server: avoid adding suspended instances to deliver queue #215

Manually merged
Johann150 merged 1 commit from refactor/deliver-manager into main 2022-10-29 20:59:27 +00:00
3 changed files with 68 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import { Brackets } from 'typeorm';
import { fetchMeta } from '@/misc/fetch-meta.js';
import { Instances } from '@/models/index.js';
import { Instance } from '@/models/entities/instance.js';
import { DAY } from '@/const.js';
// Threshold from last contact after which an instance will be considered
// "dead" and should no longer get activities delivered to it.
const deadThreshold = 30 * DAY;
* Returns the subset of hosts which should be skipped.
* @param hosts array of punycoded instance hosts
* @returns array of punycoed instance hosts that should be skipped (subset of hosts parameter)
export async function skippedInstances(hosts: Array<Instace['host']>): Array<Instance['host']> {
// first check for blocked instances since that info may already be in memory
const { blockedHosts } = await fetchMeta();
const skipped = hosts.filter(host => blockedHosts.includes(host));
// if possible return early and skip accessing the database
if (skipped.length === hosts.length) return hosts;
const deadTime = new Date( - deadThreshold);
return skipped.concat(
await Instances.createQueryBuilder('instance')
.where(' in (:...hosts)', {
// don't check hosts again that we already know are suspended
// also avoids adding duplicates to the list
hosts: hosts.filter(host => !skipped.includes(host)),
.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => { qb
norm marked this conversation as resolved

Nitpick: the second qb probably could be on the next line

Nitpick: the second qb probably could be on the next line

Just copied that style from elsewhere in the codebase so the following lines line up.

Just copied that style from elsewhere in the codebase so the following lines line up.
.orWhere('instance.lastCommunicatedAt < :deadTime', { deadTime });
* Returns whether a specific host (punycoded) should be skipped.
* Convenience wrapper around skippedInstances which should only be used if there is a single host to check.
* If you have multiple hosts, consider using skippedInstances instead to do a bulk check.
* @param host punycoded instance host
* @returns whether the given host should be skipped
export async function shouldSkipInstance(host: Instance['host']): boolean {
const skipped = await skippedInstances([host]);
return skipped.length > 0;

View file

@ -6,39 +6,20 @@ import Logger from '@/services/logger.js';
import { Instances } from '@/models/index.js';
import { apRequestChart, federationChart, instanceChart } from '@/services/chart/index.js';
import { fetchInstanceMetadata } from '@/services/fetch-instance-metadata.js';
import { fetchMeta } from '@/misc/fetch-meta.js';
import { toPuny } from '@/misc/convert-host.js';
import { Cache } from '@/misc/cache.js';
import { Instance } from '@/models/entities/instance.js';
import { StatusError } from '@/misc/fetch.js';
import { shouldSkipInstance } from '@/misc/skipped-instances.js';
import { DeliverJobData } from '@/queue/types.js';
import { LessThan } from 'typeorm';
import { DAY } from '@/const.js';
const logger = new Logger('deliver');
let latest: string | null = null;
const deadThreshold = 30 * DAY;
export default async (job: Bull.Job<DeliverJobData>) => {
const { host } = new URL(;
const puny = toPuny(host);
// ブロックしてたら中断
const meta = await fetchMeta();
if (meta.blockedHosts.includes(puny)) {
return 'skip (blocked)';
const deadTime = new Date( - deadThreshold);
const isSuspendedOrDead = await Instances.countBy([
{ host: puny, isSuspended: true },
{ host: puny, lastCommunicatedAt: LessThan(deadTime) },
if (isSuspendedOrDead) {
return 'skip (suspended or dead)';
if (await shouldSkipInstance(puny)) return 'skip';
try {
if (latest !== (latest = JSON.stringify(, null, 2))) {

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { IsNull, Not } from 'typeorm';
import { ILocalUser, IRemoteUser, User } from '@/models/entities/user.js';
import { Users, Followings } from '@/models/index.js';
import { deliver } from '@/queue/index.js';
import { skippedInstances } from '@/misc/skipped-instances.js';
//#region types
interface IRecipe {
@ -150,8 +151,19 @@ export default class DeliverManager {
.forEach(recipe => inboxes.add(!));
const instancesToSkip = await skippedInstances(
// get (unique) list of hosts
Array.from(new Set(
.map(inbox => new URL(inbox).host)
// deliver
for (const inbox of inboxes) {
// skip instances as indicated
if (instancesToSkip.includes(new URL(inbox).host)) continue;
deliver(, this.activity, inbox);