2023-02-01 02:01:13 -05:00

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<h4>What is 3V.IS?</h4>
<p>"three-viz" if you will. Tagline: waywo "What are you working on?" A place for screenshots and project news with controllable social functions. Create long form posts, connect them with links, and edit anytime with history.</p>
<p>The engine is an instance of Akkoma with aesthetic tweaks. See <a href=https://docs.akkoma.dev/stable>Akkoma docs</a> to learn more.</p>
<p>For questions or issues, reach me at qb@3v.is or qbismcom on twitter.</p>
<h4>Terms of Use</h4>
<p>Be a minimum 18 years of age.</p>
<p>Maintain a reliable secondary federated id, email, twitter, or discord handle. Intent is to only use for account recovery. External notification methods including email are turned off.</p>
<p>Let us know: What are you working on?</p>
<p>Be legit. Post your own work, credit collaborators, credit media sources when possible, and respect the intellectual property rights of others. </p>
<p>Please be patient. 3V.IS is in 'beta' stage and run by a small crew. The site or portions thereof may be down for indefinite amounts of time. Repairs, updates, or moderation may not occur as quickly as we all like.</p>
<p>Be wise. Posts provide various controls for visibility. Intended operation of those features is a hope but not a promise. Data is not encoded. Do not post, reply, or message any sensitive information.</p>
<p>Be aware. Content of "Bubble" and "Known Network" timelines may originate outside this instance. Do not respond to any requests for passwords or personal information allegedly from this site.</p>
<p>Keep backups. No guarantee of data preservation is provided.</p>
<p>Please be efficient with resource consumption. Do not use this site as private storage. Media and files should ultimately be intended for sharing with your adoring public.</p>
<p>Users may edit their own posts after publishing. Also know that post edit history is viewable.<p>