From 88b16fdfb7b40877aecae5d45f6f3a1c54362f13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivan Tashkinov <>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 16:01:09 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 01/18] [#1364] Disabled notifications on activities from
 blocked domains.

---                |  1 +
 lib/pleroma/notification.ex | 20 +++++++++++++-------
 test/notification_test.exs  | 15 +++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 36897503a..22d0645fa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
 ### Fixed
 - Support pagination in conversations API
+- Filtering of push notifications on activities from blocked domains
 ## [unreleased-patch]
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
index 04ee510b9..02363ddb0 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
@@ -321,10 +321,11 @@ def create_notification(%Activity{} = activity, %User{} = user, do_send \\ true)
   @doc """
   Returns a tuple with 2 elements:
-    {enabled notification receivers, currently disabled receivers (blocking / [thread] muting)}
+    {notification-enabled receivers, currently disabled receivers (blocking / [thread] muting)}
   NOTE: might be called for FAKE Activities, see ActivityPub.Utils.get_notified_from_object/1
+  @spec get_notified_from_activity(Activity.t(), boolean()) :: {list(User.t()), list(User.t())}
   def get_notified_from_activity(activity, local_only \\ true)
   def get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, local_only)
@@ -337,17 +338,22 @@ def get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, lo
       |> Utils.maybe_notify_followers(activity)
       |> Enum.uniq()
-    # Since even subscribers and followers can mute / thread-mute, filtering all above AP IDs
-    notification_enabled_ap_ids =
-      potential_receiver_ap_ids
-      |> exclude_relationship_restricted_ap_ids(activity)
-      |> exclude_thread_muter_ap_ids(activity)
     potential_receivers =
       |> Enum.uniq()
       |> User.get_users_from_set(local_only)
+    activity_actor_domain = && URI.parse(
+    notification_enabled_ap_ids =
+      for u <- potential_receivers, activity_actor_domain not in u.domain_blocks, do: u.ap_id
+    # Since even subscribers and followers can mute / thread-mute, filtering all above AP IDs
+    notification_enabled_ap_ids =
+      notification_enabled_ap_ids
+      |> exclude_relationship_restricted_ap_ids(activity)
+      |> exclude_thread_muter_ap_ids(activity)
     notification_enabled_users =
       Enum.filter(potential_receivers, fn u -> u.ap_id in notification_enabled_ap_ids end)
diff --git a/test/notification_test.exs b/test/notification_test.exs
index 837a9dacd..caa941934 100644
--- a/test/notification_test.exs
+++ b/test/notification_test.exs
@@ -609,6 +609,21 @@ test "it returns thread-muting recipient in disabled recipients list" do
       assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
       refute other_user in enabled_receivers
+    test "it returns domain-blocking recipient in disabled recipients list" do
+      blocked_domain = "blocked.domain"
+      user = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://#{blocked_domain}/@actor"})
+      other_user = insert(:user)
+      {:ok, other_user} = User.block_domain(other_user, blocked_domain)
+      {:ok, activity} =, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"})
+      {enabled_receivers, disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+      assert [] == enabled_receivers
+      assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
+    end
   describe "notification lifecycle" do

From c556efb761a3e7fc2beb4540d6f58dbfe8e4abfe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivan Tashkinov <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 21:53:03 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 02/18] [#1364] Enabled notifications on followed
 domain-blocked users' activities.

 lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex | 35 +++++++++++++--
 lib/pleroma/notification.ex           | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++------
 test/notification_test.exs            | 35 +++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex b/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex
index a9538ea4e..11e06c5cc 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex
@@ -69,6 +69,29 @@ def follower_count(%User{} = user) do
     |> Repo.aggregate(:count, :id)
+  def followers_query(%User{} = user) do
+    __MODULE__
+    |> join(:inner, [r], u in User, on: r.follower_id ==
+    |> where([r], r.following_id == ^
+    |> where([r], r.state == "accept")
+  end
+  def followers_ap_ids(%User{} = user, from_ap_ids \\ nil) do
+    query =
+      user
+      |> followers_query()
+      |> select([r, u], u.ap_id)
+    query =
+      if from_ap_ids do
+        where(query, [r, u], u.ap_id in ^from_ap_ids)
+      else
+        query
+      end
+    Repo.all(query)
+  end
   def following_count(%User{id: nil}), do: 0
   def following_count(%User{} = user) do
@@ -92,12 +115,16 @@ def following?(%User{id: follower_id}, %User{id: followed_id}) do
     |> Repo.exists?()
+  def following_query(%User{} = user) do
+    __MODULE__
+    |> join(:inner, [r], u in User, on: r.following_id ==
+    |> where([r], r.follower_id == ^
+    |> where([r], r.state == "accept")
+  end
   def following(%User{} = user) do
     following =
-      __MODULE__
-      |> join(:inner, [r], u in User, on: r.following_id ==
-      |> where([r], r.follower_id == ^
-      |> where([r], r.state == "accept")
+      following_query(user)
       |> select([r, u], u.follower_address)
       |> Repo.all()
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
index 02363ddb0..da05ff2e4 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Notification do
   use Ecto.Schema
   alias Pleroma.Activity
+  alias Pleroma.FollowingRelationship
   alias Pleroma.Notification
   alias Pleroma.Object
   alias Pleroma.Pagination
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ def for_user_query(user, opts \\ %{}) do
     |> exclude_visibility(opts)
+  # Excludes blocked users and non-followed domain-blocked users
   defp exclude_blocked(query, user, opts) do
     blocked_ap_ids = opts[:blocked_users_ap_ids] || User.blocked_users_ap_ids(user)
@@ -88,7 +90,16 @@ defp exclude_blocked(query, user, opts) do
     |> where([n, a], not in ^blocked_ap_ids)
     |> where(
       [n, a],
-      fragment("substring(? from '.*://([^/]*)')", not in ^user.domain_blocks
+      fragment(
+        # "NOT (actor's domain in domain_blocks) OR (actor is in followed AP IDs)"
+        "NOT (substring(? from '.*://([^/]*)') = ANY(?)) OR \
+          ? = ANY(SELECT ap_id FROM users AS u INNER JOIN following_relationships AS fr \
+            ON = fr.following_id WHERE fr.follower_id = ? AND fr.state = 'accept')",
+        ^user.domain_blocks,
+        ^User.binary_id(
+      )
@@ -338,19 +349,11 @@ def get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, lo
       |> Utils.maybe_notify_followers(activity)
       |> Enum.uniq()
-    potential_receivers =
+    potential_receivers = User.get_users_from_set(potential_receiver_ap_ids, local_only)
+    notification_enabled_ap_ids =
-      |> Enum.uniq()
-      |> User.get_users_from_set(local_only)
-    activity_actor_domain = && URI.parse(
-    notification_enabled_ap_ids =
-      for u <- potential_receivers, activity_actor_domain not in u.domain_blocks, do: u.ap_id
-    # Since even subscribers and followers can mute / thread-mute, filtering all above AP IDs
-    notification_enabled_ap_ids =
-      notification_enabled_ap_ids
+      |> exclude_domain_blocker_ap_ids(activity, potential_receivers)
       |> exclude_relationship_restricted_ap_ids(activity)
       |> exclude_thread_muter_ap_ids(activity)
@@ -362,6 +365,38 @@ def get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, lo
   def get_notified_from_activity(_, _local_only), do: {[], []}
+  @doc "Filters out AP IDs of users who domain-block and not follow activity actor"
+  def exclude_domain_blocker_ap_ids(ap_ids, activity, preloaded_users \\ [])
+  def exclude_domain_blocker_ap_ids([], _activity, _preloaded_users), do: []
+  def exclude_domain_blocker_ap_ids(ap_ids, %Activity{} = activity, preloaded_users) do
+    activity_actor_domain = && URI.parse(
+    users =
+      ap_ids
+      |> ap_id ->
+        Enum.find(preloaded_users, &(&1.ap_id == ap_id)) ||
+          User.get_cached_by_ap_id(ap_id)
+      end)
+      |> Enum.filter(& &1)
+    domain_blocker_ap_ids = for u <- users, activity_actor_domain in u.domain_blocks, do: u.ap_id
+    domain_blocker_follower_ap_ids =
+      if Enum.any?(domain_blocker_ap_ids) do
+        activity
+        |> Activity.user_actor()
+        |> FollowingRelationship.followers_ap_ids(domain_blocker_ap_ids)
+      else
+        []
+      end
+    ap_ids
+    |> Kernel.--(domain_blocker_ap_ids)
+    |> Kernel.++(domain_blocker_follower_ap_ids)
+  end
   @doc "Filters out AP IDs of users basing on their relationships with activity actor user"
   def exclude_relationship_restricted_ap_ids([], _activity), do: []
diff --git a/test/notification_test.exs b/test/notification_test.exs
index caa941934..4e5559bb1 100644
--- a/test/notification_test.exs
+++ b/test/notification_test.exs
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ test "it returns thread-muting recipient in disabled recipients list" do
       refute other_user in enabled_receivers
-    test "it returns domain-blocking recipient in disabled recipients list" do
+    test "it returns non-following domain-blocking recipient in disabled recipients list" do
       blocked_domain = "blocked.domain"
       user = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://#{blocked_domain}/@actor"})
       other_user = insert(:user)
@@ -624,6 +624,22 @@ test "it returns domain-blocking recipient in disabled recipients list" do
       assert [] == enabled_receivers
       assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
+    test "it returns following domain-blocking recipient in enabled recipients list" do
+      blocked_domain = "blocked.domain"
+      user = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://#{blocked_domain}/@actor"})
+      other_user = insert(:user)
+      {:ok, other_user} = User.block_domain(other_user, blocked_domain)
+      {:ok, other_user} = User.follow(other_user, user)
+      {:ok, activity} =, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"})
+      {enabled_receivers, disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+      assert [other_user] == enabled_receivers
+      assert [] == disabled_receivers
+    end
   describe "notification lifecycle" do
@@ -886,7 +902,7 @@ test "it doesn't return notifications for blocked user" do
       assert Notification.for_user(user) == []
-    test "it doesn't return notifications for blocked domain" do
+    test "it doesn't return notifications for domain-blocked non-followed user" do
       user = insert(:user)
       blocked = insert(:user, ap_id: "")
       {:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "")
@@ -896,6 +912,18 @@ test "it doesn't return notifications for blocked domain" do
       assert Notification.for_user(user) == []
+    test "it returns notifications for domain-blocked but followed user" do
+      user = insert(:user)
+      blocked = insert(:user, ap_id: "")
+      {:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "")
+      {:ok, _} = User.follow(user, blocked)
+      {:ok, _activity} =, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
+      assert length(Notification.for_user(user)) == 1
+    end
     test "it doesn't return notifications for muted thread" do
       user = insert(:user)
       another_user = insert(:user)
@@ -926,7 +954,8 @@ test "it doesn't return notifications from a blocked user when with_muted is set
       assert Enum.empty?(Notification.for_user(user, %{with_muted: true}))
-    test "it doesn't return notifications from a domain-blocked user when with_muted is set" do
+    test "when with_muted is set, " <>
+           "it doesn't return notifications from a domain-blocked non-followed user" do
       user = insert(:user)
       blocked = insert(:user, ap_id: "")
       {:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "")

From 99b0bc198921099816a5f809f11a7579b3993274 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivan Tashkinov <>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 13:24:31 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 03/18] [#1364] Resolved merge conflicts with `develop`.

 lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 lib/pleroma/notification.ex           | 14 +----------
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex b/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex
index 219a64352..3a3082e72 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/following_relationship.ex
@@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.FollowingRelationship do
   alias Ecto.Changeset
   alias FlakeId.Ecto.CompatType
+  alias Pleroma.FollowingRelationship.State
   alias Pleroma.Repo
   alias Pleroma.User
   schema "following_relationships" do
-    field(:state, Pleroma.FollowingRelationship.State, default: :follow_pending)
+    field(:state, State, default: :follow_pending)
     belongs_to(:follower, User, type: CompatType)
     belongs_to(:following, User, type: CompatType)
@@ -22,6 +23,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.FollowingRelationship do
+  @doc "Returns underlying integer code for state atom"
+  def state_int_code(state_atom), do: State.__enum_map__() |> Keyword.fetch!(state_atom)
+  def accept_state_code, do: state_int_code(:follow_accept)
   def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = following_relationship, attrs) do
     |> cast(attrs, [:state])
@@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ def followers_query(%User{} = user) do
     |> join(:inner, [r], u in User, on: r.follower_id ==
     |> where([r], r.following_id == ^
-    |> where([r], r.state == "accept")
+    |> where([r], r.state == ^:follow_accept)
   def followers_ap_ids(%User{} = user, from_ap_ids \\ nil) do
@@ -198,6 +204,30 @@ def find(following_relationships, follower, following) do
+  @doc """
+  For a query with joined activity,
+  keeps rows where activity's actor is followed by user -or- is NOT domain-blocked by user.
+  """
+  def keep_following_or_not_domain_blocked(query, user) do
+    where(
+      query,
+      [_, activity],
+      fragment(
+        # "(actor's domain NOT in domain_blocks) OR (actor IS in followed AP IDs)"
+        """
+        NOT (substring(? from '.*://([^/]*)') = ANY(?)) OR
+          ? = ANY(SELECT ap_id FROM users AS u INNER JOIN following_relationships AS fr
+            ON = fr.following_id WHERE fr.follower_id = ? AND fr.state = ?)
+        """,
+        ^user.domain_blocks,
+        ^User.binary_id(,
+        ^accept_state_code()
+      )
+    )
+  end
   defp validate_not_self_relationship(%Changeset{} = changeset) do
     |> validate_follower_id_following_id_inequality()
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
index da05ff2e4..b76dd176c 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
@@ -88,19 +88,7 @@ defp exclude_blocked(query, user, opts) do
     |> where([n, a], not in ^blocked_ap_ids)
-    |> where(
-      [n, a],
-      fragment(
-        # "NOT (actor's domain in domain_blocks) OR (actor is in followed AP IDs)"
-        "NOT (substring(? from '.*://([^/]*)') = ANY(?)) OR \
-          ? = ANY(SELECT ap_id FROM users AS u INNER JOIN following_relationships AS fr \
-            ON = fr.following_id WHERE fr.follower_id = ? AND fr.state = 'accept')",
-        ^user.domain_blocks,
-        ^User.binary_id(
-      )
-    )
+    |> FollowingRelationship.keep_following_or_not_domain_blocked(user)
   defp exclude_notification_muted(query, _, %{@include_muted_option => true}) do

From f7e623c11c4b6f4f323a4317e9489092be73f9cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivan Tashkinov <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 20:19:08 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 04/18] [#1364] Resolved merge conflicts with `develop`.

 lib/pleroma/notification.ex | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
index f517282f7..b76dd176c 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Notification do
   alias Pleroma.Activity
   alias Pleroma.FollowingRelationship
-  alias Pleroma.Marker
   alias Pleroma.Notification
   alias Pleroma.Object
   alias Pleroma.Pagination

From b03aeae8b935b0a211c51cc3be5f1c15591f5a2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivan Tashkinov <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:31:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 05/18] Apply suggestion to lib/pleroma/notification.ex

 lib/pleroma/notification.ex | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
index d305a43ba..aaa675253 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ def get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, lo
   def get_notified_from_activity(_, _local_only), do: {[], []}
-  @doc "Filters out AP IDs of users who domain-block and not follow activity actor"
+  @doc "Filters out AP IDs domain-blocking and not following the activity's actor"
   def exclude_domain_blocker_ap_ids(ap_ids, activity, preloaded_users \\ [])
   def exclude_domain_blocker_ap_ids([], _activity, _preloaded_users), do: []

From 8cf3a32463856f91a4e64a5cd33b5538b67c25c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rinpatch <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:49:59 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 06/18] Add exlude_replies to OpenAPI spec for account

 lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/account_operation.ex | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/account_operation.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/account_operation.ex
index 64e2e43c4..d3e8bd484 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/account_operation.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/account_operation.ex
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ def statuses_operation do
             "Include statuses from muted acccounts."
           Operation.parameter(:exclude_reblogs, :query, BooleanLike, "Exclude reblogs"),
+          Operation.parameter(:exclude_replies, :query, BooleanLike, "Exclude replies"),

From 5839e67eb86d6d14b21222247ce8e113c3b26637 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 18:01:12 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 07/18] return data only for updated emoji

---                                  |   7 +-
 docs/API/                       |   2 +-
 .../controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex       |  93 +++++-----
 test/instance_static/add/shortcode.png        | Bin 0 -> 95 bytes
 .../controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs | 162 ++++++++++--------
 5 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/instance_static/add/shortcode.png

diff --git a/ b/
index c0f1bcf57..a220c14f6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -125,13 +125,14 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
   <summary>API Changes</summary>
-- **Breaking** EmojiReactions: Change endpoints and responses to align with Mastodon
-- **Breaking** Admin API: `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/force_password_reset` is now `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/force_password_reset` (accepts `nicknames` array in the request body)
+- **Breaking:** EmojiReactions: Change endpoints and responses to align with Mastodon
+- **Breaking:** Admin API: `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/force_password_reset` is now `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/force_password_reset` (accepts `nicknames` array in the request body)
 - **Breaking:** Admin API: Return link alongside with token on password reset
 - **Breaking:** Admin API: `PUT /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id` is now `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/reports`, see for details
 - **Breaking:** `/api/pleroma/admin/users/invite_token` now uses `POST`, changed accepted params and returns full invite in json instead of only token string.
-- **Breaking** replying to reports is now "report notes", enpoint changed from `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/respond` to `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notes`
+- **Breaking:** replying to reports is now "report notes", endpoint changed from `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/respond` to `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notes`
 - Mastodon API: stopped sanitizing display names, field names and subject fields since they are supposed to be treated as plaintext
+- **Breaking:** Pleroma API: `/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_file` endpoint returns only updated emoji data.
 - Admin API: Return `total` when querying for reports
 - Mastodon API: Return `pleroma.direct_conversation_id` when creating a direct message (`POST /api/v1/statuses`)
 - Admin API: Return link alongside with token on password reset
diff --git a/docs/API/ b/docs/API/
index 90c43c356..a7c7731ce 100644
--- a/docs/API/
+++ b/docs/API/
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
     * if the `action` is `update`, changes emoji shortcode
       (from `shortcode` to `new_shortcode` or moves the file (from the current filename to `new_filename`)
     * if the `action` is `remove`, removes the emoji named `shortcode` and it's associated file
-* Response: JSON, updated "files" section of the pack and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode
+* Response: JSON, emoji shortcode with filename which was added/updated/deleted and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode
   that is already taken, 400 if there was an error with the shortcode, filename or file (additional info
   in the "error" part of the response JSON)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
index e01825b48..981bac4fa 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
@@ -385,23 +385,35 @@ defp update_metadata_and_send(conn, full_pack, new_data, pack_file_p) do
     json(conn, new_data)
-  defp get_filename(%{"filename" => filename}), do: filename
-  defp get_filename(%{"file" => file}) do
-    case file do
-      %Plug.Upload{filename: filename} -> filename
-      url when is_binary(url) -> Path.basename(url)
-    end
-  end
+  defp get_filename(%Plug.Upload{filename: filename}), do: filename
+  defp get_filename(url) when is_binary(url), do: Path.basename(url)
   defp empty?(str), do: String.trim(str) == ""
-  defp update_file_and_send(conn, updated_full_pack, pack_file_p) do
-    # Write the emoji pack file
-    File.write!(pack_file_p, Jason.encode!(updated_full_pack, pretty: true))
+  defp update_pack_file(updated_full_pack, pack_file_p) do
+    content = Jason.encode!(updated_full_pack, pretty: true)
-    # Return the modified file list
-    json(conn, updated_full_pack["files"])
+    File.write!(pack_file_p, content)
+  end
+  defp create_subdirs(file_path) do
+    if String.contains?(file_path, "/") do
+      file_path
+      |> Path.dirname()
+      |> File.mkdir_p!()
+    end
+  end
+  defp pack_info(pack_name) do
+    dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), pack_name)
+    json_path = Path.join(dir, "pack.json")
+    json =
+      json_path
+      |>!()
+      |> Jason.decode!()
+    {dir, json_path, json}
   @doc """
@@ -422,23 +434,25 @@ defp update_file_and_send(conn, updated_full_pack, pack_file_p) do
   # Add
   def update_file(
-        %{"pack_name" => pack_name, "action" => "add", "shortcode" => shortcode} = params
+        %{"pack_name" => pack_name, "action" => "add"} = params
       ) do
-    pack_dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), pack_name)
-    pack_file_p = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
+    shortcode =
+      if params["shortcode"] do
+        params["shortcode"]
+      else
+        filename = get_filename(params["file"])
+        Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename))
+      end
-    full_pack = Jason.decode!(!(pack_file_p))
+    {pack_dir, pack_file_p, full_pack} = pack_info(pack_name)
     with {_, false} <- {:has_shortcode, Map.has_key?(full_pack["files"], shortcode)},
-         filename <- get_filename(params),
+         filename <- params["filename"] || get_filename(params["file"]),
          false <- empty?(shortcode),
-         false <- empty?(filename) do
-      file_path = Path.join(pack_dir, filename)
+         false <- empty?(filename),
+         file_path <- Path.join(pack_dir, filename) do
       # If the name contains directories, create them
-      if String.contains?(file_path, "/") do
-        File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(file_path))
-      end
+      create_subdirs(file_path)
       case params["file"] do
         %Plug.Upload{path: upload_path} ->
@@ -451,8 +465,11 @@ def update_file(
           File.write!(file_path, file_contents)
-      updated_full_pack = put_in(full_pack, ["files", shortcode], filename)
-      update_file_and_send(conn, updated_full_pack, pack_file_p)
+      full_pack
+      |> put_in(["files", shortcode], filename)
+      |> update_pack_file(pack_file_p)
+      json(conn, %{shortcode => filename})
       {:has_shortcode, _} ->
@@ -472,10 +489,7 @@ def update_file(conn, %{
         "action" => "remove",
         "shortcode" => shortcode
       }) do
-    pack_dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), pack_name)
-    pack_file_p = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
-    full_pack = Jason.decode!(!(pack_file_p))
+    {pack_dir, pack_file_p, full_pack} = pack_info(pack_name)
     if Map.has_key?(full_pack["files"], shortcode) do
       {emoji_file_path, updated_full_pack} = pop_in(full_pack, ["files", shortcode])
@@ -494,7 +508,8 @@ def update_file(conn, %{
-      update_file_and_send(conn, updated_full_pack, pack_file_p)
+      update_pack_file(updated_full_pack, pack_file_p)
+      json(conn, %{shortcode => full_pack["files"][shortcode]})
       |> put_status(:bad_request)
@@ -507,10 +522,7 @@ def update_file(
         %{"pack_name" => pack_name, "action" => "update", "shortcode" => shortcode} = params
       ) do
-    pack_dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), pack_name)
-    pack_file_p = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
-    full_pack = Jason.decode!(!(pack_file_p))
+    {pack_dir, pack_file_p, full_pack} = pack_info(pack_name)
     with {_, true} <- {:has_shortcode, Map.has_key?(full_pack["files"], shortcode)},
          %{"new_shortcode" => new_shortcode, "new_filename" => new_filename} <- params,
@@ -522,9 +534,7 @@ def update_file(
       new_emoji_file_path = Path.join(pack_dir, new_filename)
       # If the name contains directories, create them
-      if String.contains?(new_emoji_file_path, "/") do
-        File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(new_emoji_file_path))
-      end
+      create_subdirs(new_emoji_file_path)
       # Move/Rename the old filename to a new filename
       # These are probably on the same filesystem, so just rename should work
@@ -540,8 +550,11 @@ def update_file(
       # Then, put in the new shortcode with the new path
-      updated_full_pack = put_in(updated_full_pack, ["files", new_shortcode], new_filename)
-      update_file_and_send(conn, updated_full_pack, pack_file_p)
+      updated_full_pack
+      |> put_in(["files", new_shortcode], new_filename)
+      |> update_pack_file(pack_file_p)
+      json(conn, %{new_shortcode => new_filename})
       {:has_shortcode, _} ->
diff --git a/test/instance_static/add/shortcode.png b/test/instance_static/add/shortcode.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f50fa02340e7e09e562f86e00b6e4bd6ad1d565
GIT binary patch
literal 95

literal 0

diff --git a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
index 4246eb400..6844601d7 100644
--- a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -295,96 +295,116 @@ test "when the fallback source doesn't have all the files", ctx do
-  test "updating pack files" do
-    pack_file = "#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
-    original_content =!(pack_file)
+  describe "update_file/2" do
+    setup do
+      pack_file = "#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
+      original_content =!(pack_file)
-    on_exit(fn ->
-      File.write!(pack_file, original_content)
+      on_exit(fn ->
+        File.write!(pack_file, original_content)
+      end)
-      File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
-      File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir")
-      File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2")
-    end)
+      admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
+      %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["admin:write"], user: admin)
+      {:ok, conn: conn}
+    end
-    admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
-    %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["admin:write"], user: admin)
+    test "update file without shortcode", %{conn: conn} do
+      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/shortcode.png") end)
-    same_name = %{
-      "action" => "add",
-      "shortcode" => "blank",
-      "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
-      "file" => %Plug.Upload{
-        filename: "blank.png",
-        path: "#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+      assert conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+                 filename: "shortcode.png",
+                 path: "#{Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir])}/add/shortcode.png"
+               }
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"shortcode" => "shortcode.png"}
+    end
+    test "updating pack files", %{conn: conn} do
+      on_exit(fn ->
+        File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
+        File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir")
+        File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2")
+      end)
+      same_name = %{
+        "action" => "add",
+        "shortcode" => "blank",
+        "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
+        "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+          filename: "blank.png",
+          path: "#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+        }
-    }
-    different_name = %{same_name | "shortcode" => "blank_2"}
+      different_name = %{same_name | "shortcode" => "blank_2"}
-    assert (conn
-            |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), same_name)
-            |> json_response(:conflict))["error"] =~ "already exists"
+      assert (conn
+              |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), same_name)
+              |> json_response(:conflict))["error"] =~ "already exists"
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), different_name)
-           |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png", "blank_2" => "dir/blank.png"}
+      assert conn
+             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), different_name)
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_2" => "dir/blank.png"}
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
-             "action" => "update",
-             "shortcode" => "blank_2",
-             "new_shortcode" => "blank_3",
-             "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
-           })
-           |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png", "blank_3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"}
+      assert conn
+             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
+               "action" => "update",
+               "shortcode" => "blank_2",
+               "new_shortcode" => "blank_3",
+               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"}
-    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir/")
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2/blank_3.png")
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir/")
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2/blank_3.png")
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
-             "action" => "remove",
-             "shortcode" => "blank_3"
-           })
-           |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png"}
+      assert conn
+             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
+               "action" => "remove",
+               "shortcode" => "blank_3"
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"}
-    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2/")
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2/")
-    mock(fn
-      %{
-        method: :get,
-        url: "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
-      } ->
-        text(!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank.png"))
-    end)
+      mock(fn
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
+        } ->
+          text(!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank.png"))
+      end)
-    # The name should be inferred from the URL ending
-    from_url = %{
-      "action" => "add",
-      "shortcode" => "blank_url",
-      "file" => "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
-    }
+      # The name should be inferred from the URL ending
+      from_url = %{
+        "action" => "add",
+        "shortcode" => "blank_url",
+        "file" => "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
+      }
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), from_url)
-           |> json_response(200) == %{
-             "blank" => "blank.png",
-             "blank_url" => "blank_url.png"
-           }
+      assert conn
+             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), from_url)
+             |> json_response(200) == %{
+               "blank_url" => "blank_url.png"
+             }
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
-             "action" => "remove",
-             "shortcode" => "blank_url"
-           })
-           |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png"}
+      assert conn
+             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
+               "action" => "remove",
+               "shortcode" => "blank_url"
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_url" => "blank_url.png"}
-    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
+    end
   test "creating and deleting a pack" do

From 342f55fb92c723acf7f53de2dae390b72051c94b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 13:34:32 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 08/18] refactor emoji api with fixes

 lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex                     | 509 ++++++++++
 .../controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex       | 616 ++++--------
 lib/pleroma/web/router.ex                     |   3 +-
 .../emoji/pack_bad_sha/blank.png              | Bin 0 -> 95 bytes
 .../emoji/pack_bad_sha/pack.json              |  13 +
 .../emoji/pack_bad_sha/       | Bin 0 -> 256 bytes
 .../instance_static/emoji/test_pack/pack.json |  16 +-
 .../emoji/test_pack_nonshared/pack.json       |   5 +-
 .../controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs | 944 ++++++++++++------
 9 files changed, 1327 insertions(+), 779 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
 create mode 100644 test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/blank.png
 create mode 100644 test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/pack.json
 create mode 100644 test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex b/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21ed12c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+defmodule Pleroma.Emoji.Pack do
+  @derive {Jason.Encoder, only: [:files, :pack]}
+  defstruct files: %{},
+            pack_file: nil,
+            path: nil,
+            pack: %{},
+            name: nil
+  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
+          files: %{String.t() => Path.t()},
+          pack_file: Path.t(),
+          path: Path.t(),
+          pack: map(),
+          name: String.t()
+        }
+  alias Pleroma.Emoji
+  @spec emoji_path() :: Path.t()
+  def emoji_path do
+    static = Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir])
+    Path.join(static, "emoji")
+  end
+  @spec create(String.t()) :: :ok | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values}
+  def create(name) when byte_size(name) > 0 do
+    dir = Path.join(emoji_path(), name)
+    with :ok <- File.mkdir(dir) do
+      %__MODULE__{
+        pack_file: Path.join(dir, "pack.json")
+      }
+      |> save_pack()
+    end
+  end
+  def create(_), do: {:error, :empty_values}
+  @spec show(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:loaded, nil} | {:error, :empty_values}
+  def show(name) when byte_size(name) > 0 do
+    with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)},
+         {_, pack} <- validate_pack(pack) do
+      {:ok, pack}
+    end
+  end
+  def show(_), do: {:error, :empty_values}
+  @spec delete(String.t()) ::
+          {:ok, [binary()]} | {:error, File.posix(), binary()} | {:error, :empty_values}
+  def delete(name) when byte_size(name) > 0 do
+    emoji_path()
+    |> Path.join(name)
+    |> File.rm_rf()
+  end
+  def delete(_), do: {:error, :empty_values}
+  @spec add_file(String.t(), String.t(), Path.t(), Plug.Upload.t() | String.t()) ::
+          {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values}
+  def add_file(name, shortcode, filename, file)
+      when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 and byte_size(filename) > 0 do
+    with {_, nil} <- {:exists, Emoji.get(shortcode)},
+         {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)} do
+      file_path = Path.join(pack.path, filename)
+      create_subdirs(file_path)
+      case file do
+        %Plug.Upload{path: upload_path} ->
+          # Copy the uploaded file from the temporary directory
+          File.copy!(upload_path, file_path)
+        url when is_binary(url) ->
+          # Download and write the file
+          file_contents = Tesla.get!(url).body
+          File.write!(file_path, file_contents)
+      end
+      files = Map.put(pack.files, shortcode, filename)
+      updated_pack = %{pack | files: files}
+      case save_pack(updated_pack) do
+        :ok ->
+          Emoji.reload()
+          {:ok, updated_pack}
+        e ->
+          e
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def add_file(_, _, _, _), do: {:error, :empty_values}
+  defp create_subdirs(file_path) do
+    if String.contains?(file_path, "/") do
+      file_path
+      |> Path.dirname()
+      |> File.mkdir_p!()
+    end
+  end
+  @spec remove_file(String.t(), String.t()) ::
+          {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values}
+  def remove_file(name, shortcode) when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 do
+    with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)},
+         {_, {filename, files}} when not is_nil(filename) <-
+           {:exists, Map.pop(pack.files, shortcode)},
+         emoji <- Path.join(pack.path, filename),
+         {_, true} <- {:exists, File.exists?(emoji)} do
+      emoji_dir = Path.dirname(emoji)
+      File.rm!(emoji)
+      if String.contains?(filename, "/") and!(emoji_dir) == [] do
+        File.rmdir!(emoji_dir)
+      end
+      updated_pack = %{pack | files: files}
+      case save_pack(updated_pack) do
+        :ok ->
+          Emoji.reload()
+          {:ok, updated_pack}
+        e ->
+          e
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def remove_file(_, _), do: {:error, :empty_values}
+  @spec update_file(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), boolean()) ::
+          {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values}
+  def update_file(name, shortcode, new_shortcode, new_filename, force)
+      when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 and byte_size(new_shortcode) > 0 and
+             byte_size(new_filename) > 0 do
+    with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)},
+         {_, {filename, files}} when not is_nil(filename) <-
+           {:exists, Map.pop(pack.files, shortcode)},
+         {_, true} <- {:not_used, force or is_nil(Emoji.get(new_shortcode))} do
+      old_path = Path.join(pack.path, filename)
+      old_dir = Path.dirname(old_path)
+      new_path = Path.join(pack.path, new_filename)
+      create_subdirs(new_path)
+      :ok = File.rename(old_path, new_path)
+      if String.contains?(filename, "/") and!(old_dir) == [] do
+        File.rmdir!(old_dir)
+      end
+      files = Map.put(files, new_shortcode, new_filename)
+      updated_pack = %{pack | files: files}
+      case save_pack(updated_pack) do
+        :ok ->
+          Emoji.reload()
+          {:ok, updated_pack}
+        e ->
+          e
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def update_file(_, _, _, _, _), do: {:error, :empty_values}
+  @spec import_from_filesystem() :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, atom()}
+  def import_from_filesystem do
+    emoji_path = emoji_path()
+    with {:ok, %{access: :read_write}} <- File.stat(emoji_path),
+         {:ok, results} <- do
+      names =
+        results
+        |>, &1))
+        |> Enum.reject(fn path ->
+          File.dir?(path) and File.exists?(Path.join(path, "pack.json"))
+        end)
+        |>
+        |> Enum.filter(& &1)
+      {:ok, names}
+    else
+      {:ok, %{access: _}} -> {:error, :not_writable}
+      e -> e
+    end
+  end
+  defp write_pack_contents(path) do
+    pack = %__MODULE__{
+      files: files_from_path(path),
+      path: path,
+      pack_file: Path.join(path, "pack.json")
+    }
+    case save_pack(pack) do
+      :ok -> Path.basename(path)
+      _ -> nil
+    end
+  end
+  defp files_from_path(path) do
+    txt_path = Path.join(path, "emoji.txt")
+    if File.exists?(txt_path) do
+      # There's an emoji.txt file, it's likely from a pack installed by the pack manager.
+      # Make a pack.json file from the contents of that emoji.txt file
+      # FIXME: Copy-pasted from Pleroma.Emoji/load_from_file_stream/2
+      # Create a map of shortcodes to filenames from emoji.txt
+      |> String.split("\n")
+      |>
+      |> line ->
+        case String.split(line, ~r/,\s*/) do
+          # This matches both strings with and without tags
+          # and we don't care about tags here
+          [name, file | _] ->
+            file_dir_name = Path.dirname(file)
+            file =
+              if String.ends_with?(path, file_dir_name) do
+                Path.basename(file)
+              else
+                file
+              end
+            {name, file}
+          _ ->
+            nil
+        end
+      end)
+      |> Enum.filter(& &1)
+      |> Enum.into(%{})
+    else
+      # If there's no emoji.txt, assume all files
+      # that are of certain extensions from the config are emojis and import them all
+      pack_extensions = Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :pack_extensions])
+      Emoji.Loader.make_shortcode_to_file_map(path, pack_extensions)
+    end
+  end
+  @spec list_remote_packs(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()}
+  def list_remote_packs(url) do
+    uri =
+      url
+      |> String.trim()
+      |> URI.parse()
+    with {_, true} <- {:shareable, shareable_packs_available?(uri)} do
+      packs =
+        uri
+        |> URI.merge("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs")
+        |> to_string()
+        |> Tesla.get!()
+        |> Map.get(:body)
+        |> Jason.decode!()
+      {:ok, packs}
+    end
+  end
+  @spec list_local_packs() :: {:ok, map()}
+  def list_local_packs do
+    emoji_path = emoji_path()
+    # Create the directory first if it does not exist. This is probably the first request made
+    # with the API so it should be sufficient
+    with {:create_dir, :ok} <- {:create_dir, File.mkdir_p(emoji_path)},
+         {:ls, {:ok, results}} <- {:ls,} do
+      packs =
+        results
+        |>
+        |> Enum.filter(& &1)
+        |>
+        |>
+      {:ok, packs}
+    end
+  end
+  defp validate_pack(pack) do
+    if downloadable?(pack) do
+      archive = fetch_archive(pack)
+      archive_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, archive) |> Base.encode16()
+      info =
+        pack.pack
+        |> Map.put("can-download", true)
+        |> Map.put("download-sha256", archive_sha)
+      {, Map.put(pack, :pack, info)}
+    else
+      info = Map.put(pack.pack, "can-download", false)
+      {, Map.put(pack, :pack, info)}
+    end
+  end
+  defp downloadable?(pack) do
+    # If the pack is set as shared, check if it can be downloaded
+    # That means that when asked, the pack can be packed and sent to the remote
+    # Otherwise, they'd have to download it from external-src
+    pack.pack["share-files"] &&
+      Enum.all?(pack.files, fn {_, file} ->
+        File.exists?(Path.join(pack.path, file))
+      end)
+  end
+  @spec download(String.t()) :: {:ok, binary()}
+  def download(name) do
+    with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:exists?, load_pack(name)},
+         {_, true} <- {:can_download?, downloadable?(pack)} do
+      {:ok, fetch_archive(pack)}
+    end
+  end
+  defp fetch_archive(pack) do
+    hash = :crypto.hash(:md5,!(pack.pack_file))
+    case Cachex.get!(:emoji_packs_cache, do
+      %{hash: ^hash, pack_data: archive} ->
+        archive
+      _ ->
+        create_archive_and_cache(pack, hash)
+    end
+  end
+  defp create_archive_and_cache(pack, hash) do
+    files = ['pack.json' |, fn {_, file} -> to_charlist(file) end)]
+    {:ok, {_, result}} =
+'#{}.zip', files, [:memory, cwd: to_charlist(pack.path)])
+    ttl_per_file = Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file])
+    overall_ttl = :timer.seconds(ttl_per_file * Enum.count(files))
+    Cachex.put!(
+      :emoji_packs_cache,
+      # if pack.json MD5 changes, the cache is not valid anymore
+      %{hash: hash, pack_data: result},
+      # Add a minute to cache time for every file in the pack
+      ttl: overall_ttl
+    )
+    result
+  end
+  @spec download_from_source(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: :ok
+  def download_from_source(name, url, as) do
+    uri =
+      url
+      |> String.trim()
+      |> URI.parse()
+    with {_, true} <- {:shareable, shareable_packs_available?(uri)} do
+      # TODO: why do we load all packs, if we know the name of pack we need
+      remote_pack =
+        uri
+        |> URI.merge("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/#{name}")
+        |> to_string()
+        |> Tesla.get!()
+        |> Map.get(:body)
+        |> Jason.decode!()
+      result =
+        case remote_pack["pack"] do
+          %{"share-files" => true, "can-download" => true, "download-sha256" => sha} ->
+            {:ok,
+             %{
+               sha: sha,
+               url:
+                 URI.merge(uri, "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/#{name}/download_shared") |> to_string()
+             }}
+          %{"fallback-src" => src, "fallback-src-sha256" => sha} when is_binary(src) ->
+            {:ok,
+             %{
+               sha: sha,
+               url: src,
+               fallback: true
+             }}
+          _ ->
+            {:error,
+             "The pack was not set as shared and there is no fallback src to download from"}
+        end
+      with {:ok, %{sha: sha, url: url} = pinfo} <- result,
+           %{body: archive} <- Tesla.get!(url),
+           {_, true} <- {:checksum, Base.decode16!(sha) == :crypto.hash(:sha256, archive)} do
+        local_name = as || name
+        path = Path.join(emoji_path(), local_name)
+        pack = %__MODULE__{
+          name: local_name,
+          path: path,
+          files: remote_pack["files"],
+          pack_file: Path.join(path, "pack.json")
+        }
+        File.mkdir_p!(pack.path)
+        files =["files"], fn {_, path} -> to_charlist(path) end)
+        # Fallback cannot contain a pack.json file
+        files = if pinfo[:fallback], do: files, else: ['pack.json' | files]
+        {:ok, _} = :zip.unzip(archive, cwd: to_charlist(pack.path), file_list: files)
+        # Fallback can't contain a pack.json file, since that would cause the fallback-src-sha256
+        # in it to depend on itself
+        if pinfo[:fallback] do
+          save_pack(pack)
+        end
+        :ok
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  defp save_pack(pack), do: File.write(pack.pack_file, Jason.encode!(pack, pretty: true))
+  @spec save_metadata(map(), t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()}
+  def save_metadata(metadata, %__MODULE__{} = pack) do
+    pack = Map.put(pack, :pack, metadata)
+    with :ok <- save_pack(pack) do
+      {:ok, pack}
+    end
+  end
+  @spec update_metadata(String.t(), map()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()}
+  def update_metadata(name, data) do
+    pack = load_pack(name)
+    fb_sha_changed? =
+      not is_nil(data["fallback-src"]) and data["fallback-src"] != pack.pack["fallback-src"]
+    with {_, true} <- {:update?, fb_sha_changed?},
+         {:ok, %{body: zip}} <- Tesla.get(data["fallback-src"]),
+         {:ok, f_list} <- :zip.unzip(zip, [:memory]),
+         {_, true} <- {:has_all_files?, has_all_files?(pack.files, f_list)} do
+      fallback_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, zip) |> Base.encode16()
+      data
+      |> Map.put("fallback-src-sha256", fallback_sha)
+      |> save_metadata(pack)
+    else
+      {:update?, _} -> save_metadata(data, pack)
+      e -> e
+    end
+  end
+  # Check if all files from the pack.json are in the archive
+  defp has_all_files?(files, f_list) do
+    Enum.all?(files, fn {_, from_manifest} ->
+      List.keyfind(f_list, to_charlist(from_manifest), 0)
+    end)
+  end
+  @spec load_pack(String.t()) :: t() | nil
+  def load_pack(name) do
+    pack_file = Path.join([emoji_path(), name, "pack.json"])
+    if File.exists?(pack_file) do
+      pack_file
+      |>!()
+      |> from_json()
+      |> Map.put(:pack_file, pack_file)
+      |> Map.put(:path, Path.dirname(pack_file))
+      |> Map.put(:name, name)
+    end
+  end
+  defp from_json(json) do
+    map = Jason.decode!(json)
+    struct(__MODULE__, %{files: map["files"], pack: map["pack"]})
+  end
+  defp shareable_packs_available?(uri) do
+    uri
+    |> URI.merge("/.well-known/nodeinfo")
+    |> to_string()
+    |> Tesla.get!()
+    |> Map.get(:body)
+    |> Jason.decode!()
+    |> Map.get("links")
+    |> List.last()
+    |> Map.get("href")
+    # Get the actual nodeinfo address and fetch it
+    |> Tesla.get!()
+    |> Map.get(:body)
+    |> Jason.decode!()
+    |> get_in(["metadata", "features"])
+    |> Enum.member?("shareable_emoji_packs")
+  end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
index 981bac4fa..9fa857474 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
 defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiAPIController do
   use Pleroma.Web, :controller
-  alias Pleroma.Plugs.ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug
-  alias Pleroma.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug
-  require Logger
+  alias Pleroma.Emoji.Pack
-    OAuthScopesPlug,
+    Pleroma.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug,
     %{scopes: ["write"], admin: true}
     when action in [
-           :save_from,
+           :download_from,
@@ -21,17 +18,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiAPIController do
-    [OAuthScopesPlug, ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug]
+    [Pleroma.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug, Pleroma.Plugs.ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug]
     when action in [:download_shared, :list_packs, :list_from]
-  defp emoji_dir_path do
-    Path.join(
-      Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]),
-      "emoji"
-    )
-  end
   @doc """
   Lists packs from the remote instance.
@@ -39,17 +29,13 @@ defp emoji_dir_path do
   be done by the server
   def list_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address}) do
-    address = String.trim(address)
-    if shareable_packs_available(address) do
-      list_resp =
-        "#{address}/api/pleroma/emoji/packs" |> Tesla.get!() |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!()
-      json(conn, list_resp)
+    with {:ok, packs} <- Pack.list_remote_packs(address) do
+      json(conn, packs)
-      conn
-      |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
-      |> json(%{error: "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"})
+      {:shareable, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
+        |> json(%{error: "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"})
@@ -60,113 +46,44 @@ def list_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address}) do
   a map of "pack directory name" to pack.json contents.
   def list_packs(conn, _params) do
-    # Create the directory first if it does not exist. This is probably the first request made
-    # with the API so it should be sufficient
-    with {:create_dir, :ok} <- {:create_dir, File.mkdir_p(emoji_dir_path())},
-         {:ls, {:ok, results}} <- {:ls,} do
-      pack_infos =
-        results
-        |> Enum.filter(&has_pack_json?/1)
-        |>
-        # Check if all the files are in place and can be sent
-        |>
-        # Transform into a map of pack-name => pack-data
-        |> Enum.into(%{})
+    emoji_path =
+      Path.join(
+        Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]),
+        "emoji"
+      )
-      json(conn, pack_infos)
+    with {:ok, packs} <- Pack.list_local_packs() do
+      json(conn, packs)
       {:create_dir, {:error, e}} ->
         |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
-        |> json(%{error: "Failed to create the emoji pack directory at #{emoji_dir_path()}: #{e}"})
+        |> json(%{error: "Failed to create the emoji pack directory at #{emoji_path}: #{e}"})
       {:ls, {:error, e}} ->
         |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
         |> json(%{
-          error:
-            "Failed to get the contents of the emoji pack directory at #{emoji_dir_path()}: #{e}"
+          error: "Failed to get the contents of the emoji pack directory at #{emoji_path}: #{e}"
-  defp has_pack_json?(file) do
-    dir_path = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), file)
-    # Filter to only use the pack.json packs
-    File.dir?(dir_path) and File.exists?(Path.join(dir_path, "pack.json"))
-  end
+  def show(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
+    name = String.trim(name)
-  defp load_pack(pack_name) do
-    pack_path = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), pack_name)
-    pack_file = Path.join(pack_path, "pack.json")
-    {pack_name, Jason.decode!(!(pack_file))}
-  end
-  defp validate_pack({name, pack}) do
-    pack_path = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), name)
-    if can_download?(pack, pack_path) do
-      archive_for_sha = make_archive(name, pack, pack_path)
-      archive_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, archive_for_sha) |> Base.encode16()
-      pack =
-        pack
-        |> put_in(["pack", "can-download"], true)
-        |> put_in(["pack", "download-sha256"], archive_sha)
-      {name, pack}
+    with {:ok, pack} <- do
+      json(conn, pack)
-      {name, put_in(pack, ["pack", "can-download"], false)}
-    end
-  end
+      {:loaded, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:not_found)
+        |> json(%{error: "Pack #{name} does not exist"})
-  defp can_download?(pack, pack_path) do
-    # If the pack is set as shared, check if it can be downloaded
-    # That means that when asked, the pack can be packed and sent to the remote
-    # Otherwise, they'd have to download it from external-src
-    pack["pack"]["share-files"] &&
-      Enum.all?(pack["files"], fn {_, path} ->
-        File.exists?(Path.join(pack_path, path))
-      end)
-  end
-  defp create_archive_and_cache(name, pack, pack_dir, md5) do
-    files =
-      ['pack.json'] ++
-        (pack["files"] |> {_, path} -> to_charlist(path) end))
-    {:ok, {_, zip_result}} ='#{name}.zip', files, [:memory, cwd: to_charlist(pack_dir)])
-    cache_seconds_per_file = Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :shared_pack_cache_seconds_per_file])
-    cache_ms = :timer.seconds(cache_seconds_per_file * Enum.count(files))
-    Cachex.put!(
-      :emoji_packs_cache,
-      name,
-      # if pack.json MD5 changes, the cache is not valid anymore
-      %{pack_json_md5: md5, pack_data: zip_result},
-      # Add a minute to cache time for every file in the pack
-      ttl: cache_ms
-    )
-    Logger.debug("Created an archive for the '#{name}' emoji pack, \
-keeping it in cache for #{div(cache_ms, 1000)}s")
-    zip_result
-  end
-  defp make_archive(name, pack, pack_dir) do
-    # Having a different pack.json md5 invalidates cache
-    pack_file_md5 = :crypto.hash(:md5,!(Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")))
-    case Cachex.get!(:emoji_packs_cache, name) do
-      %{pack_file_md5: ^pack_file_md5, pack_data: zip_result} ->
-        Logger.debug("Using cache for the '#{name}' shared emoji pack")
-        zip_result
-      _ ->
-        create_archive_and_cache(name, pack, pack_dir, pack_file_md5)
+      {:error, :empty_values} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack name cannot be empty"})
@@ -175,21 +92,15 @@ defp make_archive(name, pack, pack_dir) do
   to download packs that the instance shares.
   def download_shared(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-    pack_dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), name)
-    pack_file = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
-    with {_, true} <- {:exists?, File.exists?(pack_file)},
-         pack = Jason.decode!(!(pack_file)),
-         {_, true} <- {:can_download?, can_download?(pack, pack_dir)} do
-      zip_result = make_archive(name, pack, pack_dir)
-      send_download(conn, {:binary, zip_result}, filename: "#{name}.zip")
+    with {:ok, archive} <- do
+      send_download(conn, {:binary, archive}, filename: "#{name}.zip")
       {:can_download?, _} ->
         |> put_status(:forbidden)
         |> json(%{
-          error: "Pack #{name} cannot be downloaded from this instance, either pack sharing\
-           was disabled for this pack or some files are missing"
+          error:
+            "Pack #{name} cannot be downloaded from this instance, either pack sharing was disabled for this pack or some files are missing"
       {:exists?, _} ->
@@ -199,22 +110,6 @@ def download_shared(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-  defp shareable_packs_available(address) do
-    "#{address}/.well-known/nodeinfo"
-    |> Tesla.get!()
-    |> Map.get(:body)
-    |> Jason.decode!()
-    |> Map.get("links")
-    |> List.last()
-    |> Map.get("href")
-    # Get the actual nodeinfo address and fetch it
-    |> Tesla.get!()
-    |> Map.get(:body)
-    |> Jason.decode!()
-    |> get_in(["metadata", "features"])
-    |> Enum.member?("shareable_emoji_packs")
-  end
   @doc """
   An admin endpoint to request downloading and storing a pack named `pack_name` from the instance
@@ -222,74 +117,24 @@ defp shareable_packs_available(address) do
   If the requested instance's admin chose to share the pack, it will be downloaded
   from that instance, otherwise it will be downloaded from the fallback source, if there is one.
-  def save_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address, "pack_name" => name} = data) do
-    address = String.trim(address)
-    if shareable_packs_available(address) do
-      full_pack =
-        "#{address}/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list"
-        |> Tesla.get!()
-        |> Map.get(:body)
-        |> Jason.decode!()
-        |> Map.get(name)
-      pack_info_res =
-        case full_pack["pack"] do
-          %{"share-files" => true, "can-download" => true, "download-sha256" => sha} ->
-            {:ok,
-             %{
-               sha: sha,
-               uri: "#{address}/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_shared/#{name}"
-             }}
-          %{"fallback-src" => src, "fallback-src-sha256" => sha} when is_binary(src) ->
-            {:ok,
-             %{
-               sha: sha,
-               uri: src,
-               fallback: true
-             }}
-          _ ->
-            {:error,
-             "The pack was not set as shared and there is no fallback src to download from"}
-        end
-      with {:ok, %{sha: sha, uri: uri} = pinfo} <- pack_info_res,
-           %{body: emoji_archive} <- Tesla.get!(uri),
-           {_, true} <- {:checksum, Base.decode16!(sha) == :crypto.hash(:sha256, emoji_archive)} do
-        local_name = data["as"] || name
-        pack_dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), local_name)
-        File.mkdir_p!(pack_dir)
-        files =["files"], fn {_, path} -> to_charlist(path) end)
-        # Fallback cannot contain a pack.json file
-        files = if pinfo[:fallback], do: files, else: ['pack.json'] ++ files
-        {:ok, _} = :zip.unzip(emoji_archive, cwd: to_charlist(pack_dir), file_list: files)
-        # Fallback can't contain a pack.json file, since that would cause the fallback-src-sha256
-        # in it to depend on itself
-        if pinfo[:fallback] do
-          pack_file_path = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
-          File.write!(pack_file_path, Jason.encode!(full_pack, pretty: true))
-        end
-        json(conn, "ok")
-      else
-        {:error, e} ->
-          conn |> put_status(:internal_server_error) |> json(%{error: e})
-        {:checksum, _} ->
-          conn
-          |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
-          |> json(%{error: "SHA256 for the pack doesn't match the one sent by the server"})
-      end
+  def download_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address, "pack_name" => name} = params) do
+    with :ok <- Pack.download_from_source(name, address, params["as"]) do
+      json(conn, "ok")
-      conn
-      |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
-      |> json(%{error: "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"})
+      {:shareable, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
+        |> json(%{error: "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"})
+      {:checksum, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
+        |> json(%{error: "SHA256 for the pack doesn't match the one sent by the server"})
+      {:error, e} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
+        |> json(%{error: e})
@@ -297,23 +142,27 @@ def save_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address, "pack_name" => name} = data
   Creates an empty pack named `name` which then can be updated via the admin UI.
   def create(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-    pack_dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), name)
+    name = String.trim(name)
-    if not File.exists?(pack_dir) do
-      File.mkdir_p!(pack_dir)
-      pack_file_p = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
-      File.write!(
-        pack_file_p,
-        Jason.encode!(%{pack: %{}, files: %{}}, pretty: true)
-      )
-      conn |> json("ok")
+    with :ok <- Pack.create(name) do
+      json(conn, "ok")
-      conn
-      |> put_status(:conflict)
-      |> json(%{error: "A pack named \"#{name}\" already exists"})
+      {:error, :eexist} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:conflict)
+        |> json(%{error: "A pack named \"#{name}\" already exists"})
+      {:error, :empty_values} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack name cannot be empty"})
+      {:error, _} ->
+        render_error(
+          conn,
+          :internal_server_error,
+          "Unexpected error occurred while creating pack."
+        )
@@ -321,11 +170,20 @@ def create(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
   Deletes the pack `name` and all it's files.
   def delete(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-    pack_dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), name)
+    name = String.trim(name)
-    case File.rm_rf(pack_dir) do
-      {:ok, _} ->
-        conn |> json("ok")
+    with {:ok, deleted} when deleted != [] <- Pack.delete(name) do
+      json(conn, "ok")
+    else
+      {:ok, []} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:not_found)
+        |> json(%{error: "Pack #{name} does not exist"})
+      {:error, :empty_values} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack name cannot be empty"})
       {:error, _, _} ->
@@ -340,82 +198,23 @@ def delete(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
   `new_data` is the new metadata for the pack, that will replace the old metadata.
   def update_metadata(conn, %{"pack_name" => name, "new_data" => new_data}) do
-    pack_file_p = Path.join([emoji_dir_path(), name, "pack.json"])
-    full_pack = Jason.decode!(!(pack_file_p))
-    # The new fallback-src is in the new data and it's not the same as it was in the old data
-    should_update_fb_sha =
-      not is_nil(new_data["fallback-src"]) and
-        new_data["fallback-src"] != full_pack["pack"]["fallback-src"]
-    with {_, true} <- {:should_update?, should_update_fb_sha},
-         %{body: pack_arch} <- Tesla.get!(new_data["fallback-src"]),
-         {:ok, flist} <- :zip.unzip(pack_arch, [:memory]),
-         {_, true} <- {:has_all_files?, has_all_files?(full_pack, flist)} do
-      fallback_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, pack_arch) |> Base.encode16()
-      new_data = Map.put(new_data, "fallback-src-sha256", fallback_sha)
-      update_metadata_and_send(conn, full_pack, new_data, pack_file_p)
+    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.update_metadata(name, new_data) do
+      json(conn, pack.pack)
-      {:should_update?, _} ->
-        update_metadata_and_send(conn, full_pack, new_data, pack_file_p)
       {:has_all_files?, _} ->
         |> put_status(:bad_request)
         |> json(%{error: "The fallback archive does not have all files specified in pack.json"})
+      {:error, _} ->
+        render_error(
+          conn,
+          :internal_server_error,
+          "Unexpected error occurred while updating pack metadata."
+        )
-  # Check if all files from the pack.json are in the archive
-  defp has_all_files?(%{"files" => files}, flist) do
-    Enum.all?(files, fn {_, from_manifest} ->
-      Enum.find(flist, fn {from_archive, _} ->
-        to_string(from_archive) == from_manifest
-      end)
-    end)
-  end
-  defp update_metadata_and_send(conn, full_pack, new_data, pack_file_p) do
-    full_pack = Map.put(full_pack, "pack", new_data)
-    File.write!(pack_file_p, Jason.encode!(full_pack, pretty: true))
-    # Send new data back with fallback sha filled
-    json(conn, new_data)
-  end
-  defp get_filename(%Plug.Upload{filename: filename}), do: filename
-  defp get_filename(url) when is_binary(url), do: Path.basename(url)
-  defp empty?(str), do: String.trim(str) == ""
-  defp update_pack_file(updated_full_pack, pack_file_p) do
-    content = Jason.encode!(updated_full_pack, pretty: true)
-    File.write!(pack_file_p, content)
-  end
-  defp create_subdirs(file_path) do
-    if String.contains?(file_path, "/") do
-      file_path
-      |> Path.dirname()
-      |> File.mkdir_p!()
-    end
-  end
-  defp pack_info(pack_name) do
-    dir = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), pack_name)
-    json_path = Path.join(dir, "pack.json")
-    json =
-      json_path
-      |>!()
-      |> Jason.decode!()
-    {dir, json_path, json}
-  end
   @doc """
   Updates a file in a pack.
@@ -436,50 +235,33 @@ def update_file(
         %{"pack_name" => pack_name, "action" => "add"} = params
       ) do
-    shortcode =
-      if params["shortcode"] do
-        params["shortcode"]
-      else
-        filename = get_filename(params["file"])
-        Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename))
-      end
+    filename = params["filename"] || get_filename(params["file"])
+    shortcode = params["shortcode"] || Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename))
-    {pack_dir, pack_file_p, full_pack} = pack_info(pack_name)
-    with {_, false} <- {:has_shortcode, Map.has_key?(full_pack["files"], shortcode)},
-         filename <- params["filename"] || get_filename(params["file"]),
-         false <- empty?(shortcode),
-         false <- empty?(filename),
-         file_path <- Path.join(pack_dir, filename) do
-      # If the name contains directories, create them
-      create_subdirs(file_path)
-      case params["file"] do
-        %Plug.Upload{path: upload_path} ->
-          # Copy the uploaded file from the temporary directory
-          File.copy!(upload_path, file_path)
-        url when is_binary(url) ->
-          # Download and write the file
-          file_contents = Tesla.get!(url).body
-          File.write!(file_path, file_contents)
-      end
-      full_pack
-      |> put_in(["files", shortcode], filename)
-      |> update_pack_file(pack_file_p)
-      json(conn, %{shortcode => filename})
+    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.add_file(pack_name, shortcode, filename, params["file"]) do
+      json(conn, pack.files)
-      {:has_shortcode, _} ->
+      {:exists, _} ->
         |> put_status(:conflict)
         |> json(%{error: "An emoji with the \"#{shortcode}\" shortcode already exists"})
-      true ->
+      {:loaded, _} ->
         |> put_status(:bad_request)
-        |> json(%{error: "shortcode or filename cannot be empty"})
+        |> json(%{error: "pack \"#{pack_name}\" is not found"})
+      {:error, :empty_values} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack name, shortcode or filename cannot be empty"})
+      {:error, _} ->
+        render_error(
+          conn,
+          :internal_server_error,
+          "Unexpected error occurred while adding file to pack."
+        )
@@ -489,87 +271,74 @@ def update_file(conn, %{
         "action" => "remove",
         "shortcode" => shortcode
       }) do
-    {pack_dir, pack_file_p, full_pack} = pack_info(pack_name)
-    if Map.has_key?(full_pack["files"], shortcode) do
-      {emoji_file_path, updated_full_pack} = pop_in(full_pack, ["files", shortcode])
-      emoji_file_path = Path.join(pack_dir, emoji_file_path)
-      # Delete the emoji file
-      File.rm!(emoji_file_path)
-      # If the old directory has no more files, remove it
-      if String.contains?(emoji_file_path, "/") do
-        dir = Path.dirname(emoji_file_path)
-        if Enum.empty?(!(dir)) do
-          File.rmdir!(dir)
-        end
-      end
-      update_pack_file(updated_full_pack, pack_file_p)
-      json(conn, %{shortcode => full_pack["files"][shortcode]})
+    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.remove_file(pack_name, shortcode) do
+      json(conn, pack.files)
-      conn
-      |> put_status(:bad_request)
-      |> json(%{error: "Emoji \"#{shortcode}\" does not exist"})
+      {:exists, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "Emoji \"#{shortcode}\" does not exist"})
+      {:loaded, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack \"#{pack_name}\" is not found"})
+      {:error, :empty_values} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack name or shortcode cannot be empty"})
+      {:error, _} ->
+        render_error(
+          conn,
+          :internal_server_error,
+          "Unexpected error occurred while removing file from pack."
+        )
   # Update
   def update_file(
-        %{"pack_name" => pack_name, "action" => "update", "shortcode" => shortcode} = params
+        %{"pack_name" => name, "action" => "update", "shortcode" => shortcode} = params
       ) do
-    {pack_dir, pack_file_p, full_pack} = pack_info(pack_name)
+    new_shortcode = params["new_shortcode"]
+    new_filename = params["new_filename"]
+    force = params["force"] == true
-    with {_, true} <- {:has_shortcode, Map.has_key?(full_pack["files"], shortcode)},
-         %{"new_shortcode" => new_shortcode, "new_filename" => new_filename} <- params,
-         false <- empty?(new_shortcode),
-         false <- empty?(new_filename) do
-      # First, remove the old shortcode, saving the old path
-      {old_emoji_file_path, updated_full_pack} = pop_in(full_pack, ["files", shortcode])
-      old_emoji_file_path = Path.join(pack_dir, old_emoji_file_path)
-      new_emoji_file_path = Path.join(pack_dir, new_filename)
-      # If the name contains directories, create them
-      create_subdirs(new_emoji_file_path)
-      # Move/Rename the old filename to a new filename
-      # These are probably on the same filesystem, so just rename should work
-      :ok = File.rename(old_emoji_file_path, new_emoji_file_path)
-      # If the old directory has no more files, remove it
-      if String.contains?(old_emoji_file_path, "/") do
-        dir = Path.dirname(old_emoji_file_path)
-        if Enum.empty?(!(dir)) do
-          File.rmdir!(dir)
-        end
-      end
-      # Then, put in the new shortcode with the new path
-      updated_full_pack
-      |> put_in(["files", new_shortcode], new_filename)
-      |> update_pack_file(pack_file_p)
-      json(conn, %{new_shortcode => new_filename})
+    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.update_file(name, shortcode, new_shortcode, new_filename, force) do
+      json(conn, pack.files)
-      {:has_shortcode, _} ->
+      {:exists, _} ->
         |> put_status(:bad_request)
         |> json(%{error: "Emoji \"#{shortcode}\" does not exist"})
-      true ->
+      {:not_used, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:conflict)
+        |> json(%{
+          error:
+            "New shortcode \"#{new_shortcode}\" is already used. If you want to override emoji use 'force' option"
+        })
+      {:loaded, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack \"#{name}\" is not found"})
+      {:error, :empty_values} ->
         |> put_status(:bad_request)
         |> json(%{error: "new_shortcode or new_filename cannot be empty"})
-      _ ->
-        conn
-        |> put_status(:bad_request)
-        |> json(%{error: "new_shortcode or new_file were not specified"})
+      {:error, _} ->
+        render_error(
+          conn,
+          :internal_server_error,
+          "Unexpected error occurred while updating file in pack."
+        )
@@ -589,23 +358,12 @@ def update_file(conn, %{"action" => action}) do
   neither, all the files with specific configured extenstions will be
   assumed to be emojis and stored in the new `pack.json` file.
   def import_from_fs(conn, _params) do
-    emoji_path = emoji_dir_path()
-    with {:ok, %{access: :read_write}} <- File.stat(emoji_path),
-         {:ok, results} <- do
-      imported_pack_names =
-        results
-        |> Enum.filter(fn file ->
-          dir_path = Path.join(emoji_path, file)
-          # Find the directories that do NOT have pack.json
-          File.dir?(dir_path) and not File.exists?(Path.join(dir_path, "pack.json"))
-        end)
-        |>
-      json(conn, imported_pack_names)
+    with {:ok, names} <- Pack.import_from_filesystem() do
+      json(conn, names)
-      {:ok, %{access: _}} ->
+      {:error, :not_writable} ->
         |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
         |> json(%{error: "Error: emoji pack directory must be writable"})
@@ -617,44 +375,6 @@ def import_from_fs(conn, _params) do
-  defp write_pack_json_contents(dir) do
-    dir_path = Path.join(emoji_dir_path(), dir)
-    emoji_txt_path = Path.join(dir_path, "emoji.txt")
-    files_for_pack = files_for_pack(emoji_txt_path, dir_path)
-    pack_json_contents = Jason.encode!(%{pack: %{}, files: files_for_pack})
-    File.write!(Path.join(dir_path, "pack.json"), pack_json_contents)
-    dir
-  end
-  defp files_for_pack(emoji_txt_path, dir_path) do
-    if File.exists?(emoji_txt_path) do
-      # There's an emoji.txt file, it's likely from a pack installed by the pack manager.
-      # Make a pack.json file from the contents of that emoji.txt fileh
-      # FIXME: Copy-pasted from Pleroma.Emoji/load_from_file_stream/2
-      # Create a map of shortcodes to filenames from emoji.txt
-      |> String.split("\n")
-      |>
-      |> line ->
-        case String.split(line, ~r/,\s*/) do
-          # This matches both strings with and without tags
-          # and we don't care about tags here
-          [name, file | _] -> {name, file}
-          _ -> nil
-        end
-      end)
-      |> Enum.filter(fn x -> not is_nil(x) end)
-      |> Enum.into(%{})
-    else
-      # If there's no emoji.txt, assume all files
-      # that are of certain extensions from the config are emojis and import them all
-      pack_extensions = Pleroma.Config.get!([:emoji, :pack_extensions])
-      Pleroma.Emoji.Loader.make_shortcode_to_file_map(dir_path, pack_extensions)
-    end
-  end
+  defp get_filename(%Plug.Upload{filename: filename}), do: filename
+  defp get_filename(url) when is_binary(url), do: Path.basename(url)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
index becce3098..0fcb517cf 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
@@ -221,12 +221,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
       delete("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :delete)
       # Note: /download_from downloads and saves to instance, not to requester
-      post("/download_from", EmojiAPIController, :save_from)
+      post("/download_from", EmojiAPIController, :download_from)
     # Pack info / downloading
     scope "/packs" do
       get("/", EmojiAPIController, :list_packs)
+      get("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :show)
       get("/:name/download_shared/", EmojiAPIController, :download_shared)
       get("/list_from", EmojiAPIController, :list_from)
diff --git a/test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/blank.png b/test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/blank.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f50fa02340e7e09e562f86e00b6e4bd6ad1d565
GIT binary patch
literal 95

literal 0

diff --git a/test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/pack.json b/test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/pack.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35caf4298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/pack.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+    "pack": {
+        "license": "Test license",
+        "homepage": "",
+        "description": "Test description",
+        "can-download": true,
+        "share-files": true,
+        "download-sha256": "57482F30674FD3DE821FF48C81C00DA4D4AF1F300209253684ABA7075E5FC238"
+    },
+    "files": {
+        "blank": "blank.png"
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/ b/test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..148446c642ea24b494bc3e25ccd772faaf2f2a13
GIT binary patch
literal 256

literal 0

diff --git a/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack/pack.json b/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack/pack.json
index 5a8ee75f9..481891b08 100644
--- a/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack/pack.json
+++ b/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack/pack.json
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-    "pack": {
-        "license": "Test license",
-        "homepage": "",
-        "description": "Test description",
-        "share-files": true
-    },
     "files": {
         "blank": "blank.png"
+    },
+    "pack": {
+        "description": "Test description",
+        "homepage": "",
+        "license": "Test license",
+        "share-files": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack_nonshared/pack.json b/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack_nonshared/pack.json
index b96781f81..93d643a5f 100644
--- a/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack_nonshared/pack.json
+++ b/test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack_nonshared/pack.json
@@ -3,14 +3,11 @@
         "license": "Test license",
         "homepage": "",
         "description": "Test description",
         "fallback-src": "https://nonshared-pack",
         "fallback-src-sha256": "74409E2674DAA06C072729C6C8426C4CB3B7E0B85ED77792DB7A436E11D76DAF",
         "share-files": false
     "files": {
         "blank": "blank.png"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
index 6844601d7..6a0d7dd11 100644
--- a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -8,212 +8,309 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiAPIControllerTest do
   import Tesla.Mock
   import Pleroma.Factory
-  @emoji_dir_path Path.join(
-                    Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]),
-                    "emoji"
-                  )
+  @emoji_path Path.join(
+                Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]),
+                "emoji"
+              )
   setup do: clear_config([:auth, :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage], false)
-  test "shared & non-shared pack information in list_packs is ok" do
-    conn = build_conn()
-    resp = conn |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_packs)) |> json_response(200)
-    assert Map.has_key?(resp, "test_pack")
-    pack = resp["test_pack"]
-    assert Map.has_key?(pack["pack"], "download-sha256")
-    assert pack["pack"]["can-download"]
-    assert pack["files"] == %{"blank" => "blank.png"}
-    # Non-shared pack
-    assert Map.has_key?(resp, "test_pack_nonshared")
-    pack = resp["test_pack_nonshared"]
-    refute pack["pack"]["shared"]
-    refute pack["pack"]["can-download"]
-  end
-  test "listing remote packs" do
-    conn = build_conn()
-    resp =
-      build_conn()
-      |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_packs))
-      |> json_response(200)
-    mock(fn
-      %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
-        json(%{links: [%{href: ""}]})
-      %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
-        json(%{metadata: %{features: ["shareable_emoji_packs"]}})
-      %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
-        json(resp)
-    end)
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_from), %{instance_address: ""})
-           |> json_response(200) == resp
-  end
-  test "downloading a shared pack from download_shared" do
-    conn = build_conn()
-    resp =
-      conn
-      |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :download_shared, "test_pack"))
-      |> response(200)
-    {:ok, arch} = :zip.unzip(resp, [:memory])
-    assert Enum.find(arch, fn {n, _} -> n == 'pack.json' end)
-    assert Enum.find(arch, fn {n, _} -> n == 'blank.png' end)
-  end
-  test "downloading shared & unshared packs from another instance, deleting them" do
-    on_exit(fn ->
-      File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack2")
-      File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_nonshared2")
-    end)
-    mock(fn
-      %{method: :get, url: "https://old-instance/.well-known/nodeinfo"} ->
-        json(%{links: [%{href: "https://old-instance/nodeinfo/2.1.json"}]})
-      %{method: :get, url: "https://old-instance/nodeinfo/2.1.json"} ->
-        json(%{metadata: %{features: []}})
-      %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
-        json(%{links: [%{href: ""}]})
-      %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
-        json(%{metadata: %{features: ["shareable_emoji_packs"]}})
-      %{
-        method: :get,
-        url: ""
-      } ->
-        conn = build_conn()
-        conn
-        |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_packs))
-        |> json_response(200)
-        |> json()
-      %{
-        method: :get,
-        url: ""
-      } ->
-        conn = build_conn()
-        conn
-        |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :download_shared, "test_pack"))
-        |> response(200)
-        |> text()
-      %{
-        method: :get,
-        url: "https://nonshared-pack"
-      } ->
-        text(!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_nonshared/"))
-    end)
+  setup do
     admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
+    token = insert(:oauth_admin_token, user: admin)
-    conn =
+    admin_conn =
       |> assign(:user, admin)
-      |> assign(:token, insert(:oauth_admin_token, user: admin, scopes: ["admin:write"]))
+      |> assign(:token, token)
-    assert (conn
-            |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
-            |> post(
-              emoji_api_path(
-                conn,
-                :save_from
-              ),
-              %{
-                instance_address: "https://old-instance",
-                pack_name: "test_pack",
-                as: "test_pack2"
-              }
-              |> Jason.encode!()
-            )
-            |> json_response(500))["error"] =~ "does not support"
+    Pleroma.Emoji.reload()
+    {:ok, %{admin_conn: admin_conn}}
+  end
-    assert conn
-           |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
-           |> post(
-             emoji_api_path(
-               conn,
-               :save_from
-             ),
-             %{
+  test "GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs", %{conn: conn} do
+    resp = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs") |> json_response(200)
+    shared = resp["test_pack"]
+    assert shared["files"] == %{"blank" => "blank.png"}
+    assert Map.has_key?(shared["pack"], "download-sha256")
+    assert shared["pack"]["can-download"]
+    assert shared["pack"]["share-files"]
+    non_shared = resp["test_pack_nonshared"]
+    assert non_shared["pack"]["share-files"] == false
+    assert non_shared["pack"]["can-download"] == false
+  end
+  describe "POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from" do
+    test "shareable instance", %{admin_conn: admin_conn, conn: conn} do
+      resp =
+        conn
+        |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs")
+        |> json_response(200)
+      mock(fn
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{links: [%{href: ""}]})
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{metadata: %{features: ["shareable_emoji_packs"]}})
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(resp)
+      end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from", %{
+               instance_address: ""
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == resp
+    end
+    test "non shareable instance", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      mock(fn
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{links: [%{href: ""}]})
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{metadata: %{features: []}})
+      end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from", %{
+               instance_address: ""
+             })
+             |> json_response(500) == %{
+               "error" => "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"
+             }
+    end
+  end
+  describe "GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/download_shared" do
+    test "download shared pack", %{conn: conn} do
+      resp =
+        conn
+        |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/download_shared")
+        |> response(200)
+      {:ok, arch} = :zip.unzip(resp, [:memory])
+      assert Enum.find(arch, fn {n, _} -> n == 'pack.json' end)
+      assert Enum.find(arch, fn {n, _} -> n == 'blank.png' end)
+    end
+    test "non existing pack", %{conn: conn} do
+      assert conn
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_for_import/download_shared")
+             |> json_response(:not_found) == %{
+               "error" => "Pack test_pack_for_import does not exist"
+             }
+    end
+    test "non downloadable pack", %{conn: conn} do
+      assert conn
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_nonshared/download_shared")
+             |> json_response(:forbidden) == %{
+               "error" =>
+                 "Pack test_pack_nonshared cannot be downloaded from this instance, either pack sharing was disabled for this pack or some files are missing"
+             }
+    end
+  end
+  describe "POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from" do
+    test "shared pack from remote and non shared from fallback-src", %{
+      admin_conn: admin_conn,
+      conn: conn
+    } do
+      mock(fn
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{links: [%{href: ""}]})
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{metadata: %{features: ["shareable_emoji_packs"]}})
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: ""
+        } ->
+          conn
+          |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack")
+          |> json_response(200)
+          |> json()
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: ""
+        } ->
+          conn
+          |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/download_shared")
+          |> response(200)
+          |> text()
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: ""
+        } ->
+          conn
+          |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_nonshared")
+          |> json_response(200)
+          |> json()
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: "https://nonshared-pack"
+        } ->
+          text(!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_nonshared/"))
+      end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from", %{
                instance_address: "",
                pack_name: "test_pack",
                as: "test_pack2"
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack2/pack.json")
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack2/blank.png")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack2")
+             |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack2")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post(
+               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from",
+               %{
+                 instance_address: "",
+                 pack_name: "test_pack_nonshared",
+                 as: "test_pack_nonshared2"
+               }
+             )
+             |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_nonshared2/pack.json")
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_nonshared2/blank.png")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_nonshared2")
+             |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_nonshared2")
+    end
+    test "nonshareable instance", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      mock(fn
+        %{method: :get, url: "https://old-instance/.well-known/nodeinfo"} ->
+          json(%{links: [%{href: "https://old-instance/nodeinfo/2.1.json"}]})
+        %{method: :get, url: "https://old-instance/nodeinfo/2.1.json"} ->
+          json(%{metadata: %{features: []}})
+      end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post(
+               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from",
+               %{
+                 instance_address: "https://old-instance",
+                 pack_name: "test_pack",
+                 as: "test_pack2"
+               }
+             )
+             |> json_response(500) == %{
+               "error" => "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"
-             |> Jason.encode!()
-           )
-           |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+    end
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack2/pack.json")
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack2/blank.png")
+    test "checksum fail", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      mock(fn
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{links: [%{href: ""}]})
-    assert conn
-           |> delete(emoji_api_path(conn, :delete, "test_pack2"))
-           |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{metadata: %{features: ["shareable_emoji_packs"]}})
-    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack2")
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: ""
+        } ->
+          %Tesla.Env{
+            status: 200,
+            body: Pleroma.Emoji.Pack.load_pack("pack_bad_sha") |> Jason.encode!()
+          }
-    # non-shared, downloaded from the fallback URL
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: ""
+        } ->
+          %Tesla.Env{
+            status: 200,
+            body:!("test/instance_static/emoji/pack_bad_sha/")
+          }
+      end)
-    assert conn
-           |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
-           |> post(
-             emoji_api_path(
-               conn,
-               :save_from
-             ),
-             %{
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from", %{
                instance_address: "",
-               pack_name: "test_pack_nonshared",
-               as: "test_pack_nonshared2"
+               pack_name: "pack_bad_sha",
+               as: "pack_bad_sha2"
+             })
+             |> json_response(:internal_server_error) == %{
+               "error" => "SHA256 for the pack doesn't match the one sent by the server"
-             |> Jason.encode!()
-           )
-           |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+    end
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_nonshared2/pack.json")
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_nonshared2/blank.png")
+    test "other error", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      mock(fn
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{links: [%{href: ""}]})
-    assert conn
-           |> delete(emoji_api_path(conn, :delete, "test_pack_nonshared2"))
-           |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+        %{method: :get, url: ""} ->
+          json(%{metadata: %{features: ["shareable_emoji_packs"]}})
-    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_nonshared2")
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: ""
+        } ->
+          %Tesla.Env{
+            status: 200,
+            body: %{"test_pack" => Pleroma.Emoji.Pack.load_pack("test_pack")} |> Jason.encode!()
+          }
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: ""
+        } ->
+          %Tesla.Env{
+            status: 200,
+            body:!("test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack/pack.json")
+          }
+      end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from", %{
+               instance_address: "",
+               pack_name: "test_pack",
+               as: "test_pack2"
+             })
+             |> json_response(:internal_server_error) == %{
+               "error" =>
+                 "The pack was not set as shared and there is no fallback src to download from"
+             }
+    end
   describe "updating pack metadata" do
     setup do
-      pack_file = "#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
+      pack_file = "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
       original_content =!(pack_file)
       on_exit(fn ->
         File.write!(pack_file, original_content)
-      admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
-      %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["admin:write"], user: admin)
-       admin: admin,
-       conn: conn,
        pack_file: pack_file,
        new_data: %{
          "license" => "Test license changed",
@@ -224,11 +321,9 @@ test "downloading shared & unshared packs from another instance, deleting them"
     test "for a pack without a fallback source", ctx do
-      conn = ctx[:conn]
-      assert conn
+      assert ctx[:admin_conn]
              |> post(
-               emoji_api_path(conn, :update_metadata, "test_pack"),
+               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_metadata",
                  "new_data" => ctx[:new_data]
@@ -244,7 +339,7 @@ test "for a pack with a fallback source", ctx do
           method: :get,
           url: "https://nonshared-pack"
         } ->
-          text(!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_nonshared/"))
+          text(!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_nonshared/"))
       new_data = Map.put(ctx[:new_data], "fallback-src", "https://nonshared-pack")
@@ -256,11 +351,9 @@ test "for a pack with a fallback source", ctx do
-      conn = ctx[:conn]
-      assert conn
+      assert ctx[:admin_conn]
              |> post(
-               emoji_api_path(conn, :update_metadata, "test_pack"),
+               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_metadata",
                  "new_data" => new_data
@@ -282,37 +375,241 @@ test "when the fallback source doesn't have all the files", ctx do
       new_data = Map.put(ctx[:new_data], "fallback-src", "https://nonshared-pack")
-      conn = ctx[:conn]
-      assert (conn
-              |> post(
-                emoji_api_path(conn, :update_metadata, "test_pack"),
-                %{
-                  "new_data" => new_data
-                }
-              )
-              |> json_response(:bad_request))["error"] =~ "does not have all"
+      assert ctx[:admin_conn]
+             |> post(
+               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_metadata",
+               %{
+                 "new_data" => new_data
+               }
+             )
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
+               "error" => "The fallback archive does not have all files specified in pack.json"
+             }
-  describe "update_file/2" do
+  describe "POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:pack_name/update_file" do
     setup do
-      pack_file = "#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
+      pack_file = "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
       original_content =!(pack_file)
       on_exit(fn ->
         File.write!(pack_file, original_content)
-      admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
-      %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["admin:write"], user: admin)
-      {:ok, conn: conn}
+      :ok
-    test "update file without shortcode", %{conn: conn} do
-      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/shortcode.png") end)
+    test "create shortcode exists", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "shortcode" => "blank",
+               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
+               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+                 filename: "blank.png",
+                 path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+               }
+             })
+             |> json_response(:conflict) == %{
+               "error" => "An emoji with the \"blank\" shortcode already exists"
+             }
+    end
-      assert conn
+    test "don't rewrite old emoji", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/") end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "shortcode" => "blank2",
+               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
+               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+                 filename: "blank.png",
+                 path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+               }
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png", "blank2" => "dir/blank.png"}
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "update",
+               "shortcode" => "blank",
+               "new_shortcode" => "blank2",
+               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             })
+             |> json_response(:conflict) == %{
+               "error" =>
+                 "New shortcode \"blank2\" is already used. If you want to override emoji use 'force' option"
+             }
+    end
+    test "rewrite old emoji with force option", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir_2/") end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "shortcode" => "blank2",
+               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
+               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+                 filename: "blank.png",
+                 path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+               }
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png", "blank2" => "dir/blank.png"}
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "update",
+               "shortcode" => "blank2",
+               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
+               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png",
+               "force" => true
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{
+               "blank" => "blank.png",
+               "blank3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             }
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir_2/blank_3.png")
+    end
+    test "with empty filename", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "shortcode" => "blank2",
+               "filename" => "",
+               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+                 filename: "blank.png",
+                 path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+               }
+             })
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
+               "error" => "pack name, shortcode or filename cannot be empty"
+             }
+    end
+    test "add file with not loaded pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "shortcode" => "blank2",
+               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
+               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+                 filename: "blank.png",
+                 path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+               }
+             })
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
+               "error" => "pack \"not_loaded\" is not found"
+             }
+    end
+    test "remove file with not loaded pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "remove",
+               "shortcode" => "blank3"
+             })
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack \"not_loaded\" is not found"}
+    end
+    test "remove file with empty shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "remove",
+               "shortcode" => ""
+             })
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
+               "error" => "pack name or shortcode cannot be empty"
+             }
+    end
+    test "update file with not loaded pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "update",
+               "shortcode" => "blank4",
+               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
+               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             })
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack \"not_loaded\" is not found"}
+    end
+    test "new with shortcode as file with update", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "shortcode" => "blank4",
+               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
+               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+                 filename: "blank.png",
+                 path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
+               }
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png", "blank4" => "dir/blank.png"}
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "update",
+               "shortcode" => "blank4",
+               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
+               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png", "blank" => "blank.png"}
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/")
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir_2/blank_3.png")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "remove",
+               "shortcode" => "blank3"
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png"}
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir_2/")
+      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir") end)
+    end
+    test "new with shortcode from url", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      mock(fn
+        %{
+          method: :get,
+          url: "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
+        } ->
+          text(!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"))
+      end)
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "add",
+               "shortcode" => "blank_url",
+               "file" => "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
+             })
+             |> json_response(200) == %{
+               "blank_url" => "blank_url.png",
+               "blank" => "blank.png"
+             }
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
+      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png") end)
+    end
+    test "new without shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/shortcode.png") end)
+      assert admin_conn
              |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
                "action" => "add",
                "file" => %Plug.Upload{
@@ -320,163 +617,176 @@ test "update file without shortcode", %{conn: conn} do
                  path: "#{Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir])}/add/shortcode.png"
-             |> json_response(200) == %{"shortcode" => "shortcode.png"}
+             |> json_response(200) == %{"shortcode" => "shortcode.png", "blank" => "blank.png"}
-    test "updating pack files", %{conn: conn} do
-      on_exit(fn ->
-        File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
-        File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir")
-        File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2")
-      end)
+    test "remove non existing shortcode in pack.json", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "remove",
+               "shortcode" => "blank2"
+             })
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "Emoji \"blank2\" does not exist"}
+    end
-      same_name = %{
-        "action" => "add",
-        "shortcode" => "blank",
-        "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
-        "file" => %Plug.Upload{
-          filename: "blank.png",
-          path: "#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
-        }
-      }
-      different_name = %{same_name | "shortcode" => "blank_2"}
-      assert (conn
-              |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), same_name)
-              |> json_response(:conflict))["error"] =~ "already exists"
-      assert conn
-             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), different_name)
-             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_2" => "dir/blank.png"}
-      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
-      assert conn
-             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
+    test "update non existing emoji", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
                "action" => "update",
-               "shortcode" => "blank_2",
-               "new_shortcode" => "blank_3",
+               "shortcode" => "blank2",
+               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
                "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
-             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"}
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "Emoji \"blank2\" does not exist"}
+    end
-      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir/")
-      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2/blank_3.png")
-      assert conn
-             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
-               "action" => "remove",
-               "shortcode" => "blank_3"
+    test "update with empty shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "update",
+               "shortcode" => "blank",
+               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
-             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"}
-      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/dir_2/")
-      mock(fn
-        %{
-          method: :get,
-          url: "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
-        } ->
-          text(!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank.png"))
-      end)
-      # The name should be inferred from the URL ending
-      from_url = %{
-        "action" => "add",
-        "shortcode" => "blank_url",
-        "file" => "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
-      }
-      assert conn
-             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), from_url)
-             |> json_response(200) == %{
-               "blank_url" => "blank_url.png"
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
+               "error" => "new_shortcode or new_filename cannot be empty"
+    end
-      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
-      assert conn
-             |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :update_file, "test_pack"), %{
-               "action" => "remove",
-               "shortcode" => "blank_url"
+    test "undefined action", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
+               "action" => "undefined"
-             |> json_response(200) == %{"blank_url" => "blank_url.png"}
-      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack/blank_url.png")
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
+               "error" => "Unknown action: undefined"
+             }
-  test "creating and deleting a pack" do
-    on_exit(fn ->
-      File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_created")
-    end)
+  describe "PUT /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name" do
+    test "creating and deleting a pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> put("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_created")
+             |> json_response(200) == "ok"
-    admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
-    %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["admin:write"], user: admin)
+      assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_created/pack.json")
-    assert conn
-           |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
-           |> put(
-             emoji_api_path(
-               conn,
-               :create,
-               "test_created"
-             )
-           )
-           |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+      assert Jason.decode!(!("#{@emoji_path}/test_created/pack.json")) == %{
+               "pack" => %{},
+               "files" => %{}
+             }
-    assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_created/pack.json")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_created")
+             |> json_response(200) == "ok"
-    assert Jason.decode!(!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_created/pack.json")) == %{
-             "pack" => %{},
-             "files" => %{}
-           }
+      refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_created/pack.json")
+    end
-    assert conn
-           |> delete(emoji_api_path(conn, :delete, "test_created"))
-           |> json_response(200) == "ok"
+    test "if pack exists", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      path = Path.join(@emoji_path, "test_created")
+      File.mkdir(path)
+      pack_file = Jason.encode!(%{files: %{}, pack: %{}})
+      File.write!(Path.join(path, "pack.json"), pack_file)
-    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_created/pack.json")
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> put("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_created")
+             |> json_response(:conflict) == %{
+               "error" => "A pack named \"test_created\" already exists"
+             }
+      on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf(path) end)
+    end
+    test "with empty name", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+      assert admin_conn
+             |> put("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/ ")
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack name cannot be empty"}
+    end
-  test "filesystem import" do
+  test "deleting nonexisting pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+    assert admin_conn
+           |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/non_existing")
+           |> json_response(:not_found) == %{"error" => "Pack non_existing does not exist"}
+  end
+  test "deleting with empty name", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
+    assert admin_conn
+           |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/ ")
+           |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack name cannot be empty"}
+  end
+  test "filesystem import", %{admin_conn: admin_conn, conn: conn} do
     on_exit(fn ->
-      File.rm!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_for_import/emoji.txt")
-      File.rm!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_for_import/pack.json")
+      File.rm!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_for_import/emoji.txt")
+      File.rm!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_for_import/pack.json")
-    conn = build_conn()
-    resp = conn |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_packs)) |> json_response(200)
+    resp = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs") |> json_response(200)
     refute Map.has_key?(resp, "test_pack_for_import")
-    admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
-    %{conn: conn} = oauth_access(["admin:write"], user: admin)
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :import_from_fs))
+    assert admin_conn
+           |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import_from_fs")
            |> json_response(200) == ["test_pack_for_import"]
-    resp = conn |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_packs)) |> json_response(200)
+    resp = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs") |> json_response(200)
     assert resp["test_pack_for_import"]["files"] == %{"blank" => "blank.png"}
-    File.rm!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_for_import/pack.json")
-    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_for_import/pack.json")
+    File.rm!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_for_import/pack.json")
+    refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_for_import/pack.json")
-    emoji_txt_content = "blank, blank.png, Fun\n\nblank2, blank.png"
+    emoji_txt_content = """
+    blank, blank.png, Fun
+    blank2, blank.png
+    foo, /emoji/test_pack_for_import/blank.png
+    bar
+    """
-    File.write!("#{@emoji_dir_path}/test_pack_for_import/emoji.txt", emoji_txt_content)
+    File.write!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_for_import/emoji.txt", emoji_txt_content)
-    assert conn
-           |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :import_from_fs))
+    assert admin_conn
+           |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import_from_fs")
            |> json_response(200) == ["test_pack_for_import"]
-    resp = build_conn() |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_packs)) |> json_response(200)
+    resp = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs") |> json_response(200)
     assert resp["test_pack_for_import"]["files"] == %{
              "blank" => "blank.png",
-             "blank2" => "blank.png"
+             "blank2" => "blank.png",
+             "foo" => "blank.png"
+  describe "GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name" do
+    test "shows pack.json", %{conn: conn} do
+      assert %{
+               "files" => %{"blank" => "blank.png"},
+               "pack" => %{
+                 "can-download" => true,
+                 "description" => "Test description",
+                 "download-sha256" => _,
+                 "homepage" => "",
+                 "license" => "Test license",
+                 "share-files" => true
+               }
+             } =
+               conn
+               |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack")
+               |> json_response(200)
+    end
+    test "non existing pack", %{conn: conn} do
+      assert conn
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/non_existing")
+             |> json_response(:not_found) == %{"error" => "Pack non_existing does not exist"}
+    end
+    test "error name", %{conn: conn} do
+      assert conn
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/ ")
+             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack name cannot be empty"}
+    end
+  end

From 95759310abb597275335936efa4a59615b16da6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 13:55:17 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 09/18] docs update

 docs/API/ | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/API/ b/docs/API/
index a7c7731ce..49b75f5f9 100644
--- a/docs/API/
+++ b/docs/API/
@@ -330,6 +330,13 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Params: None
 * Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status and the JSON hashmap of "pack name" to "pack contents"
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
+### Get pack.json for the pack
+* Method `GET`
+* Authentication: not required
+* Params: None
+* Response: JSON, pack json with `files` and `pack` keys with 200 status or 404 if the pack does not exist
 ## `PUT /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
 ### Creates an empty custom emoji pack
 * Method `PUT`
@@ -349,15 +356,17 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Method `POST`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
-    * if the `action` is `add`, adds an emoji named `shortcode` to the pack `pack_name`,
-      that means that the emoji file needs to be uploaded with the request
+    * if the `action` is `add`, adds an emoji file to the pack `pack_name`,
       (thus requiring it to be a multipart request) and be named `file`.
+      If `shortcode` is not specified, `shortcode` will be used from filename.
       There can also be an optional `filename` that will be the new emoji file name
       (if it's not there, the name will be taken from the uploaded file).
     * if the `action` is `update`, changes emoji shortcode
-      (from `shortcode` to `new_shortcode` or moves the file (from the current filename to `new_filename`)
+      (from `shortcode` to `new_shortcode` or moves the file (from the current filename to `new_filename`).
+      If new_shortcode is used in another emoji 409 status will be returned. If you want to override shortcode
+      pass `force` option with `true` value.
     * if the `action` is `remove`, removes the emoji named `shortcode` and it's associated file
-* Response: JSON, emoji shortcode with filename which was added/updated/deleted and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode
+* Response: JSON, updated "files" section of the pack and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode
   that is already taken, 400 if there was an error with the shortcode, filename or file (additional info
   in the "error" part of the response JSON)
@@ -385,7 +394,7 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Method `POST`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
-  * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to download from
+  * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to get packs from
 * Response: JSON with the pack list, same as if the request was made to that instance's
   list endpoint directly + 200 status

From f3070ddae5f4f7deda8365158e3750e5a575c222 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 15:00:48 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 10/18] removing entry from changelog

--- | 7 +++----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a220c14f6..a8589bbdc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -125,14 +125,13 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
   <summary>API Changes</summary>
-- **Breaking:** EmojiReactions: Change endpoints and responses to align with Mastodon
-- **Breaking:** Admin API: `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/force_password_reset` is now `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/force_password_reset` (accepts `nicknames` array in the request body)
+- **Breaking** EmojiReactions: Change endpoints and responses to align with Mastodon
+- **Breaking** Admin API: `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/force_password_reset` is now `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/users/force_password_reset` (accepts `nicknames` array in the request body)
 - **Breaking:** Admin API: Return link alongside with token on password reset
 - **Breaking:** Admin API: `PUT /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id` is now `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/reports`, see for details
 - **Breaking:** `/api/pleroma/admin/users/invite_token` now uses `POST`, changed accepted params and returns full invite in json instead of only token string.
-- **Breaking:** replying to reports is now "report notes", endpoint changed from `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/respond` to `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notes`
+- **Breaking** replying to reports is now "report notes", endpoint changed from `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/respond` to `POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notes`
 - Mastodon API: stopped sanitizing display names, field names and subject fields since they are supposed to be treated as plaintext
-- **Breaking:** Pleroma API: `/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_file` endpoint returns only updated emoji data.
 - Admin API: Return `total` when querying for reports
 - Mastodon API: Return `pleroma.direct_conversation_id` when creating a direct message (`POST /api/v1/statuses`)
 - Admin API: Return link alongside with token on password reset

From ddb757f7434c7216eec1b6ba4fa8b0b7a54157c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 21:15:14 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 11/18] emoji api packs changes in routes with docs update

 docs/API/                       | 114 ++++----
 lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex                     |  26 +-
 .../controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex       | 170 ++++--------
 lib/pleroma/web/router.ex                     |  23 +-
 .../controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs | 254 +++++++-----------
 5 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/API/ b/docs/API/
index 49b75f5f9..65d22980b 100644
--- a/docs/API/
+++ b/docs/API/
@@ -323,27 +323,47 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Params: None
 * Response: JSON, returns a list of Mastodon Conversation entities that were marked as read (200 - healthy, 503 unhealthy).
-## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs`
-### Lists the custom emoji packs on the server
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import`
+### Imports packs from filesystem
 * Method `GET`
-* Authentication: not required
+* Authentication: required
 * Params: None
-* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status and the JSON hashmap of "pack name" to "pack contents"
+* Response: JSON, returns a list of imported packs.
-## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
-### Get pack.json for the pack
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/remote`
+### Make request to another instance for packs list
 * Method `GET`
-* Authentication: not required
-* Params: None
-* Response: JSON, pack json with `files` and `pack` keys with 200 status or 404 if the pack does not exist
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+  * `url`: url of the instance to get packs from
+* Response: JSON with the pack list, hashmap with pack name and pack contents
-## `PUT /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
-### Creates an empty custom emoji pack
-* Method `PUT`
+## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download`
+### Download pack from another instance
+* Method `POST`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+  * `url`: url of the instance to download from
+  * `name`: pack to download from that instance
+* Response: JSON, "ok" with 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were
+  errors downloading the pack
+## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
+### Creates an empty pack
+* Method `POST`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params: None
 * Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 409 if the pack with that name already exists
+## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
+### Updates (replaces) pack metadata
+* Method `POST`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+  * `metadata`: metadata to replace the old one
+* Response: JSON, updated "metadata" section of the pack and 200 status or 400 if there was a
+  problem with the new metadata (the error is specified in the "error" part of the response JSON)
 ## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
 ### Delete a custom emoji pack
 * Method `DELETE`
@@ -351,54 +371,50 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Params: None
 * Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status or 500 if there was an error deleting the pack
-## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_file`
-### Update a file in a custom emoji pack
+## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
+### Add new file to the pack
 * Method `POST`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
-    * if the `action` is `add`, adds an emoji file to the pack `pack_name`,
-      (thus requiring it to be a multipart request) and be named `file`.
-      If `shortcode` is not specified, `shortcode` will be used from filename.
-      There can also be an optional `filename` that will be the new emoji file name
-      (if it's not there, the name will be taken from the uploaded file).
-    * if the `action` is `update`, changes emoji shortcode
-      (from `shortcode` to `new_shortcode` or moves the file (from the current filename to `new_filename`).
-      If new_shortcode is used in another emoji 409 status will be returned. If you want to override shortcode
-      pass `force` option with `true` value.
-    * if the `action` is `remove`, removes the emoji named `shortcode` and it's associated file
-* Response: JSON, updated "files" section of the pack and 200 status, 409 if the trying to use a shortcode
-  that is already taken, 400 if there was an error with the shortcode, filename or file (additional info
-  in the "error" part of the response JSON)
+  * `file`: uploaded file or link to remote file.
+  * `shortcode`: (*optional*) shortcode for new emoji, must be uniq for all emoji. If not sended, shortcode will be taken from original filename.
+  * `filename`: (*optional*) new emoji file name. If not specified will be taken from original filename.
+* Response: JSON, list of files for updated pack (hasmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
-## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/update_metadata`
-### Updates (replaces) pack metadata
-* Method `POST`
+## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
+### Update emoji file from pack
+* Method `PATCH`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
-  * `new_data`: new metadata to replace the old one
-* Response: JSON, updated "metadata" section of the pack and 200 status or 400 if there was a
-  problem with the new metadata (the error is specified in the "error" part of the response JSON)
+  * `shortcode`: emoji file shortcode
+  * `new_shortcode`: new emoji file shortcode
+  * `new_filename`: new filename for emoji file
+  * `force`: (*optional*) with true value to overwrite existing emoji with new shortcode
+* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hasmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
-## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from`
-### Requests the instance to download the pack from another instance
-* Method `POST`
+## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
+### Delete emoji file from pack
+* Method `DELETE`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
-  * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to download from
-  * `pack_name`: the pack to download from that instance
-* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were
-  errors downloading the pack
+  * `shortcode`: emoji file shortcode
+* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hasmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
-## `POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from`
-### Requests the instance to list the packs from another instance
-* Method `POST`
-* Authentication: required
-* Params:
-  * `instance_address`: the address of the instance to get packs from
-* Response: JSON with the pack list, same as if the request was made to that instance's
-  list endpoint directly + 200 status
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs`
+### Lists local custom emoji packs
+* Method `GET`
+* Authentication: not required
+* Params: None
+* Response: JSON, "ok" and 200 status and the JSON hashmap of pack name to pack contents
-## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/download_shared`
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
+### Get pack.json for the pack
+* Method `GET`
+* Authentication: not required
+* Params: None
+* Response: JSON, pack json with `files` and `pack` keys with 200 status or 404 if the pack does not exist
+## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/archive`
 ### Requests a local pack from the instance
 * Method `GET`
 * Authentication: not required
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex b/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
index 21ed12c78..eb50e52fa 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ defp create_subdirs(file_path) do
-  @spec remove_file(String.t(), String.t()) ::
+  @spec delete_file(String.t(), String.t()) ::
           {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values}
-  def remove_file(name, shortcode) when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 do
+  def delete_file(name, shortcode) when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcode) > 0 do
     with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:loaded, load_pack(name)},
          {_, {filename, files}} when not is_nil(filename) <-
            {:exists, Map.pop(pack.files, shortcode)},
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ def remove_file(name, shortcode) when byte_size(name) > 0 and byte_size(shortcod
-  def remove_file(_, _), do: {:error, :empty_values}
+  def delete_file(_, _), do: {:error, :empty_values}
   @spec update_file(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), boolean()) ::
           {:ok, t()} | {:error, File.posix()} | {:error, :empty_values}
@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ defp files_from_path(path) do
-  @spec list_remote_packs(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()}
-  def list_remote_packs(url) do
+  @spec list_remote(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()}
+  def list_remote(url) do
     uri =
       |> String.trim()
@@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ def list_remote_packs(url) do
-  @spec list_local_packs() :: {:ok, map()}
-  def list_local_packs do
+  @spec list_local() :: {:ok, map()}
+  def list_local do
     emoji_path = emoji_path()
     # Create the directory first if it does not exist. This is probably the first request made
@@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ defp downloadable?(pack) do
-  @spec download(String.t()) :: {:ok, binary()}
-  def download(name) do
+  @spec get_archive(String.t()) :: {:ok, binary()}
+  def get_archive(name) do
     with {_, %__MODULE__{} = pack} <- {:exists?, load_pack(name)},
          {_, true} <- {:can_download?, downloadable?(pack)} do
       {:ok, fetch_archive(pack)}
@@ -356,15 +356,14 @@ defp create_archive_and_cache(pack, hash) do
-  @spec download_from_source(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: :ok
-  def download_from_source(name, url, as) do
+  @spec download(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: :ok
+  def download(name, url, as) do
     uri =
       |> String.trim()
       |> URI.parse()
     with {_, true} <- {:shareable, shareable_packs_available?(uri)} do
-      # TODO: why do we load all packs, if we know the name of pack we need
       remote_pack =
         |> URI.merge("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/#{name}")
@@ -379,8 +378,7 @@ def download_from_source(name, url, as) do
                sha: sha,
-               url:
-                 URI.merge(uri, "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/#{name}/download_shared") |> to_string()
+               url: URI.merge(uri, "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/#{name}/archive") |> to_string()
           %{"fallback-src" => src, "fallback-src-sha256" => sha} when is_binary(src) ->
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
index 9fa857474..83a7f03e8 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiAPIController do
     %{scopes: ["write"], admin: true}
     when action in [
+           :import,
+           :remote,
+           :download,
+           :update,
-           :download_from,
-           :import_from_fs,
+           :add_file,
-           :update_metadata
+           :delete_file
@@ -22,14 +25,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiAPIController do
     when action in [:download_shared, :list_packs, :list_from]
-  @doc """
-  Lists packs from the remote instance.
-  Since JS cannot ask remote instances for their packs due to CPS, it has to
-  be done by the server
-  """
-  def list_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address}) do
-    with {:ok, packs} <- Pack.list_remote_packs(address) do
+  def remote(conn, %{"url" => url}) do
+    with {:ok, packs} <- Pack.list_remote(url) do
       json(conn, packs)
       {:shareable, _} ->
@@ -39,20 +36,14 @@ def list_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address}) do
-  @doc """
-  Lists the packs available on the instance as JSON.
-  The information is public and does not require authentication. The format is
-  a map of "pack directory name" to pack.json contents.
-  """
-  def list_packs(conn, _params) do
+  def list(conn, _params) do
     emoji_path =
         Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]),
-    with {:ok, packs} <- Pack.list_local_packs() do
+    with {:ok, packs} <- Pack.list_local() do
       json(conn, packs)
       {:create_dir, {:error, e}} ->
@@ -87,12 +78,8 @@ def show(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-  @doc """
-  An endpoint for other instances (via admin UI) or users (via browser)
-  to download packs that the instance shares.
-  """
-  def download_shared(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-    with {:ok, archive} <- do
+  def archive(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
+    with {:ok, archive} <- Pack.get_archive(name) do
       send_download(conn, {:binary, archive}, filename: "#{name}.zip")
       {:can_download?, _} ->
@@ -110,15 +97,8 @@ def download_shared(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-  @doc """
-  An admin endpoint to request downloading and storing a pack named `pack_name` from the instance
-  `instance_address`.
-  If the requested instance's admin chose to share the pack, it will be downloaded
-  from that instance, otherwise it will be downloaded from the fallback source, if there is one.
-  """
-  def download_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address, "pack_name" => name} = params) do
-    with :ok <- Pack.download_from_source(name, address, params["as"]) do
+  def download(conn, %{"url" => url, "name" => name} = params) do
+    with :ok <-, url, params["as"]) do
       json(conn, "ok")
       {:shareable, _} ->
@@ -138,9 +118,6 @@ def download_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address, "pack_name" => name} =
-  @doc """
-  Creates an empty pack named `name` which then can be updated via the admin UI.
-  """
   def create(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
     name = String.trim(name)
@@ -166,9 +143,6 @@ def create(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-  @doc """
-  Deletes the pack `name` and all it's files.
-  """
   def delete(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
     name = String.trim(name)
@@ -192,13 +166,8 @@ def delete(conn, %{"name" => name}) do
-  @doc """
-  An endpoint to update `pack_names`'s metadata.
-  `new_data` is the new metadata for the pack, that will replace the old metadata.
-  """
-  def update_metadata(conn, %{"pack_name" => name, "new_data" => new_data}) do
-    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.update_metadata(name, new_data) do
+  def update(conn, %{"name" => name, "metadata" => metadata}) do
+    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.update_metadata(name, metadata) do
       json(conn, pack.pack)
       {:has_all_files?, _} ->
@@ -215,30 +184,11 @@ def update_metadata(conn, %{"pack_name" => name, "new_data" => new_data}) do
-  @doc """
-  Updates a file in a pack.
-  Updating can mean three things:
-  - `add` adds an emoji named `shortcode` to the pack `pack_name`,
-    that means that the emoji file needs to be uploaded with the request
-    (thus requiring it to be a multipart request) and be named `file`.
-    There can also be an optional `filename` that will be the new emoji file name
-    (if it's not there, the name will be taken from the uploaded file).
-  - `update` changes emoji shortcode (from `shortcode` to `new_shortcode` or moves the file
-    (from the current filename to `new_filename`)
-  - `remove` removes the emoji named `shortcode` and it's associated file
-  """
-  # Add
-  def update_file(
-        conn,
-        %{"pack_name" => pack_name, "action" => "add"} = params
-      ) do
+  def add_file(conn, %{"name" => name} = params) do
     filename = params["filename"] || get_filename(params["file"])
     shortcode = params["shortcode"] || Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename))
-    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.add_file(pack_name, shortcode, filename, params["file"]) do
+    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.add_file(name, shortcode, filename, params["file"]) do
       json(conn, pack.files)
       {:exists, _} ->
@@ -249,7 +199,7 @@ def update_file(
       {:loaded, _} ->
         |> put_status(:bad_request)
-        |> json(%{error: "pack \"#{pack_name}\" is not found"})
+        |> json(%{error: "pack \"#{name}\" is not found"})
       {:error, :empty_values} ->
@@ -265,44 +215,7 @@ def update_file(
-  # Remove
-  def update_file(conn, %{
-        "pack_name" => pack_name,
-        "action" => "remove",
-        "shortcode" => shortcode
-      }) do
-    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.remove_file(pack_name, shortcode) do
-      json(conn, pack.files)
-    else
-      {:exists, _} ->
-        conn
-        |> put_status(:bad_request)
-        |> json(%{error: "Emoji \"#{shortcode}\" does not exist"})
-      {:loaded, _} ->
-        conn
-        |> put_status(:bad_request)
-        |> json(%{error: "pack \"#{pack_name}\" is not found"})
-      {:error, :empty_values} ->
-        conn
-        |> put_status(:bad_request)
-        |> json(%{error: "pack name or shortcode cannot be empty"})
-      {:error, _} ->
-        render_error(
-          conn,
-          :internal_server_error,
-          "Unexpected error occurred while removing file from pack."
-        )
-    end
-  end
-  # Update
-  def update_file(
-        conn,
-        %{"pack_name" => name, "action" => "update", "shortcode" => shortcode} = params
-      ) do
+  def update_file(conn, %{"name" => name, "shortcode" => shortcode} = params) do
     new_shortcode = params["new_shortcode"]
     new_filename = params["new_filename"]
     force = params["force"] == true
@@ -342,24 +255,35 @@ def update_file(
-  def update_file(conn, %{"action" => action}) do
-    conn
-    |> put_status(:bad_request)
-    |> json(%{error: "Unknown action: #{action}"})
+  def delete_file(conn, %{"name" => name, "shortcode" => shortcode}) do
+    with {:ok, pack} <- Pack.delete_file(name, shortcode) do
+      json(conn, pack.files)
+    else
+      {:exists, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "Emoji \"#{shortcode}\" does not exist"})
+      {:loaded, _} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack \"#{name}\" is not found"})
+      {:error, :empty_values} ->
+        conn
+        |> put_status(:bad_request)
+        |> json(%{error: "pack name or shortcode cannot be empty"})
+      {:error, _} ->
+        render_error(
+          conn,
+          :internal_server_error,
+          "Unexpected error occurred while removing file from pack."
+        )
+    end
-  @doc """
-  Imports emoji from the filesystem.
-  Importing means checking all the directories in the
-  `$instance_static/emoji/` for directories which do not have
-  `pack.json`. If one has an emoji.txt file, that file will be used
-  to create a `pack.json` file with it's contents. If the directory has
-  neither, all the files with specific configured extenstions will be
-  assumed to be emojis and stored in the new `pack.json` file.
-  """
-  def import_from_fs(conn, _params) do
+  def import_from_filesystem(conn, _params) do
     with {:ok, names} <- Pack.import_from_filesystem() do
       json(conn, names)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
index 0fcb517cf..a7e1f2f57 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
@@ -214,25 +214,24 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
     scope "/packs" do
-      post("/import_from_fs", EmojiAPIController, :import_from_fs)
-      post("/:pack_name/update_file", EmojiAPIController, :update_file)
-      post("/:pack_name/update_metadata", EmojiAPIController, :update_metadata)
-      put("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :create)
+      get("/import", EmojiAPIController, :import_from_filesystem)
+      get("/remote", EmojiAPIController, :remote)
+      post("/download", EmojiAPIController, :download)
+      post("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :create)
+      patch("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :update)
       delete("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :delete)
-      # Note: /download_from downloads and saves to instance, not to requester
-      post("/download_from", EmojiAPIController, :download_from)
+      post("/:name/files", EmojiAPIController, :add_file)
+      patch("/:name/files", EmojiAPIController, :update_file)
+      delete("/:name/files", EmojiAPIController, :delete_file)
     # Pack info / downloading
     scope "/packs" do
-      get("/", EmojiAPIController, :list_packs)
+      get("/", EmojiAPIController, :list)
       get("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :show)
-      get("/:name/download_shared/", EmojiAPIController, :download_shared)
-      get("/list_from", EmojiAPIController, :list_from)
-      # Deprecated: POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from (use GET instead)
-      post("/list_from", EmojiAPIController, :list_from)
+      get("/:name/archive", EmojiAPIController, :archive)
diff --git a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
index 6a0d7dd11..d343256fe 100644
--- a/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller_test.exs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ test "GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs", %{conn: conn} do
     assert non_shared["pack"]["can-download"] == false
-  describe "POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from" do
+  describe "GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/remote" do
     test "shareable instance", %{admin_conn: admin_conn, conn: conn} do
       resp =
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ test "shareable instance", %{admin_conn: admin_conn, conn: conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from", %{
-               instance_address: ""
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/remote", %{
+               url: ""
              |> json_response(200) == resp
@@ -76,20 +76,18 @@ test "non shareable instance", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/list_from", %{
-               instance_address: ""
-             })
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/remote", %{url: ""})
              |> json_response(500) == %{
                "error" => "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"
-  describe "GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/download_shared" do
+  describe "GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/archive" do
     test "download shared pack", %{conn: conn} do
       resp =
-        |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/download_shared")
+        |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/archive")
         |> response(200)
       {:ok, arch} = :zip.unzip(resp, [:memory])
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ test "download shared pack", %{conn: conn} do
     test "non existing pack", %{conn: conn} do
       assert conn
-             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_for_import/download_shared")
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_for_import/archive")
              |> json_response(:not_found) == %{
                "error" => "Pack test_pack_for_import does not exist"
@@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ test "non existing pack", %{conn: conn} do
     test "non downloadable pack", %{conn: conn} do
       assert conn
-             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_nonshared/download_shared")
+             |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack_nonshared/archive")
              |> json_response(:forbidden) == %{
                "error" =>
                  "Pack test_pack_nonshared cannot be downloaded from this instance, either pack sharing was disabled for this pack or some files are missing"
@@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ test "non downloadable pack", %{conn: conn} do
-  describe "POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from" do
+  describe "POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download" do
     test "shared pack from remote and non shared from fallback-src", %{
       admin_conn: admin_conn,
       conn: conn
@@ -139,10 +137,10 @@ test "shared pack from remote and non shared from fallback-src", %{
           method: :get,
-          url: ""
+          url: ""
         } ->
-          |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/download_shared")
+          |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/archive")
           |> response(200)
           |> text()
@@ -163,9 +161,9 @@ test "shared pack from remote and non shared from fallback-src", %{
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from", %{
-               instance_address: "",
-               pack_name: "test_pack",
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download", %{
+               url: "",
+               name: "test_pack",
                as: "test_pack2"
              |> json_response(200) == "ok"
@@ -181,10 +179,10 @@ test "shared pack from remote and non shared from fallback-src", %{
       assert admin_conn
              |> post(
-               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from",
+               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download",
-                 instance_address: "",
-                 pack_name: "test_pack_nonshared",
+                 url: "",
+                 name: "test_pack_nonshared",
                  as: "test_pack_nonshared2"
@@ -211,10 +209,10 @@ test "nonshareable instance", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
              |> post(
-               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from",
+               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download",
-                 instance_address: "https://old-instance",
-                 pack_name: "test_pack",
+                 url: "https://old-instance",
+                 name: "test_pack",
                  as: "test_pack2"
@@ -242,7 +240,7 @@ test "checksum fail", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
           method: :get,
-          url: ""
+          url: ""
         } ->
             status: 200,
@@ -251,9 +249,9 @@ test "checksum fail", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from", %{
-               instance_address: "",
-               pack_name: "pack_bad_sha",
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download", %{
+               url: "",
+               name: "pack_bad_sha",
                as: "pack_bad_sha2"
              |> json_response(:internal_server_error) == %{
@@ -275,23 +273,14 @@ test "other error", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
         } ->
             status: 200,
-            body: %{"test_pack" => Pleroma.Emoji.Pack.load_pack("test_pack")} |> Jason.encode!()
-          }
-        %{
-          method: :get,
-          url: ""
-        } ->
-          %Tesla.Env{
-            status: 200,
-            body:!("test/instance_static/emoji/test_pack/pack.json")
+            body: Pleroma.Emoji.Pack.load_pack("test_pack") |> Jason.encode!()
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download_from", %{
-               instance_address: "",
-               pack_name: "test_pack",
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/download", %{
+               url: "",
+               name: "test_pack",
                as: "test_pack2"
              |> json_response(:internal_server_error) == %{
@@ -301,7 +290,7 @@ test "other error", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
-  describe "updating pack metadata" do
+  describe "PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name" do
     setup do
       pack_file = "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
       original_content =!(pack_file)
@@ -322,12 +311,7 @@ test "other error", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
     test "for a pack without a fallback source", ctx do
       assert ctx[:admin_conn]
-             |> post(
-               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_metadata",
-               %{
-                 "new_data" => ctx[:new_data]
-               }
-             )
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack", %{"metadata" => ctx[:new_data]})
              |> json_response(200) == ctx[:new_data]
       assert Jason.decode!(!(ctx[:pack_file]))["pack"] == ctx[:new_data]
@@ -352,12 +336,7 @@ test "for a pack with a fallback source", ctx do
       assert ctx[:admin_conn]
-             |> post(
-               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_metadata",
-               %{
-                 "new_data" => new_data
-               }
-             )
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack", %{metadata: new_data})
              |> json_response(200) == new_data_with_sha
       assert Jason.decode!(!(ctx[:pack_file]))["pack"] == new_data_with_sha
@@ -376,19 +355,14 @@ test "when the fallback source doesn't have all the files", ctx do
       new_data = Map.put(ctx[:new_data], "fallback-src", "https://nonshared-pack")
       assert ctx[:admin_conn]
-             |> post(
-               "/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_metadata",
-               %{
-                 "new_data" => new_data
-               }
-             )
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack", %{metadata: new_data})
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
                "error" => "The fallback archive does not have all files specified in pack.json"
-  describe "POST /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:pack_name/update_file" do
+  describe "POST/PATCH/DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files" do
     setup do
       pack_file = "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/pack.json"
       original_content =!(pack_file)
@@ -402,11 +376,10 @@ test "when the fallback source doesn't have all the files", ctx do
     test "create shortcode exists", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "shortcode" => "blank",
-               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
-               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank",
+               filename: "dir/blank.png",
+               file: %Plug.Upload{
                  filename: "blank.png",
                  path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
@@ -420,11 +393,10 @@ test "don't rewrite old emoji", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/") end)
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "shortcode" => "blank2",
-               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
-               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank2",
+               filename: "dir/blank.png",
+               file: %Plug.Upload{
                  filename: "blank.png",
                  path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
@@ -434,11 +406,10 @@ test "don't rewrite old emoji", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "update",
-               "shortcode" => "blank",
-               "new_shortcode" => "blank2",
-               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank",
+               new_shortcode: "blank2",
+               new_filename: "dir_2/blank_3.png"
              |> json_response(:conflict) == %{
                "error" =>
@@ -450,11 +421,10 @@ test "rewrite old emoji with force option", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir_2/") end)
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "shortcode" => "blank2",
-               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
-               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank2",
+               filename: "dir/blank.png",
+               file: %Plug.Upload{
                  filename: "blank.png",
                  path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
@@ -464,12 +434,11 @@ test "rewrite old emoji with force option", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "update",
-               "shortcode" => "blank2",
-               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
-               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png",
-               "force" => true
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank2",
+               new_shortcode: "blank3",
+               new_filename: "dir_2/blank_3.png",
+               force: true
              |> json_response(200) == %{
                "blank" => "blank.png",
@@ -481,11 +450,10 @@ test "rewrite old emoji with force option", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
     test "with empty filename", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "shortcode" => "blank2",
-               "filename" => "",
-               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank2",
+               filename: "",
+               file: %Plug.Upload{
                  filename: "blank.png",
                  path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
@@ -497,11 +465,10 @@ test "with empty filename", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
     test "add file with not loaded pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "shortcode" => "blank2",
-               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
-               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank2",
+               filename: "dir/blank.png",
+               file: %Plug.Upload{
                  filename: "blank.png",
                  path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
@@ -513,19 +480,13 @@ test "add file with not loaded pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
     test "remove file with not loaded pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "remove",
-               "shortcode" => "blank3"
-             })
+             |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/files", %{shortcode: "blank3"})
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack \"not_loaded\" is not found"}
     test "remove file with empty shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "remove",
-               "shortcode" => ""
-             })
+             |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/files", %{shortcode: ""})
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
                "error" => "pack name or shortcode cannot be empty"
@@ -533,22 +494,20 @@ test "remove file with empty shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
     test "update file with not loaded pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "update",
-               "shortcode" => "blank4",
-               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
-               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/not_loaded/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank4",
+               new_shortcode: "blank3",
+               new_filename: "dir_2/blank_3.png"
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack \"not_loaded\" is not found"}
     test "new with shortcode as file with update", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "shortcode" => "blank4",
-               "filename" => "dir/blank.png",
-               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank4",
+               filename: "dir/blank.png",
+               file: %Plug.Upload{
                  filename: "blank.png",
                  path: "#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/blank.png"
@@ -558,11 +517,10 @@ test "new with shortcode as file with update", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir/blank.png")
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "update",
-               "shortcode" => "blank4",
-               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
-               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank4",
+               new_shortcode: "blank3",
+               new_filename: "dir_2/blank_3.png"
              |> json_response(200) == %{"blank3" => "dir_2/blank_3.png", "blank" => "blank.png"}
@@ -570,10 +528,7 @@ test "new with shortcode as file with update", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir_2/blank_3.png")
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "remove",
-               "shortcode" => "blank3"
-             })
+             |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{shortcode: "blank3"})
              |> json_response(200) == %{"blank" => "blank.png"}
       refute File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/dir_2/")
@@ -591,10 +546,9 @@ test "new with shortcode from url", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "shortcode" => "blank_url",
-               "file" => "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank_url",
+               file: "https://test-blank/blank_url.png"
              |> json_response(200) == %{
                "blank_url" => "blank_url.png",
@@ -610,9 +564,8 @@ test "new without shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack/shortcode.png") end)
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "add",
-               "file" => %Plug.Upload{
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               file: %Plug.Upload{
                  filename: "shortcode.png",
                  path: "#{Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir])}/add/shortcode.png"
@@ -622,51 +575,36 @@ test "new without shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
     test "remove non existing shortcode in pack.json", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "remove",
-               "shortcode" => "blank2"
-             })
+             |> delete("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{shortcode: "blank2"})
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "Emoji \"blank2\" does not exist"}
     test "update non existing emoji", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "update",
-               "shortcode" => "blank2",
-               "new_shortcode" => "blank3",
-               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank2",
+               new_shortcode: "blank3",
+               new_filename: "dir_2/blank_3.png"
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "Emoji \"blank2\" does not exist"}
     test "update with empty shortcode", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "update",
-               "shortcode" => "blank",
-               "new_filename" => "dir_2/blank_3.png"
+             |> patch("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/files", %{
+               shortcode: "blank",
+               new_filename: "dir_2/blank_3.png"
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
                "error" => "new_shortcode or new_filename cannot be empty"
-    test "undefined action", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
-      assert admin_conn
-             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_pack/update_file", %{
-               "action" => "undefined"
-             })
-             |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{
-               "error" => "Unknown action: undefined"
-             }
-    end
-  describe "PUT /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name" do
+  describe "POST/DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name" do
     test "creating and deleting a pack", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> put("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_created")
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_created")
              |> json_response(200) == "ok"
       assert File.exists?("#{@emoji_path}/test_created/pack.json")
@@ -690,7 +628,7 @@ test "if pack exists", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       File.write!(Path.join(path, "pack.json"), pack_file)
       assert admin_conn
-             |> put("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_created")
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/test_created")
              |> json_response(:conflict) == %{
                "error" => "A pack named \"test_created\" already exists"
@@ -700,7 +638,7 @@ test "if pack exists", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
     test "with empty name", %{admin_conn: admin_conn} do
       assert admin_conn
-             |> put("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/ ")
+             |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/ ")
              |> json_response(:bad_request) == %{"error" => "pack name cannot be empty"}
@@ -728,7 +666,7 @@ test "filesystem import", %{admin_conn: admin_conn, conn: conn} do
     refute Map.has_key?(resp, "test_pack_for_import")
     assert admin_conn
-           |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import_from_fs")
+           |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import")
            |> json_response(200) == ["test_pack_for_import"]
     resp = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs") |> json_response(200)
@@ -747,7 +685,7 @@ test "filesystem import", %{admin_conn: admin_conn, conn: conn} do
     File.write!("#{@emoji_path}/test_pack_for_import/emoji.txt", emoji_txt_content)
     assert admin_conn
-           |> post("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import_from_fs")
+           |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs/import")
            |> json_response(200) == ["test_pack_for_import"]
     resp = conn |> get("/api/pleroma/emoji/packs") |> json_response(200)

From 9855018425f073dec11e35e624185c6e939f33fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 21:21:23 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 12/18] changelog entry

--- | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index a8589bbdc..65dd1b9c2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
 The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
 ## [unreleased]
+### Changed
+  <summary>API Changes</summary>
+- **Breaking:** Emoji API: changed methods and renamed routes.
 ### Removed
 - **Breaking:** removed `with_move` parameter from notifications timeline.

From 36abeedf9fdd5f90c2c03a4366f8d2cc563f9386 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 09:09:27 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 13/18] error rename

 lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex                                       | 2 +-
 lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex b/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
index eb50e52fa..242344374 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ def import_from_filesystem do
       {:ok, names}
-      {:ok, %{access: _}} -> {:error, :not_writable}
+      {:ok, %{access: _}} -> {:error, :no_read_write}
       e -> e
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
index 83a7f03e8..7af9d38a1 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ def import_from_filesystem(conn, _params) do
     with {:ok, names} <- Pack.import_from_filesystem() do
       json(conn, names)
-      {:error, :not_writable} ->
+      {:error, :no_read_write} ->
         |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
         |> json(%{error: "Error: emoji pack directory must be writable"})

From 1c1b7e22afd25c5d1c4ff71d03a08ee39149fca1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 10:07:37 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 14/18] list of options for pack metadata

 docs/API/ | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/API/ b/docs/API/
index 65d22980b..dc39c8b0b 100644
--- a/docs/API/
+++ b/docs/API/
@@ -361,6 +361,12 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
   * `metadata`: metadata to replace the old one
+    * `license`: Pack license
+    * `homepage`: Pack home page url
+    * `description`: Pack description
+    * `fallback-src`: Fallback url to download pack from
+    * `fallback-src-sha256`: SHA256 encoded for fallback pack archive
+    * `share-files`: is pack allowed for sharing (boolean)
 * Response: JSON, updated "metadata" section of the pack and 200 status or 400 if there was a
   problem with the new metadata (the error is specified in the "error" part of the response JSON)

From 1fd40532aeac2c6988e2b439af1350cbf59cd697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 11:38:37 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 15/18] docs fix

 docs/API/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/API/ b/docs/API/
index dc39c8b0b..0c4d5c797 100644
--- a/docs/API/
+++ b/docs/API/
@@ -345,6 +345,7 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Params:
   * `url`: url of the instance to download from
   * `name`: pack to download from that instance
+  * `as`: (*optional*) name how to save pack
 * Response: JSON, "ok" with 200 status if the pack was downloaded, or 500 if there were
   errors downloading the pack
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 ## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name`
 ### Updates (replaces) pack metadata
-* Method `POST`
+* Method `PATCH`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
   * `metadata`: metadata to replace the old one

From 631e8c1febb32910a8e44c7c39790c9364620567 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2020 13:57:27 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 16/18] docs update

 docs/API/ | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/API/ b/docs/API/
index 0c4d5c797..b927be026 100644
--- a/docs/API/
+++ b/docs/API/
@@ -383,10 +383,10 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Method `POST`
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
-  * `file`: uploaded file or link to remote file.
+  * `file`: file needs to be uploaded with the multipart request or link to remote file.
   * `shortcode`: (*optional*) shortcode for new emoji, must be uniq for all emoji. If not sended, shortcode will be taken from original filename.
   * `filename`: (*optional*) new emoji file name. If not specified will be taken from original filename.
-* Response: JSON, list of files for updated pack (hasmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
+* Response: JSON, list of files for updated pack (hashmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
 ## `PATCH /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
 ### Update emoji file from pack
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
   * `new_shortcode`: new emoji file shortcode
   * `new_filename`: new filename for emoji file
   * `force`: (*optional*) with true value to overwrite existing emoji with new shortcode
-* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hasmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
+* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hashmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
 ## `DELETE /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/files`
 ### Delete emoji file from pack
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Authentication: required
 * Params:
   * `shortcode`: emoji file shortcode
-* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hasmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
+* Response: JSON, list with updated files for updated pack (hashmap -> shortcode => filename) with status 200, either error status with error message.
 ## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs`
 ### Lists local custom emoji packs
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ The status posting endpoint takes an additional parameter, `in_reply_to_conversa
 * Response: JSON, pack json with `files` and `pack` keys with 200 status or 404 if the pack does not exist
 ## `GET /api/pleroma/emoji/packs/:name/archive`
-### Requests a local pack from the instance
+### Requests a local pack archive from the instance
 * Method `GET`
 * Authentication: not required
 * Params: None

From 4a487e4d0b744edac0d83306b80e4bd0cdef5358 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Strizhakov <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 17:50:57 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 17/18] fix for auth check

 .../web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex       | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
index 7af9d38a1..d276b96a4 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/emoji_api_controller.ex
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiAPIController do
     %{scopes: ["write"], admin: true}
     when action in [
-           :import,
+           :import_from_filesystem,
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiAPIController do
     [Pleroma.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug, Pleroma.Plugs.ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug]
-    when action in [:download_shared, :list_packs, :list_from]
+    when action in [:archive, :show, :list]
   def remote(conn, %{"url" => url}) do

From bef34568f0d005baabca266b99ac0f6e620e6899 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eugenijm <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 15:02:35 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 18/18] Dismiss the follow request notification on rejection

 lib/pleroma/notification.ex              | 10 ++++++++++
 lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex |  2 ++
 test/notification_test.exs               | 10 ++++++++++
 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
index aaa675253..9a109dfab 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/notification.ex
@@ -261,6 +261,16 @@ def destroy_multiple(%{id: user_id} = _user, ids) do
     |> Repo.delete_all()
+  def dismiss(%Pleroma.Activity{} = activity) do
+    Notification
+    |> where([n], n.activity_id == ^
+    |> Repo.delete_all()
+    |> case do
+      {_, notifications} -> {:ok, notifications}
+      _ -> {:error, "Cannot dismiss notification"}
+    end
+  end
   def dismiss(%{id: user_id} = _user, id) do
     notification = Repo.get(Notification, id)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex
index d1efe0c36..4112e441a 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/common_api.ex
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI do
   alias Pleroma.ActivityExpiration
   alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
   alias Pleroma.FollowingRelationship
+  alias Pleroma.Notification
   alias Pleroma.Object
   alias Pleroma.ThreadMute
   alias Pleroma.User
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ def reject_follow_request(follower, followed) do
     with %Activity{} = follow_activity <- Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, followed),
          {:ok, follow_activity} <- Utils.update_follow_state_for_all(follow_activity, "reject"),
          {:ok, _relationship} <- FollowingRelationship.update(follower, followed, :follow_reject),
+         {:ok, _notifications} <- Notification.dismiss(follow_activity),
          {:ok, _activity} <-
              to: [follower.ap_id],
diff --git a/test/notification_test.exs b/test/notification_test.exs
index 6ad824c57..0e9ffcb18 100644
--- a/test/notification_test.exs
+++ b/test/notification_test.exs
@@ -362,6 +362,16 @@ test "it doesn't create a notification for follow-unfollow-follow chains" do
       notification_id =
       assert [%{id: ^notification_id}] = Notification.for_user(followed_user)
+    test "dismisses the notification on follow request rejection" do
+      clear_config([:notifications, :enable_follow_request_notifications], true)
+      user = insert(:user, locked: true)
+      follower = insert(:user)
+      {:ok, _, _, _follow_activity} = CommonAPI.follow(follower, user)
+      assert [notification] = Notification.for_user(user)
+      {:ok, _follower} = CommonAPI.reject_follow_request(follower, user)
+      assert [] = Notification.for_user(user)
+    end
   describe "get notification" do