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If this persists please contact your instance administrator.", "delete_account_instructions": "Type your password in the input below to confirm account deletion.", "export_theme": "Save preset", "filtering": "Filtering", "filtering_explanation": "All statuses containing these words will be muted, one per line", "follow_export": "Follow export", "follow_export_button": "Export your follows to a csv file", "follow_export_processing": "Processing, you'll soon be asked to download your file", "follow_import": "Follow import", "follow_import_error": "Error importing followers", "follows_imported": "Follows imported! Processing them will take a while.", "foreground": "Foreground", "general": "General", "hide_attachments_in_convo": "Hide attachments in conversations", "hide_attachments_in_tl": "Hide attachments in timeline", "import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "Import follows from a csv file", "import_theme": "Load preset", "inputRadius": "Input fields", "instance_default": "(default: {value})", "interfaceLanguage": "Interface language", "invalid_theme_imported": "The selected file is not a supported Pleroma theme. 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