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Mitchell Hanberg 4715c77504 Logo
2019-07-04 00:16:37 -04:00

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# ![](temple.png)
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Temple is a DSL for writing HTML using Elixir.
You're probably here because you want to use Temple to write Phoenix templates, which is why Temple includes a [Phoenix template engine](#phoenix-templates) and Temple-compatible [Phoenix form helpers](#phoenixhtml).
## Installation
Add `temple` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:temple, "~> 0.1.0"}]
## Usage
Using Temple is a as simple as using the DSL inside of an `htm/1` block. This returns a safe result of the form `{:safe, html_string}`.
See the [documentation]( for more details.
use Temple
htm do
h2 "todos"
ul class: "list" do
for item <- @items do
li class: "item" do
div class: "checkbox" do
div class: "bullet hidden"
div item
script """
function toggleCheck({currentTarget}) {
let items = document.querySelectorAll("li");
Array.from(items).forEach(checkbox => checkbox.addEventListener("click", toggleCheck));
### Components
Temple provides an API for creating custom components that act as custom HTML elements.
These components can be given `props` that are available inside the component definition as module attributes. The contents of a components `do` block are available as a special `@children` attribute.
See the [documentation]( for more details.
defcomponent :flex do
div id: @id, class: "flex" do
htm do
flex id: "my-flex" do
div "Item 1"
div "Item 2"
div "Item 3"
### Phoenix.HTML
Temple provides macros for working with the helpers provided by the [Phoenix.HTML]( package.
Most of the macros are purely wrappers, while the semantics of some are changed to work with Temple.
See the [documentation]( for more details.
htm do
form_for @conn, Routes.some_path(@conn, :create) do
text_input form, :name
### Phoenix templates
Add the templating engine to your Phoenix configuration.
See the [documentation]( for more details.
# config.exs
config :phoenix, :template_engines, exs: Temple.Engine
# your_app_web.ex
def view do
quote do
# ...
use Temple # Replaces the call to import Phoenix.HTML
# app.html.exs
html lang: "en" do
head do
meta charset: "utf-8"
meta http_equiv: "X-UA-Compatible", content: "IE=edge"
meta name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
title "YourApp · Phoenix Framework"
link rel: "stylesheet", href: Routes.static_path(@conn, "/css/app.css")
body do
header do
section class: "container" do
nav role: "navigation" do
ul do
li do: a("Get Started", href: "")
a href: "", class: "phx-logo" do
img src: Routes.static_path(@conn, "/images/phoenix.png"),
alt: "Phoenix Framework Logo"
main role: "main", class: "container" do
p get_flash(@conn, :info), class: "alert alert-info", role: "alert"
p get_flash(@conn, :error), class: "alert alert-danger", role: "alert"
partial render(@view_module, @view_template, assigns)
script type: "text/javascript", src: Routes.static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js")
### Formatter
Add the following to your `.formatter.exs` to unsure that the Temple DSL functions are formatted without parens.
temple_funcs = ~w[
html htm
head title style script
noscript template
body section nav article aside h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
header footer address main
p pre blockquote ol ul li dl dt dd figure figcaption div
a em strong small s cite q dfn abbr data time code var samp kbd
sub sup i b u mark ruby rt rp bdi bdo span
ins del
iframe object video audio canvas
map svg math
table caption colgroup tbody thead tfoot tr td th
form fieldset legend label button select datalist optgroup
option textarea output progress meter
details summary menuitem menu
meta link base
area br col embed hr img input keygen param source track wbr
text partial
form_for inputs_for
checkbox color_input checkbox color_input date_input date_select datetime_local_input
datetime_select email_input file_input hidden_input number_input password_input range_input
search_input telephone_input textarea text_input time_input time_select url_input
reset submit phx_label multiple_select select phx_link phx_button
]a |> e -> {e, :*} end)
inputs: ["*.{ex,exs}", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"],
locals_without_parens: temple_funcs