import UserPanel from './components/user_panel/user_panel.vue' import NavPanel from './components/nav_panel/nav_panel.vue' import Notifications from './components/notifications/notifications.vue' import UserFinder from './components/user_finder/user_finder.vue' import WhoToFollowPanel from './components/who_to_follow_panel/who_to_follow_panel.vue' import InstanceSpecificPanel from './components/instance_specific_panel/instance_specific_panel.vue' import ChatPanel from './components/chat_panel/chat_panel.vue' export default { name: 'app', components: { UserPanel, NavPanel, Notifications, UserFinder, WhoToFollowPanel, InstanceSpecificPanel, ChatPanel }, data: () => ({ mobileActivePanel: 'timeline' }), created () { // Load the locale from the storage this.$i18n.locale = this.$store.state.config.interfaceLanguage }, computed: { currentUser () { return this.$store.state.users.currentUser }, background () { return this.currentUser.background_image || this.$store.state.config.background }, logoStyle () { return { 'background-image': `url(${this.$store.state.config.logo})` } }, style () { return { 'background-image': `url(${this.background})` } }, sitename () { return this.$ }, chat () { return this.$ === 'joined' }, suggestionsEnabled () { return this.$store.state.config.suggestionsEnabled }, showInstanceSpecificPanel () { return this.$store.state.config.showInstanceSpecificPanel } }, methods: { activatePanel (panelName) { this.mobileActivePanel = panelName }, scrollToTop () { window.scrollTo(0, 0) }, logout () { this.$store.dispatch('logout') } } }