defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do @derive {Jason.Encoder, only: [:files, :pack]} defstruct files: %{}, pack_file: nil, path: nil, pack: %{}, name: nil @type t() :: %__MODULE__{ files: %{String.t() => Path.t()}, pack_file: Path.t(), path: Path.t(), pack: map(), name: String.t() } alias Pleroma.Emoji @spec emoji_path() :: Path.t() def emoji_path do static = Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]) Path.join(static, "emoji") end @spec create(String.t()) :: :ok | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values} def create(name) when byte_size(name) > 0 do dir = Path.join(emoji_path(), name) with :ok <- File.mkdir(dir) do %__MODULE__{ pack_file: Path.join(dir, "pack.json") } |> save_pack() end end def create(_), do: {:error, :empty_values} @spec show(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:loaded, nil} | {:error, :empty_values} def show(name) when byte_size(name) > 0 do with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)}, {_, pack} <- validate_pack(pack) do {:ok, pack} end end def show(_), do: {:error, :empty_values} @spec delete(String.t()) :: {:ok, [binary()]} | {:error, File.posix(), binary()} | {:error, :empty_values} def delete(name) when byte_size(name) > 0 do emoji_path() |> Path.join(name) |> File.rm_rf() end def delete(_), do: {:error, :empty_values} @spec add_file(String.t(), String.t(), Path.t(), Plug.Upload.t() | String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values} def add_file(name, shortcode, filename, file) when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 and byte_size(filename) > 0 do with {_, nil} <- {:exists, Emoji.get(shortcode)}, {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)} do file_path = Path.join(pack.path, filename) create_subdirs(file_path) case file do %Plug.Upload{path: upload_path} -> # Copy the uploaded file from the temporary directory File.copy!(upload_path, file_path) url when is_binary(url) -> # Download and write the file file_contents = Tesla.get!(url).body File.write!(file_path, file_contents) end files = Map.put(pack.files, shortcode, filename) updated_pack = %{pack | files: files} case save_pack(updated_pack) do :ok -> Emoji.reload() {:ok, updated_pack} e -> e end end end def add_file(_, _, _, _), do: {:error, :empty_values} defp create_subdirs(file_path) do if String.contains?(file_path, "/") do file_path |> Path.dirname() |> File.mkdir_p!() end end @spec remove_file(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values} def remove_file(name, shortcode) when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 do with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)}, {_, {filename, files}} when not is_nil(filename) <- {:exists, Map.pop(pack.files, shortcode)}, emoji <- Path.join(pack.path, filename), {_, true} <- {:exists, File.exists?(emoji)} do emoji_dir = Path.dirname(emoji) File.rm!(emoji) if String.contains?(filename, "/") and!(emoji_dir) == [] do File.rmdir!(emoji_dir) end updated_pack = %{pack | files: files} case save_pack(updated_pack) do :ok -> Emoji.reload() {:ok, updated_pack} e -> e end end end def remove_file(_, _), do: {:error, :empty_values} @spec update_file(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), boolean()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values} def update_file(name, shortcode, new_shortcode, new_filename, force) when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 and byte_size(new_shortcode) > 0 and byte_size(new_filename) > 0 do with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)}, {_, {filename, files}} when not is_nil(filename) <- {:exists, Map.pop(pack.files, shortcode)}, {_, true} <- {:not_used, force or is_nil(Emoji.get(new_shortcode))} do old_path = Path.join(pack.path, filename) old_dir = Path.dirname(old_path) new_path = Path.join(pack.path, new_filename) create_subdirs(new_path) :ok = File.rename(old_path, new_path) if String.contains?(filename, "/") and!(old_dir) == [] do File.rmdir!(old_dir) end files = Map.put(files, new_shortcode, new_filename) updated_pack = %{pack | files: files} case save_pack(updated_pack) do :ok -> Emoji.reload() {:ok, updated_pack} e -> e end end end def update_file(_, _, _, _, _), do: {:error, :empty_values} @spec import_from_filesystem() :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, atom()} def import_from_filesystem do emoji_path = emoji_path() with {:ok, %{access: :read_write}} <- File.stat(emoji_path), {:ok, results} <- do names = results |>, &1)) |> Enum.reject(fn path -> File.dir?(path) and File.exists?(Path.join(path, "pack.json")) end) |> |> Enum.filter(& &1) {:ok, names} else {:ok, %{access: _}} -> {:error, :not_writable} e -> e end end defp write_pack_contents(path) do pack = %__MODULE__{ files: files_from_path(path), path: path, pack_file: Path.join(path, "pack.json") } case save_pack(pack) do :ok -> Path.basename(path) _ -> nil end end defp files_from_path(path) do txt_path = Path.join(path, "emoji.txt") if File.exists?(txt_path) do # There's an emoji.txt file, it's likely from a pack installed by the pack manager. # Make a pack.json file from the contents of that emoji.txt file # FIXME: Copy-pasted from Pleroma.Emoji/load_from_file_stream/2 # Create a map of shortcodes to filenames from emoji.txt!(txt_path) |> String.split("\n") |> |> line -> case String.split(line, ~r/,\s*/) do # This matches both strings with and without tags # and we don't care about tags here [name, file | _] -> file_dir_name = Path.dirname(file) file = if String.ends_with?(path, file_dir_name) do Path.basename(file) else file end {name, file} _ -> nil end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Enum.into(%{}) else # If there's no emoji.txt, assume all files # that are of certain extensions from the config are emojis and import them all pack_extensions = Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :pack_extensions]) Emoji.Loader.make_shortcode_to_file_map(path, pack_extensions) end end @spec list_remote_packs(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} def list_remote_packs(url) do uri = url |> String.trim() |> URI.parse() with {_, true} <- {:shareable, shareable_packs_available?(uri)} do packs = uri |> URI.merge("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs") |> to_string() |> Tesla.get!() |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!() {:ok, packs} end end @spec list_local_packs() :: {:ok, map()} def list_local_packs do emoji_path = emoji_path() # Create the directory first if it does not exist. This is probably the first request made # with the API so it should be sufficient with {:create_dir, :ok} <- {:create_dir, File.mkdir_p(emoji_path)}, {:ls, {:ok, results}} <- {:ls,} do packs = results |> |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> |> {:ok, packs} end end defp validate_pack(pack) do if downloadable?(pack) do archive = fetch_archive(pack) archive_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, archive) |> Base.encode16() info = pack.pack |> Map.put("can-download", true) |> Map.put("download-sha256", archive_sha) {, Map.put(pack, :pack, info)} else info = Map.put(pack.pack, "can-download", false) {, Map.put(pack, :pack, info)} end end defp downloadable?(pack) do # If the pack is set as shared, check if it can be downloaded # That means that when asked, the pack can be packed and sent to the remote # Otherwise, they'd have to download it from external-src pack.pack["share-files"] && Enum.all?(pack.files, fn {_, file} -> File.exists?(Path.join(pack.path, file)) end) end @spec download(String.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} def download(name) do with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:exists?, load_pack(name)}, {_, true} <- {:can_download?, downloadable?(pack)} do {:ok, fetch_archive(pack)} end end defp fetch_archive(pack) do hash = :crypto.hash(:md5,!(pack.pack_file)) case Cachex.get!(:emoji_packs_cache, do %{hash: ^hash, pack_data: archive} -> archive _ -> create_archive_and_cache(pack, hash) end end defp create_archive_and_cache(pack, hash) do files = ['pack.json' |, fn {_, file} -> to_charlist(file) end)] {:ok, {_, result}} ='#{}.zip', files, [:memory, cwd: to_charlist(pack.path)]) ttl_per_file = Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file]) overall_ttl = :timer.seconds(ttl_per_file * Enum.count(files)) Cachex.put!( :emoji_packs_cache,, # if pack.json MD5 changes, the cache is not valid anymore %{hash: hash, pack_data: result}, # Add a minute to cache time for every file in the pack ttl: overall_ttl ) result end @spec download_from_source(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: :ok def download_from_source(name, url, as) do uri = url |> String.trim() |> URI.parse() with {_, true} <- {:shareable, shareable_packs_available?(uri)} do # TODO: why do we load all packs, if we know the name of pack we need remote_pack = uri |> URI.merge("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/#{name}") |> to_string() |> Tesla.get!() |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!() result = case remote_pack["pack"] do %{"share-files" => true, "can-download" => true, "download-sha256" => sha} -> {:ok, %{ sha: sha, url: URI.merge(uri, "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/#{name}/download_shared") |> to_string() }} %{"fallback-src" => src, "fallback-src-sha256" => sha} when is_binary(src) -> {:ok, %{ sha: sha, url: src, fallback: true }} _ -> {:error, "The pack was not set as shared and there is no fallback src to download from"} end with {:ok, %{sha: sha, url: url} = pinfo} <- result, %{body: archive} <- Tesla.get!(url), {_, true} <- {:checksum, Base.decode16!(sha) == :crypto.hash(:sha256, archive)} do local_name = as || name path = Path.join(emoji_path(), local_name) pack = %__MODULE__{ name: local_name, path: path, files: remote_pack["files"], pack_file: Path.join(path, "pack.json") } File.mkdir_p!(pack.path) files =["files"], fn {_, path} -> to_charlist(path) end) # Fallback cannot contain a pack.json file files = if pinfo[:fallback], do: files, else: ['pack.json' | files] {:ok, _} = :zip.unzip(archive, cwd: to_charlist(pack.path), file_list: files) # Fallback can't contain a pack.json file, since that would cause the fallback-src-sha256 # in it to depend on itself if pinfo[:fallback] do save_pack(pack) end :ok end end end defp save_pack(pack), do: File.write(pack.pack_file, Jason.encode!(pack, pretty: true)) @spec save_metadata(map(), t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} def save_metadata(metadata, %__MODULE__{} = pack) do pack = Map.put(pack, :pack, metadata) with :ok <- save_pack(pack) do {:ok, pack} end end @spec update_metadata(String.t(), map()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} def update_metadata(name, data) do pack = load_pack(name) fb_sha_changed? = not is_nil(data["fallback-src"]) and data["fallback-src"] != pack.pack["fallback-src"] with {_, true} <- {:update?, fb_sha_changed?}, {:ok, %{body: zip}} <- Tesla.get(data["fallback-src"]), {:ok, f_list} <- :zip.unzip(zip, [:memory]), {_, true} <- {:has_all_files?, has_all_files?(pack.files, f_list)} do fallback_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, zip) |> Base.encode16() data |> Map.put("fallback-src-sha256", fallback_sha) |> save_metadata(pack) else {:update?, _} -> save_metadata(data, pack) e -> e end end # Check if all files from the pack.json are in the archive defp has_all_files?(files, f_list) do Enum.all?(files, fn {_, from_manifest} -> List.keyfind(f_list, to_charlist(from_manifest), 0) end) end @spec load_pack(String.t()) :: t() | nil def load_pack(name) do pack_file = Path.join([emoji_path(), name, "pack.json"]) if File.exists?(pack_file) do pack_file |>!() |> from_json() |> Map.put(:pack_file, pack_file) |> Map.put(:path, Path.dirname(pack_file)) |> Map.put(:name, name) end end defp from_json(json) do map = Jason.decode!(json) struct(__MODULE__, %{files: map["files"], pack: map["pack"]}) end defp shareable_packs_available?(uri) do uri |> URI.merge("/.well-known/nodeinfo") |> to_string() |> Tesla.get!() |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!() |> Map.get("links") |> List.last() |> Map.get("href") # Get the actual nodeinfo address and fetch it |> Tesla.get!() |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!() |> get_in(["metadata", "features"]) |> Enum.member?("shareable_emoji_packs") end end