# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.BBS.Handler do use Sshd.ShellHandler alias Pleroma.Activity alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI def on_shell(username, _pubkey, _ip, _port) do :ok = IO.puts("Welcome to #{Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :name])}!") user = Pleroma.User.get_cached_by_nickname(to_string(username)) Logger.debug("#{inspect(user)}") loop(run_state(user: user)) end def on_connect(username, ip, port, method) do Logger.debug(fn -> """ Incoming SSH shell #{inspect(self())} requested for #{username} from #{inspect(ip)}:#{ inspect(port) } using #{inspect(method)} """ end) end def on_disconnect(username, ip, port) do Logger.debug(fn -> "Disconnecting SSH shell for #{username} from #{inspect(ip)}:#{inspect(port)}" end) end defp loop(state) do self_pid = self() counter = state.counter prefix = state.prefix user = state.user input = spawn(fn -> io_get(self_pid, prefix, counter, user.nickname) end) wait_input(state, input) end def puts_activity(activity) do status = Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView.render("show.json", %{activity: activity}) IO.puts("-- #{status.id} by #{status.account.display_name} (#{status.account.acct})") IO.puts(HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(status.content)) IO.puts("") end def handle_command(state, "help") do IO.puts("Available commands:") IO.puts("help - This help") IO.puts("home - Show the home timeline") IO.puts("p <text> - Post the given text") IO.puts("r <id> <text> - Reply to the post with the given id") IO.puts("quit - Quit") state end def handle_command(%{user: user} = state, "r " <> text) do text = String.trim(text) [activity_id, rest] = String.split(text, " ", parts: 2) with %Activity{} <- Activity.get_by_id(activity_id), {:ok, _activity} <- CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => rest, "in_reply_to_status_id" => activity_id}) do IO.puts("Replied!") else _e -> IO.puts("Could not reply...") end state end def handle_command(%{user: user} = state, "p " <> text) do text = String.trim(text) with {:ok, _activity} <- CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => text}) do IO.puts("Posted!") else _e -> IO.puts("Could not post...") end state end def handle_command(state, "home") do user = state.user params = %{} |> Map.put("type", ["Create"]) |> Map.put("blocking_user", user) |> Map.put("muting_user", user) |> Map.put("user", user) activities = [user.ap_id | user.following] |> ActivityPub.fetch_activities(params) Enum.each(activities, fn activity -> puts_activity(activity) end) state end def handle_command(state, command) do IO.puts("Unknown command '#{command}'") state end defp wait_input(state, input) do receive do {:input, ^input, "quit\n"} -> IO.puts("Exiting...") {:input, ^input, code} when is_binary(code) -> code = String.trim(code) state = handle_command(state, code) loop(%{state | counter: state.counter + 1}) {:error, :interrupted} -> IO.puts("Caught Ctrl+C...") loop(%{state | counter: state.counter + 1}) {:input, ^input, msg} -> :ok = Logger.warn("received unknown message: #{inspect(msg)}") loop(%{state | counter: state.counter + 1}) end end defp run_state(opts) do %{prefix: "pleroma", counter: 1, user: opts[:user]} end defp io_get(pid, prefix, counter, username) do prompt = prompt(prefix, counter, username) send(pid, {:input, self(), IO.gets(:stdio, prompt)}) end defp prompt(prefix, counter, username) do prompt = "#{username}@#{prefix}:#{counter}>" prompt <> " " end end