Denis Laxalde 9623219959 Include mentions and replied-to account in compose text
We add a "mentions" attribute to Status. Then when composing a reply, we
fill the edit text of the compose box with the account name of status
being replied to and possibly include mentions at the bottom of the edit
text. Initial cursor position is set after replied account name.
2019-09-18 21:42:55 +02:00

126 lines
4.4 KiB

import urwid
import logging
from .constants import VISIBILITY_OPTIONS
from .widgets import Button, EditBox
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class StatusComposer(urwid.Frame):
UI for compose and posting a status message.
signals = ["close", "post"]
def __init__(self, in_reply_to=None):
self.in_reply_to = in_reply_to
text, edit_pos = '', None
if in_reply_to is not None:
text = f'@{in_reply_to.account} '
edit_pos = len(text)
mentions = [f'@{m["acct"]}' for m in in_reply_to.mentions]
if mentions:
text += '\n\n{}'.format(' '.join(mentions))
self.content_edit = EditBox(edit_text=text, edit_pos=edit_pos,
multiline=True, allow_tab=True)
self.cw_edit = None
self.cw_add_button = Button("Add content warning",
self.cw_remove_button = Button("Remove content warning",
self.visibility = "public"
self.visibility_button = Button("Visibility: {}".format(self.visibility),
self.post_button = Button("Post", on_press=self.post)
self.cancel_button = Button("Cancel", on_press=self.close)
contents = list(self.generate_list_items())
self.walker = urwid.SimpleListWalker(contents)
self.listbox = urwid.ListBox(self.walker)
return super().__init__(self.listbox)
def generate_list_items(self):
if self.in_reply_to:
yield urwid.Text(("gray", "Replying to {}".format(self.in_reply_to.account)))
yield urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Divider("-"), "gray")
yield urwid.Text("Status message")
yield self.content_edit
yield urwid.Divider()
if self.cw_edit:
yield urwid.Text("Content warning")
yield self.cw_edit
yield urwid.Divider()
yield self.cw_remove_button
yield self.cw_add_button
yield self.visibility_button
yield self.post_button
yield self.cancel_button
def refresh(self):
self.walker = urwid.SimpleListWalker(list(self.generate_list_items()))
self.listbox.body = self.walker
def choose_visibility(self, *args):
list_items = [urwid.Text("Choose status visibility:")]
for visibility, caption, description in VISIBILITY_OPTIONS:
text = "{} - {}".format(caption, description)
button = Button(text, on_press=self.set_visibility, user_data=visibility)
self.walker = urwid.SimpleListWalker(list_items)
self.listbox.body = self.walker
# Initially focus currently chosen visibility
focus_map = {v[0]: n + 1 for n, v in enumerate(VISIBILITY_OPTIONS)}
focus = focus_map.get(self.visibility, 1)
def set_visibility(self, widget, visibility):
self.visibility = visibility
self.visibility_button.set_label("Visibility: {}".format(self.visibility))
self.walker.set_focus(7 if self.cw_edit else 4)
def add_content_warning(self, button):
self.cw_edit = EditBox(multiline=True, allow_tab=True)
def remove_content_warning(self, button):
self.cw_edit = None
def set_error_message(self, msg):
self.footer = urwid.Text(("footer_message_error", msg))
def clear_error_message(self):
self.footer = None
def post(self, button):
# Don't lstrip content to avoid removing intentional leading whitespace
# However, do strip both sides to check if there is any content there
content = self.content_edit.edit_text.rstrip()
content = None if not content.strip() else content
warning = self.cw_edit.edit_text.rstrip() if self.cw_edit else ""
warning = None if not warning.strip() else warning
if not content:
self.set_error_message("Cannot post an empty message")
in_reply_to_id = self.in_reply_to.id if self.in_reply_to else None
self._emit("post", content, warning, self.visibility, in_reply_to_id)
def close(self, button):