 1 - locales/en-US.yml | 1 - locales/es-ES.yml | 1 - locales/fr-FR.yml | 1 - locales/id-ID.yml | 1 - locales/it-IT.yml | 1 - locales/ja-JP.yml | 1 - locales/ko-KR.yml | 1 - locales/ru-RU.yml | 1 - locales/sk-SK.yml | 1 - locales/vi-VN.yml | 1 - locales/zh-CN.yml | 1 - locales/zh-TW.yml | 1 - .../client/src/pages/settings/general.vue | 6 ---- packages/client/src/store.ts | 4 --- packages/client/src/ui/classic.vue | 29 ------------------- 17 files changed, 53 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/bn-BD.yml b/locales/bn-BD.yml index 0b621fe0a..ae3d6b8d0 100644 --- a/locales/bn-BD.yml +++ b/locales/bn-BD.yml @@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ translate: "অনুবাদ" translatedFrom: "{x} হতে অনুবাদ করা" accountDeletionInProgress: "অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলা হচ্ছে" usernameInfo: "একটি নাম যা সার্ভারে আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টটিকে অনন্যভাবে সনাক্ত করে। আপনি বর্ণমালা (a ~ z, A ~ Z), সংখ্যা (0 ~ 9), এবং আন্ডারস্কোর (_) ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। ব্যবহারকারীর নাম পরে পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।" -aiChanMode: "Ai মোড" keepCw: "CW রাখুন" pubSub: "Pub/Sub অ্যাকাউন্টগুলো" lastCommunication: "শেষ যোগাযোগ" diff --git a/locales/de-DE.yml b/locales/de-DE.yml index a281cc889..d04480e43 100644 --- a/locales/de-DE.yml +++ b/locales/de-DE.yml @@ -786,7 +786,6 @@ translate: "Übersetzen" translatedFrom: "Aus {x} übersetzt" accountDeletionInProgress: "Die Löschung deines Benutzerkontos ist momentan in Bearbeitung." usernameInfo: "Ein Name, durch den dein Benutzerkonto auf diesem Server identifiziert werden kann. Du kannst das Alphabet (a~z, A~Z), Ziffern (0~9) oder Unterstriche (_) verwenden. Benutzernamen können später nicht geändert werden." -aiChanMode: "Ai-Modus" keepCw: "Inhaltswarnungen beibehalten" pubSub: "Pub/Sub Benutzerkonten" lastCommunication: "Letzte Kommunikation" diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml index 83a8485b4..db041e692 100644 --- a/locales/en-US.yml +++ b/locales/en-US.yml @@ -786,7 +786,6 @@ translate: "Translate" translatedFrom: "Translated from {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "Account deletion is currently in progress" usernameInfo: "A name that identifies your account from others on this server. You can use the alphabet (a~z, A~Z), digits (0~9) or underscores (_). Usernames cannot be changed later." -aiChanMode: "Ai Mode" keepCw: "Keep content warnings" pubSub: "Pub/Sub Accounts" lastCommunication: "Last communication" diff --git a/locales/es-ES.yml b/locales/es-ES.yml index 913348d02..26d07f29f 100644 --- a/locales/es-ES.yml +++ b/locales/es-ES.yml @@ -781,7 +781,6 @@ translate: "Traducir" translatedFrom: "Traducido de {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "La eliminación de la cuenta está en curso" usernameInfo: "Un nombre que identifique su cuenta de otras en este servidor. Puede utilizar el alfabeto (a~z, A~Z), dígitos (0~9) o guiones bajos (_). Los nombres de usuario no se pueden cambiar posteriormente." -aiChanMode: "Modo Ai" keepCw: "Mantener la advertencia de contenido" pubSub: "Cuentas Pub/Sub" lastCommunication: "Última comunicación" diff --git a/locales/fr-FR.yml b/locales/fr-FR.yml index 5015b7467..9a12c9c6a 100644 --- a/locales/fr-FR.yml +++ b/locales/fr-FR.yml @@ -780,7 +780,6 @@ translate: "Traduire" translatedFrom: "Traduit depuis {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "La suppression de votre compte est en cours" usernameInfo: "C'est un nom qui identifie votre compte sur l'instance de manière unique. Vous pouvez utiliser des lettres de l'alphabet (minuscules et majuscules), des chiffres (de 0 à 9), ou bien le tiret « _ ». Vous ne pourrez pas modifier votre nom d'utilisateur·rice par la suite." -aiChanMode: "Mode Ai" keepCw: "Garder le CW" pubSub: "Comptes Pub/Sub" lastCommunication: "Dernière communication" diff --git a/locales/id-ID.yml b/locales/id-ID.yml index 8434db3c3..a81cc63bc 100644 --- a/locales/id-ID.yml +++ b/locales/id-ID.yml @@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ translate: "Terjemahkan" translatedFrom: "Terjemahkan dari {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "Penghapusan akun sedang dalam proses" usernameInfo: "Nama yang mengidentifikasikan akun kamu dari yang lain pada server ini. Kamu dapat menggunakan alfabet (a~z, A~Z), digit (0~9) atau garis bawah (_). Username tidak dapat diubah setelahnya." -aiChanMode: "Mode Ai" keepCw: "Biarkan Peringatan Konten" pubSub: "Akun Pub/Sub" lastCommunication: "Komunikasi terakhir" diff --git a/locales/it-IT.yml b/locales/it-IT.yml index 80a0b76bf..9eeeb0c53 100644 --- a/locales/it-IT.yml +++ b/locales/it-IT.yml @@ -772,7 +772,6 @@ translate: "Traduzione" translatedFrom: "Tradotto da {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "La cancellazione dell'account è in corso" usernameInfo: "Un nome per identificare univocamente il tuo account sul server. È possibile utilizzare caratteri alfanumerici (a~z, A~Z, 0~9) e il trattino basso (_). Non sarà possibile cambiare il nome utente in seguito." -aiChanMode: "Modalità Ai" keepCw: "Mantieni il CW" resolved: "Risolto" unresolved: "Non risolto" diff --git a/locales/ja-JP.yml b/locales/ja-JP.yml index 8a6d40d5d..4dfe98e74 100644 --- a/locales/ja-JP.yml +++ b/locales/ja-JP.yml @@ -788,7 +788,6 @@ translate: "翻訳" translatedFrom: "{x}から翻訳" accountDeletionInProgress: "アカウントの削除が進行中です" usernameInfo: "サーバー上であなたのアカウントを一意に識別するための名前。アルファベット(a~z, A~Z)、数字(0~9)、およびアンダーバー(_)が使用できます。ユーザー名は後から変更することは出来ません。" -aiChanMode: "藍モード" keepCw: "CWを維持する" pubSub: "Pub/Subのアカウント" lastCommunication: "直近の通信" diff --git a/locales/ko-KR.yml b/locales/ko-KR.yml index 3e8feea4c..b6ba5c91d 100644 --- a/locales/ko-KR.yml +++ b/locales/ko-KR.yml @@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ translate: "번역" translatedFrom: "{x}에서 번역" accountDeletionInProgress: "계정 삭제 작업을 진행하고 있습니다" usernameInfo: "서버상에서 계정을 식별하기 위한 이름. 알파벳(a~z, A~Z), 숫자(0~9) 및 언더바(_)를 사용할 수 있습니다. 사용자명은 나중에 변경할 수 없습니다." -aiChanMode: "아이 모드" keepCw: "CW 유지하기" pubSub: "Pub/Sub 계정" lastCommunication: "마지막 통신" diff --git a/locales/ru-RU.yml b/locales/ru-RU.yml index 0273b270f..ad98d75cf 100644 --- a/locales/ru-RU.yml +++ b/locales/ru-RU.yml @@ -783,7 +783,6 @@ translate: "Перевод" translatedFrom: "Перевод. Язык оригинала — {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "В настоящее время выполняется удаление учетной записи" usernameInfo: "Имя, которое отличает вашу учетную запись от других на этом сервере. Вы можете использовать алфавит (a~z, A~Z), цифры (0~9) или символы подчеркивания (_). Имена пользователей не могут быть изменены позже." -aiChanMode: "ИИ режим" keepCw: "Сохраняйте Предупреждения о содержимом" pubSub: "Учётные записи Pub/Sub" lastCommunication: "Последнее сообщение" diff --git a/locales/sk-SK.yml b/locales/sk-SK.yml index 91d345ddf..3a63e8511 100644 --- a/locales/sk-SK.yml +++ b/locales/sk-SK.yml @@ -784,7 +784,6 @@ translate: "Preložiť" translatedFrom: "Preložené z {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "Odstraňovanie účtu prebieha" usernameInfo: "Meno, ktoré odlišuje váš účet od ostatných na tomto serveri. Môžete použiť abecedu (a~z, A~Z), čísla (0~9) alebo podtržník (_). Používateľské mená sa nedajú neskôr zmeniť." -aiChanMode: "Ai režim" keepCw: "Nechať varovania obsahu" pubSub: "Pub/Sub účty" lastCommunication: "Posledná komunikácia" diff --git a/locales/vi-VN.yml b/locales/vi-VN.yml index 8e1dee0e8..15ceccba0 100644 --- a/locales/vi-VN.yml +++ b/locales/vi-VN.yml @@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ translate: "Dịch" translatedFrom: "Dịch từ {x}" accountDeletionInProgress: "Đang xử lý việc xóa tài khoản" usernameInfo: "Bạn có thể sử dụng chữ cái (a ~ z, A ~ Z), chữ số (0 ~ 9) hoặc dấu gạch dưới (_). Tên người dùng không thể thay đổi sau này." -aiChanMode: "Chế độ Ai" keepCw: "Giữ cảnh báo nội dung" pubSub: "Tài khoản Chính/Phụ" lastCommunication: "Lần giao tiếp cuối" diff --git a/locales/zh-CN.yml b/locales/zh-CN.yml index ad2c63e16..6e693dcac 100644 --- a/locales/zh-CN.yml +++ b/locales/zh-CN.yml @@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ translate: "翻译" translatedFrom: "从 {x} 翻译" accountDeletionInProgress: "正在删除账户" usernameInfo: "在服务器上唯一标识您的帐户的名称。您可以使用字母 (a ~ z, A ~ Z)、数字 (0 ~ 9) 和下划线 (_)。用户名以后不能更改。" -aiChanMode: "小蓝模式" keepCw: "保留CW" pubSub: "Pub/Sub账户" lastCommunication: "最近通信" diff --git a/locales/zh-TW.yml b/locales/zh-TW.yml index fa32b5fe8..6332632a0 100644 --- a/locales/zh-TW.yml +++ b/locales/zh-TW.yml @@ -785,7 +785,6 @@ translate: "翻譯" translatedFrom: "從 {x} 翻譯" accountDeletionInProgress: "正在刪除帳戶" usernameInfo: "在伺服器上您的帳戶是唯一的識別名稱。您可以使用字母 (a ~ z, A ~ Z)、數字 (0 ~ 9) 和下底線 (_)。之後帳戶名是不能更改的。" -aiChanMode: "小藍模式" keepCw: "保持CW" pubSub: "Pub/Sub 帳戶" lastCommunication: "最近的通信" diff --git a/packages/client/src/pages/settings/general.vue b/packages/client/src/pages/settings/general.vue index 7400c6fd0..845d4f461 100644 --- a/packages/client/src/pages/settings/general.vue +++ b/packages/client/src/pages/settings/general.vue @@ -71,10 +71,6 @@ - - {{ i18n.ts.aiChanMode }} - - @@ -151,7 +147,6 @@ const instanceTicker = computed(defaultStore.makeGetterSetter('instanceTicker')) const enableInfiniteScroll = computed(defaultStore.makeGetterSetter('enableInfiniteScroll')); const useReactionPickerForContextMenu = computed(defaultStore.makeGetterSetter('useReactionPickerForContextMenu')); const squareAvatars = computed(defaultStore.makeGetterSetter('squareAvatars')); -const aiChanMode = computed(defaultStore.makeGetterSetter('aiChanMode')); watch(lang, () => { localStorage.setItem('lang', lang.value as string); @@ -180,7 +175,6 @@ watch([ useSystemFont, enableInfiniteScroll, squareAvatars, - aiChanMode, showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline, instanceTicker, overridedDeviceKind, diff --git a/packages/client/src/store.ts b/packages/client/src/store.ts index ea68a6ed2..5084907cf 100644 --- a/packages/client/src/store.ts +++ b/packages/client/src/store.ts @@ -228,10 +228,6 @@ export const defaultStore = markRaw(new Storage('base', { where: 'device', default: 5, }, - aiChanMode: { - where: 'device', - default: false, - }, })); // TODO: 他のタブと永続化されたstateを同期 diff --git a/packages/client/src/ui/classic.vue b/packages/client/src/ui/classic.vue index 9752b30b3..ba726ae9b 100644 --- a/packages/client/src/ui/classic.vue +++ b/packages/client/src/ui/classic.vue @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ - - @@ -65,7 +63,6 @@ let fullView = $ref(false); let globalHeaderHeight = $ref(0); const wallpaper = localStorage.getItem('wallpaper') != null; const showMenuOnTop = $computed(() => defaultStore.state.menuDisplay === 'top'); -let live2d = $ref(); let widgetsLeft = $ref(); let widgetsRight = $ref(); @@ -119,10 +116,6 @@ function onContextmenu(ev: MouseEvent) { }], ev); } -function onAiClick(ev) { - //if (this.live2d); -} - if (window.innerWidth < 1024) { localStorage.setItem('ui', 'default'); location.reload(); @@ -147,28 +140,6 @@ onMounted(() => { window.addEventListener('resize', () => { isDesktop = (window.innerWidth >= DESKTOP_THRESHOLD); }, { passive: true }); - - if (defaultStore.state.aiChanMode) { - const iframeRect = live2d.getBoundingClientRect(); - window.addEventListener('mousemove', ev => { - live2d.contentWindow.postMessage({ - type: 'moveCursor', - body: { - x: ev.clientX - iframeRect.left, - y: ev.clientY -, - }, - }, '*'); - }, { passive: true }); - window.addEventListener('touchmove', ev => { - live2d.contentWindow.postMessage({ - type: 'moveCursor', - body: { - x: ev.touches[0].clientX - iframeRect.left, - y: ev.touches[0].clientY -, - }, - }, '*'); - }, { passive: true }); - } });