# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.User.Search do alias Pleroma.Pagination alias Pleroma.User import Ecto.Query @limit 20 def search(query_string, opts \\ []) do resolve = Keyword.get(opts, :resolve, false) following = Keyword.get(opts, :following, false) result_limit = Keyword.get(opts, :limit, @limit) offset = Keyword.get(opts, :offset, 0) for_user = Keyword.get(opts, :for_user) query_string = format_query(query_string) maybe_resolve(resolve, for_user, query_string) results = query_string |> search_query(for_user, following) |> Pagination.fetch_paginated(%{"offset" => offset, "limit" => result_limit}, :offset) results end defp format_query(query_string) do # Strip the beginning @ off if there is a query query_string = String.trim_leading(query_string, "@") with [name, domain] <- String.split(query_string, "@") do encoded_domain = domain |> String.replace(~r/[!-\-|@|[-`|{-~|\/|:|\s]+/, "") |> String.to_charlist() |> :idna.encode() |> to_string() name <> "@" <> encoded_domain else _ -> query_string end end defp search_query(query_string, for_user, following) do for_user |> base_query(following) |> filter_blocked_user(for_user) |> filter_invisible_users() |> filter_internal_users() |> filter_blocked_domains(for_user) |> fts_search(query_string) |> trigram_rank(query_string) |> boost_search_rank(for_user) |> subquery() |> order_by(desc: :search_rank) |> maybe_restrict_local(for_user) end defp fts_search(query, query_string) do query_string = to_tsquery(query_string) from( u in query, where: fragment( """ (to_tsvector('simple', ?) || to_tsvector('simple', ?)) @@ to_tsquery('simple', ?) """, u.name, u.nickname, ^query_string ) ) end defp to_tsquery(query_string) do String.trim_trailing(query_string, "@" <> local_domain()) |> String.replace(~r/[!-\/|@|[-`|{-~|:-?]+/, " ") |> String.trim() |> String.split() |> Enum.map(&(&1 <> ":*")) |> Enum.join(" | ") end defp trigram_rank(query, query_string) do from( u in query, select_merge: %{ search_rank: fragment( "similarity(?, trim(? || ' ' || coalesce(?, '')))", ^query_string, u.nickname, u.name ) } ) end defp base_query(_user, false), do: User defp base_query(user, true), do: User.get_followers_query(user) defp filter_invisible_users(query) do from(q in query, where: q.invisible == false) end defp filter_internal_users(query) do from(q in query, where: q.actor_type != "Application") end defp filter_blocked_user(query, %User{} = blocker) do query |> join(:left, [u], b in Pleroma.UserRelationship, as: :blocks, on: b.relationship_type == ^:block and b.source_id == ^blocker.id and u.id == b.target_id ) |> where([blocks: b], is_nil(b.target_id)) end defp filter_blocked_user(query, _), do: query defp filter_blocked_domains(query, %User{domain_blocks: domain_blocks}) when length(domain_blocks) > 0 do domains = Enum.join(domain_blocks, ",") from( q in query, where: fragment("substring(ap_id from '.*://([^/]*)') NOT IN (?)", ^domains) ) end defp filter_blocked_domains(query, _), do: query defp maybe_resolve(true, user, query) do case {limit(), user} do {:all, _} -> :noop {:unauthenticated, %User{}} -> User.get_or_fetch(query) {:unauthenticated, _} -> :noop {false, _} -> User.get_or_fetch(query) end end defp maybe_resolve(_, _, _), do: :noop defp maybe_restrict_local(q, user) do case {limit(), user} do {:all, _} -> restrict_local(q) {:unauthenticated, %User{}} -> q {:unauthenticated, _} -> restrict_local(q) {false, _} -> q end end defp limit, do: Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :limit_to_local_content], :unauthenticated) defp restrict_local(q), do: where(q, [u], u.local == true) defp local_domain, do: Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :url, :host]) defp boost_search_rank(query, %User{} = for_user) do friends_ids = User.get_friends_ids(for_user) followers_ids = User.get_followers_ids(for_user) from(u in subquery(query), select_merge: %{ search_rank: fragment( """ CASE WHEN (?) THEN (?) * 1.5 WHEN (?) THEN (?) * 1.3 WHEN (?) THEN (?) * 1.1 ELSE (?) END """, u.id in ^friends_ids and u.id in ^followers_ids, u.search_rank, u.id in ^friends_ids, u.search_rank, u.id in ^followers_ids, u.search_rank, u.search_rank ) } ) end defp boost_search_rank(query, _for_user), do: query end