2023-02-19 23:36:15 +01:00

81 lines
2.1 KiB

import * as crypto from 'node:crypto';
import { AuthSessions, AccessTokens, Apps } from '@/models/index.js';
import { genId } from '@/misc/gen-id.js';
import { secureRndstr } from '@/misc/secure-rndstr.js';
import { kinds } from '@/misc/api-permissions.js';
import define from '@/server/api/define.js';
import { ApiError } from '@/server/api/error.js';
export const meta = {
tags: ['auth'],
requireCredential: true,
secure: true,
errors: ['NO_SUCH_SESSION'],
} as const;
export const paramDef = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
token: { type: 'string' },
permission: {
description: 'The permissions which the user wishes to grant in this token. '
+ 'Permissions that the app has not registered before will be removed. '
+ 'Defaults to all permissions the app was registered with if not provided.',
type: 'array',
uniqueItems: true,
items: {
type: 'string',
enum: kinds,
required: ['token'],
} as const;
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default define(meta, paramDef, async (ps, user) => {
// Fetch token
const session = await AuthSessions
.findOneBy({ token: ps.token });
if (session == null) throw new ApiError('NO_SUCH_SESSION');
// Generate access token
const accessToken = secureRndstr(32, true);
// Check for existing access token.
const app = await Apps.findOneByOrFail({ id: session.appId });
// Generate Hash
const sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256');
sha256.update(accessToken + app.secret);
const hash = sha256.digest('hex');
const now = new Date();
// Calculate the set intersection between requested permissions and
// permissions that the app registered with. If no specific permissions
// are given, grant all permissions the app registered with.
const permission = ps.permission?.filter(x => app.permission.includes(x)) ?? app.permission;
const accessTokenId = genId();
// Insert access token doc
await AccessTokens.insert({
id: accessTokenId,
createdAt: now,
lastUsedAt: now,
appId: session.appId,
token: accessToken,
// Update session
await AuthSessions.update(, { accessTokenId });