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Mitchell Hanberg fe3aed5df7 Some cleanup
2021-04-09 00:16:30 -04:00

204 lines
4.2 KiB

## Main
Nothing Yet
## 0.6.0-rc.0
- Can pass a keyword list to be evaluated at runtime as attrs/assigns to an element.
# compile time
div class: "foo", id: bar do
# something
# <div class="foo" id="<%= bar %>">
# <!-- something -->
# </div>
# runtime
div some_var do
# something
# <div<%= UtilsTempleModule.runtime_attrs(some_var) %>>
# <!-- something -->
# </div>
- it now parses `case` expressions
### Breaking
#### Components
Components are now a thin layer over template partials, compiling to calls to `render/3` and `render_layout/4` under the hood.
To upgrade your components the new syntax, you can copy your component markup and paste it into the `render/1` macro inside the component module and references to `@children` can be updated to `@inner_content`.
Components can are also referenced differently than before when using them. Before, one would simply call `flex` to render a component named `Flex`. Now, one must use the keyword `c` to render a component, passing the keyword the component module along with any assigns.
##### Before
# definition
div class: "flex #{@class}" do
# usage
flex class: "justify-between" do
for item <- @items do
div do
##### After
# definition
defmodule MyAppWeb.Component.Flex do
use Temple.Component
render do
div class: "flex #{@class}" do
# usage
alias MyApp.Component.Flex # probably located in my_app_web.ex
c Flex, class: "justify-between" do
for item <- @items do
div do
### Bugs
- Did not correctly parse expressions with do blocks where the expression had two or more arguments before the block
## 0.6.0-alpha.4
- Fix a bug where lists would not properly compile
## 0.6.0-alpha.3
- Compile functions/macros that take blocks that are not if/unless/for
## 0.6.0-alpha.2
### Component API
Please see the README for more details regarding the Component API
## 0.6.0-alpha.1
### Generators
You can now use `mix Context Schema table_name col:type` in the same way you can with Phoenix.
### Other
- Make a note in the README to set the filetype for Live temple templates to `lexs`. You should be able to set this extension to use Elixir for syntax highlighting in your editor. In vim, you can add the following to your `.vimrc`
augroup elixir
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.lexs set filetype=elixir
augroup END
## 0.6.0-alpha.0
### Breaking!
This version is the start of a complete rewrite of Temple.
- Compiles to EEx at build time.
- Compatible with `Phoenix.LiveView`
- All modules other than `Temple` are removed
- `mix temple.convert` Mix task removed
## 0.5.0
- Introduce `@assigns` assign
- Join markup with a newline instead of empty string
## 0.4.4
- Removes unnecessary plug dependency.
- Bumps some other dependencies.
## 0.4.3
- Compiles when Phoenix is not included in the host application.
## 0.4.2
- temple.convert task no longer fails when parsing HTML fragments.
## 0.4.1
- Only use Floki in dev and test environments
## 0.4.0
- `Temple.Svg` module
- `mix temple.convert` Mix task
- (dev) rename `mix update_mdn_docs` to `mix temple.update_mdn_docs` and don't ship it to hex
### Breaking
- Rename `Temple.Tags` to `Temple.Html`
## v0.3.1
- `Temple.Form.phx_label`, `Temple.Form.submit`, `Temple.Link.phx_button`, `Temple.Link.phx_link` now correctly parse blocks. Before this, they would escape anything passed to the block instead of accepting it as raw HTML.
## v0.3.0
- `Temple.Tags.html` now prepends the doctype, making it valid HTML
- `Temple.Elements` module
### Breaking
- `Temple.Tags.html` no longer accepts content as the first argument. A legal `html` tag must contain only a single `head` and a single `body`.
## 0.2.0
- Wrap `radio_buttton/4` from Phoenix.HTML.Form
## 0.1.2
### Bugfixes
- Allow components to be used correctly when their module was `require`d instead of `import`ed
## 0.1.1
### Bugfixes
- Escape content passed to 1-arity tag macros
### Development
- Upgrade various optional development packages
## 0.1.0
- Initial Release