import cluster from 'node:cluster'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import Xev from 'xev'; import Logger from '@/services/logger.js'; import { envOption } from '../env.js'; // for typeorm import 'reflect-metadata'; import { masterMain } from './master.js'; import { workerMain } from './worker.js'; const logger = new Logger('core', 'cyan'); const clusterLogger = logger.createSubLogger('cluster', 'orange', false); const ev = new Xev(); /** * Init process */ export default async function(): void { process.title = `Misskey (${cluster.isPrimary ? 'master' : 'worker'})`; if (cluster.isPrimary || envOption.disableClustering) { await masterMain(); if (cluster.isPrimary) { ev.mount(); } } if (cluster.isWorker || envOption.disableClustering) { await workerMain(); } // ユニットテスト時にMisskeyが子プロセスで起動された時のため // それ以外のときは process.send は使えないので弾く if (process.send) { process.send('ok'); } } //#region Events // Listen new workers cluster.on('fork', worker => { clusterLogger.debug(`Process forked: [${}]`); }); // Listen online workers cluster.on('online', worker => { clusterLogger.debug(`Process is now online: [${}]`); }); // Listen for dying workers cluster.on('exit', worker => { // Replace the dead worker, // we're not sentimental clusterLogger.error(`[${}] died :(`)); cluster.fork(); }); // Display detail of unhandled promise rejection if (!envOption.quiet) { process.on('unhandledRejection', console.dir); } // Display detail of uncaught exception process.on('uncaughtException', err => { try { logger.error(err); } catch { // if that fails too there is nothing we can do } }); // Dying away... process.on('exit', code => {`The process is going to exit with code ${code}`); }); //#endregion