* Fine tune whitespace
The EEx outut now emits more human-readable and predictable formatting.
This includes proper indenting, at least for each "root" template.
* Internal whitespace control
You can now use a bang version of any nonvoid tag to emit the markup
witout the internal whitespace. This means that there will not be a
newline emitted after the opening tag and before the closing tag.
- requires the development branch of live_view currently, if you are
going to be using live view
Raise minimum elixir version to 1.9
There is some bug in EEx that was fixed in 1.9 and I can't be bothered
to make it backwards compatible with the bug.
Remove commented out line
This implements a Temple.Parser behavior. This contracts requires a
`applicable/1` and `run/2` functions to be defined.
`applicable/1` is passed the unparsed AST, and returns true or false
as to whether this parser module should be run.
`run/2` is passed the unparsed AST as well as the buffer. It should add
parsed markup to the buffer.
The function either returns `:ok` if the AST is done, or
`{:component_applied, ast}`. If the latter is returned, the parser pass
starts over with the return ast.
* Temple.Svg
- scopes update_mdn_task to the temple namespace
- introduces new temple.convert mix task to convert plain HTML and SVG to
Temple syntax
* Rename Temple.Tags to Temple.Html
* Remove hackney
I'm not sure why it was even in there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* Update floki
* Document temple.convert in README
Recursively calling the macros works fine if you `import` the whole
module wherever you are using your components, but not if you `require`
the module.
This is because importing brings in the all the macros into the callers
namespace, which allows them to be called just by the macro name. When
you `require` the module, it will look for the generated 2-arity macro
in the callers namespace, which probably doesn't exist.
We get around this by not recursively calling them and avoiding the
problem all togther. A few utility functions solves the original issue
of wanting to DRY the file.