Johann150 b8796cb1fa
activitypub: remove _misskey_votes property
This is a duplication of `replies.totalItems` and seems unnecessary,
it is even only parsed by Misskey if the afforementioned property is
not available.

Changelog: Removed
2023-02-11 17:49:12 +01:00

344 lines
9 KiB

export type obj = { [x: string]: any };
export type ApObject = IObject | string | (IObject | string)[];
export interface IObject {
'@context': string | string[] | obj | obj[];
type: string | string[];
id?: string;
summary?: string;
published?: string;
cc?: ApObject;
to?: ApObject;
attributedTo: ApObject;
attachment?: any[];
inReplyTo?: any;
replies?: ICollection;
content?: string;
name?: string;
startTime?: Date;
endTime?: Date;
icon?: any;
image?: any;
url?: ApObject;
href?: string;
tag?: IObject | IObject[];
sensitive?: boolean;
* Get array of ActivityStreams Objects id
export function getApIds(value: ApObject | undefined): string[] {
if (value == null) return [];
const array = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
return => getApId(x));
* Get ActivityStreams Object id
export function getApId(value: string | Object): string {
let url = null;
if (typeof value === 'string') url = value;
else if (typeof === 'string') url =;
if (!url || !['https:', 'http:'].includes(new URL(url).protocol)) {
throw new Error('cannot determine id');
} else {
return url;
* Get first (valid) ActivityStreams Object id
export function getOneApId(value: ApObject): string {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// find the first valid ID
for (const id of value) {
try {
return getApId(x);
} catch {
throw new Error('cannot determine id');
} else {
return getApId(value);
* Get ActivityStreams Object type
export function getApType(value: Object): string {
if (typeof value.type === 'string') return value.type;
if (Array.isArray(value.type) && typeof value.type[0] === 'string') return value.type[0];
throw new Error('cannot detect type');
export function getApHrefNullable(value: string | IObject | undefined): string | undefined {
let url = null;
if (typeof value === 'string') url = value;
else if (typeof value?.href === 'string') url = value.href;
if (!url || !['https:', 'http:'].includes(new URL(url).protocol)) {
return undefined;
} else {
return url;
export function getOneApHrefNullable(value: ApObject | undefined): string | undefined {
if (!value) {
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// find the first valid href
for (const href of value) {
try {
return getApHrefNullable(href);
} catch {
return undefined;
} else {
return getApHrefNullable(value);
export interface IActivity extends IObject {
//type: 'Activity';
actor: IObject | string;
object: IObject | string;
target?: IObject | string;
/** LD-Signature */
signature?: {
type: string;
created: Date;
creator: string;
domain?: string;
nonce?: string;
signatureValue: string;
export interface ICollection extends IObject {
type: 'Collection';
totalItems: number;
items: ApObject;
export interface IOrderedCollection extends IObject {
type: 'OrderedCollection';
totalItems: number;
orderedItems: ApObject;
export const validPost = ['Note', 'Question', 'Article', 'Audio', 'Document', 'Image', 'Page', 'Video', 'Event'];
export const isPost = (object: IObject): object is IPost =>
export interface IPost extends IObject {
type: 'Note' | 'Question' | 'Article' | 'Audio' | 'Document' | 'Image' | 'Page' | 'Video' | 'Event';
source?: {
content: string;
mediaType: string;
_misskey_quote?: string;
quoteUri?: string;
_misskey_talk: boolean;
export interface IQuestion extends IObject {
type: 'Note' | 'Question';
source?: {
content: string;
mediaType: string;
_misskey_quote?: string;
quoteUri?: string;
oneOf?: IQuestionChoice[];
anyOf?: IQuestionChoice[];
endTime?: Date;
closed?: Date;
export const isQuestion = (object: IObject): object is IQuestion =>
getApType(object) === 'Note' || getApType(object) === 'Question';
interface IQuestionChoice {
name?: string;
replies?: ICollection;
export interface ITombstone extends IObject {
type: 'Tombstone';
formerType?: string;
deleted?: Date;
export const isTombstone = (object: IObject): object is ITombstone =>
getApType(object) === 'Tombstone';
export const validActor = ['Person', 'Service', 'Group', 'Organization', 'Application'];
export const isActor = (object: IObject): object is IActor =>
export interface IActor extends IObject {
type: 'Person' | 'Service' | 'Organization' | 'Group' | 'Application';
name?: string;
preferredUsername?: string;
manuallyApprovesFollowers?: boolean;
discoverable?: boolean;
inbox: string;
sharedInbox?: string; // 後方互換性のため
publicKey?: {
id: string;
publicKeyPem: string;
followers?: string | ICollection | IOrderedCollection;
following?: string | ICollection | IOrderedCollection;
featured?: string | IOrderedCollection;
outbox: string | IOrderedCollection;
endpoints?: {
sharedInbox?: string;
'vcard:bday'?: string;
'vcard:Address'?: string;
export const isCollection = (object: IObject): object is ICollection =>
getApType(object) === 'Collection';
export const isOrderedCollection = (object: IObject): object is IOrderedCollection =>
getApType(object) === 'OrderedCollection';
export const isCollectionOrOrderedCollection = (object: IObject): object is ICollection | IOrderedCollection =>
isCollection(object) || isOrderedCollection(object);
export interface IApPropertyValue extends IObject {
type: 'PropertyValue';
identifier: IApPropertyValue;
name: string;
value: string;
export const isPropertyValue = (object: IObject): object is IApPropertyValue =>
object &&
getApType(object) === 'PropertyValue' &&
typeof === 'string' &&
typeof (object as any).value === 'string';
export interface IApEmoji extends IObject {
type: 'Emoji';
updated: Date;
export const isEmoji = (object: IObject): object is IApEmoji =>
getApType(object) === 'Emoji' && !Array.isArray(object.icon) && object.icon.url != null;
export interface ICreate extends IActivity {
type: 'Create';
export interface IDelete extends IActivity {
type: 'Delete';
export interface IUpdate extends IActivity {
type: 'Update';
export interface IRead extends IActivity {
type: 'Read';
export interface IUndo extends IActivity {
type: 'Undo';
export interface IFollow extends IActivity {
type: 'Follow';
export interface IAccept extends IActivity {
type: 'Accept';
export interface IReject extends IActivity {
type: 'Reject';
export interface IAdd extends IActivity {
type: 'Add';
export interface IRemove extends IActivity {
type: 'Remove';
export interface ILike extends IActivity {
type: 'Like' | 'EmojiReaction' | 'EmojiReact';
content?: string;
export interface IAnnounce extends IActivity {
type: 'Announce';
export interface IBlock extends IActivity {
type: 'Block';
export interface IFlag extends IActivity {
type: 'Flag';
export const isCreate = (object: IObject): object is ICreate => getApType(object) === 'Create';
export const isDelete = (object: IObject): object is IDelete => getApType(object) === 'Delete';
export const isUpdate = (object: IObject): object is IUpdate => getApType(object) === 'Update';
export const isRead = (object: IObject): object is IRead => getApType(object) === 'Read';
export const isUndo = (object: IObject): object is IUndo => getApType(object) === 'Undo';
export const isFollow = (object: IObject): object is IFollow => getApType(object) === 'Follow';
export const isAccept = (object: IObject): object is IAccept => getApType(object) === 'Accept';
export const isReject = (object: IObject): object is IReject => getApType(object) === 'Reject';
export const isAdd = (object: IObject): object is IAdd => getApType(object) === 'Add';
export const isRemove = (object: IObject): object is IRemove => getApType(object) === 'Remove';
export const isLike = (object: IObject): object is ILike => getApType(object) === 'Like' || getApType(object) === 'EmojiReaction' || getApType(object) === 'EmojiReact';
export const isAnnounce = (object: IObject): object is IAnnounce => getApType(object) === 'Announce';
export const isBlock = (object: IObject): object is IBlock => getApType(object) === 'Block';
export const isFlag = (object: IObject): object is IFlag => getApType(object) === 'Flag';
export interface ILink {
href: string;
rel?: string | string[];
mediaType?: string;
name?: string;
export interface IApMention extends ILink {
type: 'Mention';
export interface IApHashtag extends ILink {
type: 'Hashtag';
name: string;
export const isLink = (object: Record<string, any>): object is ILink =>
typeof object.href === 'string'
&& (
object.rel == undefined
|| typeof object.rel === 'string'
|| (Array.isArray(object.rel) && object.rel.every(x => typeof x === 'string'))
&& (object.mediaType == undefined || typeof object.mediaType === 'string');
export const isMention = (object: Record<string, any>): object is IApMention =>
getApType(object) === 'Mention' && isLink(object);
export const isHashtag = (object: Record<string, any>): object is IApHashtag =>
getApType(object) === 'Hashtag'
&& isLink(object)
&& typeof === 'string';