- requires the development branch of live_view currently, if you are
going to be using live view
Raise minimum elixir version to 1.9
There is some bug in EEx that was fixed in 1.9 and I can't be bothered
to make it backwards compatible with the bug.
Remove commented out line
Integration test for slots
Format integration test project
Hide slots assign in temple prefixed key
Won't compile temple related assigns when calling Utils.runtime_attrs
Update component docs with slots usage
The properties were either not needed at all, or were named back when
there was only one node type. now that each node is it's own struct,
they really don't need to share any common properties.
Before this change, only keyword list literals could be passed to
elements. If they had non-literals as values, then those would compile
to EEx expressions.
This allows a non-literal to be passed as attrs and have the entire thing
compile to an EEx expression, which will pass the non-literal to a
"runtime_attrs" function, which evaluates a keyword list into a safe
That last part might need to be reworked if the user is not using
the Phoenix.HTML.Engine EEx Engine.
This implements a Temple.Parser behavior. This contracts requires a
`applicable/1` and `run/2` functions to be defined.
`applicable/1` is passed the unparsed AST, and returns true or false
as to whether this parser module should be run.
`run/2` is passed the unparsed AST as well as the buffer. It should add
parsed markup to the buffer.
The function either returns `:ok` if the AST is done, or
`{:component_applied, ast}`. If the latter is returned, the parser pass
starts over with the return ast.
Components work very similarly to how they worked before, but with a few
To define a component, you can create a file in your configured temple
components directory, which defaults to `lib/components`. You would
probably want ot change that to be `lib/my_app_web/components` if you
are building a phoenix app.
This file should be of the `.exs` extension, and contain any temple
compatible code.
You can then use this component in any other temple template.
For example, if I were to define a `flex` component, I would create a
file called `lib/my_app_web/components/flex.exs`, with the following
div class: "flex #{@temple[:class]}", id: @id do
And we could use the component like so
flex class: "justify-between items-center", id: "arnold" do
div do: "Hi"
div do: "I'm"
div do: "Arnold"
div do: "Schwarzenegger"
We've demonstated several features to components in this example.
We can pass assigns to our component, and access them just like we would
in a normal phoenix template. If they don't match up with any assigns we
passed to our component, they will be rendered as-is, and will become a
normal Phoenix assign.
You can also access a special `@temple` assign. This allows you do
optionally pass an assign, and not have the `@my_assign` pass through.
If you didn't pass it to your component, it will evaluate to nil.
The block passed to your component can be accessed as `@children`. This
allows your components to wrap a body of markup from the call site.
In order for components to trigger a recompile when they are changed,
you can call `use Temple.Recompiler` in your `lib/my_app_web.ex` file,
in the `view`, `live_view`, and `live_component` functions
def view do
quote do
# ...
use Temple.Recompiler
# ...
* Temple.Svg
- scopes update_mdn_task to the temple namespace
- introduces new temple.convert mix task to convert plain HTML and SVG to
Temple syntax
* Rename Temple.Tags to Temple.Html
* Remove hackney
I'm not sure why it was even in there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* Update floki
* Document temple.convert in README
Removed html from the list of nonvoid tags. Implemented specifically
so the doctype declaration can be put in. Not sure if this or adding
an if block to check the tag was a better solution.
Added tests for the html macro to the tests since it would no longer
show up in nonvoid_elements list.
mix test passes
Recursively calling the macros works fine if you `import` the whole
module wherever you are using your components, but not if you `require`
the module.
This is because importing brings in the all the macros into the callers
namespace, which allows them to be called just by the macro name. When
you `require` the module, it will look for the generated 2-arity macro
in the callers namespace, which probably doesn't exist.
We get around this by not recursively calling them and avoiding the
problem all togther. A few utility functions solves the original issue
of wanting to DRY the file.