solidsanek 7cf6b40dc5
Some checks are pending
ci/woodpecker/pr/woodpecker Pipeline is pending
Docs: Fix typos
2023-04-23 00:05:31 +02:00

5.5 KiB

Managing users

{! administration/CLI_tasks/general_cli_task_info.include !}

Create a user

=== "OTP"

./bin/pleroma_ctl user new <nickname> <email> [option ...]

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user new <nickname> <email> [option ...]


  • --name <name> - the user's display name
  • --bio <bio> - the user's bio
  • --password <password> - the user's password
  • --moderator/--no-moderator - whether the user should be a moderator
  • --admin/--no-admin - whether the user should be an admin
  • -y, --assume-yes/--no-assume-yes - whether to assume yes to all questions

List local users

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user list

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user list

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user invite [option ...]

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user invite [option ...]


  • --expires-at DATE - last day on which token is active (e.g. "2019-04-05")
  • --max-use NUMBER - maximum numbers of token uses

List generated invites

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user invites

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user invites

Revoke invite

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user revoke_invite <token>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user revoke_invite <token>

Delete a user

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user rm <nickname>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user rm <nickname>

Delete user's posts and interactions

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user delete_activities <nickname>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user delete_activities <nickname>

Sign user out from all applications (delete user's OAuth tokens and authorizations)

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user sign_out <nickname>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user sign_out <nickname>

Activate a user

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user activate NICKNAME

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user activate NICKNAME

Deactivate a user and unsubscribes local users from the user

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user deactivate NICKNAME

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user deactivate NICKNAME

Deactivate all accounts from an instance and unsubscribe local users on it

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user deactivate_all_from_instance <instance>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user deactivate_all_from_instance <instance>

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user reset_password <nickname>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user reset_password <nickname>

Disable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA/2FA) for a user

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user reset_mfa <nickname>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user reset_mfa <nickname>

Set the value of the given user's settings

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user set <nickname> [option ...]

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user set <nickname> [option ...]


  • --admin/--no-admin - whether the user should be an admin
  • --confirmed/--no-confirmed - whether the user account is confirmed
  • --locked/--no-locked - whether the user should be locked
  • --moderator/--no-moderator - whether the user should be a moderator

Add tags to a user

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user tag <nickname> <tags>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user tag <nickname> <tags>

Delete tags from a user

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user untag <nickname> <tags>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user untag <nickname> <tags>

Toggle confirmation status of the user

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user confirm <nickname>

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user confirm <nickname>

Set confirmation status for all regular active users

Admins and moderators are excluded

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user confirm_all

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user confirm_all

Revoke confirmation status for all regular active users

Admins and moderators are excluded

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user unconfirm_all

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user unconfirm_all

Fix following state

Sometimes the system can get into a situation where it thinks you're already following someone and won't send a request to the remote instance, or won't let you unfollow someone. This bug was fixed, but in case you encounter these weird states:

=== "OTP"

 ./bin/pleroma_ctl user fix_follow_state localuser remoteuser@example.com

=== "From Source"

mix pleroma.user fix_follow_state localuser remoteuser@example.com

The first argument is the local user's nickname - if you are myuser@myinstance, this should be myuser.

The second is the remote user, consisting of both nickname AND domain.

If you are a weird follow state situation and cannot resolve it with the above, you may need to co-operate with the remote admin to clear the state their side too - they should provide the arguments backwards, i.e. fix_follow_state remote local.