clone: git: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-git settings: depth: 1 # CI does not need commit history recursive: true pipeline: build: when: event: - push - pull_request image: node:18.6.0 commands: - yarn install - git diff --exit-code yarn.lock - cp .woodpecker/misskey/test.yml .config - yarn build mocha: when: event: - push - pull_request image: node:18.6.0 commands: - yarn mocha e2e: when: event: - push - pull_request image: cypress/included:10.3.0 commands: - npm run start:test & - sleep 30 # wait for server to start - cypress run --browser chrome # TODO: upload screenshots and video artifacts? # would need some kind of storage though services: postgres: image: postgres:13 env: - POSTGRES_DB=test-misskey - POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust redis: image: redis:6