• Joined on 2022-11-24
drudge commented on issue AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe#198 2022-12-10 19:18:22 +00:00
4-digit interaction numbers glitch out after full load. (seen on pleroma instance)

The issue @wizard(and myself) mentioned is fixed.

One of us should've split that into a separate issue for the sake of organization, but afaik ops concern wasn't.

drudge created pull request AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe#236 2022-11-26 08:16:53 +00:00
fix formatting for large number of favorites/interactions
drudge pushed to develop at drudge/pleroma-fe 2022-11-26 08:11:50 +00:00
b8faee5d6d added maintainer code
drudge created repository drudge/pleroma-fe 2022-11-26 07:55:32 +00:00
drudge closed pull request AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe#233 2022-11-26 07:54:33 +00:00
WIP: This addresses formatting issues when favorites on a post exceed 1k
drudge commented on issue AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe#198 2022-11-24 02:16:23 +00:00
4-digit interaction numbers glitch out after full load. (seen on pleroma instance)

So, I guess there are 2 separate issues here really, but the problem @wizard and I are experiencing should be sorted by my PR, which I've submitted for review:


drudge created pull request AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe#233 2022-11-24 02:14:10 +00:00
WIP: This addresses formatting issues when favorites on a post exceed 1k
drudge commented on issue AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe#198 2022-11-24 00:26:15 +00:00
4-digit interaction numbers glitch out after full load. (seen on pleroma instance)

I see this as well for interactions in excess of 1k.

It looks like the responsible CSS is:

word-break: break-word styling for .Status inherited from div.

This is automatically…