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2020-07-16 00:19:57 -04:00
.github Compile to EEx (#80) 2020-06-16 15:28:21 -04:00
bin Compile to EEx (#80) 2020-06-16 15:28:21 -04:00
config Components API 2020-07-15 22:32:27 -04:00
integration_test/temple_demo Compile to EEx (#80) 2020-06-16 15:28:21 -04:00
lib Only split args when list is a keyword list 2020-07-16 00:19:57 -04:00
priv/templates Context/LiveView generator 2020-06-30 20:43:04 -04:00
test Handle expressions with do blocks that aren't if/unless/for 2020-07-15 23:23:12 -04:00
.formatter.exs Compile to EEx (#80) 2020-06-16 15:28:21 -04:00
.gitignore Compile to EEx (#80) 2020-06-16 15:28:21 -04:00
.tool-versions Compile to EEx (#80) 2020-06-16 15:28:21 -04:00 Handle expressions with do blocks that aren't if/unless/for 2020-07-15 23:23:12 -04:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE 2019-06-30 14:45:17 -04:00
mix.exs Bump v0.6.0-alpha-3 2020-07-15 23:23:41 -04:00
mix.lock Compile to EEx (#80) 2020-06-16 15:28:21 -04:00 Update README 2020-07-15 22:47:23 -04:00
temple.png Logo 2019-07-04 00:16:37 -04:00

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You are looking at the README for the master branch. The README for the latest stable release is located here.

Temple is a DSL for writing HTML using Elixir.

You're probably here because you want to use Temple to write Phoenix templates, which is why Temple includes a Phoenix template engine.


Add temple to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:temple, "~> 0.6.0-alpha.2"}]


Using Temple is a as simple as using the DSL inside of an temple/1 block. This returns an EEx string at compile time.

See the documentation for more details.

use Temple

temple do
  h2 do: "todos"

  ul class: "list" do
    for item <- @items do
      li class: "item" do
        div class: "checkbox" do
          div class: "bullet hidden"

        div do: item

  script do: """
  function toggleCheck({currentTarget}) {

  let items = document.querySelectorAll("li");

  Array.from(items).forEach(checkbox => checkbox.addEventListener("click", toggleCheck));


To define a component, you can create a file in your configured temple components directory, which defaults to lib/components. You would probably want to change that to be lib/my_app_web/components if you are building a phoenix app.

# config/config.exs

config :temple, :components_path, "./lib/my_app_web/components"

This file should be of the .exs extension.

You can then use this component in any other temple template.

For example, if I were to define a flex component, I would create a file called lib/my_app_web/components/flex.exs, with the following contents.

div class: "flex #{@temple[:class]}", id: @id do

And we could use the component like so

flex class: "justify-between items-center", id: "arnold" do
  div do: "Hi"
  div do: "I'm"
  div do: "Arnold"
  div do: "Schwarzenegger"

We've demonstrated several features to components in this example.

We can pass assigns to our component, and access them just like we would in a normal phoenix template. If they don't match up with any assigns we passed to our component, they will be rendered as-is, and will become a normal Phoenix assign.

You can also access a special @temple assign. This allows you do optionally pass an assign, and not have the @my_assign pass through. If you didn't pass it to your component, it will evaluate to nil.

The block passed to your component can be accessed as @children. This allows your components to wrap a body of markup from the call site.

In order for components to trigger a recompile when they are changed, you can call use Temple.Recompiler in your lib/my_app_web.ex file, in the view, live_view, and live_component functions

def view do
  quote do
    # ...
    use Temple.Recompiler
    # ...

Phoenix templates

Add the templating engine to your Phoenix configuration.

# config.exs
config :phoenix, :template_engines,
  exs: Temple.Engine
  # or for LiveView support
  # this will work for files named like `index.html.lexs`
  # you can enable Elixir syntax highlighting in your editor
  lexs: Temple.LiveViewEngine

# config/dev.exs
config :your_app, YourAppWeb.Endpoint,
  live_reload: [
    patterns: [
# app.html.exs

html lang: "en" do
  head do
    meta charset: "utf-8"
    meta http_equiv: "X-UA-Compatible", content: "IE=edge"
    meta name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
    title do: "YourApp · Phoenix Framework"

    link rel: "stylesheet", href: Routes.static_path(@conn, "/css/app.css")

  body do
    header do
      section class: "container" do
        nav role: "navigation" do
          ul do
            li do: a("Get Started", href: "")

        a href: "", class: "phx-logo" do
          img src: Routes.static_path(@conn, "/images/phoenix.png"),
              alt: "Phoenix Framework Logo"

    main role: "main", class: "container" do
      p class: "alert alert-info", role: "alert", compact: true, do: get_flash(@conn, :info)
      p class: "alert alert-danger", role: "alert", compact: true, do: get_flash(@conn, :error)

      render @view_module, @view_template, assigns

    script type: "text/javascript", src: Routes.static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js")



Generates the app layout.


Generates the templates for a resource.


To include Temple's formatter configuration, add :temple to your .formatter.exs.

  import_deps: [:temple],
  inputs: ["*.{ex,exs}", "priv/*/seeds.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs,lexs}"],