2020-06-17 14:59:16 +02:00

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defmodule Majic.Extension do
@moduledoc """
Helper module to fix extensions. Uses [MIME](
@typedoc """
If an extension is defined for a given MIME type, append it to the previous extension.
If no extension could be found for the MIME type, and `subtype_as_extension: false`, the returned filename will have no extension.
@type option_append :: {:append, false | true}
@typedoc "If no extension is defined for a given MIME type, use the subtype as its extension."
@type option_subtype_as_extension :: {:subtype_as_extension, false | true}
@spec fix(Path.t(), Majic.Result.t() | String.t(), [
option_append() | option_subtype_as_extension()
]) :: Path.t()
@doc """
Fix `name`'s extension according to `result_or_mime_type`.
iex(1)> {:ok, result} = Majic.perform("cat.jpeg", once: true)
{:ok, %Majic.Result{mime_type: "image/webp", ...}}
iex(1)> Majic.Extension.fix("cat.jpeg", result)
The `append: true` option will append the correct extension to the user-provided one, if there's an extension for the
iex(1)> Majic.Extension.fix("cat.jpeg", result, append: true)
iex(2)> Majic.Extension.fix("Makefile.txt", "text/x-makefile", append: true)
The `subtype_as_extension: true` option will use the subtype part of the MIME type as an extension for the ones that
don't have any:
iex(1)> Majic.Extension.fix("Makefile.txt", "text/x-makefile", subtype_as_extension: true)
iex(1)> Majic.Extension.fix("Makefile.txt", "text/x-makefile", subtype_as_extension: true, append: true)
def fix(name, result_or_mime_type, options \\ [])
def fix(name, %Majic.Result{mime_type: mime_type}, options) do
do_fix(name, mime_type, options)
def fix(name, mime_type, options) do
do_fix(name, mime_type, options)
defp do_fix(name, mime_type, options) do
append? = Keyword.get(options, :append, false)
subtype? = Keyword.get(options, :subtype_as_extension, false)
exts = MIME.extensions(mime_type) ++ subtype_extension(subtype?, mime_type)
old_ext = String.downcase(Path.extname(name))
basename = Path.basename(name, old_ext)
"." <> old = old_ext
if old in exts do
Enum.join([basename, old])
ext = List.first(exts)
ext_list =
cond do
ext && append? -> [old, ext]
!ext -> []
ext -> [ext]
Enum.join([basename] ++ ext_list, ".")
defp subtype_extension(true, type) do
[_type, sub] = String.split(type, "/", parts: 2)
defp subtype_extension(_, _), do: []