Johann150 c7ab8839dc
BREAKING: remove admin/delete-account, change admin/accounts/delete
You should use the API endpoint admin/accounts/delete.
It has the same parameter and the same behaviour.

The admin/accounts/delete endpoint now requries administrator privileges
instead of just moderator privileges.

Changelog: Removed
2023-01-07 23:53:48 +01:00

355 lines
10 KiB

<template #header><MkPageHeader v-model:tab="tab" :tabs="headerTabs"/></template>
<MkSpacer :content-max="500" :margin-min="16" :margin-max="32">
<FormSuspense :p="init">
<div v-if="tab === 'overview'" class="_formRoot">
<div class="_formBlock aeakzknw">
<MkAvatar class="avatar" :user="user" :show-indicator="true"/>
<div class="body">
<span class="name"><MkUserName class="name" :user="user"/></span>
<span class="sub"><span class="acct _monospace">@{{ acct(user) }}</span></span>
<MkInfo v-if="user.username.includes('.')" class="_formBlock">{{ i18n.ts.isSystemAccount }}</MkInfo>
<div v-if="user.url" class="_formLinksGrid _formBlock">
<FormLink :to="userPage(user)">Profile</FormLink>
<FormLink :to="user.url" :external="true">Profile (remote)</FormLink>
<FormLink v-else class="_formBlock" :to="userPage(user)">Profile</FormLink>
<FormLink v-if="" class="_formBlock" :to="`/instance-info/${}`">{{ i18n.ts.instanceInfo }}</FormLink>
<div class="_formBlock">
<MkKeyValue :copy="" oneline style="margin: 1em 0;">
<template #key>ID</template>
<template #value><span class="_monospace">{{ }}</span></template>
<FormSection v-if="iAmModerator">
<template #label>Moderation</template>
<FormSwitch v-if=" == null && $i.isAdmin && (moderator || !user.isAdmin)" v-model="moderator" class="_formBlock" @update:modelValue="toggleModerator">{{ i18n.ts.moderator }}</FormSwitch>
<FormSwitch v-model="silenced" class="_formBlock" @update:modelValue="toggleSilence">{{ i18n.ts.silence }}</FormSwitch>
<FormSwitch v-model="suspended" class="_formBlock" @update:modelValue="toggleSuspend">{{ i18n.ts.suspend }}</FormSwitch>
{{ i18n.ts.reflectMayTakeTime }}
<div class="_formBlock">
<MkButton v-if=" == null && iAmModerator" inline style="margin-right: 8px;" @click="resetPassword"><i class="fas fa-key"></i> {{ i18n.ts.resetPassword }}</MkButton>
<MkButton v-if="$i.isAdmin" inline danger @click="deleteAccount">{{ i18n.ts.deleteAccount }}</MkButton>
<template #label>ActivityPub</template>
<div class="_formBlock">
<MkKeyValue v-if="" oneline style="margin: 1em 0;">
<template #key>{{ i18n.ts.instanceInfo }}</template>
<template #value><MkA :to="`/instance-info/${}`" class="_link">{{ }} <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i></MkA></template>
<MkKeyValue v-else oneline style="margin: 1em 0;">
<template #key>{{ i18n.ts.instanceInfo }}</template>
<template #value>(Local user)</template>
<MkKeyValue oneline style="margin: 1em 0;">
<template #key>{{ i18n.ts.updatedAt }}</template>
<template #value><MkTime v-if="user.lastFetchedAt" mode="detail" :time="user.lastFetchedAt"/><span v-else>N/A</span></template>
<MkKeyValue v-if="ap" oneline style="margin: 1em 0;">
<template #key>Type</template>
<template #value><span class="_monospace">{{ ap.type }}</span></template>
<MkButton v-if=" != null" @click="updateRemoteUser"><i class="fas fa-sync"></i> {{ i18n.ts.updateRemoteUser }}</MkButton>
<div v-else-if="tab === 'chart'" class="_formRoot">
<div class="cmhjzshm">
<div class="selects">
<MkSelect v-model="chartSrc" style="margin: 0 10px 0 0; flex: 1;">
<option value="per-user-notes">{{ i18n.ts.notes }}</option>
<div class="charts">
<div class="label">{{ i18n.t('recentNHours', { n: 90 }) }}</div>
<MkChart class="chart" :src="chartSrc" span="hour" :limit="90" :args="{ user, withoutAll: true }" :detailed="true"></MkChart>
<div class="label">{{ i18n.t('recentNDays', { n: 90 }) }}</div>
<MkChart class="chart" :src="chartSrc" span="day" :limit="90" :args="{ user, withoutAll: true }" :detailed="true"></MkChart>
<div v-else-if="tab === 'files'" class="_formRoot">
<MkFileListForAdmin :pagination="filesPagination" view-mode="grid"/>
<div v-else-if="tab === 'ap'" class="_formRoot">
<MkObjectView v-if="ap" tall :value="user">
<div v-else-if="tab === 'raw'" class="_formRoot">
<MkObjectView v-if="info && $i.isAdmin" tall :value="info">
<MkObjectView tall :value="user">
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, watch } from 'vue';
import * as foundkey from 'foundkey-js';
import MkChart from '@/components/chart.vue';
import MkObjectView from '@/components/object-view.vue';
import FormTextarea from '@/components/form/textarea.vue';
import FormSwitch from '@/components/form/switch.vue';
import FormLink from '@/components/form/link.vue';
import FormSection from '@/components/form/section.vue';
import MkButton from '@/components/ui/button.vue';
import MkKeyValue from '@/components/key-value.vue';
import MkSelect from '@/components/form/select.vue';
import FormSuspense from '@/components/form/suspense.vue';
import MkFileListForAdmin from '@/components/file-list-for-admin.vue';
import * as os from '@/os';
import number from '@/filters/number';
import bytes from '@/filters/bytes';
import { url } from '@/config';
import { userPage, acct } from '@/filters/user';
import { definePageMetadata } from '@/scripts/page-metadata';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n';
import { iAmModerator } from '@/account';
const props = defineProps<{
userId: string;
let tab = $ref('overview');
let chartSrc = $ref('per-user-notes');
let user = $ref<null | foundkey.entities.UserDetailed>();
let init = $ref();
let info = $ref();
let ap = $ref(null);
let moderator = $ref(false);
let silenced = $ref(false);
let suspended = $ref(false);
const filesPagination = {
endpoint: 'admin/drive/files' as const,
limit: 10,
params: computed(() => ({
userId: props.userId,
function createFetcher() {
if (iAmModerator) {
return () => Promise.all([os.api('users/show', {
userId: props.userId,
}), os.api('admin/show-user', {
userId: props.userId,
})]).then(([_user, _info]) => {
user = _user;
info = _info;
moderator = info.isModerator;
silenced = info.isSilenced;
suspended = info.isSuspended;
} else {
return () => os.api('users/show', {
userId: props.userId,
}).then((res) => {
user = res;
function refreshUser() {
init = createFetcher();
async function updateRemoteUser() {
await os.apiWithDialog('federation/update-remote-user', { userId: });
async function resetPassword() {
const { password } = await os.api('admin/reset-password', {
type: 'success',
text: i18n.t('newPasswordIs', { password }),
async function toggleSilence(v) {
const confirm = await os.confirm({
type: 'warning',
text: v ? i18n.ts.silenceConfirm : i18n.ts.unsilenceConfirm,
if (confirm.canceled) {
silenced = !v;
} else {
await os.api(v ? 'admin/silence-user' : 'admin/unsilence-user', { userId: });
await refreshUser();
async function toggleSuspend(v) {
const confirm = await os.confirm({
type: 'warning',
text: v ? i18n.ts.suspendConfirm : i18n.ts.unsuspendConfirm,
if (confirm.canceled) {
suspended = !v;
} else {
await os.api(v ? 'admin/suspend-user' : 'admin/unsuspend-user', { userId: });
await refreshUser();
async function toggleModerator(v) {
await os.api(v ? 'admin/moderators/add' : 'admin/moderators/remove', { userId: });
await refreshUser();
async function deleteAllFiles() {
const confirm = await os.confirm({
type: 'warning',
text: i18n.ts.deleteAllFilesConfirm,
if (confirm.canceled) return;
const process = async () => {
await os.api('admin/delete-all-files-of-a-user', { userId: });
await process().catch(err => {
type: 'error',
text: err.toString(),
await refreshUser();
async function deleteAccount() {
const confirm = await os.confirm({
type: 'warning',
text: i18n.t('deleteAccountConfirm', { handle: acct(user) }),
if (confirm.canceled) return;
const typed = await os.inputText({
text: i18n.t('typeToConfirm', { x: user?.username }),
if (typed.canceled) return;
if (typed.result === user?.username) {
await os.apiWithDialog('admin/accounts/delete', {
} else {
type: 'error',
text: 'input not match',
watch(() => props.userId, () => {
init = createFetcher();
}, {
immediate: true,
watch(() => user, () => {
os.api('ap/get', {
uri: user.uri ?? `${url}/users/${}`,
}).then(res => {
ap = res;
const headerTabs = $computed(() => [{
key: 'overview',
title: i18n.ts.overview,
icon: 'fas fa-info-circle',
}, {
key: 'chart',
title: i18n.ts.charts,
icon: 'fas fa-chart-simple',
}, iAmModerator ? {
key: 'files',
title: i18n.ts.files,
icon: 'fas fa-cloud',
} : null, {
key: 'ap',
title: 'AP',
icon: 'fas fa-share-alt',
}, {
key: 'raw',
title: 'Raw',
icon: 'fas fa-code',
}].filter(x => x != null));
definePageMetadata(computed(() => ({
title: user ? acct(user) : i18n.ts.userInfo,
icon: 'fas fa-info-circle',
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display: flex;
align-items: center;
> .avatar {
display: block;
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
margin-right: 16px;
> .body {
flex: 1;
overflow: hidden;
> .name {
display: block;
width: 100%;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
> .sub {
display: block;
width: 100%;
font-size: 85%;
opacity: 0.7;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.cmhjzshm {
> .selects {
display: flex;
margin: 0 0 16px 0;
> .charts {
> .label {
margin-bottom: 12px;
font-weight: bold;