import cluster from 'node:cluster'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import convertColor from 'color-convert'; import { format as dateFormat } from 'date-fns'; import config from '@/config/index.js'; import { envOption } from '@/env.js'; import type { KEYWORD } from 'color-convert/conversions.js'; type Domain = { name: string; color?: KEYWORD; }; export const LEVELS = { error: 0, warning: 1, success: 2, info: 3, debug: 4, }; export type Level = LEVELS[keyof LEVELS]; /** * Class that facilitates recording log messages to the console. */ export default class Logger { private domain: Domain; private parentLogger: Logger | null = null; private store: boolean; /** * Messages below this level will be discarded. */ private minLevel: Level; /** * Create a logger instance. * @param domain Logging domain * @param color Log message color * @param store Whether to store messages */ constructor(domain: string, color?: KEYWORD, store = true, minLevel: Level = { this.domain = { name: domain, color, }; = store; this.minLevel = minLevel; } /** * Create a child logger instance. * @param domain Logging domain * @param color Log message color * @param store Whether to store messages * @returns A Logger instance whose parent logger is this instance. */ public createSubLogger(domain: string, color?: KEYWORD, store = true, minLevel: Level = Logger { const logger = new Logger(domain, color, store, minLevel); logger.parentLogger = this; return logger; } /** * Log a message. * @param level Indicates the level of this particular message. If it is * less than the minimum level configured, the message will be discarded. * @param message The message to be logged. * @param important Whether to highlight this message as especially important. * @param subDomains Names of sub-loggers to be added. */ private log(level: Level, message: string, important = false, subDomains: Domain[] = [], _store = true): void { if (envOption.quiet) return; const store = _store &&; // Check against the configured log level. if (level < this.minLevel) return; // If this logger has a parent logger, delegate the actual logging to it, // so the parent domain(s) will be logged properly. if (this.parentLogger) { this.parentLogger.log(level, message, important, [this.domain].concat(subDomains), store); return; } const time = dateFormat(new Date(), 'HH:mm:ss'); const worker = cluster.isPrimary ? '*' : cluster.worker?.id; const domains = [this.domain].concat(subDomains).map(d => d.color ? chalk.rgb(...convertColor.keyword.rgb(d.color))( : chalk.white(; let levelDisplay; let messageDisplay; switch (level) { case LEVELS.error: if (important) { levelDisplay = chalk.bgRed.white('ERR '); } else { levelDisplay ='ERR '); } messageDisplay =; break; case LEVELS.warning: levelDisplay = chalk.yellow('WARN'); messageDisplay = chalk.yellow(message); break; case LEVELS.success: if (important) { levelDisplay = chalk.bgGreen.white('DONE'); } else { levelDisplay ='DONE'); } messageDisplay =; break; case levelDisplay ='INFO'); messageDisplay = message; break; case LEVELS.debug: default: levelDisplay = chalk.gray('VERB'); messageDisplay = chalk.gray(message); break; } let log = `${levelDisplay} ${worker}\t[${domains.join(' ')}]\t${messageDisplay}`; if (envOption.withLogTime) log = chalk.gray(time) + ' ' + log; console.log(important ? chalk.bold(log) : log); } /** * Log an error message. * Use in situations where execution cannot be continued. * @param err Error or string containing an error message * @param important Whether this error is important */ public error(err: string | Error, important = false): void { if (err instanceof Error) { this.log(LEVELS.error, err.toString(), important); } else if (typeof err === 'object') { this.log(LEVELS.error, `${(err as any).message || (err as any).name || err}`, important); } else { this.log(LEVELS.error, `${err}`, important); } } /** * Log a warning message. * Use in situations where execution can continue but needs to be improved. * @param message Warning message * @param important Whether this warning is important */ public warn(message: string, important = false): void { this.log(LEVELS.warning, message, important); } /** * Log a success message. * Use in situations where something has been successfully done. * @param message Success message * @param important Whether this success message is important */ public succ(message: string, important = false): void { this.log(LEVELS.success, message, important); } /** * Log a debug message. * Use for debugging (information needed by developers but not required by users). * @param message Debug message * @param important Whether this debug message is important */ public debug(message: string, important = false): void { this.log(LEVELS.debug, message, important); } /** * Log an informational message. * Use when something needs to be logged but doesn't fit into other levels. * @param message Info message * @param important Whether this info message is important */ public info(message: string, important = false): void { this.log(, message, important); } }