/* * Tests for detection of file information * * How to run the tests: * > TS_NODE_FILES=true npx mocha test/get-file-info.ts --require ts-node/register * * To specify test: * > TS_NODE_FILES=true npx mocha test/get-file-info.ts --require ts-node/register -g 'test name' */ import * as assert from 'assert'; import { async } from './utils'; import { getFileInfo } from '../src/misc/get-file-info'; describe('Get file info', () => { it('Empty file', async (async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/resources/emptyfile`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 0, md5: 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', type: { mime: 'application/octet-stream', ext: null }, width: undefined, height: undefined, blurhash: null }); })); it('Generic JPEG', async (async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/resources/Lenna.jpg`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 25360, md5: '091b3f259662aa31e2ffef4519951168', type: { mime: 'image/jpeg', ext: 'jpg' }, width: 512, height: 512, blurhash: '' // TODO }); })); it('Generic APNG', async (async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/resources/anime.png`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 1868, md5: '08189c607bea3b952704676bb3c979e0', type: { mime: 'image/apng', ext: 'apng' }, width: 256, height: 256, blurhash: '' // TODO }); })); it('Generic AGIF', async (async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/resources/anime.gif`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 2248, md5: '32c47a11555675d9267aee1a86571e7e', type: { mime: 'image/gif', ext: 'gif' }, width: 256, height: 256, blurhash: '' // TODO }); })); it('PNG with alpha', async (async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/resources/with-alpha.png`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 3772, md5: 'f73535c3e1e27508885b69b10cf6e991', type: { mime: 'image/png', ext: 'png' }, width: 256, height: 256, blurhash: '' // TODO }); })); it('Generic SVG', async (async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/resources/image.svg`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 505, md5: 'b6f52b4b021e7b92cdd04509c7267965', type: { mime: 'image/svg+xml', ext: 'svg' }, width: 256, height: 256, blurhash: '' // TODO }); })); it('SVG with XML definition', async (async () => { // https://github.com/syuilo/misskey/issues/4413 const path = `${__dirname}/resources/with-xml-def.svg`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 544, md5: '4b7a346cde9ccbeb267e812567e33397', type: { mime: 'image/svg+xml', ext: 'svg' }, width: 256, height: 256, blurhash: '' // TODO }); })); it('Dimension limit', async (async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/resources/25000x25000.png`; const info = await getFileInfo(path); delete info.warnings; assert.deepStrictEqual(info, { size: 75933, md5: '268c5dde99e17cf8fe09f1ab3f97df56', type: { mime: 'application/octet-stream', // do not treat as image ext: null }, width: 25000, height: 25000, blurhash: '' // TODO }); })); });