Mark Felder 0c08bd4181 Update Mogrify docs and warning for deprecated syntax to encourage
users to enable both strip and auto-orient
2019-02-03 16:39:42 +00:00

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This file describe the configuration, it is recommended to edit the relevant *.secret.exs file instead of the others founds in the config directory. If you run Pleroma with MIX_ENV=prod the file is prod.secret.exs, otherwise it is dev.secret.exs.


  • uploader: Select which Pleroma.Uploaders to use
  • filters: List of Pleroma.Upload.Filter to use.
  • base_url: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host.
  • proxy_remote: If you're using a remote uploader, Pleroma will proxy media requests instead of redirecting to it.
  • proxy_opts: Proxy options, see Pleroma.ReverseProxy documentation.

Note: strip_exif has been replaced by Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Mogrify.


  • uploads: Which directory to store the user-uploads in, relative to pleromas working directory


  • args: List of actions for the mogrify command like "strip" or ["strip", "auto-orient", {"impode", "1"}].


No specific configuration.


This filter replaces the filename (not the path) of an upload. For complete obfuscation, add Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Dedupe before AnonymizeFilename.

  • text: Text to replace filenames in links. If empty, {random}.extension will be used.


  • adapter: one of the mail adapters listed in Swoosh readme, or Swoosh.Adapters.Local for in-memory mailbox.
  • api_key / password and / or other adapter-specific settings, per the above documentation.

An example for Sendgrid adapter:

config :pleroma, Pleroma.Mailer,
  adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.Sendgrid,
  api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"

An example for SMTP adapter:

config :pleroma, Pleroma.Mailer,
  adapter: Swoosh.Adapters.SMTP,
  relay: "smtp.gmail.com",
  username: "YOUR_USERNAME@gmail.com",
  password: "YOUR_SMTP_PASSWORD",
  port: 465,
  ssl: true,
  tls: :always,
  auth: :always


  • valid_schemes: List of the scheme part that is considered valid to be an URL


  • name: The instances name
  • email: Email used to reach an Administrator/Moderator of the instance
  • description: The instances description, can be seen in nodeinfo and /api/v1/instance
  • limit: Posts character limit (CW/Subject included in the counter)
  • remote_limit: Hard character limit beyond which remote posts will be dropped.
  • upload_limit: File size limit of uploads (except for avatar, background, banner)
  • avatar_upload_limit: File size limit of users profile avatars
  • background_upload_limit: File size limit of users profile backgrounds
  • banner_upload_limit: File size limit of users profile banners
  • registrations_open: Enable registrations for anyone, invitations can be enabled when false.
  • invites_enabled: Enable user invitations for admins (depends on registrations_open: false).
  • account_activation_required: Require users to confirm their emails before signing in.
  • federating: Enable federation with other instances
  • federation_reachability_timeout_days: Timeout (in days) of each external federation target being unreachable prior to pausing federating to it.
  • allow_relay: Enable Pleromas Relay, which makes it possible to follow a whole instance
  • rewrite_policy: Message Rewrite Policy, either one or a list. Here are the ones available by default:
    • Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.NoOpPolicy: Doesnt modify activities (default)
    • Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.DropPolicy: Drops all activities. It generally doesnt makes sense to use in production
    • Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy: Restrict the visibility of activities from certains instances (See :mrf_simple section)
    • Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.RejectNonPublic: Drops posts with non-public visibility settings (See :mrf_rejectnonpublic section)
    • Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.EnsureRePrepended: Rewrites posts to ensure that replies to posts with subjects do not have an identical subject and instead begin with re:.
  • public: Makes the client API in authentificated mode-only except for user-profiles. Useful for disabling the Local Timeline and The Whole Known Network.
  • quarantined_instances: List of ActivityPub instances where private(DMs, followers-only) activities will not be send.
  • managed_config: Whenether the config for pleroma-fe is configured in this config or in static/config.json
  • allowed_post_formats: MIME-type list of formats allowed to be posted (transformed into HTML)
  • finmoji_enabled: Whenether to enable the finmojis in the custom emojis.
  • mrf_transparency: Make the content of your Message Rewrite Facility settings public (via nodeinfo).
  • scope_copy: Copy the scope (private/unlisted/public) in replies to posts by default.
  • subject_line_behavior: Allows changing the default behaviour of subject lines in replies. Valid values:
    • "email": Copy and preprend re:, as in email.
    • "masto": Copy verbatim, as in Mastodon.
    • "noop": Don't copy the subject.
  • always_show_subject_input: When set to false, auto-hide the subject field when it's empty.
  • extended_nickname_format: Set to true to use extended local nicknames format (allows underscores/dashes). This will break federation with older software for theses nicknames.
  • max_pinned_statuses: The maximum number of pinned statuses. 0 will disable the feature.
  • autofollowed_nicknames: Set to nicknames of (local) users that every new user should automatically follow.
  • no_attachment_links: Set to true to disable automatically adding attachment link text to statuses



This can be used to configure a keyword list that keeps the configuration data for any kind of frontend. By default, settings for pleroma_fe are configured.

Frontends can access these settings at /api/pleroma/frontend_configurations

To add your own configuration for PleromaFE, use it like this:

config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations, pleroma_fe: %{redirectRootNoLogin: "/main/all", ...}

These settings need to be complete, they will override the defaults. See priv/static/static/config.json for the available keys.



If you are using this method, please change it to the frontend_configurations method. Please set this option to false in your config like this: config :pleroma, :fe, false.

This section is used to configure Pleroma-FE, unless :managed_config in :instance is set to false.

  • theme: Which theme to use, they are defined in styles.json
  • logo: URL of the logo, defaults to Pleromas logo
  • logo_mask: Whether to use only the logo's shape as a mask (true) or as a regular image (false)
  • logo_margin: What margin to use around the logo
  • background: URL of the background, unless viewing a user profile with a background that is set
  • redirect_root_no_login: relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user isnt logged in.
  • redirect_root_login: relative URL which indicates where to redirect when a user is logged in.
  • show_instance_panel: Whenether to show the instances specific panel.
  • scope_options_enabled: Enable setting an notice visibility and subject/CW when posting
  • formatting_options_enabled: Enable setting a formatting different than plain-text (ie. HTML, Markdown) when posting, relates to :instance, allowed_post_formats
  • collapse_message_with_subjects: When a message has a subject(aka Content Warning), collapse it by default
  • hide_post_stats: Hide notices statistics(repeats, favorites, …)
  • hide_user_stats: Hide profile statistics(posts, posts per day, followers, followings, …)


  • media_removal: List of instances to remove medias from
  • media_nsfw: List of instances to put medias as NSFW(sensitive) from
  • federated_timeline_removal: List of instances to remove from Federated (aka The Whole Known Network) Timeline
  • reject: List of instances to reject any activities from
  • accept: List of instances to accept any activities from


  • allow_followersonly: whether to allow followers-only posts
  • allow_direct: whether to allow direct messages


  • threshold: Number of mentioned users after which the message gets discarded as spam


  • enabled: Enables proxying of remote media to the instances proxy
  • base_url: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts.
  • proxy_opts: All options defined in Pleroma.ReverseProxy documentation, defaults to [max_body_length: (25*1_048_576)].


  • enabled: Enables the gopher interface
  • ip: IP address to bind to
  • port: Port to bind to


  • accept_blocks: Whether to accept incoming block activities from other instances
  • unfollow_blocked: Whether blocks result in people getting unfollowed
  • outgoing_blocks: Whether to federate blocks to other instances
  • deny_follow_blocked: Whether to disallow following an account that has blocked the user in question


  • enabled: Whether the managed content security policy is enabled
  • sts: Whether to additionally send a Strict-Transport-Security header
  • sts_max_age: The maximum age for the Strict-Transport-Security header if sent
  • ct_max_age: The maximum age for the Expect-CT header if sent
  • referrer_policy: The referrer policy to use, either "same-origin" or "no-referrer".


The keys in this section are the domain names that the policy should apply to. Each key should be assigned a list of users that should be allowed through by their ActivityPub ID.

An example:

config :pleroma, :mrf_user_allowlist,
  "example.org": ["https://example.org/users/admin"]

:web_push_encryption, :vapid_details

Web Push Notifications configuration. You can use the mix task mix web_push.gen.keypair to generate it.

  • subject: a mailto link for the administrative contact. Its best if this email is not a personal email address, but rather a group email so that if a person leaves an organization, is unavailable for an extended period, or otherwise cant respond, someone else on the list can.
  • public_key: VAPID public key
  • private_key: VAPID private key


  • enabled: Whether the captcha should be shown on registration
  • method: The method/service to use for captcha
  • seconds_valid: The time in seconds for which the captcha is valid


Kocaptcha is a very simple captcha service with a single API endpoint, the source code is here: https://github.com/koto-bank/kocaptcha. The default endpoint https://captcha.kotobank.ch is hosted by the developer.

  • endpoint: the kocaptcha endpoint to use


Allows to set a token that can be used to authenticate with the admin api without using an actual user by giving it as the 'admin_token' parameter. Example:

config :pleroma, :admin_token, "somerandomtoken"

You can then do

curl "http://localhost:4000/api/pleroma/admin/invite_token?admin_token=somerandomtoken"


  • max_jobs: The maximum amount of parallel federation jobs running at the same time.


  • enabled: If set to true, failed federation jobs will be retried
  • max_jobs: The maximum amount of parallel federation jobs running at the same time.
  • initial_timeout: The initial timeout in seconds
  • max_retries: The maximum number of times a federation job is retried


  • providers: a list of metadata providers to enable. Providers availible:
    • Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.OpenGraph
    • Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.TwitterCard
  • unfurl_nsfw: If set to true nsfw attachments will be shown in previews


  • enabled: if enabled the instance will parse metadata from attached links to generate link previews


Advanced. Tweaks Hackney (http client) connections pools.

There's three pools used:

  • :federation for the federation jobs. You may want this pool max_connections to be at least equal to the number of federator jobs + retry queue jobs.
  • :media for rich media, media proxy
  • :upload for uploaded media (if using a remote uploader and proxy_remote: true)

For each pool, the options are:

  • max_connections - how much connections a pool can hold
  • timeout - retention duration for connections