# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper do use Pleroma.Web, :controller # As in Mastodon API, per https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/Type/Boolean.html @falsy_param_values [false, 0, "0", "f", "F", "false", "False", "FALSE", "off", "OFF"] def explicitly_falsy_param?(value), do: value in @falsy_param_values # Note: `nil` and `""` are considered falsy values in Pleroma def falsy_param?(value), do: explicitly_falsy_param?(value) or value in [nil, ""] def truthy_param?(value), do: not falsy_param?(value) def json_response(conn, status, json) do conn |> put_status(status) |> json(json) end @spec fetch_integer_param(map(), String.t(), integer() | nil) :: integer() | nil def fetch_integer_param(params, name, default \\ nil) do params |> Map.get(name, default) |> param_to_integer(default) end defp param_to_integer(val, _) when is_integer(val), do: val defp param_to_integer(val, default) when is_binary(val) do case Integer.parse(val) do {res, _} -> res _ -> default end end defp param_to_integer(_, default), do: default def add_link_headers(conn, activities, extra_params \\ %{}) def add_link_headers(%{assigns: %{skip_link_headers: true}} = conn, _activities, _extra_params), do: conn def add_link_headers(conn, activities, extra_params) do case List.last(activities) do %{id: max_id} -> params = conn.params |> Map.drop(Map.keys(conn.path_params)) |> Map.drop(["since_id", "max_id", "min_id"]) |> Map.merge(extra_params) limit = params |> Map.get("limit", "20") |> String.to_integer() min_id = if length(activities) <= limit do activities |> List.first() |> Map.get(:id) else activities |> Enum.at(limit * -1) |> Map.get(:id) end next_url = current_url(conn, Map.merge(params, %{max_id: max_id})) prev_url = current_url(conn, Map.merge(params, %{min_id: min_id})) put_resp_header(conn, "link", "<#{next_url}>; rel=\"next\", <#{prev_url}>; rel=\"prev\"") _ -> conn end end def assign_account_by_id(conn, _) do # TODO: use `conn.params[:id]` only after moving to OpenAPI case Pleroma.User.get_cached_by_id(conn.params[:id] || conn.params["id"]) do %Pleroma.User{} = account -> assign(conn, :account, account) nil -> Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.FallbackController.call(conn, {:error, :not_found}) |> halt() end end def try_render(conn, target, params) when is_binary(target) do case render(conn, target, params) do nil -> render_error(conn, :not_implemented, "Can't display this activity") res -> res end end def try_render(conn, _, _) do render_error(conn, :not_implemented, "Can't display this activity") end @spec put_if_exist(map(), atom() | String.t(), any) :: map() def put_if_exist(map, _key, nil), do: map def put_if_exist(map, key, value), do: Map.put(map, key, value) @doc """ Returns true if request specifies to include embedded relationships in account objects. May only be used in selected account-related endpoints; has no effect for status- or notification-related endpoints. """ # Intended for PleromaFE: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma-fe/-/issues/838 def embed_relationships?(params) do # To do once OpenAPI transition mess is over: just `truthy_param?(params[:with_relationships])` params |> Map.get(:with_relationships, params["with_relationships"]) |> truthy_param?() end end