#!/bin/sh # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only project_id="74" project_branch="rebase/glitch-soc" static_dir="instance/static" # For bundling: # project_branch="pleroma" # static_dir="priv/static" if [[ ! -d "${static_dir}" ]] then echo "Error: ${static_dir} directory is missing, are you sure you are running this script at the root of pleroma’s repository?" exit 1 fi last_modified="$(curl -s -I 'https://git.pleroma.social/api/v4/projects/'${project_id}'/jobs/artifacts/'${project_branch}'/download?job=build' | grep '^Last-Modified:' | cut -d: -f2-)" echo "branch:${project_branch}" echo "Last-Modified:${last_modified}" artifact="mastofe.zip" if [[ -e mastofe.timestamp ]] && [[ "${last_modified}" != "" ]] then if [[ "$(cat mastofe.timestamp)" == "${last_modified}" ]] then echo "MastoFE is up-to-date, exiting…" exit 0 fi fi curl -c - "https://git.pleroma.social/api/v4/projects/${project_id}/jobs/artifacts/${project_branch}/download?job=build" -o "${artifact}" || exit # TODO: Update the emoji as well rm -fr "${static_dir}/sw.js" "${static_dir}/packs" || exit unzip -q "${artifact}" || exit cp public/assets/sw.js "${static_dir}/sw.js" || exit cp -r public/packs "${static_dir}/packs" || exit echo "${last_modified}" > mastofe.timestamp rm -fr public rm -i "${artifact}"