
192 lines
5.3 KiB

import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom';
import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
import config from '@/config/index.js';
import { UserProfiles } from '@/models/index.js';
import { extractMentions } from '@/misc/extract-mentions.js';
import { intersperse } from '@/prelude/array.js';
import { toPunyNullable } from '@/misc/convert-host.js';
// Transforms MFM to HTML, given the MFM text and a list of user IDs that are
// mentioned in the text. If the list of mentions is not given, all mentions
// from the text will be extracted.
export async function toHtml(mfmText: string, mentions?: string[]): Promise<string | null> {
const nodes = mfm.parse(mfmText);
if (nodes.length === 0) {
return null;
let mentionedUsers = [];
const ids = mentions ?? extractMentions(nodes);
if (ids.length > 0) {
mentionedUsers = await UserProfiles.createQueryBuilder('user_profile')
.leftJoin('user_profile.user', 'user')
.select('user.usernameLower', 'username')
.addSelect('', 'host')
// links should preferably use user friendly urls, only fall back to AP ids
.addSelect('COALESCE(user_profile.url, user.uri)', 'url')
.where('"userId" IN (:...ids)', { ids })
const doc = new JSDOM('').window.document;
const handlers: { [K in mfm.MfmNode['type']]: (node: mfm.NodeType<K>) => Promise<Node> } = {
async bold(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('b');
appendChildren(node.children, el);
return el;
async small(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('small');
appendChildren(node.children, el);
return el;
async strike(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('del');
appendChildren(node.children, el);
return el;
async italic(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('i');
appendChildren(node.children, el);
return el;
async fn(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('i');
appendChildren(node.children, el);
return el;
async blockCode(node) {
const pre = doc.createElement('pre');
const inner = doc.createElement('code');
inner.textContent = node.props.code;
return pre;
async center(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('div');
appendChildren(node.children, el);
return el;
async emojiCode(node) {
return doc.createTextNode(`\u200B:${}:\u200B`);
async unicodeEmoji(node) {
return doc.createTextNode(node.props.emoji);
async hashtag(node) {
const a = doc.createElement('a');
a.href = `${config.url}/tags/${node.props.hashtag}`;
a.textContent = `#${node.props.hashtag}`;
a.setAttribute('rel', 'tag');
return a;
async inlineCode(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('code');
el.textContent = node.props.code;
return el;
async mathInline(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('code');
el.textContent = node.props.formula;
return el;
async mathBlock(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('code');
el.textContent = node.props.formula;
return el;
async link(node) {
const a = doc.createElement('a');
a.href = node.props.url;
appendChildren(node.children, a);
return a;
async mention(node): Promise<HTMLElement | Text> {
let { username, host, acct } = node.props;
// normalize username and host for searching the user
username = username.toLowerCase();
host = toPunyNullable(host);
// Discard host if it is the local host. Otherwise mentions of local users where the
// hostname is not omitted are not handled correctly.
if (host == config.hostname) {
host = null;
const userInfo = mentionedUsers.find(user => user.username === username && === host);
if (userInfo != null) {
// Mastodon microformat: span.h-card > a.u-url.mention
const a = doc.createElement('a');
// The fallback will only be used for local users, so the host part can be discarded.
a.href = userInfo.url ?? `${config.url}/@${username}`;
a.className = 'u-url mention';
a.textContent = acct;
const card = doc.createElement('span');
card.className = 'h-card';
return card;
// this user does not actually exist
return doc.createTextNode(acct);
async quote(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('blockquote');
appendChildren(node.children, el);
return el;
async text(node) {
const el = doc.createElement('span');
const nodes = node.props.text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).map(x => doc.createTextNode(x));
for (const x of intersperse<FIXME | 'br'>('br', nodes)) {
el.appendChild(x === 'br' ? doc.createElement('br') : x);
return el;
async url(node) {
const a = doc.createElement('a');
a.href = node.props.url;
a.textContent = node.props.url;
return a;
async search(node) {
const a = doc.createElement('a');
a.href = `${node.props.query}`;
a.textContent = node.props.content;
return a;
async function appendChildren(children: mfm.MfmNode[], targetElement: HTMLElement): Promise<void> {
type HandlerFunc = (node: mfm.MfmNode) => Promise<Node>;
const htmlChildren = await Promise.all( => (handlers[x.type] as HandlerFunc)(x)));
for (const child of htmlChildren) {
await appendChildren(nodes, doc.body);
return `<p>${doc.body.innerHTML}</p>`;