• Joined on 2022-10-30
dwarf opened issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#339 2023-02-07 18:32:22 +00:00
Feature request: prometheus metrics
dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#317 2023-01-05 19:58:03 +00:00
i18n: page doesn't load when i18n value is missing


dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#317 2023-01-05 17:41:55 +00:00
i18n: page doesn't load when i18n value is missing

It seems the "user" value is null. It happens on the note page: https://borg.social/notes/99g4zgkaeo

dwarf opened issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#317 2023-01-04 17:25:11 +00:00
i18n: page doesn't load when i18n value is missing
dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#88 2022-12-30 09:25:13 +00:00
Support for Move activities targeting Actors

Will this also cover support for sending account move messages?

dwarf closed issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#293 2022-12-19 16:19:56 +00:00
MulterError: File too large
dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#293 2022-12-19 16:18:30 +00:00
MulterError: File too large

Those darn 7MB... I'm pleasantly surprised Foundkey has support for it in the config! Thanks so much

dwarf opened issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#293 2022-12-19 15:22:37 +00:00
MulterError: File too large
dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#286 2022-12-14 17:24:00 +00:00
Internal error occurred in notes/replies: getNote is not defined

I've updated and this does indeed fix the issue I was having, thanks!

dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#286 2022-12-14 17:11:25 +00:00
Internal error occurred in notes/replies: getNote is not defined

I would if my javascript skills were any better :(

dwarf opened issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#286 2022-12-14 16:59:14 +00:00
Internal error occurred in notes/replies: getNote is not defined
dwarf commented on pull request FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#205 2022-12-06 20:20:11 +00:00
implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant

I authorized the app back when I was using Misskey, so perhaps that could be why this is happening. The first query does return one entry, but the second query gets me 3 results. Two from…

dwarf commented on pull request FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#205 2022-12-06 16:14:12 +00:00
implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant

Sadly no. Since I tried it on a mobile device it's quite difficult debugging what goes on in the browser console but I'm sure something shows up there.

dwarf commented on pull request FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#205 2022-12-05 11:14:48 +00:00
implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant

This seems to break compatibility with apps like SubwayTooter. Reading works, but trying to toot produces "This operation requires privileges which this token does not grant.". Trying to log out…

dwarf reopened issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#243 2022-11-19 18:56:31 +00:00
Moderation feature: bulk delete all media/posts from a user
dwarf closed issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#243 2022-11-19 18:55:27 +00:00
Moderation feature: bulk delete all media/posts from a user
dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#243 2022-11-19 18:55:27 +00:00
Moderation feature: bulk delete all media/posts from a user

Ah nice, it seems to be restricte to administrators, it does not show up for moderators. That'll work nicely, thanks!

dwarf opened issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#243 2022-11-19 17:43:59 +00:00
Moderation feature: Delete all media from a user
dwarf commented on issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#226 2022-11-08 17:35:41 +00:00
Crash when processing certain PNGs in ARM64

Seems to have worked, no crashes overnight.

dwarf closed issue FoundKeyGang/FoundKey#226 2022-11-08 17:35:41 +00:00
Crash when processing certain PNGs in ARM64