Fork 0
forked from srxl/akkoma-fe

Use Marked and marked-mfm for MFM rendering (#29)

Reviewed-on: AkkomaGang/pleroma-fe#29
Co-authored-by: sfr <sol@solfisher.com>
Co-committed-by: sfr <sol@solfisher.com>
This commit is contained in:
sfr 2022-07-15 09:57:17 +00:00 committed by floatingghost
parent 28d5a55352
commit 931ed3d3c7
9 changed files with 3812 additions and 2817 deletions

View file

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
"escape-html": "1.0.3",
"js-cookie": "^3.0.1",
"localforage": "1.10.0",
"marked": "^4.0.17",
"marked-mfm": "^0.4.0",
"mfm-js": "^0.22.1",
"parse-link-header": "1.0.1",
"phoenix": "1.6.2",

View file

@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
import { defineComponent, h } from 'vue'
import * as mfm from 'mfm-js'
import MentionLink from '../mention_link/mention_link.vue'
function concat (xss) {
return ([]).concat(...xss)
export const MFM_TAGS = ['tada', 'jelly', 'twitch', 'shake', 'spin', 'jump', 'bounce', 'flip', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'font', 'blur', 'rainbow', 'rotate']
export default defineComponent({
props: {
status: {
type: Object,
required: true
render () {
if (!this.status) return null
const ast = mfm.parse(this.status.mfm_content, { fnNameList: MFM_TAGS })
const validTime = (t) => {
if (t == null) return null
return t.match(/^[0-9.]+s$/) ? t : null
const genEl = (ast) => concat(ast.map((token) => {
switch (token.type) {
case 'text': {
const text = token.props.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\n')
const res = []
for (const t of text.split('\n')) {
return res
case 'bold': {
return [h('b', genEl(token.children))]
case 'strike': {
return [h('del', genEl(token.children))]
case 'italic': {
return h('i', {
style: 'font-style: oblique;'
}, genEl(token.children))
case 'fn': {
// TODO: CSS token.props.args.~~~ CSS
let style
switch (token.props.name) {
case 'tada': {
style = `font-size: 150%;` + 'animation: tada 1s linear infinite both;'
case 'jelly': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '1s'
style = `animation: mfm-rubberBand ${speed} linear infinite both;`
case 'twitch': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '0.5s'
style = `animation: mfm-twitch ${speed} ease infinite;`
case 'shake': {
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '0.5s'
style = `animation: mfm-shake ${speed} ease infinite;`
case 'spin': {
const direction =
token.props.args.left ? 'reverse'
: token.props.args.alternate ? 'alternate'
: 'normal'
const anime =
token.props.args.x ? 'mfm-spinX'
: token.props.args.y ? 'mfm-spinY'
: 'mfm-spin'
const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '1.5s'
style = `animation: ${anime} ${speed} linear infinite; animation-direction: ${direction};`
case 'jump': {
style = 'animation: mfm-jump 0.75s linear infinite;'
case 'bounce': {
style = 'animation: mfm-bounce 0.75s linear infinite; transform-origin: center bottom;'
case 'flip': {
const transform =
(token.props.args.h && token.props.args.v) ? 'scale(-1, -1)'
: token.props.args.v ? 'scaleY(-1)'
: 'scaleX(-1)'
style = `transform: ${transform};`
case 'x2': {
style = `font-size: 200%;`
case 'x3': {
style = `font-size: 400%;`
case 'x4': {
style = `font-size: 600%;`
case 'font': {
const family =
token.props.args.serif ? 'serif'
: token.props.args.monospace ? 'monospace'
: token.props.args.cursive ? 'cursive'
: token.props.args.fantasy ? 'fantasy'
: token.props.args.emoji ? 'emoji'
: token.props.args.math ? 'math'
: null
if (family) style = `font-family: ${family};`
case 'blur': {
return h('span', {
class: '_mfm_blur_'
}, genEl(token.children))
case 'rainbow': {
style = 'animation: mfm-rainbow 1s linear infinite;'
case 'rotate': {
const degrees = parseInt(token.props.args.deg) || '90'
style = `transform: rotate(${degrees}deg); transform-origin: center center;`
if (style == null) {
return h('span', {}, ['$[', token.props.name, ' ', ...genEl(token.children), ']'])
} else {
return h('span', {
style: 'display: inline-block;' + style
}, genEl(token.children))
case 'small': {
return [h('small', {
style: 'opacity: 0.7;'
}, genEl(token.children))]
case 'center': {
return [h('div', {
style: 'text-align:center;'
}, genEl(token.children))]
case 'url': {
return [h('a', {
key: Math.random(),
href: token.props.url,
rel: 'nofollow noopener'
}, token.props.url)]
case 'link': {
return [h('a', {
key: Math.random(),
href: token.props.url,
rel: 'nofollow noopener'
}, genEl(token.children))]
case 'mention': {
const user = this.status.attentions.find((mention) => `@${mention.screen_name}` === token.props.acct || mention.screen_name === token.props.username)
if (user) {
return [h(MentionLink, {
url: user.statusnet_profile_url,
content: token.props.acct,
userScreenName: token.props.acct
return null
case 'hashtag': {
return [h('a', {
rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
target: '_blank',
key: token.props.hashtag,
href: this.status.tags.find((hash) => hash.name === token.props.hashtag).url
}, `#${token.props.hashtag}`)]
case 'blockCode': {
return [h('pre', {
key: Math.random(),
lang: token.props.lang
}, token.props.code)]
case 'inlineCode': {
return [h('code', {
key: Math.random(),
display: 'inline'
}, token.props.code)]
case 'quote': {
if (!this.nowrap) {
return [h('div', {
class: 'quote'
}, genEl(token.children))]
} else {
return [h('span', {
class: 'quote'
}, genEl(token.children))]
case 'emojiCode': {
const emoj = this.status.emojis.find((emoji) => emoji.shortcode === token.props.name)
if (emoj) {
return [h('div', {
class: 'still-image emoji img'
[h('img', {
key: Math.random(),
title: token.props.name,
alt: token.props.name,
src: this.status.emojis.find((emoji) => emoji.shortcode === token.props.name).static_url
} else {
return `:${token.props.name}:`
case 'unicodeEmoji': {
return token.props.emoji
case 'math': {
return [h('pre', {
key: Math.random(),
code: token.props.code
case 'mathInline': {
return [h('pre', {
key: Math.random(),
code: token.props.code,
inline: true
case 'search': {
return [h('a', {
href: `https://www.google.com/search?q=${token.props.query}`
}, token.props.content)
default: {
console.error('unrecognized ast type:', token.type)
return []
// Parse ast to DOM
return h('span', genEl(ast))

View file

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { unescape, flattenDeep } from 'lodash'
import { getTagName, processTextForEmoji, getAttrs } from 'src/services/html_converter/utility.service.js'
import { convertHtmlToTree } from 'src/services/html_converter/html_tree_converter.service.js'
import { convertHtmlToLines } from 'src/services/html_converter/html_line_converter.service.js'
import { marked } from 'marked'
import markedMfm from 'marked-mfm'
import StillImage from 'src/components/still-image/still-image.vue'
import MentionsLine, { MENTIONS_LIMIT } from 'src/components/mentions_line/mentions_line.vue'
import HashtagLink from 'src/components/hashtag_link/hashtag_link.vue'
@ -58,10 +60,21 @@ export default {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
// Render Misskey Markdown
mfm: {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
render () {
// Don't greentext MFM
if (this.mfm) {
this.greentext = false
// Pre-process HTML
const { newHtml: html } = preProcessPerLine(this.html, this.greentext)
let currentMentions = null // Current chain of mentions, we group all mentions together
@ -112,6 +125,34 @@ export default {
const renderMisskeyMarkdown = (content) => {
marked.use(markedMfm, {
mangle: false,
gfm: false,
breaks: true
const mfmHtml = document.createElement('template')
mfmHtml.innerHTML = marked.parse(content)
// Add options with set values to CSS
Array.from(mfmHtml.content.firstChild.getElementsByClassName('mfm')).map((el) => {
if (el.dataset.speed) {
el.style.animationDuration = el.dataset.speed
if (el.dataset.deg) {
el.style.transform = `rotate(${el.dataset.deg}deg)`
if (Array.from(el.classList).includes('_mfm_font_')) {
const font = Object.keys(el.dataset)[0]
if (['serif', 'monospace', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'emoji', 'math'].includes(font)) {
el.style.fontFamily = font
return mfmHtml.innerHTML
// Processor to use with html_tree_converter
const processItem = (item, index, array, what) => {
// Handle text nodes - just add emoji
@ -249,7 +290,7 @@ export default {
return item
const pass1 = convertHtmlToTree(html).map(processItem)
const pass1 = convertHtmlToTree(this.mfm ? renderMisskeyMarkdown(html) : html).map(processItem)
const pass2 = [...pass1].reverse().map(processItemReverse).reverse()
// DO NOT USE SLOTS they cause a re-render feedback loop here.
// slots updated -> rerender -> emit -> update up the tree -> rerender -> ...

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import fileType from 'src/services/file_type/file_type.service'
import RichContent from 'src/components/rich_content/rich_content.jsx'
import MFMContent from 'src/components/mfm_content/mfm_content.jsx'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import {
@ -84,8 +83,7 @@ const StatusContent = {
components: {
mounted () {
this.status.attentions && this.status.attentions.forEach(attn => {

View file

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
& .text,
& .summary {
font-family: var(--postFont, sans-serif);
white-space: pre-wrap;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
word-wrap: break-word;
word-break: break-word;
@ -31,6 +30,9 @@
.text {
& > * {
white-space: pre-wrap;
&.-single-line {
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

View file

@ -44,18 +44,13 @@
v-if="!hideSubjectStatus && !(singleLine && status.summary_raw_html)"
v-if="renderMisskeyMarkdown && status.mfm_content"
class="RichContent text media-body mfm-post-content"
:class="{ '-single-line': singleLine }"
class="text media-body"
:mfm="renderMisskeyMarkdown && (status.media_type === 'text/x.misskeymarkdown')"

View file

@ -282,11 +282,9 @@ export const parseStatus = (data) => {
if (data.akkoma) {
const { akkoma } = data
if (akkoma && akkoma.source && akkoma.source.mediaType === 'text/x.misskeymarkdown') {
output.mfm_content = akkoma.source.content
if (akkoma && akkoma.source) {
output.media_type = akkoma.source.mediaType
} else {
output.mfm_content = null
output.in_reply_to_status_id = data.in_reply_to_id

View file

@ -1,4 +1,86 @@
@keyframes tada {
.mfm {
display: inline-block;
._mfm_tada_ {
font-size: 150%;
animation: mfm-tada 1s linear infinite both;
._mfm_jelly_ {
animation: mfm-jelly 1s linear infinite both;
._mfm_twitch_ {
animation: mfm-twitch 0.5s ease infinite;
._mfm_shake_ {
animation: mfm-shake 0.5s ease infinite;
._mfm_spin_ {
animation: mfm-spin 0.5s linear infinite;
._mfm_spin_[x] {
animation-name: mfm-spinX;
._mfm_spin_[y] {
animation-name: mfm-spinY;
._mfm_spin_[left] {
animation-direction: reverse;
._mfm_spin_[alternate] {
animation-direction: alternate;
._mfm_jump_ {
animation: mfm-jump 0.75 linear infinite;
._mfm_bounce_ {
animation: mfm-bounce 0.75 linear infinite;
transform-origin: center bottom;
._mfm_flip_[data-h][data-v] {
transform: scale(-1, -1);
._mfm_flip_[data-v] {
transform: scaleY(-1);
._mfm_flip_:not([data-v]) {
transform: scaleX(-1);
._mfm_x2_ {
font-size: 200%;
._mfm_x3_ {
font-size: 400%;
._mfm_x4_ {
font-size: 600%;
/* blur */
._mfm_rainbow_ {
animation: mfm-rainbow 1s linear infinite;
._mfm_rotate_ {
transform: rotate(90deg);
transform-origin: center center;
/* sparkle */
@keyframes mfm-tada {
from {
transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);
@ -123,7 +205,7 @@
100% { transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(2deg); }
@keyframes mfm-rubberBand {
@keyframes mfm-jelly {
from { transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); }
30% { transform: scale3d(1.25, 0.75, 1); }
40% { transform: scale3d(0.75, 1.25, 1); }


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff