Remove named colours
This is a prerequisite for configurable styling, since we don't want to override "green" style to be yellow and such.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 91 additions and 71 deletions
@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class StatusComposer(urwid.Frame):
def generate_list_items(self):
if self.in_reply_to:
yield urwid.Text(("gray", "Replying to {}".format(self.in_reply_to.original.account)))
yield urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray")
yield urwid.Text(("dim", "Replying to {}".format(self.in_reply_to.original.account)))
yield urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim")
yield urwid.Text("Status message")
yield self.content_edit
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ PALETTE = [
# Components
('button', 'white', 'black'),
('button_focused', 'light gray', 'dark magenta'),
('card_author', 'yellow', ''),
('card_title', 'dark green', ''),
('columns_divider', 'white', 'dark blue'),
('content_warning', 'white', 'dark magenta'),
('editbox', 'white', 'black'),
@ -16,7 +18,12 @@ PALETTE = [
('intro_bigtext', 'yellow', ''),
('intro_smalltext', 'light blue', ''),
('poll_bar', 'white', 'dark blue'),
('status_detail_account', 'dark green', ''),
('status_detail_bookmarked', 'light red', ''),
('status_detail_timestamp', 'light blue', ''),
('status_list_account', 'dark green', ''),
('status_list_selected', 'white,bold', 'dark green'),
('status_list_timestamp', 'light blue', ''),
# Functional
('hashtag', 'light cyan,bold', ''),
@ -27,20 +34,25 @@ PALETTE = [
('shortcut_highlight', 'white,bold', ''),
('warning', 'light red', ''),
# Colors
# Visiblity
('visibility_public', 'dark gray', ''),
('visibility_unlisted', 'white', ''),
('visibility_private', 'dark cyan', ''),
('visibility_direct', 'yellow', ''),
# Styles
('bold', ',bold', ''),
('blue', 'light blue', ''),
('cyan', 'dark cyan', ''),
('gray', 'dark gray', ''),
('green', 'dark green', ''),
('yellow', 'yellow', ''),
('red', 'dark red', ''),
('dim', 'dark gray', ''),
('highlight', 'yellow', ''),
('success', 'dark green', ''),
# Components
('button', 'white', 'black'),
('button_focused', 'black', 'white'),
('card_author', 'white', ''),
('card_title', 'white, bold', ''),
('columns_divider', 'white', 'black'),
('content_warning', 'white', 'black'),
('editbox', 'white', 'black'),
@ -54,25 +66,34 @@ MONO_PALETTE = [
('intro_bigtext', 'white', 'black'),
('intro_smalltext', 'white', 'black'),
('poll_bar', 'black', 'white'),
('status_list_selected', 'black', 'white'),
('status_detail_account', 'white', ''),
('status_detail_bookmarked', 'white', ''),
('status_detail_timestamp', 'white', ''),
('status_list_account', 'white', ''),
('status_list_selected', 'white,bold', ''),
('status_list_timestamp', 'white', ''),
('warning', 'white,bold', 'black'),
# Functional
('hashtag_followed', 'white,bold', 'black'),
('hashtag', 'white,bold', 'black'),
('link', ',italics', 'black'),
('link_focused', ',bold,italics', 'black'),
('account', 'dark green', ''),
('hashtag_followed', 'white,bold', ''),
('hashtag', 'white,bold', ''),
('link', ',italics', ''),
('link_focused', ',bold,italics', ''),
('shortcut', 'white', ''),
('shortcut_highlight', 'white,bold', ''),
# Colors
('bold', ',bold', 'black'),
('blue', 'white', 'black'),
('cyan', 'white', 'black'),
('gray', 'white', 'black'),
('green', 'white', 'black'),
('yellow', 'white', 'black'),
('red', 'white', 'black'),
('warning', 'white,bold', 'black'),
# Visiblity
('visibility_public', 'white', ''),
('visibility_unlisted', 'white', ''),
('visibility_private', 'white', ''),
('visibility_direct', 'white', ''),
# Styles
('bold', ',bold', ''),
('dim', 'light gray', ''),
('highlight', ',bold', ''),
('success', '', ''),
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class Help(urwid.Padding):
def generate_contents(self):
def h(text):
return highlight_keys(text, "cyan")
return highlight_keys(text, "shortcut")
yield urwid.Text(("bold", "toot {}".format(__version__)))
yield urwid.Divider()
@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ class Account(urwid.ListBox):
yield Button("Cancel", on_press=cancel_action, user_data=self)
if self.user.username == account["acct"]:
yield urwid.Text(("light gray", "This is your account"))
yield urwid.Text(("dim", "This is your account"))
if relationship['requested']:
yield urwid.Text(("light gray", "< Follow request is pending >"))
yield urwid.Text(("dim", "< Follow request is pending >"))
yield Button("Unfollow" if relationship['following'] else "Follow",
on_press=confirm_action, user_data=self)
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class Account(urwid.ListBox):
yield urwid.Divider("─")
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text([('green', f"@{account['acct']}"), f" {account['display_name']}"])
yield urwid.Text([("account", f"@{account['acct']}"), f" {account['display_name']}"])
if account["note"]:
yield urwid.Divider()
@ -283,12 +283,12 @@ class Account(urwid.ListBox):
yield urwid.Text(highlight_hashtags(line, followed_tags=set()))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(["ID: ", ("green", f"{account['id']}")])
yield urwid.Text(["Since: ", ("green", f"{account['created_at'][:10]}")])
yield urwid.Text(["ID: ", ("highlight", f"{account['id']}")])
yield urwid.Text(["Since: ", ("highlight", f"{account['created_at'][:10]}")])
yield urwid.Divider()
if account["bot"]:
yield urwid.Text([("green", "Bot \N{robot face}")])
yield urwid.Text([("highlight", "Bot \N{robot face}")])
yield urwid.Divider()
if account["locked"]:
yield urwid.Text([("warning", "Locked \N{lock}")])
@ -297,25 +297,25 @@ class Account(urwid.ListBox):
yield urwid.Text([("warning", "Suspended \N{cross mark}")])
yield urwid.Divider()
if relationship["followed_by"]:
yield urwid.Text(("green", "Follows you \N{busts in silhouette}"))
yield urwid.Text(("highlight", "Follows you \N{busts in silhouette}"))
yield urwid.Divider()
if relationship["blocked_by"]:
yield urwid.Text(("warning", "Blocks you \N{no entry}"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(["Followers: ", ("yellow", f"{account['followers_count']}")])
yield urwid.Text(["Following: ", ("yellow", f"{account['following_count']}")])
yield urwid.Text(["Statuses: ", ("yellow", f"{account['statuses_count']}")])
yield urwid.Text(["Followers: ", ("highlight", f"{account['followers_count']}")])
yield urwid.Text(["Following: ", ("highlight", f"{account['following_count']}")])
yield urwid.Text(["Statuses: ", ("highlight", f"{account['statuses_count']}")])
if account["fields"]:
for field in account["fields"]:
name = field["name"].title()
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text([("yellow", f"{name.rstrip(':')}"), ":"])
yield urwid.Text([("bold", f"{name.rstrip(':')}"), ":"])
for line in format_content(field["value"]):
yield urwid.Text(highlight_hashtags(line, followed_tags=set()))
if field["verified_at"]:
yield urwid.Text(("green", "✓ Verified"))
yield urwid.Text(("success", "✓ Verified"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield link("", account["url"])
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Poll(urwid.ListBox):
if poll["voted"] or poll["expired"]:
prefix = " ✓ " if voted_for else " "
yield urwid.Text(("gray", prefix + f'{option["title"]}'))
yield urwid.Text(("dim", prefix + f'{option["title"]}'))
if poll["multiple"]:
checkbox = CheckBox(f'{option["title"]}')
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class Poll(urwid.ListBox):
poll_detail += " · Closes on {}".format(expires_at)
yield urwid.Text(("gray", poll_detail))
yield urwid.Text(("dim", poll_detail))
def generate_contents(self, status):
yield urwid.Divider()
@ -84,11 +84,10 @@ class Timeline(urwid.Columns):
urwid.connect_signal(item, "click", lambda *args:
return urwid.AttrMap(item, None, focus_map={
"blue": "status_list_selected",
"green": "status_list_selected",
"yellow": "status_list_selected",
"cyan": "status_list_selected",
"red": "status_list_selected",
"status_list_account": "status_list_selected",
"status_list_timestamp": "status_list_selected",
"highligh": "status_list_selected",
"dim": "status_list_selected",
None: "status_list_selected",
@ -323,13 +322,13 @@ class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile):
def content_generator(self, status, reblogged_by):
if reblogged_by:
text = "♺ {} boosted".format(reblogged_by.display_name or reblogged_by.username)
yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("gray", text)))
yield ("pack", urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray"))
yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("dim", text)))
yield ("pack", urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim"))
yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("green",
yield ("pack", urwid.Text(("status_detail_author",
account_color = "yellow" if in self.followed_accounts else "gray"
account_color = "highlight" if in self.followed_accounts else "dim"
yield ("pack", urwid.Text((account_color,
yield ("pack", urwid.Divider())
@ -348,7 +347,7 @@ class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile):
media =["media_attachments"]
if media:
for m in media:
yield ("pack", urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray"))
yield ("pack", urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim"))
yield ("pack", urwid.Text([("bold", "Media attachment"), " (", m["type"], ")"]))
if m["description"]:
yield ("pack", urwid.Text(m["description"]))
@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile):
application ="application") or {}
application = application.get("name")
yield ("pack", urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray"))
yield ("pack", urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Divider("-"), "dim"))
translated_from = (
@ -376,24 +375,24 @@ class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile):
visibility_colors = {
"public": "gray",
"unlisted": "white",
"private": "cyan",
"direct": "yellow"
"public": "visibility_public",
"unlisted": "visibility_unlisted",
"private": "visibility_private",
"direct": "visibility_direct"
visibility = status.visibility.title()
visibility_color = visibility_colors.get(status.visibility, "gray")
visibility_color = visibility_colors.get(status.visibility, "dim")
yield ("pack", urwid.Text([
("blue", f"{status.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')} "),
("red" if status.bookmarked else "gray", "b "),
("gray", f"⤶ {['replies_count']} "),
("yellow" if status.reblogged else "gray", f"♺ {['reblogs_count']} "),
("yellow" if status.favourited else "gray", f"★ {['favourites_count']}"),
("status_detail_timestamp", f"{status.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')} "),
("status_detail_bookmarked" if status.bookmarked else "dim", "b "),
("dim", f"⤶ {['replies_count']} "),
("highlight" if status.reblogged else "dim", f"♺ {['reblogs_count']} "),
("highlight" if status.favourited else "dim", f"★ {['favourites_count']}"),
(visibility_color, f" · {visibility}"),
("yellow", f" · Translated from {translated_from} " if translated_from else ""),
("gray", f" · {application}" if application else ""),
("highlight", f" · Translated from {translated_from} " if translated_from else ""),
("dim", f" · {application}" if application else ""),
# Push things to bottom
@ -405,9 +404,9 @@ class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile):
return urwid.LineBox(contents)
def card_generator(self, card):
yield urwid.Text(("green", card["title"].strip()))
yield urwid.Text(("card_title", card["title"].strip()))
if card.get("author_name"):
yield urwid.Text(["by ", ("yellow", card["author_name"].strip())])
yield urwid.Text(["by ", ("card_author", card["author_name"].strip())])
yield urwid.Text("")
if card["description"]:
yield urwid.Text(card["description"].strip())
@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ class StatusDetails(urwid.Pile):
expires_at = parse_datetime(poll["expires_at"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
status += " · Closes on {}".format(expires_at)
yield urwid.Text(("gray", status))
yield urwid.Text(("dim", status))
class StatusListItem(SelectableColumns):
@ -452,20 +451,20 @@ class StatusListItem(SelectableColumns):
edited_flag = "*" if edited_at else " "
favourited = ("yellow", "★") if status.original.favourited else " "
reblogged = ("yellow", "♺") if status.original.reblogged else " "
is_reblog = ("cyan", "♺") if status.reblog else " "
is_reply = ("cyan", "⤶") if status.original.in_reply_to else " "
favourited = ("highlight", "★") if status.original.favourited else " "
reblogged = ("highlight", "♺") if status.original.reblogged else " "
is_reblog = ("dim", "♺") if status.reblog else " "
is_reply = ("dim", "⤶") if status.original.in_reply_to else " "
return super().__init__([
("pack", SelectableText(("blue", created_at), wrap="clip")),
("pack", urwid.Text(("blue", edited_flag))),
("pack", SelectableText(("status_list_timestamp", created_at), wrap="clip")),
("pack", urwid.Text(("status_list_timestamp", edited_flag))),
("pack", urwid.Text(" ")),
("pack", urwid.Text(favourited)),
("pack", urwid.Text(" ")),
("pack", urwid.Text(reblogged)),
("pack", urwid.Text(" ")),
urwid.Text(("green", status.original.account), wrap="clip"),
urwid.Text(("status_list_account", status.original.account), wrap="clip"),
("pack", urwid.Text(is_reply)),
("pack", urwid.Text(is_reblog)),
("pack", urwid.Text(" ")),
Reference in a new issue