FloatingGhost 6cb40bee26 Migrate to phoenix 1.7 (#626)
Closes #612

Co-authored-by: tusooa <tusooa@kazv.moe>
Reviewed-on: AkkomaGang/akkoma#626
Co-authored-by: FloatingGhost <hannah@coffee-and-dreams.uk>
Co-committed-by: FloatingGhost <hannah@coffee-and-dreams.uk>
2023-08-15 10:22:18 +00:00

16 lines
723 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:webfeeds="http://webfeeds.org/rss/1.0">
<title>#<%= @tag %></title>
<description><%= Gettext.dpgettext("static_pages", "tag feed description", "These are public toots tagged with #%{tag}. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.", tag: @tag) %></description>
<link><%= '#{url(~p"/tags/#{@tag}")}.rss' %></link>
<webfeeds:logo><%= feed_logo() %></webfeeds:logo>
<%= for activity <- @activities do %>
<%= render @view_module, "_tag_activity.xml", Map.merge(assigns, prepare_activity(activity)) %>
<% end %>