2020-06-16 21:13:21 +02:00

18 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a CHANGELOG.

0.8.1 - 2020-06-16


  • query functions for basic graph pattern matching (incl. streaming-support)

Compare v0.8.0...v0.8.1

0.8.0 - 2020-06-01

RDF literals and their datatypes were completely redesigned to support derived XSD datatypes and allow for defining custom datatypes. For an introduction on how literals work now read the updated page on literals in the guide. For more details on how to migrate from an earlier version read this wiki page.


  • a lot of new datatypes like xsd:float, xsd:byte or xsd:anyURI -- all numeric XSD datatypes are now available; see this page of the API documentation for an up-to-date list of all supported and missing XSD datatypes
  • an implementation of XSD facet system now makes it easy to define own custom datatypes via restriction of the existing XSD datatypes
  • RDF.Literal.update/2 updates the value of a RDF.Literal without changing anything else, eg. the language or datatype


  • the RDF.Literal struct now consists entirely of a datatype-specific structs in the literal field, which besides being more memory-efficient (since literals no longer consist of all possible fields a literal might have), allows pattern matching now on the datatype of literals.
  • RDF XSD datatypes are now defined in the RDF.XSD namespace
  • alias constructor functions for the XSD datatypes are now defined on RDF.XSD
  • matches?, less_than?, greater_than as higher level functions were removed from the RDF.Literal.Datatype modules
  • less_than?, greater_than? now always return a boolean and no longer nil when incomparable; you can still determine if two terms are comparable by checking if compare/2 returns nil
  • the language option is not supported on the RDF.XSD.String.new/2 constructor
  • the language option on RDF.Literal.new/2 is no longer ignored if it's empty (nil or ""), so this either produces an invalid RDF.LangString now or, if another datatype is provided will fail with an ArgumentError
  • canonical now performs implicit coercions when passed plain Elixir values
  • the inspect format for literals was changed and is now much more informative and uniform, since you now always see the value, the lexical form and if the literal is valid
  • RDF.Namespace.resolve_term/1 now returns ok or error tuples, but a new function RDF.Namespace.resolve_term!/1 with the old behaviour was added
  • Elixir versions < 1.8 are no longer supported


  • numeric operations on invalid numeric literals no longer fail, but return nil instead
  • Datetimes preserve the original lexical form of the timezone when casting from a date
  • BEAM error warnings when trying to use top-level modules as vocabulary terms

Compare v0.7.1...v0.8.0

0.7.1 - 2020-03-11


  • proper typespecs so that Dialyzer passes without warnings (@rustra)


  • RDF.XSD.Time didn't handle 24h overflows with an offset correctly

Compare v0.7.0...v0.7.1

0.7.0 - 2019-11-22


  • RDF.Diff data structure for diffs between RDF graphs and descriptions
  • RDF.Description.update/4 updates the objects of a predicate in a description with a custom update function
  • RDF.Graph.update/4 updates the descriptions of a subject in a graph with a custom update function
  • RDF.Description.take/2 creates a description from another one by limiting its statements to a set of predicates
  • RDF.Graph.take/3 creates a graph from another one by limiting its statements to a set of subjects and optionally also a set of predicates
  • RDF.Graph.clear/1 removes the triples from a graph
  • Mix formatter configuration for using defvocab without parens


  • RDF.Serialization.Writer.write_file/4 which is the basis used by all the write_file/3 and write_file!/3 functions of all serialization format modules like RDF.NTriples, RDF.Turtle, JSON.LD etc. now opens file in a different mode: it no longer opens them with the :utf8 option. First, this by default slowed down the writing, but more importantly could lead to unexpected encoding issues. This is a breaking change: If your code relied on this file mode, you can get the old behaviour, by specifying the file_mode on these functions accordingly as [:utf8, :write, :exclusive]. For example, to write a Turtle file with the old behaviour, you can do it like this:
RDF.Turtle.write_file!(some_data, some_path, file_mode: ~w[utf8 write exclusive]a)

Compare v0.6.2...v0.7.0

0.6.2 - 2019-09-08


  • field base_iri on RDF.Graph structure which can be set via new base_iri option on RDF.Graph.new or the new functions RDF.Graph.set_base_iri/2 and RDF.Graph.clear_base_iri/1
  • RDF.Graph.clear_metadata/1 which clears the base IRI and the prefixes
  • RDF.IRI.coerce_base/1 which coerces base IRIs; as opposed to RDF.IRI.new/1 it also accepts bare RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace modules


  • RDF.Turtle.Decoder saves the base IRI in the RDF.Graph now
  • RDF.Turtle.Encoder now takes the base IRI to be used during serialization in
    the following order of precedence:
    • from the base option or its new alias base_iri
    • from the base_iri field of the given graph
    • from the RDF.default_base_iri returning the one from the application configuration
  • RDF.PrefixMap.new and RDF.PrefixMap.add now also accepts terms from RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces as namespaces


  • Vocabulary namespace modules weren't always detected properly

Compare v0.6.1...v0.6.2

0.6.1 - 2019-07-15


  • RDF.IRI.to_string/1 returns the string representation of an RDF.IRI
    (implicitly resolving vocabulary namespace terms)
  • RDF.Literal.matches?/3 for XQuery regex pattern matching
  • RDF.Decimal.digit_count/1 and RDF.Decimal.fraction_digit_count/1 for
    determining the number of digits of decimal literals


  • language literals were not properly unescaped during Turtle parsing
  • RDF.Literal.new/1 can take decimals and infers the datatype xsd:decimal correctly
  • true and false with capital letters are no longer valid RDF.Booleans following the XSD specification; the same applies for booleans in Turtle
  • +INF is no longer a valid RDF.Double (positive infinity doesn't expect a sign)
  • slightly improve output of errors during parsing of Turtle, N-Triples and N-Quads

Compare v0.6.0...v0.6.1

0.6.0 - 2019-04-06

see here for upgrading notes to RDF.ex 0.6


  • RDF.PrefixMap
  • prefix management of RDF.Graphs:
    • the structure now has a prefixes field with an optional RDF.PrefixMap
    • new functions add_prefixes/2, delete_prefixes/2 and clear_prefixes/1
  • configurable RDF.default_prefixes
  • RDF.Description.equal?/2, RDF.Graph.equal?/2, RDF.Dataset.equal?/2 and RDF.Data.equal?/2


  • the constructor functions for RDF.Graphs and RDF.Datasets now take the graph name resp. dataset name through a name option, instead of the first argument
  • RDF.Graph.new supports an additional prefixes argument to initialize the prefixes field
  • when RDF.Graph.add and RDF.Graph.put are called with another graph, its prefixes are merged
  • RDF.Turtle.Decoder saves the prefixes now
  • RDF.Turtle.Encoder now takes the prefixes to be serialized in the following order of precedence:
    • from the prefixes option (as before)
    • from the prefixes field of the given graph
    • from the RDF.default_prefixes
  • drop support for OTP < 20, since prefixes can consist of UTF characters which are not supported in atoms on these versions

Compare v0.5.4...v0.6.0

0.5.4 - 2019-01-17


  • issue with Elixir 1.8
  • RDF.write_file and RDF.write_file! delegators had wrong signatures

Compare v0.5.3...v0.5.4

0.5.3 - 2018-11-11


  • RDF.Triple.valid?/1, RDF.Quad.valid?/1 and RDF.Statement.valid?/1, which validate if a tuple is a valid RDF triple or RDF quad

Compare v0.5.2...v0.5.3

0.5.2 - 2018-11-04


  • RDF.Term.value/1 returning the native Elixir value of a RDF term
  • RDF.Statement.values/1, RDF.Triple.values/1 and RDF.Quad.values/1 returning a tuple of RDF.Term.value/1 converted native Elixir values from a tuple of RDF terms
  • RDF.Description.values/1, RDF.Graph.values/1, RDF.Dataset.values/1 and RDF.Data.values/1 returning a map of RDF.Term.value/1 converted native Elixir values from the respective structure of RDF terms
  • for all of aforementioned values/1 functions a variant values/2 which allows to specify custom mapping function to be applied when creating the resp. structure
  • RDF.Literal.compare/2, RDF.Literal.less_than?/2 and RDF.Literal.greater_than?/2
    for RDF.Datatype aware comparisons of RDF.Literals


  • RDF.DateTime.equal_value?/2 and RDF.Date.equal_value?/2 did not handle timezones correctly
  • -00:00 is a valid timezone offset on RDF.DateTime

Compare v0.5.1...v0.5.2

0.5.1 - 2018-09-17


  • generated Erlang output files of Leex and Yecc are excluded from Hex package

Compare v0.5.0...v0.5.1

0.5.0 - 2018-09-17


  • Possibility to execute simple SPARQL queries against RDF.Graphs with SPARQL 0.2
  • New RDF.Term protocol implemented for all structs representing RDF nodes and
    all native Elixir datatypes which are coercible to those modules. For now, it
    mainly offers, besides the coercion, just the function RDF.Term.equal?/2 and RDF.Term.equal_value?/2 for term- and value comparisons.
  • New RDF.Decimal datatype for xsd:decimal literals and support for decimal literals in Turtle encoder
  • RDF.Numeric module with a list of all numeric datatypes and shared functions for all numeric literals, eg. arithmetic functions
  • Various new RDF.Datatype function
    • RDF.Datatype.cast/1 for casting between RDF.Literals as specified in the XSD spec on all RDF.Datatypes
    • logical operators and the Effective Boolean Value (EBV) coercion algorithm from the XPath and SPARQL specs on RDF.Boolean
    • various functions on the RDF.DateTime and RDF.Time datatypes
    • RDF.LangString.match_language?/2
  • Many new convenience functions on the top-level RDF module
    • constructors for all of the supported RDF.Datatypes
    • constant functions RDF.true and RDF.false for the two boolean RDF.Literal values
  • RDF.Literal.Guards which allow pattern matching of common literal datatypes
  • RDF.BlankNode.Generator
  • Possibility to configure an application-specific default base IRI; for now it is used only on reading of RDF serializations (when no base specified)


  • Elixir versions < 1.6 are no longer supported
  • RDF.String.new/2 and RDF.String.new!/2 produce a rdf:langString when given a language tag
  • Some of the defined structs now enforce keys on compile-time (via Elixirs @enforce_keys feature) when not setting the corresponding fields would lead to invalid structs, namely the following fields:
    • RDF.IRI.value
    • RDF.BlankNode.id
    • RDF.Description.subject
    • RDF.List.head


  • RDF.resource?/1 does not fail anymore when called with unresolvable atoms but returns false instead
  • RDF.IRI.absolute/2 does not fail with a FunctionClauseError when the given base is not absolute, but returns nil instead
  • RDF.DateTime and RDF.Time store microseconds
  • RDF.DateTime: '24:00:00' is a valid time in a xsd:dateTime; the dateTime value so represented is the first instant of the following day
  • RDF.LangString: non-strings or the empty string as language produce invalid literals

Compare v0.4.1...v0.5.0

0.4.1 - 2018-03-19


  • RDF.Literal.new!/2 which fails when creating an invalid literal


  • RDF.Literal.new/2 can create rdf:langString literals without failing, they
    are simply invalid; if you want to fail without a language tag use the new RDF.Literal.new!/2 function

Compare v0.4.0...v0.4.1

0.4.0 - 2018-03-10


  • renamed RDF.Serialization behaviour to RDF.Serialization.Format; the new RDF.Serialization module contains just simple RDF serialization related functions
  • renamed RDF.Serialization.Format function content_type/0 to media_type/0
  • moved RDF.Reader and RDF.Writer into RDF.Serialization module
  • removed the limitation to serialization formats defined in the core RDF.ex package for use as a source of RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces; so you can now also define vocabulary namespaces from JSON-LD files for example, provided that the corresponding Hex package is defined as a dependency


  • RDF.Serialization.Formats define a name atom
  • all RDF.Serialization.Reader and RDF.Serialization.Writer functions are now available on the RDF.Serialization module (or aliased on the top-level RDF module) and the format can be specified instead of a RDF.Serialization.Format argument, via the format or media_type option or in case of *_file functions, without explicit specification of the format, but inferred from file name extension instead; see the updated README section about RDF serializations
  • the following functions to access available RDF.Serialization.Formats:
    • RDF.Serialization.formats/0
    • RDF.Serialization.available_formats/0
    • RDF.Serialization.format/1
    • RDF.Serialization.format_by_media_type/1
    • RDF.Serialization.format_by_extension/1

Compare v0.3.1...v0.4.0

0.3.1 - 2018-01-19


  • Collectable implementations for all RDF.Data structures so they can be used as destinations of Enum.into and for comprehensions


  • Fix unescape_map in parse_helper for Elixir 1.6 (@ajkeys)

Compare v0.3.0...v0.3.1

0.3.0 - 2017-08-24


  • RDF.IRI as a more suitable URI/IRI representation for RDF, bringing enormous performance and memory consumption benefits (see here for the details about the improvements)


  • use RDF.IRI instead of Elixirs URI everywhere
  • use the term iri instead of uri consistently, leading to the following function renamings:
    • base_iri instead of base_uri for the definition of RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces
    • __base_iri__ instead of __base_uri__ in all RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces
    • __iris__ instead of __uris__ in all RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces
    • RDF.IRI.InvalidError instead of RDF.InvalidURIError
    • RDF.Literal.InvalidError instead of RDF.InvalidLiteralError
    • RDF.Namespace.InvalidVocabBaseIRIError instead of RDF.Namespace.InvalidVocabBaseURIError
  • show compilation message of vocabulary namespaces always to be able to relate resp. errors and warnings


  • when trying to resolve a term from an undefined module a RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError exception

Compare v0.2.0...v0.3.0

0.2.0 - 2017-08-12


  • full Turtle support
  • RDF.List structure for the representation of RDF lists
  • describes?/1 on RDF.Data protocol and all RDF data structures which checks
    if statements about a given resource exist
  • RDF.Data.descriptions/1 which returns all descriptions within a RDF data structure
  • RDF.Description.first/2 which returns a single object to a predicate of a RDF.Description
  • RDF.Description.objects/2 now supports a custom filter function
  • RDF.bnode?/1 which checks if the given value is a blank node


  • Rename RDF.Statement.convert* functions to RDF.Statement.coerce*
  • Don't support Elixir versions < 1.4


  • RDF.uri/1 and URI parsing of N-Triples and N-Quads decoders preserve empty fragments
  • booleans weren't recognized as coercible literals on object positions
  • N-Triples and N-Quads decoder didn't handle escaping properly

Compare v0.1.1...v0.2.0

0.1.1 - 2017-06-25


  • Add src directory to package files.

Compare v0.1.0...v0.1.1

0.1.0 - 2017-06-25

Initial release

Note: This version is not usable, since the src directory is not part of the package, which has been immediately fixed on version 0.1.1.