Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2021-04-24 22:56:35 +09:00
commit 99b7f4d26e
21 changed files with 551 additions and 155 deletions

View file

@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ customEmojis: "إيموجي مخصص"
addEmoji: "إضافة إيموجي" addEmoji: "إضافة إيموجي"
cacheRemoteFiles: "خزن مؤقتا الملفات البعيدة" cacheRemoteFiles: "خزن مؤقتا الملفات البعيدة"
autoAcceptFollowed: "اقبل طلبات المتابعة تلقائيا من الحسابات المتابَعة" autoAcceptFollowed: "اقبل طلبات المتابعة تلقائيا من الحسابات المتابَعة"
addAcount: "إضافة حساب"
loginFailed: "فشل الولوج" loginFailed: "فشل الولوج"
showOnRemote: "رؤيته على مثيل الخادم البُعدي" showOnRemote: "رؤيته على مثيل الخادم البُعدي"
general: "الرئيسية" general: "الرئيسية"
@ -354,7 +353,6 @@ category: "الفئات"
tags: "الوسوم" tags: "الوسوم"
docSource: "مصدر هذا المستند" docSource: "مصدر هذا المستند"
createAccount: "أنشئ حسابًا" createAccount: "أنشئ حسابًا"
existingAcount: "الحسابات الموجودة"
regenerate: "أعِد التوليد" regenerate: "أعِد التوليد"
fontSize: "حجم الخط" fontSize: "حجم الخط"
openImageInNewTab: "إفتح الصورة بصفحة جديدة" openImageInNewTab: "إفتح الصورة بصفحة جديدة"
@ -430,6 +428,8 @@ usageAmount: "الإستخدام"
capacity: "السعة" capacity: "السعة"
inUse: "مستخدم" inUse: "مستخدم"
info: "عن" info: "عن"
user: "المستخدمون"
administration: "إدارة "
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "يتابعك" title: "يتابعك"

View file

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ error: "Chyba"
somethingHappened: "Jejda. Něco se nepovedlo." somethingHappened: "Jejda. Něco se nepovedlo."
retry: "Opakovat" retry: "Opakovat"
pageLoadError: "Nepodařilo se načíst stránku" pageLoadError: "Nepodařilo se načíst stránku"
privacy: "Soukromí"
follow: "Sledovaní" follow: "Sledovaní"
unfollow: "Přestat sledovat" unfollow: "Přestat sledovat"
renote: "Přeposlat" renote: "Přeposlat"
@ -116,7 +117,6 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "Pokud je tento účet kontrolován programem zaškrtněte
flagAsCat: "Tenhle účet je kočka" flagAsCat: "Tenhle účet je kočka"
flagAsCatDescription: "Vyberte tuto možnost aby tento účet byl označen jako kočka." flagAsCatDescription: "Vyberte tuto možnost aby tento účet byl označen jako kočka."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Automaticky akceptovat následování od účtů které sledujete" autoAcceptFollowed: "Automaticky akceptovat následování od účtů které sledujete"
addAcount: "Přidat účet"
loginFailed: "Přihlášení se nezdařilo." loginFailed: "Přihlášení se nezdařilo."
general: "Obecně" general: "Obecně"
wallpaper: "Obrázek na pozadí" wallpaper: "Obrázek na pozadí"
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ clearQueue: "Vyčistit frontu"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Jste si jisti že zrušit všechny úlohy ve frontě?" clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Jste si jisti že zrušit všechny úlohy ve frontě?"
clearCachedFiles: "Vyprázdnit mezipaměť" clearCachedFiles: "Vyprázdnit mezipaměť"
blockedInstances: "Blokované instance" blockedInstances: "Blokované instance"
editProfile: "Upravit můj profil"
pinLimitExceeded: "Nemůžete připnout další poznámky." pinLimitExceeded: "Nemůžete připnout další poznámky."
intro: "Instalace Misskey byla dokončena! Prosím vytvořte admina." intro: "Instalace Misskey byla dokončena! Prosím vytvořte admina."
done: "Hotovo" done: "Hotovo"
@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ all: "Vše"
subscribing: "Odebíráte" subscribing: "Odebíráte"
publishing: "Publikuji" publishing: "Publikuji"
notResponding: "Neodpovídá" notResponding: "Neodpovídá"
instanceFollowing: "Následovníci na instanci"
instanceFollowers: "Následovníci na instanci" instanceFollowers: "Následovníci na instanci"
instanceUsers: "Uživatelé této instance" instanceUsers: "Uživatelé této instance"
changePassword: "Změnit heslo" changePassword: "Změnit heslo"
@ -170,6 +172,7 @@ newPassword: "Nové heslo"
newPasswordRetype: "Nové heslo (znovu)" newPasswordRetype: "Nové heslo (znovu)"
attachFile: "Přiložit soubor" attachFile: "Přiložit soubor"
more: "Více!" more: "Více!"
featured: "Oblíbené poznámky"
usernameOrUserId: "Uživatelské jméno nebo uživatelské id" usernameOrUserId: "Uživatelské jméno nebo uživatelské id"
noSuchUser: "Uživatel nebyl nalezen" noSuchUser: "Uživatel nebyl nalezen"
announcements: "Oznámení" announcements: "Oznámení"
@ -203,6 +206,8 @@ images: "Obrázky"
birthday: "Datum narození" birthday: "Datum narození"
registeredDate: "Datum registrace" registeredDate: "Datum registrace"
location: "Lokace" location: "Lokace"
light: "Světlý"
dark: "Tmavý"
lightThemes: "Světlý vzhled" lightThemes: "Světlý vzhled"
darkThemes: "Tmavý vzhled" darkThemes: "Tmavý vzhled"
syncDeviceDarkMode: "Synchronizovat tmavý vzhled s nastavením Vašeho systému" syncDeviceDarkMode: "Synchronizovat tmavý vzhled s nastavením Vašeho systému"
@ -217,6 +222,10 @@ folderName: "Název složky"
createFolder: "Vytvořit složku" createFolder: "Vytvořit složku"
renameFolder: "Přejmenovat složku" renameFolder: "Přejmenovat složku"
deleteFolder: "Odstranit složku" deleteFolder: "Odstranit složku"
addFile: "Přidat soubor"
emptyFolder: "Tato složka je prázdná"
unableToDelete: "Nelze smazat"
inputNewFileName: "Zadejte nový název"
copyUrl: "Kopírovat URL" copyUrl: "Kopírovat URL"
rename: "Přejmenovat" rename: "Přejmenovat"
avatar: "Avatar" avatar: "Avatar"
@ -224,6 +233,7 @@ banner: "Baner"
nsfw: "NSFW" nsfw: "NSFW"
disconnectedFromServer: "Spojení bylo přerušeno" disconnectedFromServer: "Spojení bylo přerušeno"
reload: "Aktualizovat" reload: "Aktualizovat"
doNothing: "Ignorovat"
watch: "Sledovat" watch: "Sledovat"
unwatch: "Přestat sledovat" unwatch: "Přestat sledovat"
accept: "Souhlasím" accept: "Souhlasím"
@ -254,6 +264,17 @@ iconUrl: "Favicon URL"
bannerUrl: "Baner URL" bannerUrl: "Baner URL"
basicInfo: "Základní informace" basicInfo: "Základní informace"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha" hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
hcaptchaSecretKey: "Tajný Klíč (Secret Key)"
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "Zapnout ReCAPTCHu"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Tajný Klíč (Secret Key)"
antennas: "Antény"
manageAntennas: "Spravovat Antény"
name: "Jméno"
antennaSource: "Zdroj Antény"
enableServiceworker: "Povolit ServiceWorker"
caseSensitive: "Rozlišuje malá a velká písmena"
connectedTo: "Následující účty jsou připojeny"
userList: "Seznamy" userList: "Seznamy"
about: "Informace" about: "Informace"
aboutMisskey: "O Misskey" aboutMisskey: "O Misskey"
@ -298,15 +319,70 @@ retype: "Zadejte znovu"
noteOf: "{user} poznámky" noteOf: "{user} poznámky"
inviteToGroup: "Pozvat do skupiny" inviteToGroup: "Pozvat do skupiny"
invitations: "Pozvat" invitations: "Pozvat"
tooShort: "Příliš krátké"
tooLong: "Příliš dlouhé"
weakPassword: "Slabé heslo"
normalPassword: "Dobré heslo"
strongPassword: "Silné heslo"
passwordMatched: "Hesla se schodují"
passwordNotMatched: "Hesla se neschodují"
signinWith: "Přihlásit se s {x}"
signinFailed: "Nelze se přihlásit. Zkontrolujte prosím své uživatelské jméno a heslo."
or: "Nebo"
language: "Jazyk"
youHaveNoGroups: "Nemáte žádné skupiny"
signinHistory: "Historie přihlášení"
category: "Kategorie"
tags: "Štítky"
createAccount: "Vytvořit účet"
fontSize: "Velikost písma"
openImageInNewTab: "Otevřít obrázek v novém panelu"
dashboard: "Přehled"
local: "Lokální"
total: "Celkem"
weekOverWeekChanges: "Týdně"
dayOverDayChanges: "Denně"
appearance: "Vzhled"
clientSettings: "Nastavení klienta"
accountSettings: "Nastavení účtu"
promotion: "Propagace"
promote: "Propagovat"
numberOfDays: "Počet dní"
chooseEmoji: "Vybrat emotikon"
unableToProcess: "Operace nebyla dokončena."
recentUsed: "Naposledy použité"
install: "Nainstalovat"
uninstall: "Odinstalovat"
installedApps: "Autorizované aplikace"
nothing: "Nic nebylo nalezeno"
lastUsedDate: "Poslední použití"
state: "Stav"
ascendingOrder: "Vzestupně"
descendingOrder: "Sestupně"
scratchpad: "Zápisník"
output: "Výstup"
script: "Skript"
deleteAllFiles: "Smazat všechny soubory"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "Jste si jistí že chcete smazat všechny soubory?"
userSuspended: "Tomuto uživateli byl pozastaven účet."
sidebar: "Postranní panel"
addItem: "Přidat položku"
rooms: "Místnost"
inboxUrl: "Inbox URL"
deletedNote: "Odstraněné příspěvky"
invisibleNote: "Skryté příspěvky"
smtpUser: "Uživatelské jméno" smtpUser: "Uživatelské jméno"
smtpPass: "Heslo" smtpPass: "Heslo"
clearCache: "Vyprázdnit mezipaměť" clearCache: "Vyprázdnit mezipaměť"
info: "Informace" info: "Informace"
user: "Uživatelé"
_mfm: _mfm:
mention: "Zmínění" mention: "Zmínění"
quote: "Citovat" quote: "Citovat"
emoji: "Vlastní emoji" emoji: "Vlastní emoji"
search: "Vyhledávání" search: "Vyhledávání"
total: "Celkem"
_sidebar: _sidebar:
icon: "Avatar" icon: "Avatar"
_theme: _theme:
@ -328,6 +404,7 @@ _visibility:
home: "Domů" home: "Domů"
followers: "Sledující" followers: "Sledující"
_profile: _profile:
name: "Jméno"
username: "Uživatelské jméno" username: "Uživatelské jméno"
_exportOrImport: _exportOrImport:
followingList: "Sledovaní" followingList: "Sledovaní"
@ -371,5 +448,6 @@ _deck:
_columns: _columns:
notifications: "Oznámení" notifications: "Oznámení"
tl: "Časová osa" tl: "Časová osa"
antenna: "Antény"
list: "Seznamy" list: "Seznamy"
mentions: "Zmínění" mentions: "Zmínění"

View file

@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ settingGuide: "Empfohlene Einstellung"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Dateien von anderen Instanzen im Cache speichern" cacheRemoteFiles: "Dateien von anderen Instanzen im Cache speichern"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Wenn diese Einstellung deaktiviert ist, werden Dateien anderer Instanzen direkt von dort geladen. Hierdurch wird Speicherplatz gespart, aber mehr Bandbreite verbraucht, da keine Vorschaubilder generiert werden." cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Wenn diese Einstellung deaktiviert ist, werden Dateien anderer Instanzen direkt von dort geladen. Hierdurch wird Speicherplatz gespart, aber mehr Bandbreite verbraucht, da keine Vorschaubilder generiert werden."
flagAsBot: "Als Bot markieren" flagAsBot: "Als Bot markieren"
flagAsBotDescription: "Wenn dieser Account durch ein Programm gesteuert wird, setze diesen Haken. Falls aktiviert, agiert es als Flag für andere Entwickler um endlose Kettenreaktionen mit anderen Bots zu verhindern und lässt Misskey's interne Systeme diesen Account als Bot behandeln." flagAsBotDescription: "Wenn dieses Benutzerkonto durch ein Programm gesteuert wird, setze diesen Haken. Falls aktiviert, agiert es als Flag für andere Entwickler um endlose Kettenreaktionen mit anderen Bots zu verhindern und lässt Misskey's interne Systeme dieses Benutzerkonto als Bot behandeln."
flagAsCat: "Als Katze markieren" flagAsCat: "Als Katze markieren"
flagAsCatDescription: "Setze diese Flag um dieses Benutzerkonto als Katze zu markieren." flagAsCatDescription: "Setze diese Flag um dieses Benutzerkonto als Katze zu markieren."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Follow-Anfragen automatisch akzeptieren" autoAcceptFollowed: "Follow-Anfragen automatisch akzeptieren"
addAcount: "Benutzerkonto hinzufügen" addAccount: "Benutzerkonto hinzufügen"
loginFailed: "Login fehlgeschlagen" loginFailed: "Login fehlgeschlagen"
showOnRemote: "Auf Ursprungsinstanz ansehen" showOnRemote: "Auf Ursprungsinstanz ansehen"
general: "Allgemein" general: "Allgemein"
@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Schlüsselwörter, die ignoriert werden sollen"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Mit Leerzeichen für eine \"UND\"-Verknüpfung trennen, durch Zeilenumbrüche für eine \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung trennen." antennaKeywordsDescription: "Mit Leerzeichen für eine \"UND\"-Verknüpfung trennen, durch Zeilenumbrüche für eine \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung trennen."
notifyAntenna: "Über neue Notizen benachrichtigen" notifyAntenna: "Über neue Notizen benachrichtigen"
withFileAntenna: "Nur Notizen mit Dateien" withFileAntenna: "Nur Notizen mit Dateien"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorker aktivieren" enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorker aktivieren"
antennaUsersDescription: "Benutzernamen getrennt durch Zeilenumbrüche angeben" antennaUsersDescription: "Benutzernamen getrennt durch Zeilenumbrüche angeben"
caseSensitive: "Groß-/Kleinschreibung unterscheiden" caseSensitive: "Groß-/Kleinschreibung unterscheiden"
@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ category: "Kategorie"
tags: "Schlagwörter" tags: "Schlagwörter"
docSource: "Quelle dieses Dokuments" docSource: "Quelle dieses Dokuments"
createAccount: "Benutzerkonto erstellen" createAccount: "Benutzerkonto erstellen"
existingAcount: "Bestehendes Benutzerkonto" existingAccount: "Bestehendes Benutzerkonto"
regenerate: "Regenerieren" regenerate: "Regenerieren"
fontSize: "Schriftgröße" fontSize: "Schriftgröße"
noFollowRequests: "Du hast keine Follow-Anfragen" noFollowRequests: "Du hast keine Follow-Anfragen"
@ -568,7 +567,7 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Dieses Plugin wird die hier konfigurierten Ber
notificationType: "Benachrichtigungsart" notificationType: "Benachrichtigungsart"
edit: "Bearbeiten" edit: "Bearbeiten"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Verwende ★ falls das Reaktions-Emoji unbekannt ist" useStarForReactionFallback: "Verwende ★ falls das Reaktions-Emoji unbekannt ist"
emailConfig: "Email-Server Konfiguration" emailServer: "Email-Server"
enableEmail: "Email-Versand aktivieren" enableEmail: "Email-Versand aktivieren"
emailConfigInfo: "Zur Email-Bestätigung bei Registrierung und zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts verwendet" emailConfigInfo: "Zur Email-Bestätigung bei Registrierung und zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts verwendet"
email: "Email" email: "Email"
@ -728,6 +727,20 @@ hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Das Verbergen deines Online-Statuses reduziert die
online: "Online" online: "Online"
active: "Aktiv" active: "Aktiv"
offline: "Offline" offline: "Offline"
notRecommended: "Nicht empfohlen"
botProtection: "Bot-Schutz"
selectAccount: "Benutzerkonto auswählen"
enabled: "Aktiviert"
disabled: "Deaktiviert"
user: "Benutzer"
administration: "Verwaltung"
accounts: "Benutzerkonten"
switch: "Wechseln"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "Betreiberinformationen sind nicht konfiguriert."
noBotProtectionWarning: "Bot-Schutz ist nicht konfiguriert."
configure: "Konfigurieren"
unlike: "\"Gefällt mir\" entfernen"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "Du hast einen neuen Follower" title: "Du hast einen neuen Follower"

View file

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "If this account is controlled by a program, set this opti
flagAsCat: "This account is a cat" flagAsCat: "This account is a cat"
flagAsCatDescription: "Toggle this flag on for this account to be marked as a cat." flagAsCatDescription: "Toggle this flag on for this account to be marked as a cat."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatically approve follow requests from users you're following" autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatically approve follow requests from users you're following"
addAcount: "Add Account" addAccount: "Add account"
loginFailed: "Failed to sign in" loginFailed: "Failed to sign in"
showOnRemote: "View on remote instance" showOnRemote: "View on remote instance"
general: "General" general: "General"
@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Keywords to exclude"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for AND condition. Separate with line breaks for OR." antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for AND condition. Separate with line breaks for OR."
notifyAntenna: "Notify for new notes" notifyAntenna: "Notify for new notes"
withFileAntenna: "Filter only notes with file(s) attached" withFileAntenna: "Filter only notes with file(s) attached"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Enable ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "Enable ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line" antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line"
caseSensitive: "Case sensitive" caseSensitive: "Case sensitive"
@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ category: "Category"
tags: "Tags" tags: "Tags"
docSource: "Source of this document" docSource: "Source of this document"
createAccount: "Create account" createAccount: "Create account"
existingAcount: "Existing accounts" existingAccount: "Existing account"
regenerate: "Regenerate" regenerate: "Regenerate"
fontSize: "Font size" fontSize: "Font size"
noFollowRequests: "You don't have any pending follow requests" noFollowRequests: "You don't have any pending follow requests"
@ -568,7 +567,7 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "This plugin will be able to use the permission
notificationType: "Notification type" notificationType: "Notification type"
edit: "Edit" edit: "Edit"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Use ★ as fallback if the reaction emoji is unknown" useStarForReactionFallback: "Use ★ as fallback if the reaction emoji is unknown"
emailConfig: "Email server configuration" emailServer: "Email server"
enableEmail: "Enable email distribution" enableEmail: "Enable email distribution"
emailConfigInfo: "Used to confirm your email during sign-up and if you forget your password" emailConfigInfo: "Used to confirm your email during sign-up and if you forget your password"
email: "Email" email: "Email"
@ -679,7 +678,7 @@ onlineUsersCount: "{n} people are online"
nUsers: "{n} Users" nUsers: "{n} Users"
nNotes: "{n} Notes" nNotes: "{n} Notes"
sendErrorReports: "Send error reports" sendErrorReports: "Send error reports"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared with Misskey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Misskey." sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared with Misskey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Misskey.\nThis may include informations such as your OS and its version, the kind of browser you're using, your activity history, etc."
myTheme: "My theme" myTheme: "My theme"
backgroundColor: "Background" backgroundColor: "Background"
accentColor: "Accent" accentColor: "Accent"
@ -728,6 +727,21 @@ hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Hiding your online status reduces the convenience
online: "Online" online: "Online"
active: "Active" active: "Active"
offline: "Offline" offline: "Offline"
notRecommended: "Not recommended"
botProtection: "Bot Protection"
selectAccount: "Select account"
enabled: "Enabled"
disabled: "Disabled"
quickAction: "Quick action"
user: "Users"
administration: "Management"
accounts: "Accounts"
switch: "Switch"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "Maintainer information is not configured."
noBotProtectionWarning: "Bot protection is not configured."
configure: "Configure"
unlike: "Undo like"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "You've got a new follower" title: "You've got a new follower"

View file

@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "En caso de que esta cuenta fuera usada por un programa, a
flagAsCat: "Esta cuenta es un gato" flagAsCat: "Esta cuenta es un gato"
flagAsCatDescription: "En caso de que declare que esta cuenta es de un gato, active esta opción." flagAsCatDescription: "En caso de que declare que esta cuenta es de un gato, active esta opción."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Aceptar automáticamente las solicitudes de seguimiento de los usuarios que sigues" autoAcceptFollowed: "Aceptar automáticamente las solicitudes de seguimiento de los usuarios que sigues"
addAcount: "Agregar cuenta"
loginFailed: "Error al iniciar sesión." loginFailed: "Error al iniciar sesión."
showOnRemote: "Ver en una instancia remota" showOnRemote: "Ver en una instancia remota"
general: "General" general: "General"
@ -348,7 +347,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Palabras clave para excluir"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separar con espacios es una declaración AND, separar con una linea nueva es una declaración OR" antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separar con espacios es una declaración AND, separar con una linea nueva es una declaración OR"
notifyAntenna: "Notificar nueva nota" notifyAntenna: "Notificar nueva nota"
withFileAntenna: "Sólo notas con archivos adjuntados" withFileAntenna: "Sólo notas con archivos adjuntados"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Activar ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "Activar ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Elegir nombres de usuarios separados por una linea nueva" antennaUsersDescription: "Elegir nombres de usuarios separados por una linea nueva"
caseSensitive: "Distinguir mayúsculas de minúsculas" caseSensitive: "Distinguir mayúsculas de minúsculas"
@ -451,7 +449,6 @@ category: "Categoría"
tags: "Etiqueta" tags: "Etiqueta"
docSource: "Fuente de este documento" docSource: "Fuente de este documento"
createAccount: "Crear cuenta" createAccount: "Crear cuenta"
existingAcount: "Cuentas existentes"
regenerate: "Regenerar" regenerate: "Regenerar"
fontSize: "Tamaño de la letra" fontSize: "Tamaño de la letra"
noFollowRequests: "No hay solicitudes de seguimiento" noFollowRequests: "No hay solicitudes de seguimiento"
@ -566,7 +563,6 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Este plugin podrá usar los permisos descritos
notificationType: "Tipo de notificación" notificationType: "Tipo de notificación"
edit: "Editar" edit: "Editar"
useStarForReactionFallback: "En caso de que los emojis de reacciones no sean claros, usar en su lugar una estrella" useStarForReactionFallback: "En caso de que los emojis de reacciones no sean claros, usar en su lugar una estrella"
emailConfig: "Configuración del servidor de correos"
enableEmail: "Activar el envío de correos electrónicos" enableEmail: "Activar el envío de correos electrónicos"
emailConfigInfo: "Usar en caso de validación de correo electrónico y pedido de contraseña" emailConfigInfo: "Usar en caso de validación de correo electrónico y pedido de contraseña"
email: "Correo" email: "Correo"
@ -654,6 +650,10 @@ textColor: "Texto"
value: "Valores" value: "Valores"
goBack: "Deseleccionar" goBack: "Deseleccionar"
info: "Información" info: "Información"
user: "Usuarios"
administration: "Administrar"
unlike: "Quitar me gusta"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "te ha seguido" title: "te ha seguido"

View file

@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "Si ce compte est géré de manière automatisée , défin
flagAsCat: "Ce compte est un chat" flagAsCat: "Ce compte est un chat"
flagAsCatDescription: "Activer l'option \" Je suis un chat \" pour ce compte." flagAsCatDescription: "Activer l'option \" Je suis un chat \" pour ce compte."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Accepter automatiquement les demandes dabonnement venant dutilisateur·rice·s que vous suivez" autoAcceptFollowed: "Accepter automatiquement les demandes dabonnement venant dutilisateur·rice·s que vous suivez"
addAcount: "Ajouter un compte"
loginFailed: "Échec de la connexion" loginFailed: "Échec de la connexion"
showOnRemote: "Voir sur linstance distante" showOnRemote: "Voir sur linstance distante"
general: "Général" general: "Général"
@ -349,7 +348,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Mots clés à exclure"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Séparer avec des espaces pour la condition AND. Séparer avec un saut de ligne pour une condition OR." antennaKeywordsDescription: "Séparer avec des espaces pour la condition AND. Séparer avec un saut de ligne pour une condition OR."
notifyAntenna: "Je souhaite recevoir les notifications des nouvelles notes" notifyAntenna: "Je souhaite recevoir les notifications des nouvelles notes"
withFileAntenna: "Notes ayant des attachements uniquement" withFileAntenna: "Notes ayant des attachements uniquement"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Activer ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "Activer ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Saisissez un seul nom dutilisateur·rice par ligne" antennaUsersDescription: "Saisissez un seul nom dutilisateur·rice par ligne"
caseSensitive: "Sensible à la casse" caseSensitive: "Sensible à la casse"
@ -453,7 +451,6 @@ category: "Catégorie"
tags: "Étiquettes" tags: "Étiquettes"
docSource: "Source de ce document" docSource: "Source de ce document"
createAccount: "Créer un compte" createAccount: "Créer un compte"
existingAcount: "Comptes existants"
regenerate: "Générer à nouveau" regenerate: "Générer à nouveau"
fontSize: "Taille de la police" fontSize: "Taille de la police"
noFollowRequests: "Vous navez aucune demande dabonnement en attente" noFollowRequests: "Vous navez aucune demande dabonnement en attente"
@ -541,8 +538,8 @@ enableInfiniteScroll: "Activer le défilement infini"
visibility: "Visibilité" visibility: "Visibilité"
poll: "Sondage" poll: "Sondage"
useCw: "Masquer le contenu" useCw: "Masquer le contenu"
enablePlayer: "Activer le lecteur vidéo" enablePlayer: "Ouvrir dans le lecteur vidéo"
disablePlayer: "Désactiver le lecteur vidéo" disablePlayer: "Fermer le lecteur vidéo"
expandTweet: "Étendre le tweet" expandTweet: "Étendre le tweet"
themeEditor: "Éditeur de thèmes" themeEditor: "Éditeur de thèmes"
description: "Description" description: "Description"
@ -568,7 +565,7 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Ce plugin pourra utiliser les autorisations d
notificationType: "Type de notifications" notificationType: "Type de notifications"
edit: "Editer" edit: "Editer"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Utiliser ★ comme alternative si lémoji de réaction est inconnu" useStarForReactionFallback: "Utiliser ★ comme alternative si lémoji de réaction est inconnu"
emailConfig: "Configuration du serveur email" emailServer: "Serveur mail"
enableEmail: "Activer la distribution de courriel" enableEmail: "Activer la distribution de courriel"
emailConfigInfo: "Utilisé pour confirmer votre adresse de courriel et la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe en cas doubli." emailConfigInfo: "Utilisé pour confirmer votre adresse de courriel et la réinitialisation de votre mot de passe en cas doubli."
email: "E-mail " email: "E-mail "
@ -678,7 +675,7 @@ onlineUsersCount: "{n} utilisateur(s) en ligne"
nUsers: "{n} utilisateur·rice·s" nUsers: "{n} utilisateur·rice·s"
nNotes: "{n} Notes" nNotes: "{n} Notes"
sendErrorReports: "Envoyer les rapports derreur" sendErrorReports: "Envoyer les rapports derreur"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "Lorsqu'il est activé, des informations détaillées sur les erreurs sont partagées avec Misskey lorsqu'un problème survient, ce qui contribue à améliorer la qualité de Misskey." sendErrorReportsDescription: "Si vous activez l'envoi des rapports d'erreur, vous contribuerez à améliorer la qualité de Misskey grâce au partage d'informations détaillées sur les erreurs lorsqu'un problème survient.\nCela inclut des informations telles que la version de votre système d'exploitation, le type de navigateur que vous utilisez, votre historique d'activité, etc."
myTheme: "Mes thèmes" myTheme: "Mes thèmes"
backgroundColor: "Arrière-plan" backgroundColor: "Arrière-plan"
accentColor: "Accentuation" accentColor: "Accentuation"
@ -722,10 +719,20 @@ info: "Informations"
userInfo: "Informations sur l'utilisateur" userInfo: "Informations sur l'utilisateur"
unknown: "Inconnu" unknown: "Inconnu"
onlineStatus: "Statut" onlineStatus: "Statut"
hideOnlineStatus: "Toujours apparaître hors ligne" hideOnlineStatus: "Se rendre invisible"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Forcer votre statut à toujours apparaître hors ligne peut diminuer les performances de certaines fonctionnalités, telles que la Recherche." hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Rendre votre statut invisible peut diminuer les performances de certaines fonctionnalités, telles que la Recherche."
online: "En ligne" online: "En ligne"
offline: "Hors ligne" offline: "Hors ligne"
notRecommended: "Déconseillé"
botProtection: "Protection contre les bots"
selectAccount: "Sélectionner un compte"
enabled: "Activé"
disabled: "Désactivé"
quickAction: "Actions rapides"
user: "Utilisateur·rice·s"
administration: "Gestion"
unlike: "Je naime pas"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "Vous suit" title: "Vous suit"
@ -908,6 +915,8 @@ _theme:
cwBg: "Arrière-plan du CW" cwBg: "Arrière-plan du CW"
cwFg: "Texte du bouton CW" cwFg: "Texte du bouton CW"
cwHoverBg: "Arrière-plan du bouton CW (survolé)" cwHoverBg: "Arrière-plan du bouton CW (survolé)"
toastBg: "Arrière-plan de la bulle de notification"
toastFg: "Texte de la bulle de notification"
buttonBg: "Arrière-plan du bouton" buttonBg: "Arrière-plan du bouton"
buttonHoverBg: "Arrière-plan du bouton (survolé)" buttonHoverBg: "Arrière-plan du bouton (survolé)"
inputBorder: "Cadre de la zone de texte" inputBorder: "Cadre de la zone de texte"
@ -1087,7 +1096,7 @@ _postForm:
channelPlaceholder: "Publier vers le canal" channelPlaceholder: "Publier vers le canal"
_placeholders: _placeholders:
a: "Quoi de neuf ?" a: "Quoi de neuf ?"
b: "Quoi de neuf ?" b: "Il s'est passé quelque chose ?"
c: "Quavez-vous en tête ?" c: "Quavez-vous en tête ?"
d: "Désirez-vous publier quelques mots ?" d: "Désirez-vous publier quelques mots ?"
e: "Écrivez ici" e: "Écrivez ici"
@ -1117,11 +1126,11 @@ _charts:
usersTotal: "Nombre des utilisateur·rice·s au total" usersTotal: "Nombre des utilisateur·rice·s au total"
activeUsers: "Utilisateur·rice·s actif·ve·s" activeUsers: "Utilisateur·rice·s actif·ve·s"
notesIncDec: "Variation du nombre des notes" notesIncDec: "Variation du nombre des notes"
localNotesIncDec: "Variation du nombre de notes local" localNotesIncDec: "Variation du nombre de notes locales"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Variation du nombre dnotes distant" remoteNotesIncDec: "Variation du nombre de notes distantes"
notesTotal: "Nombre total des notes" notesTotal: "Nombre total des notes"
filesIncDec: "Variation du nombre de fichiers" filesIncDec: "Variation du nombre de fichiers"
filesTotal: "Nombre de fichiers au total" filesTotal: "Nombre total de fichiers"
storageUsageIncDec: "Variation de l'utilisation du stockage" storageUsageIncDec: "Variation de l'utilisation du stockage"
storageUsageTotal: "Utilisation totale du stockage" storageUsageTotal: "Utilisation totale du stockage"
_instanceCharts: _instanceCharts:
@ -1206,12 +1215,12 @@ _rooms:
_pages: _pages:
newPage: "Créer une page" newPage: "Créer une page"
editPage: "Modifier une page" editPage: "Modifier une page"
readPage: "Voir la source" readPage: "Affichage de la source en cours"
created: "La page a été créée !" created: "La page a été créée !"
updated: "La page a été mise à jour !" updated: "La page a été mise à jour !"
deleted: "La page a bien été supprimée" deleted: "La page a été supprimée"
pageSetting: "Paramètres de la Page" pageSetting: "Paramètres de la Page"
nameAlreadyExists: "La URL de page spécifiée existe déjà" nameAlreadyExists: "L'URL de page spécifiée existe déjà"
invalidNameTitle: "La URL de la page spécifiée nest pas valide" invalidNameTitle: "La URL de la page spécifiée nest pas valide"
invalidNameText: "Assurez-vous quil nest pas vide" invalidNameText: "Assurez-vous quil nest pas vide"
editThisPage: "Éditer cette page" editThisPage: "Éditer cette page"
@ -1227,7 +1236,7 @@ _pages:
content: "Bloc de page" content: "Bloc de page"
variables: "Variables" variables: "Variables"
title: "Titre" title: "Titre"
url: "URL de page" url: "URL de la page"
summary: "Résumé de page" summary: "Résumé de page"
alignCenter: "Centrée" alignCenter: "Centrée"
hideTitleWhenPinned: "Masquer le titre de la page lorsque celle-ci est épinglée au profil" hideTitleWhenPinned: "Masquer le titre de la page lorsque celle-ci est épinglée au profil"
@ -1533,7 +1542,7 @@ _deck:
swapUp: "Déplacer vers le haut" swapUp: "Déplacer vers le haut"
swapDown: "Déplacer vers le bas" swapDown: "Déplacer vers le bas"
stackLeft: "Empiler à gauche" stackLeft: "Empiler à gauche"
popRight: "Vers la droite" popRight: "Extraire à droite"
profile: "Profil" profile: "Profil"
_columns: _columns:
main: "Principale" main: "Principale"

View file

@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ cacheRemoteFiles: "Tembolokkan berkas remote"
flagAsBot: "Atur akun ini sebagai Bot" flagAsBot: "Atur akun ini sebagai Bot"
flagAsCat: "Atur akun ini sebagai kucing" flagAsCat: "Atur akun ini sebagai kucing"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Setujui otomatis permintaan mengikuti dari pengguna yang anda ikuti" autoAcceptFollowed: "Setujui otomatis permintaan mengikuti dari pengguna yang anda ikuti"
addAcount: "Tambahkan akun"
loginFailed: "Gagal untuk masuk" loginFailed: "Gagal untuk masuk"
showOnRemote: "Lihat profil asli" showOnRemote: "Lihat profil asli"
general: "Umum" general: "Umum"
@ -213,6 +212,7 @@ invites: "Undang"
invitations: "Undang" invitations: "Undang"
smtpUser: "Nama Pengguna" smtpUser: "Nama Pengguna"
smtpPass: "Kata sandi" smtpPass: "Kata sandi"
user: "Pengguna"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "Sedang mengikuti" title: "Sedang mengikuti"

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ deleteAndEditConfirm: "Vuoi davvero cancellare questa nota e scriverla di nuovo?
addToList: "Aggiungi alla lista" addToList: "Aggiungi alla lista"
sendMessage: "Invia messaggio" sendMessage: "Invia messaggio"
copyUsername: "Copia nome utente" copyUsername: "Copia nome utente"
searchUser: "Cerca Utente" searchUser: "Cerca utente"
reply: "Rispondi" reply: "Rispondi"
loadMore: "Mostra di più" loadMore: "Mostra di più"
showMore: "Mostra di più" showMore: "Mostra di più"
@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "Se l'account esegue principalmente operazioni automatiche
flagAsCat: "Io sono un gatto" flagAsCat: "Io sono un gatto"
flagAsCatDescription: "Abilita l'opzione \"Io sono un gatto\" per l'account." flagAsCatDescription: "Abilita l'opzione \"Io sono un gatto\" per l'account."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Accetta automaticamente le richieste di follow da utenti che già segui" autoAcceptFollowed: "Accetta automaticamente le richieste di follow da utenti che già segui"
addAcount: "Aggiungi account"
loginFailed: "Accesso non riuscito" loginFailed: "Accesso non riuscito"
showOnRemote: "Sfoglia sull'istanza remota" showOnRemote: "Sfoglia sull'istanza remota"
general: "Generali" general: "Generali"
@ -338,7 +337,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Parole chiavi da escludere"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separare con uno spazio indica la condizione \"E\". Separare con un'interruzzione riga indica la condizione \"O\"." antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separare con uno spazio indica la condizione \"E\". Separare con un'interruzzione riga indica la condizione \"O\"."
notifyAntenna: "Invia notifiche delle nuove note" notifyAntenna: "Invia notifiche delle nuove note"
withFileAntenna: "Solo note con file in allegato" withFileAntenna: "Solo note con file in allegato"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Abilita ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "Abilita ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Inserisci solo un nome utente per riga" antennaUsersDescription: "Inserisci solo un nome utente per riga"
caseSensitive: "Sensibile alla distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole" caseSensitive: "Sensibile alla distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole"
@ -436,11 +434,11 @@ youHaveNoGroups: "Nessun gruppo"
joinOrCreateGroup: "Puoi creare il tuo gruppo o essere invitat@ a gruppi che già esistono." joinOrCreateGroup: "Puoi creare il tuo gruppo o essere invitat@ a gruppi che già esistono."
noHistory: "Nessuna cronologia" noHistory: "Nessuna cronologia"
signinHistory: "Cronologia di accesso all'account" signinHistory: "Cronologia di accesso all'account"
doing: "In corso..."
category: "Categoria" category: "Categoria"
tags: "Tag" tags: "Tag"
docSource: "Sorgente della scheda" docSource: "Sorgente della scheda"
createAccount: "Crea il tuo account" createAccount: "Crea il tuo account"
existingAcount: "Account esistente"
regenerate: "Generare di nuovo" regenerate: "Generare di nuovo"
fontSize: "Dimensione carattere" fontSize: "Dimensione carattere"
noFollowRequests: "Non hai alcuna richiesta di follow" noFollowRequests: "Non hai alcuna richiesta di follow"
@ -508,6 +506,7 @@ sidebar: "Barra laterale"
divider: "Linea di separazione" divider: "Linea di separazione"
addItem: "Aggiungi elemento" addItem: "Aggiungi elemento"
rooms: "Camera" rooms: "Camera"
inboxUrl: "Inbox URL"
serviceworkerInfo: "Deve essere abilitato per le notifiche push. " serviceworkerInfo: "Deve essere abilitato per le notifiche push. "
deletedNote: "Nota eliminata" deletedNote: "Nota eliminata"
invisibleNote: "Nota invisibile" invisibleNote: "Nota invisibile"
@ -515,12 +514,17 @@ enableInfiniteScroll: "Abilita scorrimento infinito"
visibility: "Visibilità" visibility: "Visibilità"
poll: "Sondaggio" poll: "Sondaggio"
useCw: "Nascondere media" useCw: "Nascondere media"
enablePlayer: "Apri in lettore video"
disablePlayer: "Chiudi lettore video"
expandTweet: "Espandi tweet" expandTweet: "Espandi tweet"
themeEditor: "Editor di temi" themeEditor: "Editor di temi"
description: "Descrizione" description: "Descrizione"
author: "Autore" author: "Autore"
leaveConfirm: "Ci sono delle modifiche ancora non salvate. Vuoi cancellarle?" leaveConfirm: "Ci sono delle modifiche ancora non salvate. Vuoi cancellarle?"
manage: "Gestione" manage: "Gestione"
plugins: "Estensioni"
deck: "Deck"
undeck: "Esci dal deck"
useFullReactionPicker: "Usa la totalità del pannello di reazioni" useFullReactionPicker: "Usa la totalità del pannello di reazioni"
width: "Larghezza" width: "Larghezza"
height: "Altezza" height: "Altezza"
@ -533,29 +537,48 @@ tokenRequested: "Autorizza accesso all'account"
notificationType: "Tipo di notifiche" notificationType: "Tipo di notifiche"
edit: "Modifica" edit: "Modifica"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Se è sconosciuto l'emoji di reazione, usare la ★ come alternativa." useStarForReactionFallback: "Se è sconosciuto l'emoji di reazione, usare la ★ come alternativa."
emailConfig: "Impostazioni server email" emailServer: "Server email"
enableEmail: "Abilita consegna email"
emailConfigInfo: "Utilizzato per verificare il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica e per reimpostare la tua password"
email: "Email" email: "Email"
emailAddress: "Indirizzo di posta elettronica"
smtpConfig: "Impostazioni del server SMTP"
smtpHost: "Server remoto" smtpHost: "Server remoto"
smtpPort: "Porta"
smtpUser: "Nome utente" smtpUser: "Nome utente"
smtpPass: "Password" smtpPass: "Password"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Lasciare il nome utente e la password vuoti per disabilitare la verifica SMTP"
smtpSecure: "Usare la porta SSL/TLS implicito per le connessioni SMTP"
smtpSecureInfo: "Disabilitare quando è attivo STARTTLS."
testEmail: "Testare la consegna di posta elettronica"
wordMute: "Filtri parole" wordMute: "Filtri parole"
userSaysSomething: "{name} ha detto qualcosa" userSaysSomething: "{name} ha detto qualcosa"
makeActive: "Attiva"
display: "Visualizza" display: "Visualizza"
copy: "Copia" copy: "Copia"
metrics: "Statistiche"
overview: "Anteprima"
logs: "Log" logs: "Log"
delayed: "Ritardo"
database: "Base di dati" database: "Base di dati"
channel: "Canale" channel: "Canale"
create: "Crea" create: "Crea"
notificationSetting: "Impostazioni notifiche" notificationSetting: "Impostazioni notifiche"
notificationSettingDesc: "Seleziona il tipo di notifiche da visualizzare." notificationSettingDesc: "Seleziona il tipo di notifiche da visualizzare."
useGlobalSetting: "Usa impostazioni generali"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "Se abilitato, le impostazioni notifiche dell'account verranno utilizzate. Se disabilitato, si possono definire diverse singole impostazioni."
other: "Avanzate" other: "Avanzate"
fileIdOrUrl: "ID o URL del file" fileIdOrUrl: "ID o URL del file"
behavior: "Comportamento"
abuseReports: "Segnala" abuseReports: "Segnala"
reportAbuse: "Segnala" reportAbuse: "Segnala"
reportAbuseOf: "Segnala {name}" reportAbuseOf: "Segnala {name}"
send: "Inviare" send: "Inviare"
openInNewTab: "Apri in una nuova scheda" openInNewTab: "Apri in una nuova scheda"
openInSideView: "Apri in vista laterale"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "Navigazione preimpostata"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "Modificare queste impostazioni può danneggiare l'account." editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "Modificare queste impostazioni può danneggiare l'account."
instanceTicker: "Informazioni sull'istanza da cui vengono le note"
waitingFor: "Aspettando {x}" waitingFor: "Aspettando {x}"
random: "Casuale" random: "Casuale"
system: "Sistema" system: "Sistema"
@ -567,6 +590,7 @@ optional: "Opzionale"
createNewClip: "Nuova clip" createNewClip: "Nuova clip"
public: "Pubblica" public: "Pubblica"
i18nInfo: "Misskey è tradotto in diverse lingue da volontari. Anche tu puoi contribuire su {link}." i18nInfo: "Misskey è tradotto in diverse lingue da volontari. Anche tu puoi contribuire su {link}."
accountInfo: "Informazioni account"
notesCount: "Conteggio note" notesCount: "Conteggio note"
repliesCount: "Numero di risposte inviate" repliesCount: "Numero di risposte inviate"
renotesCount: "Numero di note che hai ricondiviso" renotesCount: "Numero di note che hai ricondiviso"
@ -581,54 +605,116 @@ pollVotedCount: "Numero di voti ricevuti"
yes: "Sì" yes: "Sì"
no: "No" no: "No"
driveFilesCount: "Numero di file nel Drive" driveFilesCount: "Numero di file nel Drive"
driveUsage: "Utilizzazione del Drive"
alwaysMarkSensitive: "Segnare i media come sensibili per impostazione predefinita"
verificationEmailSent: "Una mail di verifica è stata inviata. Si prega di accedere al collegamento per compiere la verifica."
notSet: "Non impostato"
emailVerified: "Il tuo indirizzo email è stato verificato"
noteFavoritesCount: "Conteggio note tra i preferiti" noteFavoritesCount: "Conteggio note tra i preferiti"
pageLikesCount: "Numero di pagine che ti piacciono" pageLikesCount: "Numero di pagine che ti piacciono"
pageLikedCount: "Numero delle tue pagine che hanno ricevuto \"Mi piace\"" pageLikedCount: "Numero delle tue pagine che hanno ricevuto \"Mi piace\""
reversiCount: "Numero di partite a Reversi" reversiCount: "Numero di partite a Reversi"
contact: "Contatti" contact: "Contatti"
useSystemFont: "Usa il carattere predefinito del sistema"
clips: "Clip" clips: "Clip"
experimentalFeatures: "Funzioni sperimentali" experimentalFeatures: "Funzioni sperimentali"
developer: "Sviluppatore" developer: "Sviluppatore"
makeExplorable: "Account visibile sulla pagina \"Esplora\""
makeExplorableDescription: "Se disabiliti l'opzione, il tuo account non verrà visualizzato sulla pagina \"Esplora\"."
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "Mostrare un intervallo tra le note sulla timeline" showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "Mostrare un intervallo tra le note sulla timeline"
duplicate: "Duplica" duplicate: "Duplica"
left: "Sinistra" left: "Sinistra"
center: "Centro" center: "Centro"
wide: "Largo" wide: "Largo"
showTitlebar: "Visualizza la barra del titolo"
clearCache: "Svuota cache" clearCache: "Svuota cache"
onlineUsersCount: "{n} utenti online" onlineUsersCount: "{n} utenti online"
nUsers: "{n} utenti" nUsers: "{n} utenti"
nNotes: "{n}Note" nNotes: "{n}Note"
sendErrorReports: "Invia segnalazioni di errori"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "Quando abilitato, se si verifica un problema, informazioni dettagliate sugli errori verranno condivise con Misskey in modo da aiutare a migliorare la qualità del software.\nCiò include informazioni come la versione del sistema operativo, il tipo di navigatore web che usi, la cronologia delle attività, ecc."
myTheme: "I miei temi" myTheme: "I miei temi"
backgroundColor: "Sfondo" backgroundColor: "Sfondo"
textColor: "Testo" textColor: "Testo"
saveAs: "Salva con nome"
value: "Valore" value: "Valore"
createdAt: "Data di creazione"
updatedAt: "Aggiornato il"
saveConfirm: "Vuoi salvare le modifiche?" saveConfirm: "Vuoi salvare le modifiche?"
deleteConfirm: "Rimuovere?" deleteConfirm: "Rimuovere?"
registry: "Registro" registry: "Registro"
closeAccount: "Disattiva account" closeAccount: "Disattiva account"
currentVersion: "Versione attuale" currentVersion: "Versione attuale"
latestVersion: "Ultima versione" latestVersion: "Ultima versione"
youAreRunningUpToDateClient: "Stai usando la versione più recente del client."
newVersionOfClientAvailable: "Una nuova versione del tuo client è disponibile."
usageAmount: "In utilizzo"
capacity: "Capacità"
editCode: "Modifica codice" editCode: "Modifica codice"
apply: "Applica" apply: "Applica"
emailNotification: "Eventi per notifiche via mail" emailNotification: "Eventi per notifiche via mail"
inChannelSearch: "Cerca in canale" inChannelSearch: "Cerca in canale"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Cliccare sul tasto destro per aprire il pannello di reazioni" useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Cliccare sul tasto destro per aprire il pannello di reazioni"
typingUsers: "{users} sta(nno) scrivendo" typingUsers: "{users} sta(nno) scrivendo"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "Vai alla data "
showingPastTimeline: "Stai visualizzando una vecchia timeline" showingPastTimeline: "Stai visualizzando una vecchia timeline"
clear: "Cancella"
markAllAsRead: "Segna tutti come già letti"
goBack: "Indietro"
unlikeConfirm: "Non ti piace più?"
fullView: "Schermo intero"
quitFullView: "Esci dalla modalità a schermo intero"
addDescription: "Aggiungi descrizione"
userPagePinTip: "Qui puoi appuntare note, premendo \"Fissa sul profilo\" nel menù delle singole note."
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "Sono menzionati account che non vengono inclusi fra i destinatari"
info: "Informazioni" info: "Informazioni"
userInfo: "Informazioni utente"
unknown: "Sconosciuto"
onlineStatus: "Stato di connessione"
hideOnlineStatus: "Stato invisibile"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Abilitare l'opzione di stato invisibile può guastare la praticità di singole funzioni, come la ricerca."
online: "Online"
offline: "Offline"
notRecommended: "Sconsigliato"
botProtection: "Protezione contro i bot"
selectAccount: "Scegli account"
enabled: "Attivo"
disabled: "Inattivo"
quickAction: "Azioni rapide"
user: "Utente"
administration: "Gestione"
unlike: "Togli Mi piace"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "Ha iniziato a seguirti" title: "Ha iniziato a seguirti"
_receiveFollowRequest: _receiveFollowRequest:
title: "Hai ricevuto una richiesta di follow" title: "Hai ricevuto una richiesta di follow"
install: "Installa estensioni"
installWarn: "Si prega di installare soltanto estensioni che provengono da fonti affidabili."
manage: "Gestisci estensioni"
_registry: _registry:
key: "Dati" key: "Dati"
keys: "Dati" keys: "Dati"
domain: "Dominio"
createKey: "Crea chiave" createKey: "Crea chiave"
_aboutMisskey: _aboutMisskey:
about: "Misskey è un software libero e open source, sviluppato da syuilo dal 2014."
contributors: "Principali sostenitori"
allContributors: "Tutti i sostenitori"
source: "Codice sorgente" source: "Codice sorgente"
morePatrons: "Ci sono molti altri che ci sostengono. Grazie 🥰" translation: "Tradurre Misskey"
donate: "Sostieni Misskey"
morePatrons: "Apprezziamo sinceramente il supporto di tante altre persone. Grazie mille! 🥰"
patrons: "Sostenitori"
respect: "Nascondere i media segnati come sensibli"
ignore: "Visualizzare i media segnati come sensibili"
force: "Nascondere tutti i media"
_mfm: _mfm:
cheatSheet: "Bigliettino MFM"
dummy: "Il Fediverso si espande con Misskey"
mention: "Menzioni" mention: "Menzioni"
mentionDescription: "Si può menzionare un utente specifico digitando il suo nome utente subito dopo il segno @." mentionDescription: "Si può menzionare un utente specifico digitando il suo nome utente subito dopo il segno @."
hashtag: "Hashtag" hashtag: "Hashtag"
@ -643,7 +729,9 @@ _mfm:
search: "Cerca" search: "Cerca"
blur: "Sfocatura" blur: "Sfocatura"
font: "Tipo di carattere" font: "Tipo di carattere"
fontDescription: "Puoi scegliere il tipo di carattere per il contenuto."
_reversi: _reversi:
reversi: "Reversi"
gameSettings: "Impostazioni di gioco" gameSettings: "Impostazioni di gioco"
botSettings: "Opzioni del bot" botSettings: "Opzioni del bot"
black: "Nero" black: "Nero"
@ -654,6 +742,10 @@ _instanceTicker:
none: "Nascondi" none: "Nascondi"
remote: "Mostra solo per gli/le utenti remotə" remote: "Mostra solo per gli/le utenti remotə"
always: "Mostra sempre" always: "Mostra sempre"
reload: "Ricarica automaticamente"
dialog: "Apri avviso in finestra"
quiet: "Visualizza avviso in modo discreto"
_channel: _channel:
create: "Nuovo canale" create: "Nuovo canale"
edit: "Gerisci canale" edit: "Gerisci canale"
@ -665,12 +757,17 @@ _channel:
usersCount: "{n} partecipanti" usersCount: "{n} partecipanti"
notesCount: "{n} note" notesCount: "{n} note"
_sidebar: _sidebar:
full: "Intera"
icon: "Icone" icon: "Icone"
hide: "Nascondere" hide: "Nascondere"
_wordMute: _wordMute:
muteWords: "Parole da silenziare" muteWords: "Parole da filtrare"
muteWordsDescription: "Separare con uno spazio indica la condizione \"E\". Separare con un'interruzzione riga indica la condizione \"O\"." muteWordsDescription: "Separare con uno spazio indica la condizione \"E\". Separare con un'interruzzione riga indica la condizione \"O\"."
muteWordsDescription2: "Metti le parole chiavi tra slash per usare espressioni regolari (regexp)." muteWordsDescription2: "Metti le parole chiavi tra slash per usare espressioni regolari (regexp)."
softDescription: "Nascondi della timeline note che rispondono alle condizioni impostate qui."
hardDescription: "Impedisci alla timeline di caricare le note che rispondono alle condizioni impostate qui. Inoltre, le note scompariranno in modo irreversibile, anche se le condizioni verranno successivamente rimosse."
soft: "Moderato"
hard: "Severo"
mutedNotes: "Note silenziate" mutedNotes: "Note silenziate"
_theme: _theme:
explore: "Esplora temi" explore: "Esplora temi"
@ -712,8 +809,22 @@ _theme:
mention: "Menzioni" mention: "Menzioni"
renote: "Rinota" renote: "Rinota"
divider: "Interruzione di linea" divider: "Interruzione di linea"
infoFg: "Testo di informazioni"
infoWarnBg: "Sfondo degli avvisi"
infoWarnFg: "Testo di avviso"
cwBg: "Sfondo del CW"
cwFg: "Testo del pulsante CW"
cwHoverBg: "Sfondo del pulsante CW (sorvolato)"
toastBg: "Sfondo di notifica a comparsa"
toastFg: "Testo di notifica a comparsa"
buttonBg: "Sfondo del pulsante"
buttonHoverBg: "Sfondo del pulsante (sorvolato)"
inputBorder: "Inquadra casella di testo"
listItemHoverBg: "Sfondo della voce di elenco (sorvolato)"
driveFolderBg: "Sfondo della cartella di disco"
_sfx: _sfx:
note: "Nota" note: "Nota"
noteMy: "Mia nota"
notification: "Notifiche" notification: "Notifiche"
chat: "Messaggi" chat: "Messaggi"
antenna: "Ricezione dell'antenna" antenna: "Ricezione dell'antenna"
@ -748,7 +859,7 @@ _tutorial:
step4_1: "Hai pubblicato qualcosa?" step4_1: "Hai pubblicato qualcosa?"
step4_2: "Se puoi visualizzare la tua nota sulla timeline, ce l'hai fatta!" step4_2: "Se puoi visualizzare la tua nota sulla timeline, ce l'hai fatta!"
step5_1: "Adesso, cerca di seguire altre persone per vivacizzare la tua timeline. " step5_1: "Adesso, cerca di seguire altre persone per vivacizzare la tua timeline. "
step5_2: "La pagina {featured} mostra le note di tendenza su questa istanza e, sfogliandole, magari toverai degli account che ti piacciono e che vorrai seguire. Oppure, potrai trovare utenti popolari usando {explore}." step5_2: "La pagina {featured} mostra le note di tendenza su questa istanza, e magari ti aiuterà a trovare account che ti piacciono e che vorrai seguire. Oppure, potrai trovare utenti popolari usando {explore}."
step5_3: "Per seguire altrə utenti, clicca sul loro avatar per aprire la pagina di profilo dove puoi premere il pulsante \"Seguire\". " step5_3: "Per seguire altrə utenti, clicca sul loro avatar per aprire la pagina di profilo dove puoi premere il pulsante \"Seguire\". "
step5_4: "Alcunə utenti scelgono di confermare manualmente le richieste di follow che ricevono, quindi a seconda delle persone potrebbe volerci un pò prima che la tua richiesta sia accolta." step5_4: "Alcunə utenti scelgono di confermare manualmente le richieste di follow che ricevono, quindi a seconda delle persone potrebbe volerci un pò prima che la tua richiesta sia accolta."
step6_1: "Ora, se puoi visualizzare le note di altrə utenti sulla tua timeline, ce l'hai fatta!" step6_1: "Ora, se puoi visualizzare le note di altrə utenti sulla tua timeline, ce l'hai fatta!"
@ -757,6 +868,8 @@ _tutorial:
step7_1: "Complimenti! Sei arrivat@ alla fine dell'esercitazione di base su come usare Misskey. " step7_1: "Complimenti! Sei arrivat@ alla fine dell'esercitazione di base su come usare Misskey. "
step7_2: "Se vuoi saperne di più su Misskey, puoi dare un'occhiata alla sezione {help}." step7_2: "Se vuoi saperne di più su Misskey, puoi dare un'occhiata alla sezione {help}."
step7_3: "Da ultimo, buon divertimento su Misskey! 🚀" step7_3: "Da ultimo, buon divertimento su Misskey! 🚀"
registerDevice: "Aggiungi dispositivo"
_permissions: _permissions:
"read:blocks": "Visualizza gli account bloccati" "read:blocks": "Visualizza gli account bloccati"
"write:blocks": "Gestisci gli account bloccati" "write:blocks": "Gestisci gli account bloccati"
@ -775,6 +888,8 @@ _permissions:
"write:user-groups": "Gestisci gruppi di utenti" "write:user-groups": "Gestisci gruppi di utenti"
"read:channels": "Visualizza canali" "read:channels": "Visualizza canali"
"write:channels": "Gerisci canali" "write:channels": "Gerisci canali"
shareAccess: "Autorizzare「{name}」ad accedere al tuo account?"
_antennaSources: _antennaSources:
all: "Tutte le note" all: "Tutte le note"
homeTimeline: "Note dagli utenti che segui" homeTimeline: "Note dagli utenti che segui"
@ -804,6 +919,7 @@ _widgets:
button: "Pulsante" button: "Pulsante"
onlineUsers: "Utenti online" onlineUsers: "Utenti online"
jobQueue: "Coda di lavoro" jobQueue: "Coda di lavoro"
serverMetric: "Statistiche server"
_cw: _cw:
hide: "Nascondere" hide: "Nascondere"
show: "Mostra di più" show: "Mostra di più"
@ -831,13 +947,24 @@ _postForm:
replyPlaceholder: "Nota la tua risposta.." replyPlaceholder: "Nota la tua risposta.."
quotePlaceholder: "Cita Nota..." quotePlaceholder: "Cita Nota..."
channelPlaceholder: "Pubblica in canale" channelPlaceholder: "Pubblica in canale"
a: "Che succede?"
b: "È successo qualcosa?"
c: "Che cos'hai in mente?"
d: "Vuoi dire qualcosa?"
e: "Scrivi qualcosa qui"
f: "Aspettando che scriva..."
_profile: _profile:
name: "Nome" name: "Nome"
username: "Nome utente" username: "Nome utente"
description: "Bio" description: "Bio"
youCanIncludeHashtags: "Puoi anche includere hashtag."
metadata: "Metadati" metadata: "Metadati"
metadataEdit: "Modifica informazioni aggiuntive"
metadataDescription: "Puoi pubblicare fino a quattro informazioni aggiuntive sul profilo."
metadataLabel: "Etichetta" metadataLabel: "Etichetta"
metadataContent: "Contenuto" metadataContent: "Contenuto"
changeAvatar: "Modifica immagine profilo"
changeBanner: "Cambia intestazione" changeBanner: "Cambia intestazione"
_exportOrImport: _exportOrImport:
allNotes: "Tutte le note" allNotes: "Tutte le note"
@ -846,19 +973,31 @@ _exportOrImport:
blockingList: "Account bloccati" blockingList: "Account bloccati"
userLists: "Liste" userLists: "Liste"
_charts: _charts:
federationInstancesIncDec: "Variazione del numero di istanze federate"
federationInstancesTotal: "Numero totale di istanze federate"
usersIncDec: "Variazione del numero di utenti" usersIncDec: "Variazione del numero di utenti"
usersTotal: "Numero totale di utenti" usersTotal: "Numero totale di utenti"
activeUsers: "Numero di utenti attivi" activeUsers: "Numero di utenti attivi"
notesIncDec: "Variazione del numero di note"
localNotesIncDec: "Variazione del numero di note locali"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Variazione del numero di note distanti"
notesTotal: "Conteggio totale di note" notesTotal: "Conteggio totale di note"
filesIncDec: "Variazione del numero dei file"
filesTotal: "Numero totale di file"
storageUsageIncDec: "Variazione dell'utilizzo dell'immagazzinamento"
_instanceCharts: _instanceCharts:
users: "Variazione del numero di utenti" users: "Variazione del numero di utenti"
usersTotal: "Totale cumulativo di utenti" usersTotal: "Totale cumulativo di utenti"
notes: "Variazione del numero di note"
_timelines: _timelines:
home: "Home" home: "Home"
local: "Locale" local: "Locale"
social: "Sociale" social: "Sociale"
global: "Federata"
_rooms: _rooms:
roomOf: "Camera di {user}" roomOf: "Camera di {user}"
remove: "Togli"
leaveConfirm: "Hai fatto modifiche ancora non salvate. Vuoi davvero uscire?"
_roomType: _roomType:
default: "Predefinito" default: "Predefinito"
washitsu: "Washitsu" washitsu: "Washitsu"
@ -876,6 +1015,9 @@ _rooms:
eraser: "Gomma" eraser: "Gomma"
pencil: "Matita" pencil: "Matita"
pudding: "Pudding" pudding: "Pudding"
cardboard-box: "Scatola di cartone"
cardboard-box2: "Scatola di cartone 2"
cardboard-box3: "Scatola di cartone 3"
book: "Libro" book: "Libro"
book2: "Libro2" book2: "Libro2"
piano: "Pianoforte" piano: "Pianoforte"
@ -895,17 +1037,29 @@ _rooms:
bin: "Cestino" bin: "Cestino"
cup-noodle: "Noodle istantanei" cup-noodle: "Noodle istantanei"
_pages: _pages:
newPage: "Crea pagina"
editPage: "Modifica pagina"
readPage: "Visualizzando fonte "
created: "Pagina creata!" created: "Pagina creata!"
updated: "Pagina aggiornata con successo!"
deleted: "Pagina eliminata"
pageSetting: "Impostazioni pagina" pageSetting: "Impostazioni pagina"
editThisPage: "Modifica questa pagina"
viewSource: "Visualizza sorgente" viewSource: "Visualizza sorgente"
viewPage: "Visualizza pagina"
like: "Mi piace" like: "Mi piace"
unlike: "Togli Mi piace" unlike: "Togli Mi piace"
my: "Le mie pagine"
liked: "Pagine che mi piacciono"
featured: "Popolari" featured: "Popolari"
contents: "Contenuto"
content: "Blocco di pagina" content: "Blocco di pagina"
variables: "Variabili" variables: "Variabili"
title: "Titolo" title: "Titolo"
hideTitleWhenPinned: "Nascondere il titolo pagina quando è fissata in cima al profilo." hideTitleWhenPinned: "Nascondere il titolo pagina quando è fissata in cima al profilo."
font: "Tipo di carattere" font: "Tipo di carattere"
fontSerif: "Serif"
fontSansSerif: "Sans serif"
chooseBlock: "Aggiungi blocco" chooseBlock: "Aggiungi blocco"
blocks: blocks:
text: "Testo" text: "Testo"
@ -950,6 +1104,12 @@ _pages:
_action: _action:
_dialog: _dialog:
content: "Contenuto" content: "Contenuto"
pushEvent: "Inviare evento"
event: "Nome evento"
message: "Messaggio da visualizzare quando abilitato"
variable: "Variabile da inviare"
no-variable: "Nessun contenuto"
_radioButton: _radioButton:
name: "Nome della variabile" name: "Nome della variabile"
title: "Titolo" title: "Titolo"
@ -1064,7 +1224,21 @@ _notification:
groupInvited: "Invito a un gruppo" groupInvited: "Invito a un gruppo"
app: "Notifiche da applicazioni" app: "Notifiche da applicazioni"
_deck: _deck:
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Mostra sempre la colonna principale"
columnAlign: "Allineare colonne"
columnMargin: "Margine tra le colonne"
columnHeaderHeight: "Dimensioni dell'intestazione della colonna"
addColumn: "Aggiungi colonna"
swapLeft: "Sposta a sinistra"
swapRight: "Sposta a destra"
swapUp: "Sposta in alto"
swapDown: "Sposta in basso"
stackLeft: "Impila a sinistra"
popRight: "Estrai a destra"
profile: "Profilo"
_columns: _columns:
main: "Principale"
widgets: "Widget"
notifications: "Notifiche" notifications: "Notifiche"
tl: "Timeline" tl: "Timeline"
antenna: "Antenne" antenna: "Antenne"

View file

@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "もしこのアカウントがプログラムによって
flagAsCat: "Catやで" flagAsCat: "Catやで"
flagAsCatDescription: "ワレ、猫ちゃんならこのフラグをつけてみ?" flagAsCatDescription: "ワレ、猫ちゃんならこのフラグをつけてみ?"
autoAcceptFollowed: "フォローしとるユーザーからのフォローリクエストを勝手に許可しとく" autoAcceptFollowed: "フォローしとるユーザーからのフォローリクエストを勝手に許可しとく"
addAcount: "アカウント追加"
loginFailed: "ログインに失敗してしもうた…" loginFailed: "ログインに失敗してしもうた…"
showOnRemote: "リモートで見る" showOnRemote: "リモートで見る"
general: "全般" general: "全般"
@ -347,7 +346,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "除外キーワード"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "スペースで区切ったるとAND指定で、改行で区切ったるとOR指定や" antennaKeywordsDescription: "スペースで区切ったるとAND指定で、改行で区切ったるとOR指定や"
notifyAntenna: "新しいノートを追加すんで" notifyAntenna: "新しいノートを追加すんで"
withFileAntenna: "なんか添付されたノートだけ" withFileAntenna: "なんか添付されたノートだけ"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorkerをつこて" enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorkerをつこて"
antennaUsersDescription: "ユーザー名を改行で区切ったってな" antennaUsersDescription: "ユーザー名を改行で区切ったってな"
caseSensitive: "大文字と小文字は別もんや" caseSensitive: "大文字と小文字は別もんや"
@ -448,7 +446,6 @@ category: "カテゴリ"
tags: "タグ" tags: "タグ"
docSource: "このドキュメントのソース" docSource: "このドキュメントのソース"
createAccount: "アカウントを作成" createAccount: "アカウントを作成"
existingAcount: "既存のアカウント"
regenerate: "再生成" regenerate: "再生成"
fontSize: "フォントサイズ" fontSize: "フォントサイズ"
noFollowRequests: "フォロー申請はあらへんで" noFollowRequests: "フォロー申請はあらへんで"
@ -541,7 +538,6 @@ large: "大"
medium: "中" medium: "中"
small: "小" small: "小"
edit: "編集" edit: "編集"
emailConfig: "メールサーバー設定"
enableEmail: "メール配信を受け取る" enableEmail: "メール配信を受け取る"
emailConfigInfo: "メールアドレスの確認とかパスワードリセットの時に使うで" emailConfigInfo: "メールアドレスの確認とかパスワードリセットの時に使うで"
email: "メール" email: "メール"
@ -619,6 +615,7 @@ textColor: "文字"
saveAs: "名前を付けて保存" saveAs: "名前を付けて保存"
advanced: "高度" advanced: "高度"
value: "値" value: "値"
createdAt: "作成した日"
updatedAt: "更新日時" updatedAt: "更新日時"
saveConfirm: "保存するで?" saveConfirm: "保存するで?"
deleteConfirm: "ホンマに削除するで?" deleteConfirm: "ホンマに削除するで?"
@ -641,8 +638,13 @@ typingUsers: "{users}が今書きよるで"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "特定の日付にジャンプ" jumpToSpecifiedDate: "特定の日付にジャンプ"
showingPastTimeline: "過去のタイムラインを表示してるで" showingPastTimeline: "過去のタイムラインを表示してるで"
clear: "クリア" clear: "クリア"
markAllAsRead: "もうみな読んでもうたわ"
goBack: "戻る" goBack: "戻る"
info: "情報" info: "情報"
user: "ユーザー"
administration: "管理"
unlike: "良くないわ"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "フォローされたで" title: "フォローされたで"

View file

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ instances: "ನಿದರ್ಶನ"
remove: "ಅಳಿಸು" remove: "ಅಳಿಸು"
smtpUser: "ಬಳಕೆಹೆಸರು" smtpUser: "ಬಳಕೆಹೆಸರು"
smtpPass: "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ" smtpPass: "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ"
user: "ಬಳಕೆದಾರ"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸಿದರು" title: "ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸಿದರು"

View file

@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "이 계정을 자동화된 수단으로 운용할 경우
flagAsCat: "나는 고양이다냥" flagAsCat: "나는 고양이다냥"
flagAsCatDescription: "이 계정이 고양이라면 활성화 해주세요." flagAsCatDescription: "이 계정이 고양이라면 활성화 해주세요."
autoAcceptFollowed: "팔로우 중인 유저로부터의 팔로우 요청을 자동 수락" autoAcceptFollowed: "팔로우 중인 유저로부터의 팔로우 요청을 자동 수락"
addAcount: "계정 추가"
loginFailed: "로그인에 실패했습니다" loginFailed: "로그인에 실패했습니다"
showOnRemote: "리모트에서 보기" showOnRemote: "리모트에서 보기"
general: "일반" general: "일반"
@ -349,7 +348,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "제외할 키워드"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "공백으로 구분하는 경우 AND, 줄바꿈으로 구분하는 경우 OR로 지정됩니다" antennaKeywordsDescription: "공백으로 구분하는 경우 AND, 줄바꿈으로 구분하는 경우 OR로 지정됩니다"
notifyAntenna: "새로운 노트를 알림" notifyAntenna: "새로운 노트를 알림"
withFileAntenna: "파일이 첨부된 노트만" withFileAntenna: "파일이 첨부된 노트만"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorker 사용" enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorker 사용"
antennaUsersDescription: "유저명을 한 줄에 한 명씩 적습니다" antennaUsersDescription: "유저명을 한 줄에 한 명씩 적습니다"
caseSensitive: "대소문자를 구분" caseSensitive: "대소문자를 구분"
@ -453,7 +451,6 @@ category: "카테고리"
tags: "태그" tags: "태그"
docSource: "이 문서의 소스" docSource: "이 문서의 소스"
createAccount: "계정 만들기" createAccount: "계정 만들기"
existingAcount: "기존 계정"
regenerate: "재생성" regenerate: "재생성"
fontSize: "글자 크기" fontSize: "글자 크기"
noFollowRequests: "처리되지 않은 팔로우 요청이 없습니다" noFollowRequests: "처리되지 않은 팔로우 요청이 없습니다"
@ -568,7 +565,6 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "이 플러그인은 여기서 설정한 권한
notificationType: "알림 유형" notificationType: "알림 유형"
edit: "편집" edit: "편집"
useStarForReactionFallback: "알 수 없는 리액션 이모지 대신 ★ 사용" useStarForReactionFallback: "알 수 없는 리액션 이모지 대신 ★ 사용"
emailConfig: "메일 서버 설정"
enableEmail: "이메일 송신 기능 활성화" enableEmail: "이메일 송신 기능 활성화"
emailConfigInfo: "가입 시 메일 주소 확인이나 비밀번호 초기화 시에 사용합니다." emailConfigInfo: "가입 시 메일 주소 확인이나 비밀번호 초기화 시에 사용합니다."
email: "이메일" email: "이메일"
@ -726,8 +722,12 @@ onlineStatus: "온라인 상태"
hideOnlineStatus: "온라인 상태 숨기기" hideOnlineStatus: "온라인 상태 숨기기"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "온라인 상태를 숨기면, 검색과 같은 일부 기능에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다." hideOnlineStatusDescription: "온라인 상태를 숨기면, 검색과 같은 일부 기능에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다."
online: "온라인" online: "온라인"
active: "활동 중" active: "최근에 활동함"
offline: "오프라인" offline: "오프라인"
user: "유저"
administration: "관리"
unlike: "좋아요 해제"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "새로운 팔로워가 있습니다" title: "새로운 팔로워가 있습니다"

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
--- ---
_lang_: "język polski" _lang_: "język polski"
headlineMisskey: "Sieć połączona wpisami" headlineMisskey: "Sieć połączona wpisami"
introMisskey: "Misskey jest serwisem mikroblogowym typu open source.\nMisskey to opensource'owy serwis mikroblogowy, w którym możesz tworzyć \"notatki\", aby dzielić się tym, co się dzieje i opowiadać wszystkim o sobie.\nMożesz również użyć funkcji \"Reakcje\", aby szybko dodać własne reakcje do notatek innych użytkowników👍.\nOdkrywaj nowy świat🚀!"
monthAndDay: "{month}-{day}" monthAndDay: "{month}-{day}"
search: "Szukaj" search: "Szukaj"
notifications: "Powiadomienia" notifications: "Powiadomienia"
@ -61,7 +62,9 @@ import: "Importuj"
export: "Eksportuj" export: "Eksportuj"
files: "Pliki" files: "Pliki"
download: "Pobierz" download: "Pobierz"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Czy chcesz usunąć plik \"{name}\"? Zniknie również notatka, do której dołączony jest ten plik."
unfollowConfirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz przestać obserwować {name}?" unfollowConfirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz przestać obserwować {name}?"
exportRequested: "Zażądałeś eksportu. Może to zająć trochę czasu. Po zakończeniu eksportu zostanie on dodany do Twoich \"dysków\"."
lists: "Listy" lists: "Listy"
noLists: "Nie masz żadnych list" noLists: "Nie masz żadnych list"
note: "Utwórz wpis" note: "Utwórz wpis"
@ -133,7 +136,6 @@ flagAsBot: "To konto jest botem"
flagAsCat: "To konto jest kotem" flagAsCat: "To konto jest kotem"
flagAsCatDescription: "Przełącz tę opcję, aby konto było oznaczone jako kot." flagAsCatDescription: "Przełącz tę opcję, aby konto było oznaczone jako kot."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatycznie przyjmuj prośby o możliwość obserwacji od użytkowników, których obserwujesz" autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatycznie przyjmuj prośby o możliwość obserwacji od użytkowników, których obserwujesz"
addAcount: "Dodaj konto"
loginFailed: "Nie udało się zalogować" loginFailed: "Nie udało się zalogować"
showOnRemote: "Zobacz na zdalnej instancji" showOnRemote: "Zobacz na zdalnej instancji"
general: "Ogólne" general: "Ogólne"
@ -331,7 +333,6 @@ name: "Nazwa"
antennaSource: "Źródło Anteny" antennaSource: "Źródło Anteny"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "Wykluczone słowa kluczowe" antennaExcludeKeywords: "Wykluczone słowa kluczowe"
withFileAntenna: "Filtruj tylko wpisy z załączonym plikiem" withFileAntenna: "Filtruj tylko wpisy z załączonym plikiem"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Włącz ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "Włącz ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Wypisz po jednej nazwie użytkownika w linii" antennaUsersDescription: "Wypisz po jednej nazwie użytkownika w linii"
caseSensitive: "Wielkość liter ma znaczenie" caseSensitive: "Wielkość liter ma znaczenie"
@ -431,7 +432,6 @@ category: "Kategoria"
tags: "Tagi" tags: "Tagi"
docSource: "Źródło tego dokumentu" docSource: "Źródło tego dokumentu"
createAccount: "Utwórz konto" createAccount: "Utwórz konto"
existingAcount: "Istniejące konta"
regenerate: "Wygeneruj ponownie" regenerate: "Wygeneruj ponownie"
fontSize: "Rozmiar czcionki" fontSize: "Rozmiar czcionki"
noFollowRequests: "Nie masz żadnych oczekujących próśb o możliwość obserwacji" noFollowRequests: "Nie masz żadnych oczekujących próśb o możliwość obserwacji"
@ -540,7 +540,6 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Ta wtyczka będzie mogła korzystać z ustawio
notificationType: "Rodzaj powiadomień" notificationType: "Rodzaj powiadomień"
edit: "Edytuj" edit: "Edytuj"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Użyj ★ jako zapasowego emoji, gdy emoji reakcji jest nieznane" useStarForReactionFallback: "Użyj ★ jako zapasowego emoji, gdy emoji reakcji jest nieznane"
emailConfig: "Konfiguracja serwera e-mail"
enableEmail: "Włącz dostarczanie wiadomości e-mail" enableEmail: "Włącz dostarczanie wiadomości e-mail"
emailConfigInfo: "Wykorzystywany do potwierdzenia adresu e-mail w trakcie rejestracji, lub gdy zapomnisz hasła" emailConfigInfo: "Wykorzystywany do potwierdzenia adresu e-mail w trakcie rejestracji, lub gdy zapomnisz hasła"
email: "Adres e-mail" email: "Adres e-mail"
@ -646,6 +645,10 @@ textColor: "Tekst"
value: "Wartość" value: "Wartość"
goBack: "Wróć" goBack: "Wróć"
info: "Informacje" info: "Informacje"
user: "Użytkownicy"
administration: "Zarządzanie"
unlike: "Cofnij polubienie"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "Zaobserwował(a) Cię" title: "Zaobserwował(a) Cię"

View file

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "Включите, если этот аккаунт упр
flagAsCat: "Аккаунт кота" flagAsCat: "Аккаунт кота"
flagAsCatDescription: "Включите, и этот аккаунт будет помечен как кошачий." flagAsCatDescription: "Включите, и этот аккаунт будет помечен как кошачий."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Принимать подписчиков автоматически" autoAcceptFollowed: "Принимать подписчиков автоматически"
addAcount: "Добавить аккаунт" addAccount: "Добавить учётную запись"
loginFailed: "Неудачная попытка входа" loginFailed: "Неудачная попытка входа"
showOnRemote: "Перейти к оригиналу на сайт" showOnRemote: "Перейти к оригиналу на сайт"
general: "Общее" general: "Общее"
@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Исключения"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Пишите слова через пробел в одной строке, чтобы ловить их появление вместе; на отдельных строках располагайте слова, или группы слов, чтобы ловить любые из них." antennaKeywordsDescription: "Пишите слова через пробел в одной строке, чтобы ловить их появление вместе; на отдельных строках располагайте слова, или группы слов, чтобы ловить любые из них."
notifyAntenna: "Уведомлять о новых заметках" notifyAntenna: "Уведомлять о новых заметках"
withFileAntenna: "Только заметки с вложениями" withFileAntenna: "Только заметки с вложениями"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Включить ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "Включить ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Пишите каждое название аккаута на отдельной строке" antennaUsersDescription: "Пишите каждое название аккаута на отдельной строке"
caseSensitive: "С учётом регистра" caseSensitive: "С учётом регистра"
@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ category: "Категория"
tags: "Метки" tags: "Метки"
docSource: "Источник документа" docSource: "Источник документа"
createAccount: "Новая учётная запись" createAccount: "Новая учётная запись"
existingAcount: "Уже существующий" existingAccount: "Существующая учётная запись"
regenerate: "Создать повторно" regenerate: "Создать повторно"
fontSize: "Размер шрифта" fontSize: "Размер шрифта"
noFollowRequests: "Нерассмотренные запросы на подписку отсутствуют" noFollowRequests: "Нерассмотренные запросы на подписку отсутствуют"
@ -568,7 +567,7 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Это расширение сможет по
notificationType: "Тип уведомления" notificationType: "Тип уведомления"
edit: "Изменить" edit: "Изменить"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Ставить ★ в качестве реакции вместо неизвестного эмодзи" useStarForReactionFallback: "Ставить ★ в качестве реакции вместо неизвестного эмодзи"
emailConfig: "Настройки почтового сервера" emailServer: "Сервер электронной почты"
enableEmail: "Включить обмен электронной почтой" enableEmail: "Включить обмен электронной почтой"
emailConfigInfo: "Используется для подтверждения адреса электронной почты и сброса пароля." emailConfigInfo: "Используется для подтверждения адреса электронной почты и сброса пароля."
email: "Электронная почта" email: "Электронная почта"
@ -687,6 +686,7 @@ textColor: "Текст"
saveAs: "Сохранить под названием…" saveAs: "Сохранить под названием…"
advanced: "Для продвинутых" advanced: "Для продвинутых"
value: "Значения" value: "Значения"
createdAt: "Создано"
updatedAt: "Обновлено" updatedAt: "Обновлено"
saveConfirm: "Сохранить изменения?" saveConfirm: "Сохранить изменения?"
deleteConfirm: "Удалить?" deleteConfirm: "Удалить?"
@ -710,8 +710,39 @@ typingUsers: "Стук клавиш. Это {users}…"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "Перейти к заданной дате" jumpToSpecifiedDate: "Перейти к заданной дате"
showingPastTimeline: "Отображается старая лента" showingPastTimeline: "Отображается старая лента"
clear: "Очистить" clear: "Очистить"
markAllAsRead: "Отметить всё как прочитанное"
goBack: "Выход" goBack: "Выход"
unlikeConfirm: "В самом деле отменить «нравится»?"
fullView: "Полный вид"
quitFullView: "Закрыть полный вид"
addDescription: "Добавить описание"
userPagePinTip: "Можно добавить сюда заметки, выбрав нужную, и включив в её меню пункт «Закрепить в профиле»."
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "В этой заметке есть упоминание тех, кто не включён в адресаты"
info: "Описание" info: "Описание"
userInfo: "Сведения о пользователе"
unknown: "Неизвестно"
onlineStatus: "Присутствие в сети"
hideOnlineStatus: "Скрыть присутствие"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Сокрытие присутствия делает некоторые функции, такие как поиск, менее удобными."
online: "В сети"
active: "Действует"
offline: "Не в сети"
notRecommended: "Не рекомендуется"
botProtection: "Ботозащита"
instanceBlocking: "Блокировка инстансов"
selectAccount: "Выберите учётную запись"
enabled: "Вкл."
disabled: "Откл."
quickAction: "Быстрое действие"
user: "Пользователи"
administration: "Управление"
accounts: "Учётные записи"
switch: "Переключение"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "Не заполнены сведения об администраторах"
noBotProtectionWarning: "Ботозащита не настроена"
configure: "Настроить"
unlike: "Отменить «нравится»"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "Новый подписчик" title: "Новый подписчик"

View file

@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "Ввімкніть якщо цей обліковий з
flagAsCat: "Акаунт кота" flagAsCat: "Акаунт кота"
flagAsCatDescription: "Ввімкніть, щоб позначити, що обліковий запис є котиком." flagAsCatDescription: "Ввімкніть, щоб позначити, що обліковий запис є котиком."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Автоматично приймати запити на підписку від користувачів, на яких ви підписані" autoAcceptFollowed: "Автоматично приймати запити на підписку від користувачів, на яких ви підписані"
addAcount: "Додати акаунт"
loginFailed: "Не вдалося увійти" loginFailed: "Не вдалося увійти"
showOnRemote: "Переглянути в оригіналі" showOnRemote: "Переглянути в оригіналі"
general: "Загальне" general: "Загальне"
@ -347,7 +346,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "Винятки"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Розділення ключових слів пробілами для \"І\" або з нової лінійки для \"АБО\"" antennaKeywordsDescription: "Розділення ключових слів пробілами для \"І\" або з нової лінійки для \"АБО\""
notifyAntenna: "Сповіщати про нові нотатки" notifyAntenna: "Сповіщати про нові нотатки"
withFileAntenna: "Тільки нотатки з вкладеними файлами" withFileAntenna: "Тільки нотатки з вкладеними файлами"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Ввімкнути ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "Ввімкнути ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Список імя користувачів в стопчик" antennaUsersDescription: "Список імя користувачів в стопчик"
caseSensitive: "З урахуванням регістру" caseSensitive: "З урахуванням регістру"
@ -450,7 +448,6 @@ category: "Категорія"
tags: "Теги" tags: "Теги"
docSource: "Джерело цього документа" docSource: "Джерело цього документа"
createAccount: "Створити акаунт" createAccount: "Створити акаунт"
existingAcount: "Існуючий акаунт"
regenerate: "Оновити" regenerate: "Оновити"
fontSize: "Розмір шрифту" fontSize: "Розмір шрифту"
noFollowRequests: "Немає запитів на підписку" noFollowRequests: "Немає запитів на підписку"
@ -564,7 +561,6 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Цей плагін зможе викорис
notificationType: "Тип сповіщення" notificationType: "Тип сповіщення"
edit: "Редагувати" edit: "Редагувати"
useStarForReactionFallback: "Використовувати ★ як запасний варіант, якщо емодзі реакції невідомий" useStarForReactionFallback: "Використовувати ★ як запасний варіант, якщо емодзі реакції невідомий"
emailConfig: "Налаштування email сервера"
enableEmail: "Увімкнути функцію доставки пошти" enableEmail: "Увімкнути функцію доставки пошти"
emailConfigInfo: "Використовується для підтвердження електронної пошти підчас реєстрації, а також для відновлення паролю." emailConfigInfo: "Використовується для підтвердження електронної пошти підчас реєстрації, а також для відновлення паролю."
email: "E-mail" email: "E-mail"
@ -691,6 +687,10 @@ registry: "Реєстр"
closeAccount: "Закрити обліковий запис" closeAccount: "Закрити обліковий запис"
goBack: "Назад" goBack: "Назад"
info: "Інформація" info: "Інформація"
user: "Користувачі"
administration: "Управління"
unlike: "Не вподобати"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "Новий підписник" title: "Новий підписник"

View file

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "如果此帐户由程序控制,请启用此项。启用
flagAsCat: "这个账户是Cat" flagAsCat: "这个账户是Cat"
flagAsCatDescription: "如果您想表明此帐户是一只猫,请打开此标志。" flagAsCatDescription: "如果您想表明此帐户是一只猫,请打开此标志。"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自动允许关注" autoAcceptFollowed: "自动允许关注"
addAcount: "添加账户" addAccount: "添加账户"
loginFailed: "登录失败" loginFailed: "登录失败"
showOnRemote: "转到所在实例显示" showOnRemote: "转到所在实例显示"
general: "常规设置" general: "常规设置"
@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "排除关键字"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "使用空格分隔会产生AND规范并且使用换行符分隔会产生OR规范" antennaKeywordsDescription: "使用空格分隔会产生AND规范并且使用换行符分隔会产生OR规范"
notifyAntenna: "通知新帖子" notifyAntenna: "通知新帖子"
withFileAntenna: "仅带有附件的帖子" withFileAntenna: "仅带有附件的帖子"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "启用ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "启用ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "指定用户名,用换行符分隔" antennaUsersDescription: "指定用户名,用换行符分隔"
caseSensitive: "区分大小写" caseSensitive: "区分大小写"
@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ category: "类别"
tags: "标签" tags: "标签"
docSource: "文件来源" docSource: "文件来源"
createAccount: "注册账户" createAccount: "注册账户"
existingAcount: "现有的帐户" existingAccount: "现有的帐户"
regenerate: "重新生成" regenerate: "重新生成"
fontSize: "字体大小" fontSize: "字体大小"
noFollowRequests: "没有关注申请" noFollowRequests: "没有关注申请"
@ -568,7 +567,7 @@ pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "此插件将能够拥有此处设置的权限"
notificationType: "通知类型" notificationType: "通知类型"
edit: "编辑" edit: "编辑"
useStarForReactionFallback: "如果回应的是未知表情符号,则使用★作为代替" useStarForReactionFallback: "如果回应的是未知表情符号,则使用★作为代替"
emailConfig: "邮件服务器设置" emailServer: "邮件服务器"
enableEmail: "启用发送邮件功能" enableEmail: "启用发送邮件功能"
emailConfigInfo: "用于确认电子邮件和密码重置" emailConfigInfo: "用于确认电子邮件和密码重置"
email: "邮箱" email: "邮箱"
@ -728,6 +727,22 @@ hideOnlineStatusDescription: "隐藏在线状态后,可能会降低例如搜
online: "在线" online: "在线"
active: "活动" active: "活动"
offline: "离线" offline: "离线"
notRecommended: "不推荐"
botProtection: "Bot防御"
instanceBlocking: "被阻拦的实例"
selectAccount: "选择账户"
enabled: "已启用"
disabled: "已禁用 "
quickAction: "快捷操作"
user: "用户"
administration: "管理"
accounts: "账户"
switch: "切换"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "管理人员信息未设置。"
noBotProtectionWarning: "Bot保护未设置。"
configure: "设置"
unlike: "取消赞"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "你有新的关注者" title: "你有新的关注者"

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ receiveFollowRequest: "您有新的追隨請求"
followRequestAccepted: "追隨請求已接受" followRequestAccepted: "追隨請求已接受"
mention: "提及" mention: "提及"
mentions: "提及" mentions: "提及"
directNotes: "指定使用者發佈" directNotes: "私訊"
importAndExport: "匯入與匯出" importAndExport: "匯入與匯出"
import: "匯入" import: "匯入"
export: "匯出" export: "匯出"
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ renote: "轉發"
unrenote: "取消轉發" unrenote: "取消轉發"
renoted: "轉發成功" renoted: "轉發成功"
cantRenote: "無法轉發此貼文。" cantRenote: "無法轉發此貼文。"
cantReRenote: "無法轉發之前已經轉發過的內容" cantReRenote: "無法轉發之前已經轉發過的內容"
quote: "引用" quote: "引用"
pinnedNote: "已置頂的貼文" pinnedNote: "已置頂的貼文"
pinned: "置頂" pinned: "置頂"
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ flagAsBotDescription: "如果本帳戶是由程式控制,請啟用此選項。
flagAsCat: "此使用者是貓" flagAsCat: "此使用者是貓"
flagAsCatDescription: "如果想將本帳戶標示為一隻貓,請開啟此標示" flagAsCatDescription: "如果想將本帳戶標示為一隻貓,請開啟此標示"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自動追隨中使用者的追隨請求" autoAcceptFollowed: "自動追隨中使用者的追隨請求"
addAcount: "新增帳戶" addAccount: "添加帳戶"
loginFailed: "登入失敗" loginFailed: "登入失敗"
showOnRemote: "轉到所在實例顯示" showOnRemote: "轉到所在實例顯示"
general: "一般" general: "一般"
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ searchWith: "搜尋: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "你沒有任何清單" youHaveNoLists: "你沒有任何清單"
followConfirm: "你真的要追隨{name}嗎?" followConfirm: "你真的要追隨{name}嗎?"
proxyAccount: "代理帳號" proxyAccount: "代理帳號"
proxyAccountDescription: "代理帳號是在某些情況下充當其他伺服器用戶的帳號。例如,當用戶將一個來自其他伺服器的帳號放在列表中時,由於沒有其他用戶關注該帳號,該指令不會傳送到該伺服器上,因此會由代理帳戶關注。" proxyAccountDescription: "代理帳號是在某些情況下充當其他伺服器用戶的帳號。例如,當使用者將一個來自其他伺服器的帳號放在列表中時,由於沒有其他使用者關注該帳號,該指令不會傳送到該伺服器上,因此會由代理帳戶關注。"
host: "主機" host: "主機"
selectUser: "選取使用者" selectUser: "選取使用者"
recipient: "收件人" recipient: "收件人"
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ instanceInfo: "實例資訊"
statistics: "統計" statistics: "統計"
clearQueue: "清除佇列" clearQueue: "清除佇列"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "確定要清除佇列嗎?" clearQueueConfirmTitle: "確定要清除佇列嗎?"
clearQueueConfirmText: "未發佈的帖子將不會發佈。您通常不需要確認。" clearQueueConfirmText: "未發佈的貼文將不會發佈。您通常不需要確認。"
clearCachedFiles: "清除快取資料" clearCachedFiles: "清除快取資料"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "確定要清除所有遠端暫存資料嗎?" clearCachedFilesConfirm: "確定要清除所有遠端暫存資料嗎?"
blockedInstances: "已封鎖的實例" blockedInstances: "已封鎖的實例"
@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ noUsers: "沒有任何使用者"
editProfile: "編輯個人檔案" editProfile: "編輯個人檔案"
noteDeleteConfirm: "確定刪除此貼文嗎?" noteDeleteConfirm: "確定刪除此貼文嗎?"
pinLimitExceeded: "不能置頂更多貼文了" pinLimitExceeded: "不能置頂更多貼文了"
intro: "Misskey 部署完成!請開設管理員帳號!" intro: "Misskey 部署完成!請建立管理員帳號!"
done: "完成" done: "完成"
processing: "處理中" processing: "處理中"
preview: "預覽" preview: "預覽"
default: "預設" default: "預設"
noCustomEmojis: "沒有表情符號" noCustomEmojis: "沒有自訂的表情符號"
noJobs: "沒有任務" noJobs: "沒有任務"
federating: "整合搜索中" federating: "整合搜索中"
blocked: "已封鎖" blocked: "已封鎖"
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ resetAreYouSure: "確定要重設嗎?"
saved: "已儲存" saved: "已儲存"
messaging: "傳送訊息" messaging: "傳送訊息"
upload: "上傳" upload: "上傳"
fromDrive: "從雲端" fromDrive: "從雲端空間"
fromUrl: "從URL" fromUrl: "從URL"
uploadFromUrl: "從網址上傳" uploadFromUrl: "從網址上傳"
uploadFromUrlDescription: "您要上傳的文件的URL" uploadFromUrlDescription: "您要上傳的文件的URL"
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ agreeTo: "我同意{0}"
tos: "使用條款" tos: "使用條款"
start: "開始" start: "開始"
home: "首頁" home: "首頁"
remoteUserCaution: "由於該用戶來自遠端實例,因此資料用戶並未即時更新。" remoteUserCaution: "由於該使用者來自遠端實例,因此資訊可能非即時的。"
activity: "動態" activity: "動態"
images: "圖片" images: "圖片"
birthday: "生日" birthday: "生日"
@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ rename: "重新命名"
avatar: "大頭貼" avatar: "大頭貼"
banner: "橫幅" banner: "橫幅"
nsfw: "敏感內容" nsfw: "敏感內容"
whenServerDisconnected: "與器的連接中斷時" whenServerDisconnected: "與服器的連接中斷時"
disconnectedFromServer: "與伺服器中斷連線" disconnectedFromServer: "與伺服器中斷連線"
reload: "重新載入" reload: "重新整理"
doNothing: "無視" doNothing: "無視"
reloadConfirm: "確定要重新嘗試嗎?" reloadConfirm: "確定要重新整理嗎?"
watch: "關注" watch: "關注"
unwatch: "取消追隨" unwatch: "取消追隨"
accept: "接受" accept: "接受"
@ -315,18 +315,18 @@ enableLocalTimeline: "開啟本地時間軸"
enableGlobalTimeline: "啟用公開時間軸" enableGlobalTimeline: "啟用公開時間軸"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "即使您關閉了時間線功能,管理員和協調人仍可以繼續使用,以方便您。" disablingTimelinesInfo: "即使您關閉了時間線功能,管理員和協調人仍可以繼續使用,以方便您。"
registration: "註冊" registration: "註冊"
enableRegistration: "開啟新用戶註冊" enableRegistration: "開啟新使用者註冊"
invite: "邀請" invite: "邀請"
proxyRemoteFiles: "遠端代理檔案" proxyRemoteFiles: "遠端代理檔案"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "啟用此設置後,由於超出存儲容量而未保存或刪除的遠程文件將被本地代理,並且將生成預覽圖。這不影響器的存儲。" proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "啟用此設置後,由於超出存儲容量而未保存或刪除的遠程文件將被本地代理,並且將生成預覽圖。這不影響服器的存儲。"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "每個本地用戶的雲端容量" driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "每個本地用戶的雲端空間大小"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "每個非本地用戶的雲端容量" driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "每個非本地用戶的雲端容量"
inMb: "以Mbps為單位" inMb: "以Mbps為單位"
iconUrl: "圖像URL" iconUrl: "圖像URL"
bannerUrl: "橫幅圖URL" bannerUrl: "橫幅圖URL"
basicInfo: "基本資訊" basicInfo: "基本資訊"
pinnedUsers: "置頂用戶" pinnedUsers: "置頂用戶"
pinnedUsersDescription: "在「發現」頁面中使用換行標記想要置頂的用戶。" pinnedUsersDescription: "在「發現」頁面中使用換行標記想要置頂的使用者。"
pinnedPages: "釘選頁面" pinnedPages: "釘選頁面"
pinnedPagesDescription: "輸入要固定至實例首頁的頁面路徑,以換行符分隔。" pinnedPagesDescription: "輸入要固定至實例首頁的頁面路徑,以換行符分隔。"
pinnedClipId: "置頂的摘錄ID" pinnedClipId: "置頂的摘錄ID"
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "啟用 reCAPTCHA" enableRecaptcha: "啟用 reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "網站金鑰" recaptchaSiteKey: "網站金鑰"
recaptchaSecretKey: "金鑰" recaptchaSecretKey: "金鑰"
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "使用多種驗證方式可能會造成干擾,您要禁用其他驗證方式嗎?您可以按“取消”保留多種驗證方式。" avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "使用多種驗證方式可能會造成干擾,您要關閉其他驗證方式嗎?您可以按“取消”保留多種驗證方式。"
antennas: "天線" antennas: "天線"
manageAntennas: "管理天線" manageAntennas: "管理天線"
name: "名稱" name: "名稱"
@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ antennaExcludeKeywords: "排除關鍵字"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "用空格分隔指定AND、用換行符分隔指定OR" antennaKeywordsDescription: "用空格分隔指定AND、用換行符分隔指定OR"
notifyAntenna: "通知有新貼文" notifyAntenna: "通知有新貼文"
withFileAntenna: "僅帶有附件的貼文" withFileAntenna: "僅帶有附件的貼文"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "開啟 ServiceWorker" enableServiceworker: "開啟 ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "指定用換行符分隔的用戶名" antennaUsersDescription: "指定用換行符分隔的用戶名"
caseSensitive: "區分大小寫" caseSensitive: "區分大小寫"
@ -361,11 +360,11 @@ silence: "禁言"
silenceConfirm: "確定要禁言此用戶嗎?" silenceConfirm: "確定要禁言此用戶嗎?"
unsilence: "解除禁言" unsilence: "解除禁言"
unsilenceConfirm: "確定要解除禁言嗎?" unsilenceConfirm: "確定要解除禁言嗎?"
popularUsers: "熱門用戶" popularUsers: "熱門使用者"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "最近發文的用戶" recentlyUpdatedUsers: "最近發文的使用者"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "新加入用戶" recentlyRegisteredUsers: "新加入使用者"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "最近發現的用戶" recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "最近發現的使用者"
exploreUsersCount: "有{count}個用戶" exploreUsersCount: "有{count}個使用者"
exploreFediverse: "探索聯邦世界" exploreFediverse: "探索聯邦世界"
popularTags: "熱門標籤" popularTags: "熱門標籤"
userList: "清單" userList: "清單"
@ -405,7 +404,7 @@ invites: "邀請"
groupName: "群組名稱" groupName: "群組名稱"
members: "成員" members: "成員"
transfer: "轉讓" transfer: "轉讓"
messagingWithUser: "傳送訊息給其他用戶" messagingWithUser: "傳送訊息給其他使用者"
messagingWithGroup: "發送訊息至群組" messagingWithGroup: "發送訊息至群組"
title: "標題" title: "標題"
text: "文字" text: "文字"
@ -431,11 +430,11 @@ tooShort: "過短"
tooLong: "過長" tooLong: "過長"
weakPassword: "密碼強度過弱" weakPassword: "密碼強度過弱"
normalPassword: "密碼強度普通" normalPassword: "密碼強度普通"
strongPassword: "密碼強度堅強" strongPassword: "密碼強度"
passwordMatched: "密碼一致" passwordMatched: "密碼一致"
passwordNotMatched: "密碼不一致" passwordNotMatched: "密碼不一致"
signinWith: "以{x}登錄" signinWith: "以{x}登錄"
signinFailed: "登入失敗。 請檢查用戶名和密碼。" signinFailed: "登入失敗。 請檢查使用者名稱和密碼。"
tapSecurityKey: "點擊安全密鑰" tapSecurityKey: "點擊安全密鑰"
or: "或者" or: "或者"
language: "語言" language: "語言"
@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ category: "類別"
tags: "標籤" tags: "標籤"
docSource: "文件來源" docSource: "文件來源"
createAccount: "建立帳戶" createAccount: "建立帳戶"
existingAcount: "現有帳戶" existingAccount: "現有帳戶"
regenerate: "再生" regenerate: "再生"
fontSize: "字體大小" fontSize: "字體大小"
noFollowRequests: "沒有要求跟隨您的申請" noFollowRequests: "沒有要求跟隨您的申請"
@ -477,8 +476,8 @@ useObjectStorage: "使用Object Storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL" objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL"
objectStorageBucket: "儲存空間Bucket" objectStorageBucket: "儲存空間Bucket"
objectStoragePrefix: "前綴" objectStoragePrefix: "前綴"
objectStorageEndpoint: "訪問網域名稱Endpoint" objectStorageEndpoint: "端點Endpoint"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "如要使用AWS S3請留空。否則請根據伺服器要求以'<host>'或 '<host>:<port>'的形式設定訪問網域名稱Endpoint。" objectStorageEndpointDesc: "如要使用AWS S3請留空。否則請依照你使用的服務商的說明書進行設定,以'<host>'或 '<host>:<port>'的形式設定端點Endpoint。"
objectStorageRegion: "地域Region" objectStorageRegion: "地域Region"
objectStorageUseSSL: "使用SSL" objectStorageUseSSL: "使用SSL"
objectStorageUseProxy: "使用網路代理" objectStorageUseProxy: "使用網路代理"
@ -512,12 +511,12 @@ scratchpad: "暫存記憶體"
output: "輸出" output: "輸出"
script: "腳本" script: "腳本"
disablePagesScript: "停用頁面的AiScript腳本" disablePagesScript: "停用頁面的AiScript腳本"
updateRemoteUser: "更新遠端用戶資料" updateRemoteUser: "更新遠端使用者資訊"
deleteAllFiles: "刪除所有檔案" deleteAllFiles: "刪除所有檔案"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "要删除所有檔案嗎?" deleteAllFilesConfirm: "要删除所有檔案嗎?"
removeAllFollowing: "解除所有追蹤" removeAllFollowing: "解除所有追蹤"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "解除{host}所有的追蹤。在實例不再存在時執行。" removeAllFollowingDescription: "解除{host}所有的追蹤。在實例不再存在時執行。"
userSuspended: "該戶已被凍結" userSuspended: "該使用者已被停用"
userSilenced: "該用戶已被禁言。" userSilenced: "該用戶已被禁言。"
sidebar: "側邊列" sidebar: "側邊列"
divider: "分割線" divider: "分割線"
@ -559,7 +558,7 @@ tokenRequested: "允許存取帳號"
notificationType: "通知形式" notificationType: "通知形式"
edit: "編輯" edit: "編輯"
useStarForReactionFallback: "以★代替未知的表情符號" useStarForReactionFallback: "以★代替未知的表情符號"
emailConfig: "電子郵件伺服器設定" emailServer: "電郵伺服器"
enableEmail: "啟用發送電郵功能" enableEmail: "啟用發送電郵功能"
emailConfigInfo: "用於確認電郵地址及密碼重置" emailConfigInfo: "用於確認電郵地址及密碼重置"
email: "電子郵件" email: "電子郵件"
@ -586,9 +585,11 @@ create: "新增"
notificationSetting: "通知設定" notificationSetting: "通知設定"
notificationSettingDesc: "選擇顯示通知的類型" notificationSettingDesc: "選擇顯示通知的類型"
useGlobalSetting: "使用全域設定" useGlobalSetting: "使用全域設定"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "啟用時,將使用帳戶通知設定。停用時,則可以單獨設定。"
other: "其他" other: "其他"
regenerateLoginToken: "重新產生登入權杖" regenerateLoginToken: "重新產生登入權杖"
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "重新產生用於登入的內部權杖。一般情況下是不需要這樣做的。一旦重產,所有裝置將會被登出。" regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "重新產生用於登入的內部權杖。一般情況下是不需要這樣做的。一旦重產,所有裝置將會被登出。"
setMultipleBySeparatingWithSpace: "您可以使用空格分隔多個項目。"
fileIdOrUrl: "檔案ID或URL" fileIdOrUrl: "檔案ID或URL"
chatOpenBehavior: "開啟聊天窗口時的行為" chatOpenBehavior: "開啟聊天窗口時的行為"
behavior: "行為" behavior: "行為"
@ -602,6 +603,7 @@ send: "發送"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "處理完畢" abuseMarkAsResolved: "處理完畢"
openInNewTab: "在新分頁中開啟" openInNewTab: "在新分頁中開啟"
openInSideView: "在側欄中開啟" openInSideView: "在側欄中開啟"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "默認導航"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "修改這些設定可能會毀損您的帳戶" editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "修改這些設定可能會毀損您的帳戶"
instanceTicker: "貼文的實例來源" instanceTicker: "貼文的實例來源"
waitingFor: "等待{x}" waitingFor: "等待{x}"
@ -635,13 +637,16 @@ driveUsage: "雲端硬碟使用量"
noCrawle: "拒絕搜尋引擎索引" noCrawle: "拒絕搜尋引擎索引"
noCrawleDescription: "要求網路搜尋引擎不要索引你的個人資料頁、貼文及頁面等。" noCrawleDescription: "要求網路搜尋引擎不要索引你的個人資料頁、貼文及頁面等。"
lockedAccountInfo: "即使你通過了追隨者請求,除非你將貼文的可見性設定為 「追隨者」,否則任何人都能看見你的貼文。" lockedAccountInfo: "即使你通過了追隨者請求,除非你將貼文的可見性設定為 「追隨者」,否則任何人都能看見你的貼文。"
alwaysMarkSensitive: "默認將圖像/影像標記為敏感內容"
loadRawImages: "以原始圖檔顯示附件圖檔的縮圖" loadRawImages: "以原始圖檔顯示附件圖檔的縮圖"
disableShowingAnimatedImages: "不播放動態圖檔" disableShowingAnimatedImages: "不播放動態圖檔"
verificationEmailSent: "已發送驗證電子郵件。請點擊進入電子郵件中的鏈接完成驗證。"
notSet: "未設定" notSet: "未設定"
emailVerified: "已成功驗證您的電郵" emailVerified: "已成功驗證您的電郵"
noteFavoritesCount: "我的最愛貼文的數目" noteFavoritesCount: "我的最愛貼文的數目"
pageLikesCount: "頁面被按讚次數" pageLikesCount: "頁面被按讚次數"
pageLikedCount: "頁面被按讚次數" pageLikedCount: "頁面被按讚次數"
reversiCount: "黑白棋對戰次數"
contact: "聯絡人" contact: "聯絡人"
useSystemFont: "使用系統預設的字型" useSystemFont: "使用系統預設的字型"
clips: "摘錄" clips: "摘錄"
@ -670,6 +675,7 @@ textColor: "文字"
saveAs: "另存為..." saveAs: "另存為..."
advanced: "進階" advanced: "進階"
value: "數值" value: "數值"
createdAt: "建立於"
updatedAt: "最後更新" updatedAt: "最後更新"
saveConfirm: "您要儲存變更嗎?" saveConfirm: "您要儲存變更嗎?"
deleteConfirm: "你確定要刪除嗎?" deleteConfirm: "你確定要刪除嗎?"
@ -685,17 +691,55 @@ capacity: "容量"
inUse: "已使用" inUse: "已使用"
editCode: "編輯代碼" editCode: "編輯代碼"
apply: "套用" apply: "套用"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "接收由本實例發出的電郵通知"
emailNotification: "郵件通知" emailNotification: "郵件通知"
inChannelSearch: "頻道内搜尋" inChannelSearch: "頻道内搜尋"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "點擊右鍵開啟回應工具欄"
typingUsers: "{users}輸入中..." typingUsers: "{users}輸入中..."
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "跳轉到特定日期" jumpToSpecifiedDate: "跳轉到特定日期"
showingPastTimeline: "顯示過往的時間線"
clear: "清除" clear: "清除"
markAllAsRead: "全部標示為已讀"
goBack: "返回" goBack: "返回"
unlikeConfirm: "要取消按讚嗎?"
fullView: "全熒幕顯示"
quitFullView: "退出全熒幕顯示"
addDescription: "添加描述"
userPagePinTip: "在貼文的選單中選擇\"置頂\",即可置頂該貼文至您的個人檔案頁面。"
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "此貼文有未指定的提及"
info: "資訊" info: "資訊"
userInfo: "用戶資料"
unknown: "未知"
onlineStatus: "在線狀態"
hideOnlineStatus: "隱藏在線狀態"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "隱藏在線狀態後,可能會降低檢索等功能的便利性。"
online: "線上"
active: "最近活躍"
offline: "離線"
notRecommended: "不推薦"
botProtection: "Bot防護"
instanceBlocking: "已封鎖的實例"
selectAccount: "選擇帳戶"
enabled: "已啟用"
disabled: "已停用"
quickAction: "快捷操作"
user: "使用者"
administration: "管理"
accounts: "帳戶"
switch: "切換"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "尚未設定管理員信息。"
noBotProtectionWarning: "尚未設定Bot防護。"
configure: "設定"
unlike: "收回喜歡"
_email: _email:
_follow: _follow:
title: "您有新的追隨者" title: "您有新的追隨者"
title: "收到追隨請求"
_plugin: _plugin:
install: "安裝外掛組件"
installWarn: "請不要安裝來源不明的外掛組件。"
manage: "管理插件" manage: "管理插件"
_registry: _registry:
scope: "範圍" scope: "範圍"
@ -723,7 +767,9 @@ _mfm:
mention: "提及" mention: "提及"
mentionDescription: "透過 @+用戶名 來標示特定使用者。" mentionDescription: "透過 @+用戶名 來標示特定使用者。"
hashtag: "#tag" hashtag: "#tag"
hashtagDescription: "可以使用\"#\"符號後加文字表示話題標籤。"
url: "URL" url: "URL"
urlDescription: "可以展示URL位址。"
link: "鏈接" link: "鏈接"
bold: "粗體" bold: "粗體"
small: "縮小" small: "縮小"
@ -797,8 +843,8 @@ _serverDisconnectedBehavior:
_channel: _channel:
create: "建立頻道" create: "建立頻道"
edit: "編輯頻道" edit: "編輯頻道"
setBanner: "設定橫幅" setBanner: "設定橫幅圖像"
removeBanner: "移除封面圖" removeBanner: "移除橫幅圖像"
featured: "熱門貼文" featured: "熱門貼文"
owned: "管理中" owned: "管理中"
following: "關注中" following: "關注中"
@ -839,6 +885,7 @@ _theme:
fg: "文本" fg: "文本"
panel: "面板" panel: "面板"
shadow: "陰影" shadow: "陰影"
navActive: "側邊欄文本 (活動)"
navIndicator: "側邊欄指示符" navIndicator: "側邊欄指示符"
link: "鏈接" link: "鏈接"
hashtag: "#tag" hashtag: "#tag"
@ -856,11 +903,14 @@ _theme:
cwBg: "CW 按鈕背景" cwBg: "CW 按鈕背景"
cwFg: "CW 按鈕文本" cwFg: "CW 按鈕文本"
cwHoverBg: "CW 按鈕背景 (漂浮)" cwHoverBg: "CW 按鈕背景 (漂浮)"
toastBg: "通知背景"
toastFg: "通知文本"
buttonBg: "按鈕背景" buttonBg: "按鈕背景"
buttonHoverBg: "按鈕背景 (漂浮)" buttonHoverBg: "按鈕背景 (漂浮)"
inputBorder: "輸入框邊框" inputBorder: "輸入框邊框"
listItemHoverBg: "列表物品背景 (漂浮)" listItemHoverBg: "列表物品背景 (漂浮)"
driveFolderBg: "雲端硬碟文件夾背景" driveFolderBg: "雲端硬碟文件夾背景"
wallpaperOverlay: "壁紙覆蓋層"
badge: "獎章" badge: "獎章"
messageBg: "私訊背景" messageBg: "私訊背景"
accentDarken: "強調色(偏暗)" accentDarken: "強調色(偏暗)"
@ -871,6 +921,7 @@ _sfx:
noteMy: "我的貼文" noteMy: "我的貼文"
notification: "通知" notification: "通知"
chat: "傳送訊息" chat: "傳送訊息"
chatBg: "聊天背景"
antenna: "天線接收" antenna: "天線接收"
channel: "頻道通知" channel: "頻道通知"
_ago: _ago:
@ -908,6 +959,7 @@ _tutorial:
step5_4: "如果使用者的名字旁有鎖頭的圖示,代表他們需要手動核准你的追隨請求。" step5_4: "如果使用者的名字旁有鎖頭的圖示,代表他們需要手動核准你的追隨請求。"
step6_1: "現在你可以在時間軸上看到其他用戶的貼文。" step6_1: "現在你可以在時間軸上看到其他用戶的貼文。"
step6_2: "你也可以對別人的貼文作出「情感」,作出簡單的回覆。" step6_2: "你也可以對別人的貼文作出「情感」,作出簡單的回覆。"
step6_3: "在他人的貼文按下\"+\"圖標,即可選擇喜好的表情符號進行回應。"
step7_1: "以上為Misskey的基本操作說明教學在此告一段落。辛苦了。" step7_1: "以上為Misskey的基本操作說明教學在此告一段落。辛苦了。"
step7_2: "歡迎到{help}來瞭解更多Misskey相關介紹。" step7_2: "歡迎到{help}來瞭解更多Misskey相關介紹。"
step7_3: "那麼祝您在Misskey玩的開心~ 🚀" step7_3: "那麼祝您在Misskey玩的開心~ 🚀"
@ -925,6 +977,7 @@ _permissions:
"write:drive": "編輯雲端硬碟的檔案" "write:drive": "編輯雲端硬碟的檔案"
"read:favorites": "瀏覽我的最愛" "read:favorites": "瀏覽我的最愛"
"write:favorites": "編輯我的最愛列表" "write:favorites": "編輯我的最愛列表"
"read:following": "查看追隨中的用戶資訊"
"write:following": "追隨/解除追隨" "write:following": "追隨/解除追隨"
"read:messaging": "顯示訊息" "read:messaging": "顯示訊息"
"write:messaging": "撰寫或刪除私人訊息" "write:messaging": "撰寫或刪除私人訊息"
@ -991,6 +1044,7 @@ _poll:
noOnlyOneChoice: "至少需要兩個選項。" noOnlyOneChoice: "至少需要兩個選項。"
choiceN: "選擇{n}" choiceN: "選擇{n}"
noMore: "沒辦法再添加選項了" noMore: "沒辦法再添加選項了"
canMultipleVote: "可以多次投票"
expiration: "期限" expiration: "期限"
infinite: "無期限" infinite: "無期限"
at: "結束時間" at: "結束時間"
@ -1034,6 +1088,8 @@ _profile:
metadataEdit: "編輯進階資訊" metadataEdit: "編輯進階資訊"
metadataLabel: "標籤" metadataLabel: "標籤"
metadataContent: "内容" metadataContent: "内容"
changeAvatar: "更換大頭貼"
changeBanner: "變更橫幅圖像"
_exportOrImport: _exportOrImport:
allNotes: "所有貼文" allNotes: "所有貼文"
followingList: "追隨中" followingList: "追隨中"

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ C'est dans `props` que vous définirez le style de thème. Les propriétés devi
* Ex. : `rgb(0, 255, 0)` * Ex. : `rgb(0, 255, 0)`
* Couleurs avec les valeurs RVBA : `rgba(r, g, b, a)` * Couleurs avec les valeurs RVBA : `rgba(r, g, b, a)`
* Ex. : `rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)` * Ex. : `rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)`
* Faire référence aux valeurs d'autres propriétés * Appeler les valeurs d'autres propriétés
* Entrer `@{keyname}` pour utiliser la valeur de la propriété citée. Remplacer alors `{keyname}` par le nom de la propriété que vous souhaitez citer. * Entrer `@{keyname}` pour utiliser la valeur de la propriété citée. Remplacer alors `{keyname}` par le nom de la propriété que vous souhaitez citer.
* Ex. : `@panel` * Ex. : `@panel`
* Constantes (voir ci-dessous) * Constantes (voir ci-dessous)

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
# デッキ # Deck
デッキは利用可能なUIのひとつです。「カラム」と呼ばれるビューを複数並べて表示させることで、カスタマイズ性が高く、情報量の多いUIが構築できることが特徴です。 Il deck è una delle interfacce utente disponibili.「カラム」と呼ばれるビューを複数並べて表示させることで、カスタマイズ性が高く、情報量の多いUIが構築できることが特徴です。
## カラムの追加 ## Aggiungere colonne
デッキの背景を右クリックし、「カラムを追加」して任意のカラムを追加できます。 Puoi aggiungere una colonna facendo un clic destro nello sfondo del deck, poi scegliendo "Aggiungi colonna".
## カラムの移動 ## Spostare colonne
カラムは、ドラッグアンドドロップで他のカラムと位置を入れ替えることが出来るほか、カラムメニュー(カラムのヘッダー右クリック)から位置を移動させることもできます。 カラムは、ドラッグアンドドロップで他のカラムと位置を入れ替えることが出来るほか、カラムメニュー(カラムのヘッダー右クリック)から位置を移動させることもできます。
## カラムの水平分割 ## Dividere colonne in orizzontale
カラムは左右だけでなく、上下に並べることもできます。 カラムメニューを開き、「左に重ねる」を選択すると、左のカラムの下に現在のカラムが移動します。 上下分割を解除するには、カラムメニューの「右に出す」を選択します。 カラムは左右だけでなく、上下に並べることもできます。 カラムメニューを開き、「左に重ねる」を選択すると、左のカラムの下に現在のカラムが移動します。 上下分割を解除するには、カラムメニューの「右に出す」を選択します。
## カラムの設定 ## Impostazioni colonna
カラムメニューの「編集」を選択するとカラムの設定を編集できます。カラムの名前を変えたり、幅を変えたりできます。 Puoi modificare le impostazioni della singola colonna premendo "Modifica" nel menù di colonna. È possibile cambiare il nome e la larghezza della colonna.
## デッキの設定 ## Impostazioni deck
デッキに関する設定は、[settings/deck](/settings/deck)で行えます。 Puoi trovare le opzioni d'impostazione in [settings/deck](/settings/deck).

View file

@ -15,25 +15,25 @@ Le scorciatoie da tastiera sotto citate si possono usare praticamente ovunque.
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
## 投稿にフォーカスされた状態 ## Azioni riguardanti le pubblicazioni
<table> <table>
<thead> <thead>
<tr><th>Scorciatoia</th><th>Effetto</th><th>Accesso universale</th></tr> <tr><th>Scorciatoia</th><th>Effetto</th><th>Accesso universale</th></tr>
</thead> </thead>
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">K</kbd>, <kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Shift</kbd> + <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></kbd></td><td>上の投稿にフォーカスを移動</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">K</kbd>, <kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Shift</kbd> + <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></kbd></td><td>Sposta il focus sulla pubblicazione di sopra</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">J</kbd>, <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></td><td>下の投稿にフォーカスを移動</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">J</kbd>, <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></td><td>Sposta il focus sulla pubblicazione di sotto</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">R</kbd></td><td>返信フォームを開く</td><td><b>R</b>eply</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">R</kbd></td><td>Apri finestra di risposta</td><td><b>R</b>eply</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">Q</kbd></td><td>Renoteフォームを開く</td><td><b>Q</b>uote</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">Q</kbd></td><td>Apri finestra Rinota</td><td><b>Q</b>uote</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="key">Q</kbd></kbd></td><td>即刻Renoteする(フォームを開かずに)</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="key">Q</kbd></kbd></td><td>Rinota immediatamente (senza aprire finestra)</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">E</kbd>, <kbd class="key">A</kbd>, <kbd class="key">+</kbd></td><td>リアクションフォームを開く</td><td><b>E</b>mote, re<b>A</b>ction</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">E</kbd>, <kbd class="key">A</kbd>, <kbd class="key">+</kbd></td><td>Apri finestra di reazioni</td><td><b>E</b>mote, re<b>A</b>ction</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">0</kbd>~<kbd class="key">9</kbd></td><td>数字に対応したリアクションをする(対応については後述)</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">0</kbd>~<kbd class="key">9</kbd></td><td>Usa reazione del numero corrispondente</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">F</kbd>, <kbd class="key">B</kbd></td><td>お気に入りに登録</td><td><b>F</b>avorite, <b>B</b>ookmark</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">F</kbd>, <kbd class="key">B</kbd></td><td>Aggiungi ai preferiti</td><td><b>F</b>avorite, <b>B</b>ookmark</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">Del</kbd>, <kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="key">D</kbd></kbd></td><td>投稿を削除</td><td><b>D</b>elete</tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">Del</kbd>, <kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="key">D</kbd></kbd></td><td>Elimina pubblicazione</td><td><b>D</b>elete</tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">M</kbd>, <kbd class="key">O</kbd></td><td>投稿に対するメニューを開く</td><td><b>M</b>ore, <b>O</b>ther</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">M</kbd>, <kbd class="key">O</kbd></td><td>Apri menù della nota</td><td><b>M</b>ore, <b>O</b>ther</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">S</kbd></td><td>CWで隠された部分を表示 or 隠す</td><td><b>S</b>how, <b>S</b>ee</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">S</kbd></td><td>Visualizza o nascondi il contenuto segnato con CW</td><td><b>S</b>how, <b>S</b>ee</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">Esc</kbd></td><td>フォーカスを外す</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">Esc</kbd></td><td>Esci dal focus</td><td>-</td></tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ La reazione "👍" è impostata come reazione predefinita.
<tr><th>Scorciatoia</th><th>Effetto</th><th>Accesso universale</th></tr> <tr><th>Scorciatoia</th><th>Effetto</th><th>Accesso universale</th></tr>
</thead> </thead>
<tbody> <tbody>
<tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">K</kbd></td><td>上のリアクションにフォーカスを移動</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">K</kbd></td><td>Sposta il focus sulla reazione di sopra</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">J</kbd></td><td>下のリアクションにフォーカスを移動</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">J</kbd></td><td>Sposta il focus sulla reazione di sotto</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">H</kbd>, <kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Shift</kbd> + <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></kbd></td><td>左のリアクションにフォーカスを移動</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">H</kbd>, <kbd class="group"><kbd class="key">Shift</kbd> + <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></kbd></td><td>Sposta il focus sulla reazione a sinistra</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">L</kbd>, <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></td><td>右のリアクションにフォーカスを移動</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key"></kbd>, <kbd class="key">L</kbd>, <kbd class="key">Tab</kbd></td><td>Sposta il focus sulla reazione a destra</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">Enter</kbd>, <kbd class="key">Space</kbd>, <kbd class="key">+</kbd></td><td>リアクション確定</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">Enter</kbd>, <kbd class="key">Space</kbd>, <kbd class="key">+</kbd></td><td>Seleziona la reazione</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">0</kbd>~<kbd class="key">9</kbd></td><td>数字に対応したリアクションで確定</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">0</kbd>~<kbd class="key">9</kbd></td><td>Usa reazione del numero corrispondente </td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td><kbd class="key">Esc</kbd></td><td>リアクションするのをやめる</td><td>-</td></tr> <tr><td><kbd class="key">Esc</kbd></td><td>Cancella reazione</td><td>-</td></tr>
</tbody> </tbody>
</table> </table>

View file

@ -33,33 +33,33 @@ Il codice dei temi è scritto a forma di oggetti JSON5. I temi contengono gli og
``` ```
* `id` ... テーマの一意なID。UUIDをおすすめします。 * `id` ... Identificativo univoco del tema. È consigliato utilizzare un UUID.
* `name` ... テーマ名 * `name` ... Nome tema
* `author` ... テーマの作者 * `author` ... Autore/Autrice del tema
* `desc` ... テーマの説明(オプション) * `desc` ... Descrizione tema (facoltativa)
* `base` ... 明るいテーマか、暗いテーマか * `base` ... Imposta tema chiaro o tema scuro
* `light`にすると明るいテーマになり、`dark`にすると暗いテーマになります。 * Scegli `light` per impostare un tema chiaro, e `dark` per impostare un tema scuro.
* テーマはここで設定されたベーステーマを継承します。 * Il tema erediterà dalle caratteristiche del tema di base impostato qui.
* `props` ... テーマのスタイル定義。これから説明します。 * `props` ... Imposta uno stile di tema. (Vedi spiegazioni sotto.)
### Impostare uno stile di tema ### Impostare uno stile di tema
`props`下にはテーマのスタイルを定義します。 キーがCSSの変数名になり、バリューで中身を指定します。 なお、この`props`オブジェクトはベーステーマから継承されます。 ベーステーマは、このテーマの`base`が`light`なら[_light.json5](で、`dark`なら[_dark.json5](です。 つまり、このテーマ内の`props`に`panel`というキーが無くても、そこにはベーステーマの`panel`があると見なされます。 `props`下にはテーマのスタイルを定義します。 キーがCSSの変数名になり、バリューで中身を指定します。 なお、この`props`オブジェクトはベーステーマから継承されます。 ベーステーマは、このテーマの`base`が`light`なら[_light.json5](で、`dark`なら[_dark.json5](です。 つまり、このテーマ内の`props`に`panel`というキーが無くても、そこにはベーステーマの`panel`があると見なされます。
#### Sintassi dei valori #### Sintassi dei valori
* 16進数で表された色 * Colori HEX
* : `#00ff00` * Es.: `#00ff00`
* `rgb(r, g, b)`形式で表された色 * Colori `RGB(r, g, b)`
* : `rgb(0, 255, 0)` * Es.: `rgb(0, 255, 0)`
* `rgb(r, g, b, a)`形式で表された透明度を含む色 * Colori `RGBA(r, g, b, a)`
* : `rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)` * Es.: `rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)`
* 他のキーの値の参照 * 他のキーの値の参照
* `@{キー名}`と書くと他のキーの値の参照になります。`{キー名}`は参照したいキーの名前に置き換えます。 * `@{キー名}`と書くと他のキーの値の参照になります。`{キー名}`は参照したいキーの名前に置き換えます。
* : `@panel` * Es.: `@panel`
* 定数(後述)の参照 * Costanti (vedi sotto)
* `${定数名}`と書くと定数の参照になります。`{定数名}`は参照したい定数の名前に置き換えます。 * `${定数名}`と書くと定数の参照になります。`{定数名}`は参照したい定数の名前に置き換えます。
* : `$main` * Es.: `$main`
* 関数(後述) * Funzioni (vedi sotto)
* `:{関数名}<{引数}<{色}` * `:{functionname}<{argument}<{color}`
#### Costanti #### Costanti
「CSS変数として出力はしたくないが、他のCSS変数の値として使いまわしたい」値があるときは、定数を使うと便利です。 キー名を`$`で始めると、そのキーはCSS変数として出力されません。 「CSS変数として出力はしたくないが、他のCSS変数の値として使いまわしたい」値があるときは、定数を使うと便利です。 キー名を`$`で始めると、そのキーはCSS変数として出力されません。

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