Derek Schmidt 2b3b14c8b7
Impliment a custom textbox-like modal
The actual curses provided textbox has issuses with adding
newlines to the toot body when the text wraps to fit,
so I've implimented a basic textbox using draw_lines and an
internal text body (rather than relying on the curses window
2019-04-16 14:21:07 +02:00

70 lines
1.9 KiB

import re
from toot.wcstring import fit_text, wc_wrap
def draw_horizontal_divider(window, y):
height, width = window.getmaxyx()
# Don't draw out of bounds
if y < height - 1:
line = '' + '' * (width - 2) + ''
window.addstr(y, 0, line)
def enumerate_lines(lines, text_width, default_color):
def parse_line(line):
if isinstance(line, tuple) and len(line) == 2:
return line[0], line[1]
elif isinstance(line, str):
return line, default_color
elif line is None:
return "", default_color
raise ValueError("Wrong yield in generator")
def wrap_lines(lines):
for line in lines:
line, color = parse_line(line)
if line:
for wrapped in wc_wrap(line, text_width):
yield wrapped, color
yield "", color
return enumerate(wrap_lines(lines))
HASHTAG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?<!\w)(#\w+)\b')
def highlight_hashtags(window, y, padding, line):
from toot.ui.app import Color
for match in re.finditer(HASHTAG_PATTERN, line):
start, end = match.span()
window.chgat(y, start + padding, end - start, Color.HASHTAG)
def size_as_drawn(lines, screen_width):
"""Get the bottom-right corner of some text as would be drawn by draw_lines"""
y = 0
x = 0
for line in lines:
for wrapped_line in wc_wrap(line, screen_width):
x = len(wrapped_line)
y += 1
return y - 1, x - 1
def draw_lines(window, lines, start_y, padding, default_color):
height, width = window.getmaxyx()
text_width = width - 2 * padding
for dy, (line, color) in enumerate_lines(lines, text_width, default_color):
y = start_y + dy
if y < height - 1:
window.addstr(y, padding, fit_text(line, text_width), color)
highlight_hashtags(window, y, padding, line)
return y + 1